Chapter 1 - Part 1--Meeting Natalie
Submitted July 22, 2004 Updated August 23, 2004 Status Complete | Natalie just transferred to the Kadic Boarding School. Now she's found the factory. But is she a Fighter of Lyoko or a Monster of XANA?
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Chapter 1 - Part 1--Meeting Natalie
Chapter 1 - Part 1--Meeting Natalie
The storm clouds started to build up just as class was about to begin at Kadic Boarding School. Yumi sat down in her usual spot for math class that morning. She stared out the window and watched as it started to drizzle. She saw that the top of the window was open and stood up to close it all the way. She locked the latch and sat back down, ready for another boring lecture on whatever her teacher felt like blabbing about. She sighed. She wished that one of her friends could be in the same class as she. She'd have much a better time if Jeremy, Odd, or Ulrich was able to join her. No. She had to put up with Sissy all day instead.
"What's the matter, Yumi?" Sissy asked in a soft voice from behind. "You look a little down in the dumps this morning. Is it the bad weather we've been having lately?"
"Mind your own business, Sissy," Yumi snapped back. "My mood doesn't affect your life. Just listen to the lecture, why don't you? You could use some extra notes anyway. I've seen your algebra grades."
"How dare you!?" Sissy quietly exploded. "How can you see my grades anyway?"
"You sit behind me in every class. The teachers always have to pass me to get to you. I always catch a glimpse of your work."
Sissy grabbed her pencil from the corner of her desk and snapped it in half. Yumi smirked and faced forward to hear what was going to be the topic today. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the principal coming up to the classroom with another girl she had never seen before. The principal opened up the door to the room and walked inside. He wiped some of the raindrops off his face and whispered something to the teacher.
"Oh yes!" she agreed. "I will." She turned to the rest of the kids. "Class, we are very lucky to have a new student joining us today. She comes from the United States and just moved here last week." She turned to the girl. "Would you be so kind as to introduce yourself? Why don't you tell us a little about yourself, too?"
After a moment of hesitation, the girl finally said, "My name's Natalie. I used to live in America, but my father got a new job. Now, we live here. I've always wanted to go to boarding school, and, um, I'm very happy to be in your class."
"How sweet," the teacher commented. "Natalie, I think there's an empty seat next to Yumi. Is there one?"
"Yes, Ma'am!" Yumi replied. "Natalie can sit next to me if she wants."
"That's very nice of you," Natalie squeaked. "I'd love to join you." Natalie walked over with her books and sat in the desk next to Yumi's. She put her binder away and took out a pen.
"I hope you have a good time, Dear," the principal said. "If you need anything, you can come to my office."
"Thank you, Sir."
"Daddy!" Sissy called from her seat, raising her hand.
"Yes, what is it, Sissy?"
"Do you think I could give Natalie a tour of the school after class? It might help her if she knew more about where everything was."
"Good idea." He started walking towards the door and stopped to say to the teacher, "Sorry for the interruption. Carry on." He walked out the door and started running for his office. By now, the drizzle had turned into rain.
The teacher started going on with her lesson. Yumi turned to Natalie and said, "I'm Yumi. It's nice to meet you."
"Same here," Natalie replied. "Do you know that girl that suggested I should take a tour with her?"
"That's Sissy," Yumi explained. "You probably want to avoid her. If you want, I'll introduce you to all my friends when we get out of class."
"Really? Thank you."
After class, the weather started to clear up. The rain stopped falling, and the sun was starting to break through the black clouds. Yumi guided Natalie out of the classroom and into the courtyard.
"So this is where the students hang out in between classes," she explained. "Either that or they go to their rooms. Mostly though, we stay out here since classes are usually right after one another with little time slots between them. Has anyone showed you your room?"
"The P.E. teacher took my stuff and put it in a room," Natalie explained. "I just don't know where my room is yet. The principal said that when I want to go to my room, I should let him know."
"Ah, so you got stuck with Jim, huh?" Yumi giggled, placing her hand in front of her mouth. "That's the name of the P.E. teacher."
"I guess I did. Why? Is that bad?"
"No, he's just crazy."
Yumi and Natalie laughed. They walked towards a dry bench underneath a tree and sat down. They didn't see the shadow coming up behind them.
"Good morning, Ladies!" Odd shouted. Natalie jumped and turned to see who had frightened her. Yumi just smiled. Odd gave his world famous grin and cast his glance on Natalie. "Who's she?"
"This is Natalie," Yumi explained. "She's in my class."
"Glad to meet you!" Odd cheered. "My name's Odd. Hey, do you know Jeremy and Ulrich yet?"
"No," Natalie replied.
"Then what are you waiting for? You have to meet them!"
Odd grabbed Natalie arm and dragged her to two boys standing next to the vending machines. Yumi just gave a short huff and followed them. She had no idea how something like Odd's personality was going to affect this girl.
"Natalie," Odd began, "this is Jeremy. This is Ulrich. "They're both in my class. Say hi, Guys!"
"Hi, Guys," Jeremy replied. Natalie laughed and shook his hand.
"It's a pleasure to meet you," she announced. "You, too, Ulrich," She shook his hand. "How are you two today?"
"Aw, fine," Ulrich replied. "What class are you in?"
"I'm in the same grade as Yumi. We go to math together."
"You might be in our science class then," Jeremy commented. "Sometimes the school mixes grades for Mrs. Hertz and her class."
"Hey, Natalie," Odd interrupted, "did anyone offer to give you a tour of the school yet? Because I will!"
"There was this girl named Sissy that wanted to show me around," Natalie replied. "I don't think I like her though. I saw her constantly teasing the kids around her during math. She was being too nosy about my life, too."
"You made a good choice," Ulrich commented. "Nobody really likes Sissy that much. We don't need to start now."
Natalie giggled and said, "I'd like to take a tour of the school with you, Odd. Do you have some free time now? I think I do."
"I've got class in half-an-hour," Odd announced, looking at his watch. "I'll show you our rooms, and you can meet Kiwi! Kiwi's my dog."
"Well, well, well," Sissy said from behind. Natalie turned and frowned. "Are you ready to go on the tour of a lifetime with me? Come on! We don't have all day. See, you don't want to be hanging out with cheap nobodies like these four. It's just a waste of time."
Natalie gave a stubborn look and said, "The only thing that's a waste of time around here is your life. I'll hang out with whomever I please, thank you. And speaking of cheap, why don't you and those cheap, out-of-date shoes of yours walk off to Daddy? I'm sure you can go crying to him about anything."
Sissy stood, petrified, her jaw hitting the ground. Yumi, Jeremy, Odd, and Ulrich stood with surprised faces. They had never heard anyone diss Sissy like that before.
"Well, if that’s how you feel then fine!" Sissy shouted. "Let’s see you make any real friends in this school!"
"She’s already made four," Yumi countered. Sissy stood for another second and ran off towards the school. Ulrich gave Natalie a pat on the back.
"That was good," he rewarded. "You sure know how to call off the school bullies."
"I was known for it back in the States," Natalie replied. "People also thought that according to the way that I dress." Natalie was wearing a dark red t-shirt with a yellow skirt. She had yellow and black striped tights with dark brown ankle boots that buttoned at the sides. Her hair was the most interesting part. It was bright red with light brown tips.
"Let’s start that tour now, huh?" Odd suggested. "Besides, it’s almost time to feed Kiwi! He needs his mid-morning snack."
Sissy ran down the hallways of the boarding school sobbing. She rubbed her eyes and let out a few gasps.
"It’s not fair that Natalie gets to spend time with them!" she told to no one. "I just wanted her to like me. Why doesn’t anyone like me?"
Sissy sniffed up the last of her tears and headed for the teachers’ lounge. She was determined to find her father, Jim, Mrs. Hertz, Dorothy, or anyone she could go to for advice.
Inside the teachers’ lounge, an electrical wave started to emit from the plug in the electrical outlet. It traveled up the wire and found it’s way to the appliances. The stove started to spark. The coffee maker was overflowing. The microwave and toaster started to turn on and off without any warning. Sissy opened up the door and was attacked by crazed kitchen appliances.
"What's the matter, Yumi?" Sissy asked in a soft voice from behind. "You look a little down in the dumps this morning. Is it the bad weather we've been having lately?"
"Mind your own business, Sissy," Yumi snapped back. "My mood doesn't affect your life. Just listen to the lecture, why don't you? You could use some extra notes anyway. I've seen your algebra grades."
"How dare you!?" Sissy quietly exploded. "How can you see my grades anyway?"
"You sit behind me in every class. The teachers always have to pass me to get to you. I always catch a glimpse of your work."
Sissy grabbed her pencil from the corner of her desk and snapped it in half. Yumi smirked and faced forward to hear what was going to be the topic today. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the principal coming up to the classroom with another girl she had never seen before. The principal opened up the door to the room and walked inside. He wiped some of the raindrops off his face and whispered something to the teacher.
"Oh yes!" she agreed. "I will." She turned to the rest of the kids. "Class, we are very lucky to have a new student joining us today. She comes from the United States and just moved here last week." She turned to the girl. "Would you be so kind as to introduce yourself? Why don't you tell us a little about yourself, too?"
After a moment of hesitation, the girl finally said, "My name's Natalie. I used to live in America, but my father got a new job. Now, we live here. I've always wanted to go to boarding school, and, um, I'm very happy to be in your class."
"How sweet," the teacher commented. "Natalie, I think there's an empty seat next to Yumi. Is there one?"
"Yes, Ma'am!" Yumi replied. "Natalie can sit next to me if she wants."
"That's very nice of you," Natalie squeaked. "I'd love to join you." Natalie walked over with her books and sat in the desk next to Yumi's. She put her binder away and took out a pen.
"I hope you have a good time, Dear," the principal said. "If you need anything, you can come to my office."
"Thank you, Sir."
"Daddy!" Sissy called from her seat, raising her hand.
"Yes, what is it, Sissy?"
"Do you think I could give Natalie a tour of the school after class? It might help her if she knew more about where everything was."
"Good idea." He started walking towards the door and stopped to say to the teacher, "Sorry for the interruption. Carry on." He walked out the door and started running for his office. By now, the drizzle had turned into rain.
The teacher started going on with her lesson. Yumi turned to Natalie and said, "I'm Yumi. It's nice to meet you."
"Same here," Natalie replied. "Do you know that girl that suggested I should take a tour with her?"
"That's Sissy," Yumi explained. "You probably want to avoid her. If you want, I'll introduce you to all my friends when we get out of class."
"Really? Thank you."
After class, the weather started to clear up. The rain stopped falling, and the sun was starting to break through the black clouds. Yumi guided Natalie out of the classroom and into the courtyard.
"So this is where the students hang out in between classes," she explained. "Either that or they go to their rooms. Mostly though, we stay out here since classes are usually right after one another with little time slots between them. Has anyone showed you your room?"
"The P.E. teacher took my stuff and put it in a room," Natalie explained. "I just don't know where my room is yet. The principal said that when I want to go to my room, I should let him know."
"Ah, so you got stuck with Jim, huh?" Yumi giggled, placing her hand in front of her mouth. "That's the name of the P.E. teacher."
"I guess I did. Why? Is that bad?"
"No, he's just crazy."
Yumi and Natalie laughed. They walked towards a dry bench underneath a tree and sat down. They didn't see the shadow coming up behind them.
"Good morning, Ladies!" Odd shouted. Natalie jumped and turned to see who had frightened her. Yumi just smiled. Odd gave his world famous grin and cast his glance on Natalie. "Who's she?"
"This is Natalie," Yumi explained. "She's in my class."
"Glad to meet you!" Odd cheered. "My name's Odd. Hey, do you know Jeremy and Ulrich yet?"
"No," Natalie replied.
"Then what are you waiting for? You have to meet them!"
Odd grabbed Natalie arm and dragged her to two boys standing next to the vending machines. Yumi just gave a short huff and followed them. She had no idea how something like Odd's personality was going to affect this girl.
"Natalie," Odd began, "this is Jeremy. This is Ulrich. "They're both in my class. Say hi, Guys!"
"Hi, Guys," Jeremy replied. Natalie laughed and shook his hand.
"It's a pleasure to meet you," she announced. "You, too, Ulrich," She shook his hand. "How are you two today?"
"Aw, fine," Ulrich replied. "What class are you in?"
"I'm in the same grade as Yumi. We go to math together."
"You might be in our science class then," Jeremy commented. "Sometimes the school mixes grades for Mrs. Hertz and her class."
"Hey, Natalie," Odd interrupted, "did anyone offer to give you a tour of the school yet? Because I will!"
"There was this girl named Sissy that wanted to show me around," Natalie replied. "I don't think I like her though. I saw her constantly teasing the kids around her during math. She was being too nosy about my life, too."
"You made a good choice," Ulrich commented. "Nobody really likes Sissy that much. We don't need to start now."
Natalie giggled and said, "I'd like to take a tour of the school with you, Odd. Do you have some free time now? I think I do."
"I've got class in half-an-hour," Odd announced, looking at his watch. "I'll show you our rooms, and you can meet Kiwi! Kiwi's my dog."
"Well, well, well," Sissy said from behind. Natalie turned and frowned. "Are you ready to go on the tour of a lifetime with me? Come on! We don't have all day. See, you don't want to be hanging out with cheap nobodies like these four. It's just a waste of time."
Natalie gave a stubborn look and said, "The only thing that's a waste of time around here is your life. I'll hang out with whomever I please, thank you. And speaking of cheap, why don't you and those cheap, out-of-date shoes of yours walk off to Daddy? I'm sure you can go crying to him about anything."
Sissy stood, petrified, her jaw hitting the ground. Yumi, Jeremy, Odd, and Ulrich stood with surprised faces. They had never heard anyone diss Sissy like that before.
"Well, if that’s how you feel then fine!" Sissy shouted. "Let’s see you make any real friends in this school!"
"She’s already made four," Yumi countered. Sissy stood for another second and ran off towards the school. Ulrich gave Natalie a pat on the back.
"That was good," he rewarded. "You sure know how to call off the school bullies."
"I was known for it back in the States," Natalie replied. "People also thought that according to the way that I dress." Natalie was wearing a dark red t-shirt with a yellow skirt. She had yellow and black striped tights with dark brown ankle boots that buttoned at the sides. Her hair was the most interesting part. It was bright red with light brown tips.
"Let’s start that tour now, huh?" Odd suggested. "Besides, it’s almost time to feed Kiwi! He needs his mid-morning snack."
Sissy ran down the hallways of the boarding school sobbing. She rubbed her eyes and let out a few gasps.
"It’s not fair that Natalie gets to spend time with them!" she told to no one. "I just wanted her to like me. Why doesn’t anyone like me?"
Sissy sniffed up the last of her tears and headed for the teachers’ lounge. She was determined to find her father, Jim, Mrs. Hertz, Dorothy, or anyone she could go to for advice.
Inside the teachers’ lounge, an electrical wave started to emit from the plug in the electrical outlet. It traveled up the wire and found it’s way to the appliances. The stove started to spark. The coffee maker was overflowing. The microwave and toaster started to turn on and off without any warning. Sissy opened up the door and was attacked by crazed kitchen appliances.
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Sashi_Chan on November 14, 2005, 7:37:51 AM
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KotokoPlum on September 25, 2004, 7:46:57 AM
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bman69 on August 5, 2004, 3:29:32 AM
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