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Chapter 3 - A Song for My Brother

What if Naruto had a cousin -Lily? What if Sasuke has her brothers? What will Naruto do to help Lily get them back? Or will their be a broken promise along the way?

Chapter 3 - A Song for My Brother

Chapter 3 - A Song for My Brother
No Such Thing as Home

Chapter 3
A Song for My Brother


Naruto left Gaara's ofice and went to see Lily again. He stood out side the room. Wow, I bet she had a horribal childhood. He pounded on the glass. Tourcher... How could you tourcher a little girl? Were they that dessprat? And she even took care of other orphans! What will it be like having a cousin any ways? Will she hang out with all the time or will we be like Neji and Hinata? Will we live together like a clan? What about her brothers? Dosen't that mean I have a three cousins or even four! But there all gone Gaara said Kia and David were... lost? Ya that's right. Cage killed there parents and now he's the leader of the akatsiki! Why would he do that, kill his parents and kill his siblings foster parents! Then seal the lead demon in his sister! He walked away.

He met Sakura, Sia, Shino, Neji and Hinata at a resturant. Hey That's it I'll ask Hinata and Neji what it's like to have cousin! Oh ya... I'm a gienus! Naruto sat down, he smiled widely.

"Well about time we've waited almost half an hour for you to get here!" Sakura said accusing Naruto. "Sorry, Gaara and I had a long talk." Gaara appeared from behind the wall. Naruto was dripping sweat. "I got here fifteen minutes ago." Naruto shurruged and sat down anyways they ordered lunch while Naruto told them what he thought they could hear. "Well I got to meet another one of Lily's wolves. I think she was like Silver Break's mom. Oh, yah Lily takes care of orphans and takes care of animals too. I learned alot about her. But there are a coupel things I should probably tell you... She has three brothers Kia, David and Cage. Kia is her twin David is her foster brother. They're missing now they we're captured on a mission or something. Cage is... the leader of the akatski. He killed Lily's parents and foster parents..." If I tell them she's a jinchuriki what would they do to her? I haven't even told them that I'm a jinchuriki -except Sakura and Gaara. Well I guess I should now... Naruto picked at his sushi. "Also well there's one more thing you should know she's a... a jinchuriki. A container for a buiju or tailed demon. I am too in case non of you have figured it out yet..." He looked around every one was at starring him.

Hinata gasped but she tried not to show it. That's why every one hated him. I never thought about that but now it makes sence... Neji looked at his face Yah. I can belive that. Is that why every one hated him and is he the, the nine tailed fox? Gaara sat down beside Naruto.


Lily woke up she felt great! She saw no-one was around and took her breathing tube out and stood on her feet. She found and got her clothes on,0 then planed a visit to Gaara. The Kaze... oh whatever his name is! I hope he's ready he...he.


"Ahem." Sia raised his hand and pointed to the door. He was trying smile to release the growing tension. There was a currier in the door way Gaara noticed it was the one he put outside Lily's room to make sure no one got in. "Kezekage-sama! The girl in the hospital isn't in the hospital any more! She ran away while the wolf was sleeping it was quite funny she tip-toed past me. I was of coures shurking off duties and should rightly be punished! A... SIR. K-A-Z-E whatever sama!" The currier went over and hung his hands around Gaara and Naruto. He then drank a sip of juice from Gaara's cup. "Thats pretty good!" He said then gave Naruto a nuggy. He winked.

"Who do you think you are! You can't just walk up to the Kazekage-sama! And then drink his juice! You even just addmitted you should be punished! Are you crazy?" Sakura shouted. The currier smiled devilishly then smoke appeared and out came...


"I'm U Z U M A K I, L I L Y of course!" She looked around every one was shocked they apparently thought she was a ghost. Okay maybe I over did it a little... "By the way I never did meet you the one with the art brush. And I forget who you are the one with the bugs. I'm sorry about before when I pased out I thought those might be bugs spiders crawling out of your skin. You see I've got aracrinphobiya I'll tell you the story later!"

She was wearing her regular clothes but she found that they were sown back together where there were holes. She wore Burmuda shorts that were gray and a light blue V-neck sleavless T-shirt. There was a cresent moon pendant around her neck. her head band was transformed into a bandana. The Clover crest on her bandana and Cresent Moon shone brightly.

"A... I'm well- you can call me Sia, but shouldn't you like be in bed?" Sia said with no emotion. "How di-did you ge-get up you sho-shouldn't even be aw-awake? Let alone using any tech-techniques!" Hinata said looking angry. Odd I remember in the chunin exam, she barly said a word and now she's shouting. I thought Naruto would do something like that. But she shouldn't be up. Now shes rampaging all over the place. I'd hate to be her enemy. We didn't even sense her... Gaara shook his head. "Lily you shouldn't be up. Are you feeling okay? You shouldn't be." Sakura inched tword her expecting her to fall over at any minute.

They all slowly relized they wern't dreaming. Shino spoke up. "I'm Shino of the Aburame clan. I'm sorry about before I didn't know you a... you were afriad of spiders." Shino said fumbling with the words. He held up one of his bugs to show her that it didn't have eight legs.

"Nah It's fine, I'm fine. What kind of a... bugs are those anyways?" Lily asked examing one that Shino had on his arm.

"They're beetels." Shino said regaing his usual harsh tone.

"Well you say that your okay but I'll do a check up in the hospital. If I see that your fine then we'll leave in two days." Sakura said grabbing Lily's arm. Lily standing up was like totally seeing her differently. She was almost Naruto's hight you could see her scare on her leg perfectly.

"Wait I almost forgot, stupid me. Who are you the one with the pink hair? Wern't you the one who fixed me up? You and Hi-Hinata?" Lily asked. I wonder if Narutos related to anyone here.

Sakura pointed at her self Lily nodded. "I'm Sakura Haruno, yes I helped fix you up. But now we realy need to go! Hinata you comming?" Sakura pulled her out the door. She waved bye.

So far I really like all the people here there all so nice... They even seem to care if I'm hurt or not. But I suppose thats only cause they don't know what I'm capebal of... What if they found out would it be like back home. Well Naruto and Gaara show some sincarity I think they had some rough times to. I'll find out they'er story and I'll tell them mine!


"Ya!" Hinata yelled after them. When Hinata finnaly caught up with them they were already at the hospital. Sakura was taking Lily's heart beat. The room was different then the last. The first room was empty besides a few machies, There was no color everything was white. This room was sandy color like most of the buildings in the village. Lily was swining her feet back and forth. "Hey finnaly caught up eh?" Lily said smiling.

Sakura was paying attetion to the stephouscope in her hand. "Breath deeply." Sakura simply nodded her head while Lily took a deep breath.

"Hey by the way are any of you Naruto's other family? I mean dose he have any sisters or brothers or parents?" Lily said. Hinata looked down. Should I tell her I mean I don't even trust her, she probably dosen't trust us iether.

"No, he's an orphan like you. Gaara told us a bit about your past. We're Naruto's friends. And I'd like to know why are you afraid of spiders?" Sakura said not even looking her in the eye. Wow Sakura sure has a lota faith in Lily. I mean I'm not even sure that she's Naruto's cousin. Yet she truts her fully I wonder if she got that from being around Naruto so long...

"Oh, okay... sure I'll tell you. Well it began when David's parents had just been killed, we had no where to go so we found a cave. We had no light, food or any idea where we were. When we first got there was a storm and we were cold and tierd, let me tell ya when there's a storm it gose on for days!" Lily stopped kicking her legs.

Sakura had just gotten to her feet she looked over the X-rays then she looked at Lily's side. "Hinata look at her rib cage." Sakura ordered Hinata.

She nodded, she did a series of hand sings. She looked at the spot Sakura had told her to. Hinata was amazed at what she saw, Lily's ribs were mending themselves. Oh... my... What sorce of healing is this! No one's wonds heal this quickly, is it because she's a jinchuriki?

Lily looked up her jaw clenched. "You know why I'm healing so fast don't you? Naruto told you because Gaara told him right?" She asked in a gruffy voice.

"Yah, Naruto dosen't even heal this fast though it's amazing I mean... Well we could prabably start heading back tommarow!" Hinata said excitedly.

Sakura wondered if that was really Hinata back there. She didn't even stutter. Well I still should let Lily finish her story.

"Well I'll finish my story, it'll only take a minute. We found this stuff on the walls. Kia eats any thing so he started eating it. Me and David did the same, we staeted getting sleepy so we fell a sleep on what ever the -caves were made of. We did the same thing for about a week. Finnaly Kia founf that there was an end to the tunnle light was pouing in. Kia started screaming his eyes just got ajusted to the light. We were covered in spiders all three of us... We were all screaming are heads off. Then a giant spider came out right behind me... I fianted. I woke up Kia huddeled around my right, David on my other side.

I had been uncouncios for a week. The big spider had bit me with its fangs. I would have died of piosoning if not for David's medical book -we were three and already reading eight hundered page books. David had kept several of his dad's books but only the medical ones. -His parents were medical ninjas they took care of paitents who couldn't pay to go to a real hospital speaking of which I still need to pay you... But I don't have enough probably." She dug in her pocket then dug out several hundreds, they had another lanuage on them.

Her contry makes them pay for getting in an accident and then if they couldn't pay they gave them to people as charity cases! Thats horribal! And living in a spiders nest... Yah, I suppose II'd be afriad of them to. Hinata thought

"Silly, I have never taken any money for healing any one and I'm not going to start now. But David was only three and he-he diluted spider poison?" Sakura asked shoving Lily's money back into her hand.

"Ya, well I told you he just did every thing the book told him to do. It was something like take five avolo leaves and some kinda puss. David always had his way with plants and had a medical book in one hand, a dictionary under his butt and a plant encyclopedia on his lap. He looked at the ingreadiants looked up all the words he didn't know in the dictionary then identified the plant in the encyclopiedia. We don't use medical techniquis where we come from unless it's a major injury." Lily took out a book from her bag on the floor. She had four bags, the first a backpack, the second one a duffel bag and the third was actually two. One a purse and the other a andidont bag.

"But David was only three so, he wasn't a genius. I had to stay in bed for a month. I had a fever and was constantly throwing up a black liquid. I had mental damage too, I refused to eat, sleep or speak. I just lied there in a tree most of the day. If I was felling okay I'd read, but every time I moved I felt like there was a spider on me. I had horribal nightmares, but they were all the same. I was lying down spiders came in and they took away my brothers... I now take pills so I stop having that dream." Lily took out the andidont bag and pulled out countianer full of pills.

"Hey Sakura do you think -depending how long I choose to stay- that you could help me find the ingeadients? If this place has them, but I'd rather do that when were at the village. Okay?" Lily ended she looked up her eye's shone brightly.

"Sure, but I'm sure your hungry so lets catch some supper!" Sakura hadn't noticed how many hours had past. Well we'll leave in two days, but knowing she has had poisoning and needing to take those pills, I might wait four just to see if her body can take all the treatment . Sakura sighed Temari had just come in.


While Lily was getting her check up Naruto and the rest of the gang helped Shino check up on the Sand village. They were going into the academy when they herd a scream.

"Ai! Help please I'm falling!" The scream came from inside the academy.

"Hey should we ya know help or something?" Naruto asked getting ready to rescue who ever it was screaming.

"Why not, but you better hurry. I think I heard it come from the shurikun throwing area folow me." Gaara ran of course today he chose to wear his regular black pants and vest.

Naruto ran after Gaara, Neji used his Buykagon to see past the walls. "There's a girl caught in a tree -a palm tree with weak limbs- it looks she got pushed out of the class room on accident. She's covered in glass and if she falls from that hieght she'll most likely have a broken back." Neji said running beside them.

They rounded the corner there was a group of students gathered around the tree, The girl was severly bleeding she was barly hanging on to the branch. Why arn't there any teachers around? Where are they this is strange did something happen? Why wasn't I informed? Gaara silenced the crowed of children.

Naruto climed up the tree using the tree climbing technique he learned with Sasuke... He lost his balance and grabbed the branch the little girl was un. That was too close I should be more care- The branch cracked.

"Oh CRAP!" Naruto grabbed the girl at the end of the branch and put his arms around her. "Hold on I got ya." Naruto said falling down ward. Gaara was ready to catch them with his sand.

There was no need. Naruto had his teeyj clenched ready to hit the ground but he never did. Lily cought him and dragged him to ruff of a nearby shack. he looked up in surprise this was the first time he saw Lily look mad.

She took the little girl from him, Naruto watched as she pulled the glass fragments out of the girl's skin. Every time she did this she took her finger and put some odd oil on it and rubbed on the cut. Once she was done she looked at Naruto accusingly. "What do you think you were doing? You could have killed the girl and yourself! Be more carefull." Lily said then jummped down.

Wow I'd hate to have her as my nany. Naruto grabbed the girl who was crying. "What's your name what happened? And where is your teacher?" Naruto asked softly while bringing her down. The girl was a little shocked she was quite pale. her eyes were wet. her clothes were tarered.

"Well I'm Siera Kieta, and I was practicing throwing shurrikun and I-I saw a stranger he was stumbling around like a drunky person. He looked at me and started ranting on about how non of us could throw shurrikun and grabbed mine. He couldn't get any in so he shoved me out the window and said it was my fault. The teachers were summoned to a counsle conserning a-a fight were some people had been killed. By-by the way thank you for saving me, mister." Kieta was trembling as she clung to Naruto's side.

Naruto Kieta over to Sakura who had just arrived with Hinata and Temari. "How did you know about this?" Naruto asked as Sakura was examining Kieta.

"Temari came and told us that there was no one at the academy. Lily said she heard something and ran over here. Temari was looking for Gaara to tell him that someone had died last night. It was the Akasiki they got the four tailed Jinchuiriki. Oh Lily's checkup went okay but we might wait four days to leave. Just to make sure she dosen't get a fever or any thing." Sakura siad.

"Why arn't there any cuts on this child? I thought she fell through a window." Sakura stood up and looked at Naruto strait in the eye.

"Lily did it." Naruto said looking around, Lily was explianing things to Gaara. She didn't look as mad as she did when she was talking to Naruto. When she finnished Gaara and Temari left to consult the teachers about leaving the kids alone.


"How could you leave like fifty kids alone?" Lily asked Gaara. If I ever did that the orphanage would go into caous!

"I don't know what they were thinking." Gaara looked down. It was probably my fault. I should have stayed in my office insted of helping my friends...

Lily felt sorry she didn't mean it was his fault. "It was thier deceion not your's they just need some disiplen!" Lily siad as Gaara was ready to leave.

"Hey before you go, do I still havet'a stay in the hospital? Or should I just stay where ever Naruto's staying?" Lily asked Gaara was shocked by the question.

"A... I don't care. If Sakura says you can get out of the hospital then fine. Maybe I'll see you tommaro, or maybe you can sing us one of those songs your wolf was talking about." Gaara had never realy listened to music, let alone herd anyone sing. Lily was dumbstruck that's what she was just thinking. I'll need to practice on... Naruto or maybe Sakura. What song will I sing? I think I broght my guitare too! Tommarow... I can't wiat to sing agian! But am I ready?...

"Sure, I'll see you tommarow." Lily blushed.

Gaara left, Lily looked at Naruto, he just got done talking to Sakura. They were both staring at her. Lily instantly turrned pale. Why are they starring at me? Did I do something wrong? No... those are scarred eyes are they afriad of me? Lily turrned her back on them and went off.


"Lily was looking a little pale do you think she's okay?" Naruto asked Sakura.

"She's just not used to moving around so fast probably. Or maybe she thought we hated her or something. That's what she's acostomed to at her village. You should talk to her. You know she could stay with you tonight. She dosen't need to be in the hospital anymore." Sakura said sitting down on one of the benches. Naruto sighed. Hmm... I gues that I should talk to her but what am I gunna say. "Hey thanks for saving us, you can keep up the good work!"

"We'll baby-sit these kids you go on and find Lily. Oh by the way those test sampels of Lily's blood came in... And your cousins!" Sakura said trying to get Naruto up again.

Naruto didn't know what to say except. "Really? Well we do look a little a like." After that Naruto waved goodbye and set to look out for Lily- no his cousin.

Naruto looked almost everywhere where, there was just one place ha hadn't checked. But he saddly got himself lost and couldn't find the place he was looking for. "Okay there's the hospital, Kazekage office and Academy. So where are the trianing grounds?" He asked peering over a counter with a mag spred on it. The clerk slapped his head.

"It's the green triangle, it's north of the Academy! Like I just told you the forth time!" The clerk yelled pionting to the map.

"Oh... now I got it! Thanks" Naruto siad carrying the map out in the sun.

Naruto looked around, thier was a trianing ground sure enough but Naruto undestood why he didn't see it before. It was covered in sand like the rest of the land, actually it was more of a sand dune. But no ordinary sand dune would have a girl playing with water in it. Water is she moving water? But thier is no water in the desert. Did she buy some? But then why is it moving? Is it like Gaara's sand? Is that her element? Or is it a blood trait like Haku? Naruto moved closer. Lily turrned her head she wasn't looking at him though. There was a child about the age of six, he had brown eyes, black hiar and was wearing raggidy clothes, he opened his mouth. "Autie Lily?"

SPLAT. Lily dropped the water.

Lily opened her arms tword the child. The child ran tword her, smiling and crying at the same time. Shouldn't he be at the Academy? And how dose he know Lily? Gosh... All I do is since I heard that I had a cousin is ask questions to my self...

The boy calapsed into Lily's arms. Lily squeesed him, tightly. "Hello Patrick, did you miss me? How is the orphanage? Why and how did you get here? Is some one hurt?" Lily said putting him on her knee messing with his tangeled hiar.

"No one's hurt, a group of us came here to see if you were okay. The orphanage is fine, and every one misses you." Patrick siad getting off of Lily's lap and looking her in the face.

"Where are you staying? How did you get in? Who is the comander here? And who otherized this?" Lily said quitely.

"Where staying at the Suna de gama, the leader of this village gave us a letter and Jarimy did." Patrick smiled.

"Kieth and Karol are the comanders, there are six of all together. Lanie, Catrina, Issac and me. Siver Break is here too he led us here, and Kieth's ravens -giant ravens- flew us over here. In fact the other kids are staying in that pile!" Patrick pointed right at Naruto, who was hidding by a pile of Sand.

Naruto turned around thier was two kids about eight and ten. They were probably brother and sister, the boy looked older than the girl... Behind them was three other kids, they all looked between four and seven. Oh crap... I hope they're not mad... for me spying in on Lily. But what if they think I'm an enemy? Oh... Man what have I gotten myself into?

The older boy -Kieth- looked down at the crouching teenager. "Hey Lil' who's the ho-bo in the bush? He kinda looks lior and stood him up striat then brushed some of the sand off of him. Then held his hand out. What ke one of those poisonous plants you warned us of." Kieth picked Naruto up by the calldose he want me to shake his hand? What the... I mean I expected to like get beat up. Or is this a trick. Only one way to find out...

Naruto shook his hand.

Lily shook her head. Why is Naruto here I thought i diched them I must have only senced the others and I thought he was one of them prabaly... Well he actually is one of them. But just like Kieth putting manners first. Lily got up Patrick falowing her to the pile of sand.

"Naruto? Did you falow me here?" Lily hugged Kieth and Karol, The other little kids gathered around her. Did he see me moving the water, man I bet he has as many questions as I have for him. Maybe more... Dosen't he know about the Uzumaki blood trait? I mean it's really simple to use. I figured it out when I found my element type. It's just being able to use one element -depending on the indivaul- like mine was water Kia's was fire. Ah, the good old days and the three old trees.

"A... Well we were worried about you that's all. You know the blood tests came through. You and me are officaly cousins... And These are orphans from your home." Naruto looked at Lily she put her head down wheb she heard the word home.

"Naruto, lets get one thing strait. Right now there is no such thing as home for me. Not untill I find all of my family. That is if there is any left besides you and me." Lily picked up a little girl. Naruto swallowed the words. She really want's to find her brothers but how far will she go. Will she end up like Sasuke?

"Yes these are children from the orphanage. This is Lanie-" The girl in her arms waved. She had long brown hiar and brown eyes too she was four. "That is Catrina." Another girl clung to Kieth's side looked him, she was six Naruto guesed she had blond hiar and her and Lanie wore identical outfits. They're shirts were covered in flowers they were long sleeved. It really stood out in the dessert to see a colorfull shirt with flowers on it. They wore shorts under they're shorts, just regular navy shorts.

"I'm Issac, I'm seven. I bet I can beat you, in a race! Come on please race me! Please race me!" They're was a miniture Rock Lee for you. Issac was running around Naruto so fast thier was a cloud of dust falowing him. I wonder if he's related to Bushy Brows, They look a lot alike, I'll ask him if he just stops running! He had Lee's black hiar and heavy eyebrows. Issac wore a white robe one that you'd find at a dojo or something. His pants looked like Pajamas.

"Issac, calm down you don't even know his name yet! By the wat it's Naruto."Lily sat down in the pile of sand. Kieth looked at her worriedly. Issac imeadietly stopped and sat down too. Wow it's like she flipped an imaginary swich! He just stopped.

"These are Kieth and Karol, they're the comanders here -people who take care of littler ones." Lily pointed at them, they wore gray jackets and black and blue pants. Karol held out her hand now for him to shake. Lily took out a scroll at this time,cut her thumb and spred blood down the center. Sand swirled up and Silver Break was there along with Midnight. She petted thier heads.

"Uh... Hello there Naruto, I'm glad you found Lily." Silver Break strolled over to Naruto and jumped up on his waist and licked his face.

"Silver, Midnight told me what you did. Thank you, and for brining my bags too! I got something for you!" Lily took out a regulation headband. Silver Break got off of Naruto and put his head down as he walked over to Lily. Lily put the head band over his neck. She tied the knot loosely over his neck. This was apparently a verry important cerimony, but it's to bad at that exact moment Naruto had just fallen into quick sand.

"Ah... Oh CRAP! Kage Bushin No Jutsue!" Five clones popped out of no where with a whiff of smoke. They all tried to pull Naruto up. Finnaly they managed it, with the help of Lily.

"You really need to be more carefull! But that was pretty fun!" Lily rolled over laughing. "Naruto, Gaara wants me to sing a song for him and I need to pay back the village anyway's. So I thought with these guys here -cause they can play instruments- we could do a benifet consert. But I was hopeing that you'd help us practice and tell us if we sound okay. I haven't felt this good in years, so I think I feel like singing again..." Lily got up and streched.

Kieth and Karol gasped, apparently they didn't think it was possibal for Lily to sing again. Naruto smiled and put his thumb up and smiled while ajusting his headband.

"Of course! In fact I bet I could get every body over here to hear you sing!" Naruto ran off to get Neji, Hinata, Sakura and Sia.


Naruto brought back his friends. Lily asked Silver Break and Mid night to bring her guitar,Kieth's drums and Karol's piano. They had nothing better to do and Lily couldn't leave for two more days. Good thing Kieth and Karol brang thier instruments... What was I thimking when I told Naruto that I was going to give a benefeit consert I'm not even sure I can sing in front of him. Lily told Naruto to wait in back, while they get things ready. They were going to play a song Lily had written for her brothers after they left. Lily sat down in an emty bench trying to remember all the words.

Lily stood up and started strumming her guitar. She walked over to where every one was sitting in the park. Hinata and Neji were in front, Naruto, Sia, Sakura and the other orphans were in back. Gulp, Lily swalloed a not in her throught. "This song I wrote for my brothers Kia and David." Lily stepped back it was sunset, her aqua guitar shone brightly in the light. She grasped the black cords in beetween her fingers. The guitar looked kile a aqua cresent moon with the blck handel.

Kieth and Karol had begun playing a rock beat, Lily fallowed in. Lily opened her mouth, every one starring. Naruto smiledteeth showing pushing her on. She began to sing...

No Such Thing as Home
Lyrics By: Lily Uzuamki "Me the writer."

"Home? Was there ever such a place?
Well I don't think that any one can really can call anything home.
if I remember home is a place where you can belong.
A place where you can always find a shoulder to cry on.
when something goes wrong you can go home!
But that isn't true!..

I can't find home,
I can't belong any where!
I'm not lost,
but I can't find home without
someone to guide me!
So right now,
there's No Such Thing as Home for me!

You've been gone for more than just a couple weeks,
it's been years!
And I won't give up trying to belong,
but I still wish you were here.
Maybe that's why,
I am always alone all the time.
Your memory's haunting me,
I can't see the light of reason anymore!

I can't find home,
I can't belong any where!
I'm not lost,
but I can't find home without
someone to guide me!
So right now,
there's No Such Thing as Home for me!

I can't find you, but I can't go on alone!

Don't think I'll give up, I'll still find you one day!
Where ever...
All serch the world!
How difficult...
I'll pass through any obstical!
When can...
I'll go now!
I'll find home when I find you!

I can't find home,...
I can't find home,...
I can't find home, whithout you!

I can't find home,
I can't belong any where!
I'm not lost,
but I can't find home without
someone to guide me!
So right now,
there's No Such Thing as Home for me!
Untill I find you agian... Brother! Oh...

Was there ever such a place?"

What dose Lily mean she says she has no home? Dose she have emotional damage done to her head? Will she be so foacesed with her brothers that it'll ruen her life? Did you like my lyrics? Will I ever creat music for this song? Dose Naruto hate the song? Will Gaara like it? Find out in chapter four!

If you think of music for this song you should e-mial it to me and then I shall put in here with your -pen or real- name next to it! Because I can't write musical noats! And it's not on my to-do list either. REVIEW! please.


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musicismylife on November 25, 2007, 5:57:12 AM

musicismylife on
musicismylifeI LOVETHIS STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!