A Naruto life
Submitted July 2, 2008 Updated July 3, 2008 Status Incomplete | This is a story bout my Oc Leggy (totally meh just narutofied) and my friends ocs too!
Anime/Manga » Naruto series » Fan Characters (OC's) |
Chapter 0 - OC FORM TO BE IN THE STORY!!!!
Submitted: July 2, 2008 • Updated: July 2, 2008
Word count: 69 • Size: <1k • Comments: 20 • views: 765
Chapter 1 - Flash Back....
Submitted: July 3, 2008 • Updated: July 3, 2008
Word count: 301 • Size: 1k • Comments: 3 • views: 288
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aeris7dragon on August 12, 2008, 12:50:31 PM
aeris7dragon on (Chapter: index)
shadowpiplup on July 7, 2008, 4:03:29 AM
shadowpiplup on (Chapter: 1)
kurindarkangel on July 6, 2008, 12:25:44 PM
kurindarkangel on (Chapter: 1)
Kakashizfangirl1234 on July 3, 2008, 5:39:55 AM
Kakashizfangirl1234 on (Chapter: index)

age 25
what i wear: a gothic skull-bone t-shirt and a pair of green baggy cargo pants.
gender female
village konoha
finishing move: wolf paw smash! or ice fox frezz.
attacks: ninjutsu and demon summings\attacks
in love with: kakashi hatake
fav food: black berry cobler with vinilla ice cream
fav hang out: a very queit amine section in the book store.
other: Arttice and Fang are the two demons he summions to fight and is deidara's sister and grandaughter of Tsunade
rank jonin
ali32 on July 3, 2008, 2:32:24 AM
ali32 on (Chapter: index)

Picture of you (or detailed description if no pic):http://www.fanart-central.net/pic-694813.html
Gender: Male
Village: Midcity Ave.
Finshing move: I channel my flame powers into my swords, throw the swords towards my enemy, blast fire balls and use a flaming headbutt.
Attacks:Fire Balls, Drill Drive, Laser Slash, Basic kicks and punches
In love with: I have no loves as I have not experienced puberty
Friends (besides meh):Naruto?
favorite food:Pizza, Spinach, Tuna
favorite hangout spot:My house
other info: I love to read more than wacthing TV. I barely have any emotions on my face when the event isn't serious.
Dude you don't need me. I don't know ANYTHING about Naruto
wolf-girl-ghost on July 3, 2008, 12:58:24 AM
wolf-girl-ghost on (Chapter: 1)
setokaibaslittlesis on July 2, 2008, 1:00:44 PM
setokaibaslittlesis on (Chapter: index)

Age: 12
Picture of you (or detailed description if no pic):
Gender: Female
Village: Konoha
Finshing move: Meteor Kick (Kicks opponent very hard with flame-encased leg)
Attacks: Weak Tai-jutsu (enforced with chakra, but drains her supply), Basic Gen-Jutsu, and Super Specail Awesome Tai-Jutsu (Her elemental jutsu is fire)
In love with: Shikamaru-san!
Friends (besides meh): Naruto, Shikamaru, and Chouji
favorite food: Sushi <3
favorite hangout spot: Shikamaru's house, playing Shogi or eating stuff with Chouji (although not nearly as much)
other info: Keiko is from the Ookami clan, which is a self-exiled clan about a two weeks travel from Konoha. She came by herself to Konoha because a strain of rabis was infecting her clan. As all Ookamis, she had a seal with a wolf that allowed her to communicate mentally with it. She had an albino wolf named Balki, but he died. This makes her incredibly susiciptable to all Gen-Jutsu occuring around her, whether it is used on her or not.
(I am not sure if anyone is allowed to sign up or just your friends. =3 If you don't want her in there, it's fine!)
setokaibaslittlesis on July 2, 2008, 1:04:37 PM
setokaibaslittlesis on (Chapter: index)
kurindarkangel on July 2, 2008, 12:25:31 PM
kurindarkangel on (Chapter: index)

finishing move: dragone fire
attacks:ninjutsu,tiejutsu,kuni,and paper bombs
in love with:garra
friends:sasuke,naruto,kiba, hinata, garra,shino,and shika
favortive foods:pizza
favortive hangout spot: anywhere near water
other info: naruto was her first friend and she has a cat demond which only comes out on a full moon
Picture of you (or detailed description if no pic)www.fanart-central.net/pic-695867.html
thank you for the tip
LoveWrathChan on July 2, 2008, 10:50:50 AM
LoveWrathChan on (Chapter: index)

Name: Akira Tsuucha
Age: 14 yozzz
Picture of you (or detailed description if no pic):http://www.fanart-central.net/pic-696218.html
Gender: girlie!
Village: Konoha~~~
Finshing move: idk..... something wit Fire~
Attacks: idk~~~~~ Fire things :3
In love with: Sasuke, but he finds meh too motherly~ and yet, tis what attracts him! (poor kid hes so confused!).... >.>
Friends (besides meh): Naruto!! Gaara, Hinata, ...everyone!
favorite food: Beef!!!!!!!!! And Ramen! ^_^
favorite hangout spot: sitting on top of the Hokage Monument~
other info: Extremely scared of spiders (but doesnt hate Shino!!!), loves the number 6, loves the colors pink and black, always happy an bubbly, motherly towards others, if someone gets even the tiniest scratch == "OMG ARE YOU OK?!", girls laugh/stare/envy cuz her chest ish large ((gets so annoying!!!!)) peeps makes short jokes.... *5"1* ...can talk to wolfies!
<tis Meh... cept the name!>
Nyra992 on July 2, 2008, 10:43:56 AM
Nyra992 on (Chapter: index)
Age: 17
Picture of you (or detailed description if no pic): http://www.fanart-central.net/pic-694151.html (Okay, I know it's my KH outfit, but I don't care...the hairstyle's what matters!! ^^)
Gender: Female
Village: ...Surprise me!!!
Finshing move: Firestorm (attacks all opponents at an inhuman speed)
Attacks: ...Uh....I don't know...Surprise me again!
In love with: Naruto!! ^^
Friends (besides meh): None. XP
favorite food: Ramen and stir fry!!!! ^^
favorite hangout spot: In the living room on the PS3!!!!!!! ^^ (Or computer.) (Or anywhere forest-y.)
other info: ...Got nothin'.
(You don't mind that I totally came out of nowhere, right?)