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Chapter 5 - I Promise

What if Naruto had a cousin -Lily? What if Sasuke has her brothers? What will Naruto do to help Lily get them back? Or will their be a broken promise along the way?

Chapter 5 - I Promise

Chapter 5 - I Promise
No Such Thing as Home

Chapter 5
I Promise


David shot an arrow at the tip of the handle of the sword, it went flying up word. Sasuke quickly grabbed the handle and swiped away another arrow aimed at his arm. Kia jumped from behind Sasuke and tried something like Gia's Dynamic Entry and missed. He then broke his fall with a roll. He ran again his sword glistened red, David made some hand seals whispering as he passed Kia. "Shadow clone advance!"

Nothing happened. "Ha! Apparently your a bit rusty!" Suigetsu cackled.

"That's what you think!" A voice called from where David was standing.

Sasuke looked around David was gone. He felt a punch to the face. He fell still holding on to his sword. Wh-What the heck! He got back up Kia was gone too, he felt a sword dig deep into his wrist. He tried to counter by swiping the invisible hand. He felt the sword rest on an invisible arm.

Smoke went flying every where. He felt a tug on his sword, he swung again. Another patch of smoke filled the corridor of the prison.

"What! Where did you go? You little runts!" Suigetsu coughed.

"Like we're gunna tell you!" Kia's voice echoed across the hall.

Sasuke used his sword to try to clear the fog, but found that it was gone. "Ha... We win! You put up a good fight but we had the upper hand! We've been planning this as soon as we got in here! There's nothing else to really do. After being in a cage for three years what do you think we did? Knit?" Kia and David reappeared where they were standing before they charged. Kia was leaning on Sasuke's sword.

"Well welcome to team Snake... By the way those head bands your wearing I've never seen them before. Where did you come from?" Sasuke held his hand out as a sign for Kia to give him back to the sword. Kia lazily flopped it over it to him.

"We're from The Village Hidden on the shore. We were on a mission to explore over here and 'Orochimaru' abducted us. We know what's going on now though the other prisoners told us where we are. We're not sure if our sister is really there so you'll under stand if she isn't here we'll be going home. As soon as we find her you'll also understand if we ditch you. One mare condition we refuse to kill innocents." David said counting off the conditions on his fingers.

"I agree, you know what were after right the Aktsuki? You know who the are right?" Sasuke said crossing his arms.

"We know... We know your brother too... The leader is my brother..." Kia held out a hand to seal the deal. Sasuke looked dumbfounded, he uncrossed his arms and backed up. No wonder their so strong! Their brother is... No wonder Naruto is so strong too... Holy Crap I would never had guessed... Their going to be one heck of an enemy if I don't shake that hand. If what he says is true...

Sasuke calmed down immensely than he finally, took his hand.

The agreement was sealed.


Naruto and Lily jumped down from the roof. "Hey, Gaara! We'll see ya tomorrow!" Naruto stared at him with an unwavering smile. Lily grabbed his hand and pulled him away.

Right before they escaped Gaara's eyes Lily blew a kiss to him. "You better be there!" She yelled from the corner that connected the ally to the street. Then she ran off again out of his sight.

Naruto smirked I bet he's never gotten a goodbye like that! I bet Lily knows it too...

"Well Naruto um... Tell me a bit about your self I mean you've been listening to me all the time! Like your birthday and what you like... I like trees and animals. My favorite color is blue, my birthday is actually... In two weeks May 1st..." Lily looked down and dropped Naruto's hand. Naruto thought about why this would make her upset... Oh yah... It's her twins birthday too....

"A... Well I like ramen and the color orange. I like making friends... And keeping promises and... Going on adventures. My birthday well it's October 11th I've never celebrated my birthday or even been to a birthday party... So I usually forget when it is..." Naruto looked at Lily she was messing with some silver liquid she had gotten from a container in her pocket. There were eleven others she had examined before poring the one in her hand out. Naruto saw some others full and others empty... She stuffed the rest empty and full back in her pocket.

It was setting around a chain the Lily held. suddenly it come to life the liquid was moving around effortlessly, it had a hole now at the top it hardened. Lily was whispering to the liquid telling it what to do.

Lily looked into Naruto's eyes Naruto was seriously freaking out. The silver hardened into a key. The key was unlike a regular key it wasn't flat it had curves and twists It looked more like a tree root. Lily etched something into it, than wired it into the chain. Suddenly there was a glow coming from it. Oh shoot what is she doing! It's a good thing we're near the Inn and no one's on this street. Hm... What did she etch into that?

The glowing stopped Lily gave the key to Naruto. "This is a pendant that I made -odiously- and it is meant for you and only you can wear it. The key represents that you are a dream keeper. That key will open any lock... Even the ones you can't see like the one in other peoples hearts... You broke your own lock on your heart, and many of your friends locks too. That's a odd trait that's how I knew..." Lily helped put the chain around Naruto's neck.

"I don't get it the lock in peoples hearts? The lock in my heart... I broke it? How can you see it I thought it was invisible?" Naruto looked at the handle of the key it had a heart design in it.

"You'll under stand when your older... The etching says dream keeper -a key. Like my pendant says light keeper -a crescent moon. Kia's says Hope keeper -a sun, David's says peace keeper -the tree. Even Cage has one that says life keeper -the cloud. That's where he got the symbol for the Akatsuki... That's the Inn over there lets hurry I'm tired!" Lily pointed to the lit up hut. Sakura was waiting out side, her wavering arms bought their attention.

"Where we're you two! We were getting worried something bad happened to you. Are you okay Lily you look a little pale? What's that around your neck Naruto, why dose it look like Lily's necklace?" Sakura said running over to them, she grabbed the key around Naruto's neck and the one around Lily's. She tapped both they made a sound like a chime.

Sakura lead them into the Inn, Sakura carried Lily's bags in a few hours ago. Lily dose look a little pale, Naruto thought to him self. "Sakura why don't you show Lily to bed and then meet me back out here I'll tell you then. Lily hasn't eaten either we should get her something. And her medication..." Naruto said as they walked into a brightly colored hallway. There we're pictures hanging every where. The hall is oddly homie like, 'girly' almost. I bet Lily and Sakura like it but I don't!

"Whoh! Do I get a say in this, Naruto I don't want you telling her every thing I told you. Just tell her what you saw, not that I don't trust you or anything but... A... Right now isn't the time to tell you." Lily said calmly as she grew paler yet.

"Okay but right now you should get inside, we'll bring you up some thing to eat. Don't worry we're here for you now, you don't need to take care of yourself and every one else. Now we'll all take care of each other!" Naruto put a hand on Lily's shoulder. Now she was ghostly white, compared to the bright room.


FLASH BACK========================================
Kia and David were at the orphanage infirmary laying over Lily's broken body. Lily looked at them both she couldn't speak she couldn't tell them how grateful she was for saving her. She lifted up a sore finger and put it on Kia's shoulder. It was their birthday.
Kia looked up to see his sisters face smiling weakly. He nudged David he looked up and they both just stared at their sister for a minute. Then they both grappled Lily into a choking hug. Lily stung, but the pain was worth it -to see her brothers so happy.
Kia let go and tears filled his eyes. "Lily... We thought we'd really lost you! I know you've taken care of us- cleaned, cooked and protected us. But now it's our turn! Don't worry we're here for you now, you don't need to take care of yourself and every one else. Now we'll all take care of each other! I promise!" Kia looked into his sisters eyes proudly.
David nodded in agreement, as he took a rag and placed it over her forehead. She fell asleep with peace of mind that her brothers would be there when she woke up...


But they won't be there... No one will, the orphans can't take care of me... I'll wake up and no one will be there! Lily's knees buckled.

"I'll be there..." Lily heard as she fell backwards into Naruto arms. She began to think while she was on the brink of losing the ability to.

Naruto? Ya, he'll be there but what if Cage takes him away too?

"You'll stop him!" A image of her younger self appeared, a confident smile formed on her lips.
I will?

Of course I will!

I'll stop him from hurting any one else!

And I'll help Gaara...

And I'll find them too...

I'll find them...


Sakura took Lily from Naruto and told him Lily would be fine she just needs to rest. Naruto still was worried, he decided to tell everyone what happened last night in the morning. Sakura took Lily to her room -where Sakura and Hinata already had a bed ready for Lily.

Naruto slouched back to his room he was tired and hungry. The nights events happened so fast it was all mixing together.

When he got to the door of the room he realized that he didn't have a key. He tried to find a key in his jacket but the only key had was the one around his ne-

FLASH BACK +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Naruto looked at Lily she was messing with some silver liquid she had gotten from a container in her pocket. There were twelve others she had examined before poring the one in her hand out. She stuffed the rest in her pocket.
It was setting around a chain the Lily held. suddenly it come to life the liquid was moving around effortlessly, it had a hole now at the top it hardened. Lily was whispering to the chain telling it what to do.
The glowing stopped Lily gave the key to Naruto. "This is a pendant that I made -odiously- and it is meant for you and only you can wear it. The key represents that you are a dream keeper. That key will open any lock... Even the ones you can't see like the one in other peoples hearts... You broke your own lock on your heart, and many of your friends locks too. That's a odd trait that's how I knew..." Lily helped put the chain around Naruto's neck.

He took the chain off his neck, he realized it wouldn't fit but he tried to make it.But there was no need... It fit smoothly, he turned it. The door swung open to reveal Neji, Sia and Shino asleep in their beds. Naruto plopped down in his too, still in his regular clothes.


When Sakura came in the door with a passed out Lily, Hinata was surprised. When Sakura explained to her that Lily didn't want Naruto to tell her something she was worried. But when Lily woke up in the middle of the night covered in sweat and curled up talking to her self refusing to sleep, because she passed out before she took her pills. She had just about had it with this girl!

Dose she do this every night or is it because she's still very sick. I've never met anyone who could be so happy, normal and beautiful at day but a tottal pain at night. Argg!

Lily had calmed down and taken her pills, she now had a fever. Sakura blamed herself, she forgot that Lily hadn't taken her prescriptions. Lily managed to say that she isn't adapted to the climate here. Her body's still adjusting and that it wasn't her fault it was completely hers. Which it is!

Lily fell back asleep, Hinata calmed down. I was just jealous something that I'm usually not but Lily was a nice girl I should be feeling sorry for her, how many times has she done that and just had to of dealt with it? Now she has Naruto.

The next morning Hinata smelled sugar and dough, she looked up to see Lily cooking over table of candles. She was flipping something brown unto a plate. There are three plates one for each of us... But what is she 'making' for us? She poured some skin colored mix into the pan she had just flipped the brown thing from.

"Morning to ya Hinata! I hope you like pancakes, I found some candles -to cook on, eggs and milk. But it was so early the morning that that's all I could get. There wasn't a stove so I used candles." Lily flipped the 'pancake' from the pan again. Sakura was up now too.

Hinata shook her head absent mindedly. "Yah, a... That sounds great..." Hinata looked at Sakura questioningly.

"Sure! But are you felling better this morning?" Sakura said changing into her day clothes.

"Yah, I'm fine! Well now you know what happens when I don't take my medication! Ha ha ha ha!" Lily laughed flipping another pancake. Hinata changed and ate breakfast with Sakura and Lily.

"Th-this i-is good..." Hinata said, taking a bite that she cut up.

"Yah, it's really good. Wow you can sing, cook, play guitar and look after homeless children! You must be multi handed!" Sakura said looking Lily in the face with a grin.

Lily started kicking her feet back and forth again. "Well I don't have a choice do I? I was raised like that. Now Nathaniel, Ellie and Kipsie have that responsibility... I'll come back and visit them of course. But they're now incharge, their all 11 and when they turn 14 they'll be replaced by Keith, Karol and Gorge. Once you turn 14 you have two choices one make your own life -like I did. Or stay at the orphanage and help. Nathaniel wants to do that! I want to also but I can't go there now I need to do other stuff right now. But when I'm older, and I find my brothers I will go back -which will at least be 20 years. Oh by the way the orphans went home." Lily smiled and cocked her head to a bird sitting on the sill of the window.
The bird chirped merrily it was a blue bird, a good Omen Lily thought as she let it rest on her finger.
So what will they decide about Lily? Is she trust worthy? What are the other eleven containers? What is going to happen to Lily's brothers? Will I ever update faster? Will my computer get spell check? Will I ever get my fanart for this story? Find out in chapter six!
If you go to my homepage you can see my fanart but... Non of it is for this story yet... But there will be! And then you can see Lily, David and Kia! Do you have Thank you for your great reviews! -I'll type faster if I get more reviews! So share your thoughts! Even if their bad -I don't mean 'wrong!' I mean bad- thoughts! Sorry this chapter took so long! but I kept forgetting to save it! Or my computer just wasn't cooperating! The next will be longer and better than this one! Believe it!


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