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Kingdom Hearts II OUTTAKES!!!

While they were trying to record the REAL cutscenes, the SQARE company had quite a few outtakes...most of which were violent...



Chapter 1 - TAKE ONE!
Submitted: March 21, 2007 • Updated: March 21, 2007
Word count: 452 • Size: 2k • Comments: 14 • views: 1300

Chapter 2 - TAKE TWO!!!
Submitted: March 22, 2007 • Updated: June 22, 2007
Word count: 409 • Size: 2k • Comments: 9 • views: 975

Chapter 3 - TAKE THREE!
Submitted: March 23, 2007 • Updated: March 23, 2007
Word count: 271 • Size: 1k • Comments: 11 • views: 646

Chapter 4 - TAKE FOUR!!
Submitted: March 25, 2007 • Updated: March 25, 2007
Word count: 157 • Size: <1k • Comments: 8 • views: 628

Chapter 5 - TAKE FIVE!!
Submitted: April 12, 2007 • Updated: April 12, 2007
Word count: 183 • Size: 1k • Comments: 8 • views: 594

Chapter 6 - TAKE SIX!!!
Submitted: April 15, 2007 • Updated: April 15, 2007
Word count: 344 • Size: 1k • Comments: 11 • views: 648

Chapter 7 - TAKE SEVEN!!!
Submitted: May 28, 2007 • Updated: May 28, 2007
Word count: 373 • Size: 2k • Comments: 9 • views: 620


Comments (75)

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darkyoshi555 on August 14, 2008, 12:23:46 AM

darkyoshi555 on (Chapter: 7)
hahahahahaX3 XD

so funneh!

darkyoshi555 on August 14, 2008, 12:19:47 AM

darkyoshi555 on (Chapter: 6)
this is brilliant!

darkyoshi555 on August 14, 2008, 12:16:36 AM

darkyoshi555 on (Chapter: 5)
that is so funneh i can't think of anything else to say!

darkyoshi555 on August 14, 2008, 12:14:05 AM

darkyoshi555 on (Chapter: 4)
this is the funniest thing I've ever read!

darkyoshi555 on August 14, 2008, 12:12:28 AM

darkyoshi555 on (Chapter: 3)
hahahahahahahahaha!!!! thats a funny word!

darkyoshi555 on August 14, 2008, 12:07:58 AM

darkyoshi555 on (Chapter: 2)
that is so hilarious!

darkyoshi555 on August 14, 2008, 12:03:29 AM

darkyoshi555 on (Chapter: 1)
darkyoshi555XD i nearly died there
i'm laughin so hard!

Manga4ever on May 15, 2008, 7:07:12 AM

Manga4ever on (Chapter: 4)
I can see all these things happening. xDDD

Manga4ever on May 15, 2008, 6:57:39 AM

Manga4ever on (Chapter: 1)
*dies laughing*
*wipes tears from eyes then faves*
Thats funny

Morpher on December 28, 2007, 6:17:01 AM

Morpher on (Chapter: 1)

desertbreeze on June 20, 2007, 8:06:29 AM

desertbreeze on (Chapter: 7)
desertbreezeLOL Miss thunderbolt?

CaptiainIndianaSolo on August 18, 2007, 2:35:43 PM

CaptiainIndianaSolo on (Chapter: 7)
CaptiainIndianaSoloMah sister, Ick1, it was her idea XD

thornthecat on June 28, 2007, 8:02:54 AM

thornthecat on (Chapter: 3)
thornthecatLOL! XD

finalfantasy on June 27, 2007, 11:54:49 PM

finalfantasy on (Chapter: 7)
finalfantasylike these! xD

finalfantasy on June 25, 2007, 1:57:26 AM

finalfantasy on (Chapter: 3)

finalfantasy on June 25, 2007, 1:55:56 AM

finalfantasy on (Chapter: 2)
finalfantasyand i can actually imagine the axel xD

finalfantasy on June 25, 2007, 1:53:47 AM

finalfantasy on (Chapter: 1)
finalfantasy*stares at screen for amoment, then falls over laughing*

CrazyCorpseChick on June 22, 2007, 6:39:43 AM

CrazyCorpseChick on (Chapter: 6)
CrazyCorpseChickFLYNN TWINS! You rule at life! And you got the Ela thing from my work, didn't you? Hee hee, I think I inspired awesomeness! ^.^

Hikairi001 on June 25, 2007, 1:43:08 AM

Hikairi001 on (Chapter: 6)
Hikairi001Do you mean quniton flynn?????

CrazyCorpseChick on June 28, 2007, 8:29:34 AM

CrazyCorpseChick on (Chapter: index)
CrazyCorpseChickYes indeed! Axel and Reno both have his voice, and they're so similar in a crapload of other ways. So I call them the Flynn Twins!

... and I'm sure that only makes sense to my own weird stupidity. Ignore me :P

CaptiainIndianaSolo on June 22, 2007, 11:55:57 AM

CaptiainIndianaSolo on (Chapter: 6)
CaptiainIndianaSoloYeah! Thx for the idea!

CrazyCorpseChick on June 23, 2007, 12:29:42 AM

CrazyCorpseChick on (Chapter: index)
CrazyCorpseChickNo problem, glad you liked it! :D

CrazyCorpseChick on June 22, 2007, 6:38:12 AM

CrazyCorpseChick on (Chapter: 7)
CrazyCorpseChickTHe first bit was hilarious XD So was the second. But the first was absolutely LMAO HILL-AIR-EE-OUS!!

marisa937 on June 21, 2007, 3:55:50 AM

marisa937 on (Chapter: 7)
i liked it when axel killed sora and xemnas was rambleingXD

desertbreeze on June 20, 2007, 8:04:10 AM

desertbreeze on (Chapter: 6)
desertbreezeLOL Reno and his red headed adorableness!

Lilliandra on June 9, 2007, 5:17:20 PM

Lilliandra on (Chapter: 7)
LilliandraUltimte LOL XDXDXDXDXD

Symphoniaprincess101 on June 1, 2007, 8:59:49 AM

Symphoniaprincess101 on (Chapter: 7)
Symphoniaprincess101LOL&LMFAO XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Symphoniaprincess101 on June 1, 2007, 8:54:58 AM

Symphoniaprincess101 on (Chapter: 6)

Symphoniaprincess101 on June 1, 2007, 8:52:04 AM

Symphoniaprincess101 on (Chapter: 5)

Symphoniaprincess101 on June 1, 2007, 8:50:15 AM

Symphoniaprincess101 on (Chapter: 4)

Symphoniaprincess101 on June 1, 2007, 8:48:54 AM

Symphoniaprincess101 on (Chapter: 3)

Symphoniaprincess101 on June 1, 2007, 8:44:24 AM

Symphoniaprincess101 on (Chapter: 2)

Symphoniaprincess101 on June 1, 2007, 8:41:02 AM

Symphoniaprincess101 on (Chapter: 1)

DrakeGirlandLuna on May 29, 2007, 9:18:08 AM

DrakeGirlandLuna on (Chapter: 7)

FallingRaindrops on April 20, 2007, 7:34:14 AM

FallingRaindrops on (Chapter: 6)
FallingRaindropsZOMG Reno isn't dumb ... he's just a little out there ... XD

CaptiainIndianaSolo on May 28, 2007, 12:17:51 PM

CaptiainIndianaSolo on (Chapter: 6)
CaptiainIndianaSoloAxel thinks he's dumb. Not me XD

Sango808 on May 27, 2007, 9:35:09 PM

Sango808 on (Chapter: 6)
Sango808HAHA!The King ripped Sora,Don

Sango808 on May 27, 2007, 9:30:21 PM

Sango808 on (Chapter: 5)
Sango808HAHAHAHAHA! Sephiroth is a robot!XD

Sango808 on May 27, 2007, 9:27:54 PM

Sango808 on (Chapter: 4)
Sango808Funny! Poor Tron.

marisa937 on April 15, 2007, 4:45:42 PM

marisa937 on (Chapter: 3)
xiggy was slpeelin!XD
i like it when saix pushed manse--
i mean xemmy off the edgeXD

Hikairi001 on May 17, 2007, 9:30:49 AM

Hikairi001 on (Chapter: 3)
Hikairi001XEMNAS = MANSEX!

Symphoniaprincess101 on June 1, 2007, 9:01:12 AM

Symphoniaprincess101 on (Chapter: index)
Symphoniaprincess101don't say that it's so stupidly gross><><><><><><><><><><

CaptiainIndianaSolo on August 31, 2007, 12:51:09 AM

CaptiainIndianaSolo on (Chapter: index)

Lilliandra on April 18, 2007, 2:02:18 AM

Lilliandra on (Chapter: 6)
LilliandraReno and Axel? It's confusing but it works for me :)

Great job ^_^

Lilliandra on April 18, 2007, 1:59:04 AM

Lilliandra on (Chapter: 5)
Lilliandratut tut Xaldin, getting beaten up by a girl XD OMFG SEPHY'S A FRIGGIN ROBOT?!

marisa937 on April 15, 2007, 4:58:50 PM

marisa937 on (Chapter: 6)
i love that storyXD
good job!^^

marisa937 on April 15, 2007, 4:55:05 PM

marisa937 on (Chapter: 5)

marisa937 on April 15, 2007, 4:50:19 PM

marisa937 on (Chapter: 4)
marisa937loLXD *hold's up scorecard that say's 10 to*

marisa937 on April 15, 2007, 4:41:28 PM

marisa937 on (Chapter: 2)
that's what axel should have doneXD
that would have been funnyXD

marisa937 on April 15, 2007, 4:34:00 PM

marisa937 on (Chapter: 1)
the luxord and sora one that waz my fav partXD

FallingRaindrops on April 4, 2007, 5:29:00 AM

FallingRaindrops on (Chapter: 2)
FallingRaindropsO_o take 5200...XD Xigbar get your lines right XD

CaptiainIndianaSolo on April 15, 2007, 6:50:21 AM

CaptiainIndianaSolo on (Chapter: 2)
CaptiainIndianaSoloXigbar: Hey! It ain't my fault that the Superior has bad handwriting...
Xemnas: DIE!
Xigbar: *runs*

DrakeGirlandLuna on April 12, 2007, 1:50:18 PM

DrakeGirlandLuna on (Chapter: 5)
DrakeGirlandLuna*Falls out chair* OMGROFLOL! XD

articunotamer on April 12, 2007, 8:52:34 AM

articunotamer on (Chapter: 1)
articunotamerhee hee! Made my day!

FallingRaindrops on April 12, 2007, 7:44:16 AM

FallingRaindrops on (Chapter: 5)
FallingRaindropsOMG SEPHY A ROBOT O_O LMAO XD nice job ^^

CrazyCorpseChick on April 12, 2007, 6:26:42 AM

CrazyCorpseChick on (Chapter: 5)
CrazyCorpseChick*falls out of chair laughing* Holy cheese and crackers, this is briliant! I LOVE the Cloud-Sephiroth bit XD

Lilliandra on April 4, 2007, 6:52:58 PM

Lilliandra on (Chapter: 4)
LilliandraXigbar: MEDIC!

*Favs until my cheese toastie arrives...and that's a long time X3*

Lilliandra on April 4, 2007, 6:50:49 PM

Lilliandra on (Chapter: 3)
LilliandraXemnas that's humor XD!!!

Lilliandra on April 4, 2007, 6:47:32 PM

Lilliandra on (Chapter: 1)
LilliandraLawl XD "A deck of cards? What kind of weapon is THAT?"

FallingRaindrops on April 4, 2007, 5:32:55 AM

FallingRaindrops on (Chapter: 4)
FallingRaindropsLOL ... uh can't think of anything else to say -_-' *faves*

FallingRaindrops on April 4, 2007, 5:31:32 AM

FallingRaindrops on (Chapter: 3)
FallingRaindropsXD Mansex explodes XD

FallingRaindrops on April 4, 2007, 5:26:31 AM

FallingRaindrops on (Chapter: 1)
FallingRaindropsLOL XD axel and roxas' was the funniest

Finalkingdomheartsfantasy on March 26, 2007, 4:48:30 AM

Finalkingdomheartsfantasy on (Chapter: 4)
FinalkingdomheartsfantasyLOLOLOLOLOL!!!XD*also rolls on the floor laughing*

Konohasdarkshadow on March 25, 2007, 1:10:33 PM

Konohasdarkshadow on (Chapter: 1)

DrakeGirlandLuna on March 24, 2007, 3:42:23 AM

DrakeGirlandLuna on (Chapter: 3)
DrakeGirlandLunaXD ROFLOL!

Finalkingdomheartsfantasy on March 23, 2007, 5:23:27 PM

Finalkingdomheartsfantasy on (Chapter: 2)
FinalkingdomheartsfantasyI DONT WANT AXEL TO DIE EITHER!!X3*gets out deck chain and sits next to axel*
Sora, move.
*sora moves out the way and leaves*
Director:Kitix your not in this scene!>.<

Finalkingdomheartsfantasy on March 23, 2007, 5:19:59 PM

Finalkingdomheartsfantasy on (Chapter: 3)

Sango808 on March 23, 2007, 12:45:36 PM

Sango808 on (Chapter: 3)
Sango808hahahaha poor Sora!^_^ Xemnas explodes!^_^ That's funny too!

Sango808 on March 23, 2007, 12:41:05 PM

Sango808 on (Chapter: 2)
Sango808Hahaha Axel and his temper tantrums!^_^ Great job!

Sango808 on March 23, 2007, 12:30:23 PM

Sango808 on (Chapter: 1)
Sango808Funny! The flame one was the funniest!^_^

TifaStrifes on March 22, 2007, 11:52:14 AM

TifaStrifes on (Chapter: 1)
TifaStrifesHahaha funneh, When he pulled out the deck of cards i was like omg lol WHATTAYA GOIN TO DO!?!?!? GIVE ME A PAPER CUT!?!?!??!?! Hahahaha i wish there where outtakes LOL anyways nice job :)

DrakeGirlandLuna on March 22, 2007, 10:11:26 AM

DrakeGirlandLuna on (Chapter: 2)
DrakeGirlandLunaXD OMGROFLOL! It took me forever to find this after I forgot to fave it. Keep up the good work! Expecting to see more OOCness!

Chibiholic on March 22, 2007, 5:20:07 AM

Chibiholic on (Chapter: 1)
Chibiholicmost awesome

Finalkingdomheartsfantasy on March 21, 2007, 3:35:33 PM

Finalkingdomheartsfantasy on (Chapter: 1)
FinalkingdomheartsfantasyLOL LOL!XD
I wonder if I'll be in any out takes?....oh well....LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLXD