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Chapter 4 - Where do I belong

What if Naruto had a cousin -Lily? What if Sasuke has her brothers? What will Naruto do to help Lily get them back? Or will their be a broken promise along the way?

Chapter 4 - Where do I belong

Chapter 4 - Where do I belong
No Such Thing as Home

Chapter 4
Where do I Belong


I've never herd anything like that. I've never seen anything like that instrument that Lily's holding. Her voice is beautiful, the song was sad. She must have played that song many times, when she thought no-one was watching. Kieth and Karol did a good job, expessialy since they only had five minutes to reherse. Hinata clapped along with the others. Neji sat there clapping slowily. Hinata thought he looked like something was bothering him... Didn't he like the song? I mean we only play emperial music at the house but I like this too.

Lily blushed on stage, she was winded. She ran off behind a rock where she had come from. Hinata noticed every one yelling and whooping. Naruto was cheering like crazy. Neji stopped clapping and looked at the now dark blue sky, there was a cresent moon out. It shone just like Lily's pendant.

"Neji, di-did you li-like the so-song?" Hinata said starring upword as well.

"Yah... It was okay but I've never herd any one sing before so I'm not sure if I really liked it. Lady Hinata have you ever noticed that in The leaf village almost no one sings. Isn't a bit strange, there isn't much music either." Neji said looking at Hinata to see her reaction.

It's true that not many sing, mother usta sing lulibys to me but they were short. Other than that there is no singing -well maybe in pubs where there are drunks...

"I gue-guess that ev-every one ju-just thought they didn't ha-have go-goo-good enough voices..." Hinata thought that she never really tried singing.


"WHOOO! Awesome, yeah! Whooo!.." Naruto was cheering. That was awesome well -I've never herd music- but either way that was awesome! Lily walked off stage. Sia was even cheering, Shino foarmed two hands with his beetles and then raised the hands to foarm two rock on signs.

Naruto wondered if they were going to get back on stage. Or ifd that was the only song they were going to sing. Lily did come back on stage though, she held a radio. But it was an odd radio, not like the ones they had at the Village of The Leaves. It was big, almost as big as the amplifier Lily was standing next to.

Lily put it down and incerted a roung shiny disc, at the top of the radio. Lily came down along with Kieth and Karol, they all three took apart the equipment. Naruto looked to see every one had stopped claping. Lily went back to the clearing between two rocks.

"A... I have no more music prepared so, insted I'll just let you listen to a CD recording of some other songs that I wrote..." Lily pressed a button on the radio it began to play another rock tune.

Lily came over to Naruto and sat next to him. "Hey, Naruto did I do okay? Dose it need any work? And I don't need to be in the hospital anymore so I'll just stay with you-guys tonight. Unless you'd rather me stay with the other orphans.." Lily held her guitar in her hands, gently strumming it the wind blew her golden hiar around her.

"Yah, you can stay in the girls room with Sakura and Hinata. You did great did you hear the applause! And you don't need to give donations to every hospital that you stay at, you don't even need to pay -if your a ninja-. I like the CD thingy to! I can't belive you didn't sing like that for three years!" Naruto punched her lightly on the shoulder.

Lily smiled then left saying "I'll meet you back here in a few I'm just gunna help tuck the little ones in." Naruto waved back.

I should ask Neji and Hinata that question that I keep on forgeting to ask them... Naruto saw them sitting together looking at the sky. What are they discussing horoscopes? Naruto tapped them both on the shoulder gently.


"Yah, I guess if it really is the same sky no matter whe-" Neji felt a hand tap him on his shoulder, Hinata jumped.

"Hello Naruto... What do you want?" Neji turned to see the blond, blue eyed Naruto grinning.

"Well I was wondering, I've never had a cousin -or any other family-. So is there you know any thing I should do or just treat her like my other friends..." Naruto sat between Neji and Hinata. How, did I know this was comming... Oh yeah the Hokage warned me... That's the reason she assigned me on this mission.

FLASH BACK...............................................................................................

Tsunade eas sitting in her desk. "Just make sure she's not gunna goin be... you know a back stabber, that she's not here to colect information. I don't know much about her or her village... So just to be carefull..." She looked Neji in the eye. "Naruto dosen't know what it's like to be in a family... Lily pribably dosen't either do that's why I'm sending you and HInata. Just you know help him out a little bit... I know you and Hinata arn't that close but please... Try." Tsunade looked down.

"Well... I don't even know how to act, I guess like a friend. I've been avoiding Hinata for all these years... Well I knew this was comming sooner or later. I'll be on my best behaveour..." Neji bowed and stepped out of the room. I really should be nicer to Hinata. I promise while I'm on this mission I'll set a good example for Naruto and his... Well half dead- might be cousin.

FLASH BACK OVER.......................................................................................

"A... I'dunno just treat her like a... How you treat Sakura... You know talk to her if somrthings wrong or if somethings wrong with you. Since she's new you should introduce her to all her friends and... Tell her rules and make sure she dosen't get in trouble... Well actually that would be a bad idea since you always are in some kind of trouble. Treat her like a sis- er a... fragile piece of glass..." Neji was looking at Naruto trying not to look Hinata in the face. It was different sercumstances for them they were forced apart by the line between the mian and branch canidents.

Ever since the battle with Naruto I think I've gotten closer to Hinata. Dose she feel the same or dose she hate me for almost killing her? Neji looked at his feet, Hinata decieded to speak up.

"Naruto, the-there's one thin-thing you shou-shouldn't..." Neji was holding his breath.

This could be it... Maybe if I don't do what she's about to say we could be friends... Well at least more of a family...

"Ever stop beliving in her. Neji has hel-helped me alot wh-while you were go-gone. He talks to me to, some-sometimes we even sw-swap moves. But we don't get to-together to often, ab-about once a mo-month. Lily has be-been apart from her bro-brothers for a long ti-time that song pro-proves that she misses them dear-dearly, so you should be sen-sensitive about using the-they'er names. And I bet Lily can te-teach you new mo-moves and tell you al-all about her ho- er... Village." Hinata smiled at Neji and Naruto.

Maybe we are closer then I thought... Is this how father felt tword his brother...


I hope Naruto's right. Oh..well I have other thing to worry about... Why are the orphans really here? I mean I know they all miss me but they wouldn't come here just for that hmm... I still gotta ask Naruto and his friends a million questions... They prabably have alota questions for me... This is gunna be a long night... Lily felt a tug on her shirt.

Lanie reached her arms around Lily. Lily sat her on her lap and let her feel the cords of the guitar. "You always did like to mess around with string. I remember when you and your kitty played with that yarn ball. When I came up to check on you, you were wond up, with kitty and half asleep!" Lily tickeled Lanie.

Karol absorved them. All the little kids loved Lily, actually every one loved Lily in the orphanage and they all wanted to make sure she was taken care of. Lily makes friends with every one who gives her a chance... But there are some people who might only seem like friends. Karol thought remembering the first time she saw the Queen send for Lily.

Lily was so easy to fool. David barly saved Lily, Kia was worried sick. That messenger just politely asked Lily to fallow him to the Queen. She fell for it. Lily is the bravist person I know but she has so many fears but... She faces them, she's afriad of spiders, most bugs, tight places, burrning up, bieng in croeds with no one she knows and forgetting or bieng forgotten. That's why she always carrys a camera in her pocket and her scrap book on trips.

She never remembers good memorys so she has to write, drawl and take pictures. She even has a photo and discription of every one she has known... In fact she carves wood scalptures of every one orphan. And she put them all in the Grand Entrance. David, Kia and her are all three at the top of the stiar case. The bigest scaupture, most detialed and most imporant scalpture...

I mean we don't live in a castle but it's close! I don't belive how many pictures she has! And soon she'll have more... In fact she's most likely about to take some pictures now... I think this is one of the best memorys she's going to get!

Lily indeed just pulled out her camera, she walked over to he radio and pulled the plug. Sakura, Sia and Shino were talking to Kieth about Lily's medical and mental problems. -The ones Karol had just described- Lily over heard them. So that's why they came... To warn them in case well in case I passed-out agian.

"Hey guys could you all gather together. Tallest ones in back Sakura and Hinata help hold the orphans, with Karol and Kieth. Ya thats it, just stay there!" Lily put the tripod up and positioned the camera. Sia, Neji and Shino were at the top. Naruto, Sakura, Hinata, Kieth and Karol. were siting at the botom. Naruto was the only one not holding a kid... Well in sted he was holding Lily.

Lily set the timer and ran down to sit on Naruto's lap. Naruto almost jumped with surprize. Lily just laughed, even though Lily was just as tall as Naruto, she positioned herself so you could still see his face.

Lily got back up and removed the camera from the tripod. Every onen else introduced them selves to orphans. While they were doing that Lily took pictures of every one talking.

Lily decieded that it was time to retire to bed. Lily and Naruto were the only one's left. And so she asked Naruto where they were staying.


"We're staying at a Inn I'll show you were it is. I have some questions I need to ask you..." Naruto watched to make sure no one was around.

"Yah, I'll start off with the Aksuki shall I?" Naruto nodded his head in agreement. Lily and Naruto started to walk tword the Inn.

"Well so far I know that they're after Jinchuriki, and there are only a few left. Mabe just you and me... But I know what they're planning to do I think... Well from Cage's hints over the past few years, he's planning to make me the "Ultiment Jinchuriki." Cage is about twenty, he has gray eye's and red hiar. It's spiked up like your's he has a dark hollow voice... There only a few others I know, I don't know who they are but I know Cage sent them. One has a hollow shell covering him self and yellow hiar and eye's. He's they're spy, half of his skin is black pure black - I don't know why though, Wiat... I remember his name was Zetsu. The other one was a... well he had yellow hiar it was in a half pony tial. he had a wierd teloscope thing covering his right eye. Deidara yep that's his name! There was a girl she didn't talk, she had aqua hiar. I think she's the only girl..." Lily looked at Naruto for his reaction.

Hm.... I don't know the first one but the second one is Deidara definetly. A spy would make sence! When we went to save Gaara I bet that's how they knew we were coming!

"They all wanted to know my health, the first one came about seven years ago. When I had a fever after a well a war... Midnight told you about the wars right?" Lily just turned a corner in an ally Naruto was ahead of her he stopped.

"Yah, I know. Why, why would they do that?" Lily looked at her feet. Oops I hope I didn't up set her...

"They hated my family. My father was a hero, he was -for a while- the head adviser. My mother was a medic like David's parents, they were best friends-Our parents-. Then Cage came along and killed them. The village was put into kauos, Cage left. So they blamed every thing on us... They thought we we're going to be like Cage! Me having a the lead demon inside me and having an unstable child hood, made me the center attention of thier hate. When ever I walked into town for anything, I was stoned, cursed, whipped and scared. But that's not the worst part for me... They did it to my brothers too... Even if they were just trying to help some one! The towns people just threw any thing they could find at them!.."

Lily's eye's swelled with tears, she was just about to burst out and break down. Yeah, I over did it alot... What do I do know? How long has she been holding that all in? I'm glad no one's arou- "A... are you okay?"

Gaara was sitting on the roof of the Kazekage office. Hmm... not a good place to break down. Naruto just starred he had an idea -maybe a good one-. Maybe Gaara knows what to do! He has sibblings surely they've broke down... and went... to him. Okay yeah, prabably not but I have no idea so...

Naruto sat with Gaara and held a finger to lips. "Okay well I asked about her past kinda and she broke down... I would to but I don't wjat to do next! I need your help!" Naruto looked Gaara in the face his big blue eyes struke Gaara with pitty.

"I have no idea what to do... I just herd crying and yelling and thought that some one was hurt. But try... cheering her up? Wait tell her about your past and I'll tell her mine and maybe she'll feel a bit better! Then change the subject to something happy. Or back to what you were discussing before... I'm not to good at this... And I'm actually tierd." Gaara looked at Lily she currled up in a ball. Her eye's were wide like when she saw shino's bugs...

"Gaara are they're ant spiders in the desert?" Naruto asked relizing what might be happening.

"Only triangulas... Oh I see, crap..." Gaara lept down from the building.

Naruto fallowed him. They're was indeed a spider but it wasn't a triangula, it was a black widow. Lily was un curling her self trying to warn us not to come down.

Aparently she wasn't afriad just trying to hide. "Stop! You Idiots, it's going to fall into my trap. That's why I started to cry so you'd ask him for help and stay there!" Lily was back in her curled up position.

The spider took a step closer, Naruto and Gaara jumped back up. CRACK!


The spider was cought in a mouse trap. Lily un curled and jumped back up with Gaara and Naruto. "I have aracniphoybia but When I'm capable of protacting myself I forget my fears!" Lily looked at them both with a triuphant face.

"But what I siad was true... I wonder maybe, if I'll belong in the Leaf Village... But I don't know, maybe I don't belong any where. Do you have any dreams..?" Lily looked up at the star filled sky the moon was pale blue with silver clouds passing it by.

"Yeah, I have a dream... I wan't to be Hokage one day! So every one will look up to me and respect me!" Naruto stood up shifting his head band so it shined in the light.

"I want my exsistance to be nesisary to others... I think it already is, I think. Lily do you have a dream?" Gaara wondered.

Lily looked pianed, she looked down. "Yeah, but Cage already destroied that too. I never wanted to be a leader... But I don't wan't to be a fallower. I wan't to look after Jinchuriki orphans. Or I'd like to write a book and illistrate it my self... But they're aren't any more Jinchuriki that I can help... I hate to think of all the horribal treatment you two went through. How horribal other lives have been! But writing a book is impossibal too... I don't have any free time, I have no insperation and when ever I get an Idea I loose it... I want to write a book on a Jinchuriki's past. But I don't even remember my own... And if I do there's always parts missing..." Lily looked into space her hiar seemed to turn silver in the moon light.

"That's a wonderfull dream! It can still come true you just have to belive in your self! Look at me, I was the failour of my class and had no friends. Now I've got Gaara and Sakura and every one in the Village! And I'm glad that you aren't obsessed with finding your brother that happened to my best friend Sasuke, and now he's gone... But I'm gunna bring him back and I'll help you find your brothers! I Promise!" Naruto held out his hand out pinkie up. Lily had tears streaming down her face. I-I that was so... Beautiful! I'll write that book and I'll make sure I never forget this moment! I think I'll even make a song...

"I'll keep on beliving and I'll help you find you Sasuke! I promise!" Lily held out her pinkie too.

"I swear I'll help both of you! Like you helped me..." He held out his pinkie.

They all tied they're pinkie's together. I promise!


"Do we have t'a let all the prisoners out?" Suigetsu lazily unlocked another cage full of starving prisoners.

"Yes, if were staying here we might as well. All they'd do is die if they staied here. Besides do you enjoy the smell of rotting corpses?" Sasuke walked past another cell, and took out a key he found on the wall.

"Why are you really doing this?" A boy no older than Sasuke asked. He had blond hiar, he looked alot like Naruto. He even sounded like him...

Sasuke turned around ubruptly. It wasn't him he had red eyes, and his hiar was down insted of up. There was another boy beside him. He had brown hiar and green eyes his hiar was tangeled, messy and dirty.

"I mean you can get usta the stench, we have." The messy hiar boy agreed. They stood slumped agianst the wall shoulder too shoulder. You couldn't find an odder pair.

"Who are you two? What wre your names? Do you know any body named Uzumaki?" Sasuke said regianed his cool.

The two boys eye's grew wide. "I'm Uzumaki, Kia." The blond one let out.

"I'm Kenton, David we're adopted brothers." The other one said.

Then they both moved closer. "Where did you hear that name before?" They said getting at arms length.

Sasuke was getting excited. Hmm... I bet they don't know about Naruto. Or at least he dosen't know them... Hmm... I could use these two to my advantage! But first I'll test them... He... He...

"Do either of you know a Uzumaki, Naruto? He's an old friend of mine, looks like you -Kia- with spiky hiar, three slashes on his cheeks and blue eyes." Sasuke siad planing his scheam in his head.

"No, do you know a Uzumaki, Lily? My sister. Looks like what you described only with long hiar, and no scares." Kia siad backing down. Naruto, yeah he's prabaly our cousin. I hope Lily found him...

"No, but I might know where she is... If you jion us... But you have to pass a test first. All you have to do is grab my sword from my hand." Sasuke held out his sword.

"Well normaly I wouldn't jion with evil people but... Oh Well, sure we'll steal your sword for you! Then you help us find our sister right?" David siad while he and Kia were getting ready to fight. Lily, I'll find you, I swear! Kia pulled out a sword from it's sleave. Kia had a red T-shirt and black baggy pants his shirt held the fire sign. David looked like a tree with a green T-shirt with a mountian symbal on it and singniture brown baggy pants. He pulled out a bow and reached for an arrow from his case.

Each had a pendent, with thier sign on it. Lily's a cresent moon. David's a tree a giant tree. Kia's was a sun. Kia yelled "Now, you'll wish you hadn't set a harder task for us!"

They charged.

What is Sasuke planing for Lily's brothers? Is Lily ever going to find her brothers? Is Lily right about the Akatsuki? Will Naruto ever learn about being sencetive? Why is Sasuke really evil? Or is he just faking it? Fing out in chapter 5! Thank you for the nice Reviews! Yes I'm writing another song! And I still can't write music!

Right now I'd like to thank for helping with names and I'd like to inspire you all to visit the forms! Leafninja (sniff sniff) your awesome!


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musicismylife on November 25, 2007, 6:04:07 AM

musicismylife on
musicismylifei heart dis story lyk ttly