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Chapter 1 - Finding the Past

What if Naruto had a cousin -Lily? What if Sasuke has her brothers? What will Naruto do to help Lily get them back? Or will their be a broken promise along the way?

Chapter 1 - Finding the Past

Chapter 1 - Finding the Past
No Such Thing as Home

Chapter 1
Finding the Past

After team Snake fully forms.

Lily (or rather her wolf) 8:32 P.M.

Dark didn't begin to describe night time in the desert. Nothing, yes that was a good name for it. Thought a wolf limping through the sand. While holding back her instinct to fall over and give up trying to find help for her master. She looked up she smelled water, yes water but in a desert....... there must be a town! She ran, her master asleep on the she-wolf's back, heavily cut and bruised blood seeping out of the bandages the wolf tied sloppily on the deeper cuts. Her body hanging limply she'd die if she didn't receive proper treatment right away she'd probably have died three day's ago if not for her intense stamina and will.
The wolf saw the city or perhaps a village, she ran. Her master coughed up a bit of blood, she stopped immediately her master cracked one eye open wincing in pain she said:
"Midnight hurry I don't have much time left.... thank's.... girl." she whispered blood still spilling from her mouth.
"Don't worry master Lily we're almost there!" the wolf said and licked her cheek. The wolf got back up and ran.
She was in front of the village walls.

Gaara 8:45 P.M

Sitting alone in his office the Kazkage wondered about the large stack of papers on his desk the one he got finished reading was rather depressing letter from the Hidden Leaf village. It was about the Akasiki movements and Orochimaru. Yes, Sausekay he remembered him a boy from the Uchiah clan. Now killed Orochimaru.

He took one of the other papers from his desk a request from one of the villagers:

Dear Kazekage,

I have a request to have some rodents bla bla
be removed from my barn I shall pay bla bla
Two Tens I expect too SLAM!

The door slammed open Kankuro walked in breathing hard.
"Gaara! A she wolf has appeared with a ninja on it's back the ninja is deeply wounded. If we don't treat the ninja now she will die if she hasn't died already! Will you allow the ninja to be treated?" Kankuro asked managing to refrain from shouting as much as possible.
"Yes, bring the she wolf and some water I'm sure it's thirsty." he said calmly
"Yes sir!" he ran out once again slamming the door............

Gaara finished reading the the request, and in a few minutes Kankauro barged in with a bowl of water and a she wolf beside him."Here wolf I'll put this on the ground for you" he bent his knees and put the bowl of water on the ground."do you wish me to leave or stay Kazekage?"

"You may stay, Kankuro, and now wolf-" Gaara stopped "Thank you Human" Midnight muttered and put her head into the water bowl aw.... yes fresh water cool fresh.... Thought Midnight. "So you can talk?" Asked a nullified Gaara. "Yes dose that surprise you?" Midnight asked. "No, this is better I have some questions to ask you... first who was the ninja on your back? And who are you?" Gaara asked looking the wolf in the eye. The wolf had pure black fur and blue eyes. Unusual a wolf with blue eyes...

"I'm Midnight, my master Lily -the ninja on my back- raised me from when I was born along with the rest of my den. My masters full name is Lily Uzumaki"
Uzumaki..... Naruto! Could she be any relation? Maybe hmn...... Why is she here? Was she lost was she trying to find Naruto?....

"What happened to Lily and you? Were you ambushed?" Kankuro asked cautiously
Midnight looked down should I tell them? Or not, they seem nice enough....

"Well that is rather hard to explain, but I'll try my best! When Lily was born she had two brothers Kia and Cage. Kia was her twin brother, Cage her older one killed her parents after she was born. No one knows why he just did....... After that he sealed a demon inside her the Ten Tailed Wolf. David -Lily's foster brother- parents adopted them, then once again Cage killed their parents. They were kept at an orphanage until Lily was summoned to the Queens quarters. The Queen locked her in a cage and tortured her and threated to kill David and Kia if she didn't 'cooperate' with her and join her war. As in release the demon inside her and kill everyone. finally she went buzzurk and was thrown into the middle of the war." Midnight stopped. letting them digest it.

shoot, I thought the nine tails was the last tailed Demon I was wrong......

Gaara started tapping his desk. Midnight went on.

"Everyone died the enemy and allies so every time war broke out they did the same thing...... Lily has almost died several times......... She also became in charge of the orphanage and at age 8 was considered Jonin along with her brothers. One day Kia and David disappeared in a mission headed over in this direction. Lily was always close with them so it drove her mad when they were considered missing ninja. The Queen finally thought she was getting out of hand so said after one last time at war she could go to the Leaf village where there were rumors she had a cousin." she continued " She got a transfer so she went to war they didn't all die Lily had to hand kill the last hundred and I picked Lily up after she killed the last one and brought her here. Where is here?" Midnight ended, a tired expression on it's face.

"You are in the Suna or Hidden Sand we're alias with the Leaf we'll write them a letter explaining the situation would you like to stay or leave?"
"I'll stay"
"One more thing before you go I've not seen any ninja from... where are you from?"
"Uh....... uh Europe The Village Hidden on the shore also known as Ireland our crest er.... head band thingy... is a clover." Midnight wondered did I say to much..?
"Right we haven't seen any one like that.... do you know when they disappeared?"
"Three years ago about...."
Gaara gasped that's when Orochimaru was was here.... I bet he took them away to his liar..... "I'm sorry no clue where they are but I know her cousin... I think.."

Naruto 9:00 in the morning

KNOCK "Naruto wake up! Hokage wants us now it's urgent! She got a letter from the sand and it has to do with you!" Sakura shouted while ponding his door. "OK, I'll be out in a minute gosh ..." Naruto slumped up from his bed he just got out of his arm caste just yesterday and it was still sore. He put some clothes on and tied his headband tight around his head and opened the door.

Sakura grabbed his arm and dragged him all the way to the Hokage mansion. She burst open the doors ignoring the eyes that passed her by. "Hokage-sama I've brought him here!" Sakura said beaming. Naruto looked around to see Sai and Yamoto were there too. "What's going on you Old Hag?" Naruto asked releasing his grip from Sakura. Dang, I must have injured my arm again from Sakura's death grip.

"Well just now I've gotten a letter from the Hidden Sand explaining that they have a unusual Kunoichi from Ireland where ever that is. She apparently was coming here after her last mission for an internship, I granted. She is almost dead, a wolf carried her there, they were traveling for three days and she is in critical condition they request that we send some one to pick her up. Actually they requested someone who may... may be related to her..... her family name is Uzumaki.... Naruto, she also came here or tried to come here to see her cousin who is probably. you." She finished without blinking staring into his eyes.

Naruto gaped I have a cousin... no I have a dieing cousin .... I need to see her who ever she is.....

"Your mission go to the sand, bring the intern back when she is able to travel!" The Hokage ordered the shinobi in front of her.
They left to get supplies when Yamoto stopped them "Naruto I know you just found out you have a cousin but...... don't get to excited." Naruto nodded and ran home.
I wonder what she'll be like...... Will she have any other family....... or is she an orphan like me.... Dose she have any friends.... Will she like me how should I act.... Will I like her..... Is she smart, brave, a coward, what if she's not m

BANG he ran head first into an unsuspecting Hinata. "Oh, sorry Hinata I just was rushing by er........ you okay?" Naruto looked at a bright red Hinata.

"Uh.... Naru-Narut-Naruto I a....I a.... I was told by Ho-Hokage to um.. tell you that um I....a .. I''m coming to the sand too with Sh-Shino to um.... do.. a routine check-checkup on things... so she said were co-coming with you so we-we can a....." Hinata stuttered out. "So we have a less rick of being attacked on the way?" Naruto ended for her "Ye-yes." Hinata finished and turned to leave.
"Okay we'll meet at the west gate at a.. 5:00 or was it just A.S.A.P.? Oh well see you there!"

Naruto ran happily home. Hmmm I'll need clothes some weapons 'just in case' I'll need...... He wondered through his apartment wondering what would he need. What should I bring some extra clothes for his might be cousin, No she'll probably have some clothes. Wait what if she doesn't speak! I know I'll bring a one of those dictionary thingys. He finally gathered his bags and headed out the door.

Naruto arrived at the village gates everyone except Hinata and Yamoto was there. "Hey where are Hinata and Yamoto?" Naruto asked openly.

"Naruto, Yamoto can't come so instead Neji is taking his place Hinata is informing him." Shino answered in his usual growl.

"Here!" Neji called from a nearby roof. Hinata a few feet behind.

"Finally, Let's Go!"

So they set off into a new journey Naruto eagerly awaiting to see his new cousin. Or will it be too late? Will Naruto figure out Hinata's crush on him? How will Neji cooperate as the leader of this mission? What did happen to Lily's brothers? What became of Cage? Who is the enemy here? Is it Lily? Find out in Chapter 2.


Comments (3)

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nextguardian on November 29, 2007, 3:17:59 PM

nextguardian on
nextguardianReally nice work, great description!

LilyUzumaki on December 1, 2007, 12:27:42 AM

LilyUzumaki on

musicismylife on November 12, 2007, 9:29:59 PM

musicismylife on
musicismylifeAWESOMENSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOLZ :P