Chapter 1 - The Accident
Submitted October 22, 2005 Updated October 23, 2005 Status Incomplete | When a huge massacre destroys her village, Akia seeks the Avatar for help, but finds Prince Zuko instead! She soon realizes they are not so different…
Cartoons » Avatar: The Last Airbender |
Chapter 1 - The Accident
Chapter 1 - The Accident
This is my first fanfic…it may seem bad….and I kind of rushed it in some parts…I just want to get through the first part so I can get to the exciting stuff!
Please read and comment! Tell me how I can improve! JUST COMMENT!
Chapter one
Ganzu stared into the mountains, his eyes filled with the beauty of nature. He looked down upon his daughter, Akia, and ran his hand through her long black hair. She looked up at him, her blue eyes looking directly into his. She smiled, and turned her head back to the mountains.
In the distance, she could just make out the hazy figures of earth bender slaves, and fire nation soldiers. The soldiers were poking the slaves in the back with spears, shouting, “Faster, you worms.” “No,” one of the slaves said, “I will never give in, even if you kill me.” “Fine, then,” one of the soldiers said. He raised his arm; flames curling around it. He swung, the blow hitting the defenseless earth bender to the ground. Instantly the soldiers started hooting with laughter. Akia frowned. This was comical to them.
“Father, why must they be slaves to the war?”
“We are all slaves to the war, Earth bender or not. The Fire Lord is merciless; he would kill his own family if it were to make him rule all.” Akia watched as her father summoned flames around his hand. “Fire benders think that they are the most superior element. That they can conquer all. This is, of course, not true.
“Fire may be powerful, but no the best. You see, fire may burn a field, or villages, but it can also burn the sommoner.
“Which is why, my daughter, you must not use fire simply for destruction, but for self defense.” Akia stood up a sort of brightness in her eyes.
“Father, could you teach me how to fire bend?” Ganzu rubbed his chin, his amber eyes deep in thought.
“I suppose it is time. After all, a girl of fourteen should know how to defend herself with a war going on…Okay.” Akia jumped with joy. “But,” Ganzu continued, “It takes much patience and discipline to learn how to fire bend.”
“Yes, I know.” Akia said. She had been waiting many years for this day, and now it was time!
Fire bender women usually learned to fire bend at the age of sixteen, but in this war, nothing was usual.
Akia followed her father up a hill, where she was instructed to sit cross-legged.
“Now, Akia, breath in your nostrils and out your mouth. To learn fire bending, you must have steady breathing patterns. Once you have practiced this, you will be ready for the next step.”
Akia did as her father said. She closed her eyes. In…and out. Wow. Was it really this easy? In…and out. In…and out. In…and out. In…and out. In…and out. In…and out. In…and out.
After a while of steady breathing, Ganzu said,
“Good. Now, hold this in the tips of your fingers, and continue. If you make the ends of the stick light, you can go on to the next step. Akia concentrated hard. She was going to make this stick light. In…and out. In…and out. In. and out. In and out.
“Ease up your shoulders and breath a little slower.” She heard her father say. She did as he said. In…..and out. In…..and out. In…..and out. In…..and out. In…..and out. In…..and out. Nothing, yet. In…..and out. In…..and out. In…..and out. In…..and out. In…..and out. Still nothing. In…..and out. In…..and out. In…..and out.
“Akia that is enough training for today. We will continue tomorrow.” Disappointed, Akia followed her father back down to the village.
After dinner, Akia was told to head to her room. It wasn't anything special, just a small room in the corner of the house with one window.
Akia plopped down on her bed, and looked down to the floor. There, lay a rug with the fire nation symbol on it. Slightly disgusted, she pulled back the rug to reveal a secret trapdoor. She opened the hatch, and pulled out a doll. It was hand woven, and had long brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, and big blue eyes. It wore a blue dress, with the water tribe symbol on it. It used to be her mother's, who was a water bender. She died giving birth to Akia. She set the doll aside, and pulled out an old scroll. Akia unrolled it, looking at a painting of a beautiful water bender, her mother. Akia went wide eyed, (as she always does), as she pulled out the next object. It was a water tribe kimono, with water designs all over it. She put it to her body, dancing around the room.
“You really do remind me of your mother,” Ganzu said, watching from the doorway.
“Oh, dad...How long have you been standing there?” Ganzu chuckled, and walked over to Akia. He held the dress in his hands, lost in memories.
“You know, I met your mother when she was wearing this dress. I was lost in the artic, when I came upon her tribe. The most beautiful thing I ever saw.” Ganzu sighed.
Well, my Akia, it is time for bed.” Akia got under her covers, and hugged her dad good night. He blew out the candle by Akia's bedside, and left the room.
Akia tossed in her bed. She could not sleep, and had been lying there for hours. There is no point in wasting this time for sleep, if I am not going to. I will practice my fire-bending! Akia then rerived a stick from the fire place. She sat cross legged on her bed, remembering what her dad had told her to do. In…..and out. In…..and out. In…..and out. In…..and out. In…..and out. In…..and out. She tried harder. In…and out. In…and out. In…and out. Suddenly, she felt something hot at her fingertips. She was fire bending! The ends of the stick began to turn to ash. Akia was so excited that she didn't realize that the flame was growing larger by the second. “Oh, no! How do I stop it!?” She started fanning the hot flames, but it was helpless. The flame met her hand, and she dropped the stick. Flames spread, and she coughed because of the smoke. She hurriedly grabbed the kimono, crawled out of the window and ran up the hill. She watched in horror as the house was consumed by the bright light.
To be continued…
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inuyasha902105454 on April 7, 2006, 11:02:42 PM