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You Know You Watch Too Much Code: Lyoko If...

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Chapter 1 - Too Much Code: Lyoko
Submitted: July 10, 2004 • Updated: July 10, 2004
Word count: 801 • Size: 4k • Comments: 51 • views: 984


Comments (53)

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SSJErika on September 5, 2004, 10:58:14 AM

SSJErika on (Chapter: 1)
SSJErikaWOAH!!I got a score of 21-30!I must be crazy!..Hey is that Ulrich!..AAH!!Zana's Attacking!!HIYA!!IMPACT!Weeyew.Anyways I am not a crazy Code:LYOKO fan.OH,HEY ODD GIVE ME BACK My C.D.!!!!!...

Durandal on August 24, 2004, 10:38:19 AM

Durandal on (Chapter: 1)
DurandalThree and a half; I only know the refrain to the french extended theme song. 9.9

odd on August 22, 2004, 1:36:18 AM

odd on (Chapter: 1)
oddi got all of them *yes* except for the boys yumi sissy or Aelita thingy... i said yes to all of them!!! my life revoles around it! i sleep breathe and live it!!Code: Lyoo has taken over my life!!! and i like it!!

M-dawg on August 18, 2004, 12:21:25 PM

M-dawg on (Chapter: 1)
M-dawgOh no!! I watch too much Code Lyoko!!! Wait a second that's not a bad thing.

Drawing_Freak on August 11, 2004, 3:47:21 AM

Drawing_Freak on (Chapter: 1)
Drawing_FreakI gots an 11.

icemaidenKagome on August 10, 2004, 4:52:56 PM

icemaidenKagome on (Chapter: 1)
icemaidenKagomeI know you did number one. I'm not really a fan of Code: Lyoko but I am a fan of your artwork^^.

Beast_Girl on August 6, 2004, 6:04:23 AM

Beast_Girl on (Chapter: 1)
Beast_Girl40)You've thought up your own "Yo know u watch too much Code: Lyoko if..." list.( Now, how does that sound familiar?)

LMFAO!!! i think i got a not sure

insanekitten on July 31, 2004, 10:11:07 AM

insanekitten on (Chapter: 1)
insanekittenThe first one made me crack up XD

Ayumie on July 22, 2004, 4:10:50 AM

Ayumie on (Chapter: 1)
Ayumiei got 9!! haha yea..... i luv code lyoko.... LoL.......ULRICH IS MINE!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!! yea im good.... nice list... bi!!

almighty_tallest_red on July 20, 2004, 9:52:23 AM

almighty_tallest_red on (Chapter: 1)
almighty_tallest_redI LOVE IT.I got 14 yes and i like the result.