Chapter 1 - first and last
Submitted December 3, 2005 Updated December 3, 2005 Status Incomplete | I wrote this during apple season. Please read and comment. (note it's a little messed up at the top but I can't fix it so please over look it) Froze8
Cartoons » Code Lyoko |
Chapter 1 - first and last
Chapter 1 - first and last
Since it’s apple season the gang decide to go apple picking afterschool Apple Picking
Since its appleseason the gang decide to go apple picking after school. Yumi’s parentspromised to bring them right after school. So the gang hurries after school tomeet Yumi’s parents.
“Jeremie, what is apple?”asked Aelita “An apple is a fruit that grows on trees.” Jeremie replied “I‘venever saw an apple on a tree before.” “That’s because apples only grow oncertain trees.” “Oh, hey there’s Odd and Ulrich.” Hey Jeremie what took you solong?” asked Odd “Nothing; I was just telling Aelita what an apple is.” “Sure you where.” “Hey guys, there’s Yumi and her parents.”Ulrich said
Just as he said thisa car stopped right in front of the school. Odd, Ulrich, Jeremie, and Aelitagot in the back seat even though it was a tight fit. Soon they arrive at anapple picking place called A is for Apple. Then they got some bags andapple pickers (not people). After that it was off to the rows of trees thatwere filled with apples.
“Come on Jeremie stopworrying about X.A.N.A. You’ve already checked for activated towers and nothinghas come up.” said Yumi “Yeah Jeremie and if X.A.N.A. attacks I’m sure I candeactivate the tower before it’s too late.” Said Aelita “Jeremie you know themore time we talk about this the more time X.A.N.A. has to attack.” Oddsaid
Jeremie knew theywere right so he shut off his laptop and joined the others in apple picking.They all enjoyed apple picking and had a great time especially when an applefell off a tree and hit an unsuspecting Odd. Aelita tried her first apple andeven apple cider, which she loved. Jeremie enjoyed doing something normal withAelita for a change. Ulrich and Yumi loved being together outside of school andLyoko. So our young heroes had a wonderful day they will remember forever. Butwill we?
Since its appleseason the gang decide to go apple picking after school. Yumi’s parentspromised to bring them right after school. So the gang hurries after school tomeet Yumi’s parents.
“Jeremie, what is apple?”asked Aelita “An apple is a fruit that grows on trees.” Jeremie replied “I‘venever saw an apple on a tree before.” “That’s because apples only grow oncertain trees.” “Oh, hey there’s Odd and Ulrich.” Hey Jeremie what took you solong?” asked Odd “Nothing; I was just telling Aelita what an apple is.” “Sure you where.” “Hey guys, there’s Yumi and her parents.”Ulrich said
Just as he said thisa car stopped right in front of the school. Odd, Ulrich, Jeremie, and Aelitagot in the back seat even though it was a tight fit. Soon they arrive at anapple picking place called A is for Apple. Then they got some bags andapple pickers (not people). After that it was off to the rows of trees thatwere filled with apples.
“Come on Jeremie stopworrying about X.A.N.A. You’ve already checked for activated towers and nothinghas come up.” said Yumi “Yeah Jeremie and if X.A.N.A. attacks I’m sure I candeactivate the tower before it’s too late.” Said Aelita “Jeremie you know themore time we talk about this the more time X.A.N.A. has to attack.” Oddsaid
Jeremie knew theywere right so he shut off his laptop and joined the others in apple picking.They all enjoyed apple picking and had a great time especially when an applefell off a tree and hit an unsuspecting Odd. Aelita tried her first apple andeven apple cider, which she loved. Jeremie enjoyed doing something normal withAelita for a change. Ulrich and Yumi loved being together outside of school andLyoko. So our young heroes had a wonderful day they will remember forever. Butwill we?
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