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Here, this works! This is just an area for my friends and I to RP so that next time the profiles go down we have somewhere to go!
(But when they're up again, we'll go back to profiles.



Chapter 0 - 5-27-2007
Submitted: May 27, 2007 • Updated: May 27, 2007
Word count: 90 • Size: <1k • Comments: 196 • views: 1436


Comments (196)

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Nekogal411 on August 7, 2007, 8:30:03 AM

Nekogal411 on (Chapter: index)
Nekogal411Kakashi: *gets up fast and then take nara from him* Are you sure you don't need any help?

Itachi: *begins to run after kakashi*

Kakashi: *starts running toward his place*


Dani: Somebody?! anybody?! *starts crying* COME ON!!

Kouni46892742 on August 7, 2007, 8:33:27 AM

Kouni46892742 on (Chapter: index)
Kouni46892742Iruka: I'll be alright! *pulls Itachi back and punches him in the face*
???????: *starts untieing Dani*

Nekogal411 on August 7, 2007, 8:21:34 AM

Nekogal411 on (Chapter: index)
Nekogal411Dani: *tired to a branch of a tree near town* *squirms* SOMEBODY HELP! >_<


Itachi: *smirks* then i'll force *Shoves kakashi away and then kicks him and his back smashes against the wall*

Kouni46892742 on August 7, 2007, 8:25:16 AM

Kouni46892742 on (Chapter: index)
Kouni46892742Iruka: *cringes* Kakashi! Take Nara and run! Now!

KionaKina on May 27, 2007, 10:53:05 PM

KionaKina on (Chapter: index)
KionaKinaKay: I've been to Europe more than any other continent. I love it there. Egypt is nice too

KionaKina on May 27, 2007, 1:09:13 PM

KionaKina on (Chapter: index)
KionaKinaKay: *Laughs* Well, I've only traveled a lot because my uncle has to sell his merchandise in numerous countries

Kouni46892742 on May 27, 2007, 1:12:13 PM

Kouni46892742 on (Chapter: index)
Kouni46892742Kanya: Yeah...I used to travel a lot when I was little...when to Europe...America....

KionaKina on May 27, 2007, 1:04:39 PM

KionaKina on (Chapter: index)
KionaKinaKay: ^^ Mmm-hmm

Kouni46892742 on May 27, 2007, 1:07:57 PM

Kouni46892742 on (Chapter: index)
Kouni46892742Kanya: ^^ I should get out of the apartment more often...

KionaKina on May 27, 2007, 1:02:35 PM

KionaKina on (Chapter: index)
KionaKinaKay: And look! They put little chocolates on the pillow. *Points* ^^

Kouni46892742 on May 27, 2007, 1:03:54 PM

Kouni46892742 on (Chapter: index)
Kouni46892742Kanya: *looks* This is so cool!

KionaKina on May 27, 2007, 12:55:53 PM

KionaKina on (Chapter: index)
KionaKinaKay: I'm glad you think so ^^ This chain of hotels is a good one, so I looked for this hotel and found it pretty quickly

Kouni46892742 on May 27, 2007, 1:01:40 PM

Kouni46892742 on (Chapter: index)
Kouni46892742Kanya: I don't get to stay in hotels often...I normally never leave home...but this is awesome!

KionaKina on May 27, 2007, 12:53:18 PM

KionaKina on (Chapter: index)
KionaKina*At the hotel*

Kay: See? It's a nice big suite

Kouni46892742 on May 27, 2007, 12:54:49 PM

Kouni46892742 on (Chapter: index)
Kouni46892742Kanya: This is awesome, Kay-san.

sharp-fang on May 27, 2007, 12:47:10 PM

sharp-fang on (Chapter: index)
sharp-fangZorromon:Well....I guess I don't know everything...*falls asleep*

Kouni46892742 on May 27, 2007, 12:50:17 PM

Kouni46892742 on (Chapter: index)
Kouni46892742In the morning....
Hankoshu: *shaking her shoulder* M.J.....M.J....Get up....It's serious...

sharp-fang on May 27, 2007, 12:44:36 PM

sharp-fang on (Chapter: index)
sharp-fangZorromon:It's a she!?*looks suprized*

Kouni46892742 on May 27, 2007, 12:46:20 PM

Kouni46892742 on (Chapter: index)
Kouni46892742Rikumon: *yawns* Yeah...Takanomon's a girl. Always has been.