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Chapter 6 - Will You be There

What if Naruto had a cousin -Lily? What if Sasuke has her brothers? What will Naruto do to help Lily get them back? Or will their be a broken promise along the way?

Chapter 6 - Will You be There

Chapter 6 - Will You be There
No Such Thing as Home
Chapter 6
Will You be There
Sai quickly punched Naruto in the head -so hard that the bed that Naruto was laying on went down a few feet. Naruto woke up abruptly, Sai was smiling at him, and for some reason his head hurt.
Shino and Neji were smirking, apparently they had just tricked Sia into waking Naruto up. Of course they also suggested how to wake him up...

Flash Back_______________________________________________

"Punching him in the head should do it." Neji suggested.

"Yep, and if you do it really hard he'll get up really fast!" Shino said inwardly laughing at the plan he and Neji had planned for Naruto for returning so late.

Naruto groaned as pushed Sai aside, and grabbed his bag and changed in the bathroom. Sai wandered to himself I think Neji and Shino set me up, but on the other hand Naruto deserved it for making us worry.

Naruto came out and dropped his bag by his bed, they planned to meet the girls in the hall in a few minutes. Sia was already outside waiting for him, Neji and Shino went ahead. Naruto was supposed to give the explanation for last night- Hopefully Lily is better and can help me explain... Naruto thought accidentally slamming the door in Sai's face.
Sai rubbed his face, Naruto walked on not even noticing, I think I punched him to hard... Sai caught up with a half asleep Naruto, going the wrong way. Eventually they got to the hall where every one was already waiting for them. Lily was there too but she was still pale.
Sai thought of three excuses (that made sense) why Lily was pale and Naruto was out late.
1. Naruto treated Lily and she got drunk and ravaged half the town while Naruto had to take responsibility and clean it up.

2. Lily got sick and was lost and Naruto was out all night trying to find her.

3. Lily got a cold and Naruto got lost trying to find his way back here.

"Okay now I'll tell you all why I was late last night." Naruto was in front of every one, he noticed that Lily was still looking sick.
"Well Lily and I we're walking back and we were just talking when she saw a spider. She decided to take action and first and get me out of the ally where Gaara was sitting on a roof, we saw that she was acting kinda odd. We were about to come down when Lily told us to go back up or we might get bit by the black widow. And so we retreated back and she killed it. Let me tell ya that thing was BIG! Man it was about as tall as Lily. Well than we talked some more and left Gaara. We walked while I asked questions to Lily, than she did this freaky thing with her hands and made this thingy..." He took off the key around his neck.
"Last night I forgot my key and this opened the door for me! It was awesome, and-" Naruto stopped noticing Lily had put a finger in front of her mouth.
"A... Now Lily would like to explain what this key thing is... I think?" Naruto said looking at Lily she slapped her head.
"Okay that stupid key thing has nothing to do with any of you! But there are some things that you should know that -I tried- to explain to Naruto last night. That key is his if any one else holds it with out Naruto's permission... Horrible thing will happen, same for mine. But don't worry! I have yet seven more keepers to choose... But I think I already know who they are... I think... But, Oh well only time can tell!" Lily said her face was a bit less pale.
"Bu-" Shino, Neji, Sai, Sakura, Hinata and Naruto started to ask questions but Lily had vanished.
Then the all herd a voice from the door near the exit. "Only time can tell, you'll find out when your ready!"
"I hate it when she just disappears and doesn't tell us where she's going!" Naruto pouted storming after her. But just then he remembered, she has a concert today...

"Did you know the orphans went home today? How is she supposed to do that concert thing today without them here?" Sakura said to Hinata.
"What is she gunna do? Make like two clones and disguise them as Kieth and Karol?" Shino said coming up with ideas.
"Actually that's exactly what I plan to do! Or I'll make my 'clone advance' like I did just now... But than again that would be odd, invisible clones would be playing a guitar, keyboard and drums! Before I had to make one clone to play my back up guitar... I guess that you didn't notice huh?" Lily was standing on top of the ceiling glaring down on them.
"WHAT THE HECK!" Naruto was feuding at Lily, she was up there the whole entier time! And what dose she mean when she says 'invisible clones'! Gawk, she is one confusing girl!

"Why didn't you speak to us your self? And you had a clone on stage that was invisible... That's kind of odd..." Neji said backing up as Lily jumped down while flipping so not to land on her head.
"Well I couldn't I had to speak with my wolf on matters concerning the safety of the orphans trip home. Which I'm glad to say their all home!" Lily said smiling at the group of confused teens.
"Whoh! There already home! How did they get there so fast!" Sakura said getting closer.
"Well they flew there and back! It only takes a few hours when you fly on a Giant Sparrow." Lily said as Hinata and Sakura remembered the blue bird this morning.
"Okay... Well what time are we-we supposed to-to got too th-the concert?" Hinata said speaking for the first time.
"Oh about a... An hour... I still need to get set up too, Oh Crap..." Lily said checking a pocket watch with a wolf engraved into the front.
"Hey we'll help you set up the... The... The what ever you need help with!" Naruto offered.
"A no, that would probably be harder, how about you just help set up chairs. Or some thing like that, I really don't think you should be messing with some thing so a... breakable." Lily said waving good bye this time disappearing.

"Well Gaara told me that they'd probably set it up in the park. So I'll try there! I think I remember where that is!" Lily happily found a stage at the park. She noticed her guitar already there set up and every thing but, some one was already playing while reciting a poem.
It was Gaara, he must have just been messing around because he didn't notice any one there. Lily walked up to him he still didn't notice her. "Ahem, I didn't know there was another act going on that was actually worth mentioning!" That did it Gaara idiomatically dropped the guitar in his lap, looking at Lily with a guilty expression.
"Hello... I was just um... I couldn't help noticing that the stage wasn't set yet so I figured I'd just well you know help... A heres your guitar back." Gaara held out her guitar.
"No, no it was good! Keep playing until you know other people come along. You don't want your reputation to get ruined in just a few minutes!" Lily said giggling out the last words.
He began to playing again.
Beautiful World
Lyrics by: Lily Uzimaki ~Me the writer~
In the forest the rivers and creeks never make a sound but in my head their beauty is loud.
At sun set the air is thick and God's illusion comes into play, the once bright sky is hushed away.
The night is when we roam free too stare at the moon and stars and all their radiance.
When we wake up we'll look at the still dark sky and the black and blue patterns above us.
The sun comes up and the moon goes away, butterflies glide up to blend with the light of the sun's rays.
In mid-day we'll go too the ocean and look at the crashing waves and there in my favorite spot I'll play.
Gaara ended his poem, the guitar playing could have been better. But his voice made up for it, Lily clapped at the end Gaara slightly blushed and handed the guitar back to Lily.
Gaara sat in the stands as people starting coming in, Lily got the notion that they were actually there waiting for Gaara to stop. Lily made the clones and changed in one of the restrooms she found decently clean. She wore her best dress it was -of course blue- a light almost sky blue. It had black stapes, silver see though sleeves, and silver sequins all over and at the bottom it had black lace. She wore black sandals that had a half inch heal to them. Her hair was in pony tail tied with a black and silver ribbon and she wore her -of course- crescent moon pendent.
She saw Naruto and his friends in the front row and two others sitting with Gaara. She gulped it was a huge crowd. I've done concerts to raise money for the orphanage before but not this huge! Oh well I'll deal with it,,,

"Hey Lily, you look nice to night! Did you just do that for this?" Naruto was behind her.
"How did you get in? I saw you in the crowd?" Lily asked turning around.
"I may not be able to do 'advanced clone thingy' but I can do shadow clones!" Naruto smirked.
"Well wish me luck I'm about to go on... Oh you'll find that I decided to disguse my clones as my brothers Kia and David... So now you can see them well, I made them look like fourteen but you know... You'll get the idea!" Lily walked on to stage Naruto looked at two figures in the back round.
Lily did an introduction and then did a few other numbers that were pretty good.
Savin me by: Nickle back
Too little too late by: Jo Jo
No Such Thing as Home by: Lily Uzimaki ~Me the writer~
Untitled by: Simple Plan
Don't cry by: Ferggie
The Great Escape by: Boys like girls
Then she did one that was meant to be the finally, every one was clapping. "Okay I just made this up like... Yesterday! So it won't be as good as it could be!" Lily started to strum the guitar, it entranced the crowd.
I'll be there to night
Lyrics By: Lily Uzimaki (Me the writer.) ~Do you like my pen name?
It was just yesterday
I met you
and now you already got me confused.
You say my path
is shining right before my eyes.
Well how come until you came along
it was so dark?
Were you hiding it from me?
Or was I lost anyways?
And now you got me here to night
just with one
simple sentence!
You said
'I'll be here to night
I'll you catch when you fall,
you don't have to go through it
all alone!'
Just with that you got me hooked
and there's no
turnin back now!
So now I'm here to night
I really don't know why.
But when ever
I tried to talk my self
out of it,
your words just
kept replaying in my head!
Or maybe I
just got tired of running away
from my problems!
Well are you happy now
that I'm here?
You said
'I'll be here to night
I'll you catch when you fall,
you don't have to go through it
all alone!'
Just with that you got me hooked
and there's no
turnin back now!
Catch me when I fall!
Don't let me go through it all alone!
Be there to night!
I know you will!
You promised,
'I'll be here to night
I'll catch when you fall,
you don't have to go through it
all alone!'
Just with that you got me hooked
and there's no
turnin back now!
It was just yesterday
I met you
and now you already got me confused.
The crowd roared its applause, Lily silently got off the stage and walked right up to Naruto with no expression on her face and then screamed and squeezed her arms around his neck still shrieking.
"Lily, I know your excited and you did a wonderful job. But your CHOKING ME TO PIECES!" Naruto said trying to shrug her off.
"Oh whoops over excited! Did you like my new song?" Lily said still a little loud. But Naruto didn't mind, heck I'd be loud too!

The rest of Naruto's friends came back with buckets full of money. Sakura smiled and set her basket down. She took both Lily's hand than smiled widely. Sakura shrieked in her face, wile still holding her hands and jumping up and down at the same time. Lily caught on and did the same thing it was an odd scene to say the least but when Sai tried to -fit in- by doing the same thing to Shino. It was laughable, Naruto positively broke down laughing. He was clutching his stomache and kicking his legs wildly. Lily took a picture, but she thought no way I'm NOT gunna forget this. It's just too funny!

Sai was soon slapped in the face by Shino as he said. "Get a grip! Man that's so girly it's not funny!" Sai just laughed harder. And then Lily interrupted them.
"It is not girly it is fun and Sai can join me and Sakura jumping around shrieking into each others ears! Come on Sai!" Lily said getting red in the face, Sai did just that. It was a very odd sight for Gaara to walk in on too...

Gaara told every one to go home it's over, as he and his siblings made their way back to see Lily. But when he came upon the scene of Sai, Sakura and Lily Jumping up and down trying to see who can shriek louder, he stopped in his tracks. Temari and Kankurou had the same bad reaction as Naruto -having a laughing fit-.
When Lily saw Gaara she stopped, her face gaining a certain amount of red. "A... I think Sai won the contest!" Lily said trying to figure out what to say in this kind of situation.
Every one broke down laughing, every one except, Lily. Who had took the time to sit down, it was about six O'clock and she hadn't eaten anything besides the pancakes. In between songs she'd get a drink of course, but that was it. She was tierd and hungry, she wandered if maybe Naruto might take her out to eat... Or Gaara might take her out on a date...
"Oh here I guess that's all yours now! I think I did a good job! But than again I've been doing this for the orphanage -until they left- for about two years. But I never made this much. But than again I never had this much people show up!" Lily said pointing to the baskets of money by the door.
"Oh, right well... um... I'll take care of that... A, wunna get some dinner! My treat I need to pay you back some how..." Gaara said watching every one staring at him intently.
"Sure! But you don't need to repay me or anything!" Lily said her face brightening up, she wasn't red but her cheeks still held a bit of color.
Temari nudged Gaara in the arm, and whispered in his ear. "So you like her don't you? Well she seems nice enough go ahead me and Kankurou will distract the rest of them!" Temari said as Gaara turned to see her winking and realized that Lily didn't even know who they were. Temari was devising a plan with Kankurou behind their backs.
"A... Lily these two people-" he pointed at Temari and Kankurou, They waved. "Are my brother and sister Kankurou and Temari." Gaara said facing Lily again.
"Okay a nice to meet you two!" Lily called to them.
Temari and Kankurou had finished talking. "You too Lily, but a... Were going to take the rest of you out to dinner to celebrate separately!" Temari demanded more than said.
"Why do-don't we just cele-celebrate together?" Hinata asked.
"Because we said so kiddies, so can we just go now!" Kankurou said ushering them out side.
"Um, a... I know a nice quite place to eat-" Gaara was interrupted.
"Sure come on!" Lily said suddenly full of energy. She was pulling Gaara's hand, her hair streaming around them both, Gaara noticed how pretty she was in that dress. And her hand is so soft and smooth, her eyes glowing in the sun set... Oh my... I guess Temari was right I do like her, she's nice and she looks well beautiful... Like that poem I was singing...

"Oh wait I just realized I have no idea where I'm going!" She stopped Gaara tripped over her and they both fell over. Gaara blushed, as he recovered from his fall. He helped up Lily, who was about the same height, so he was surprised that she was so light.
"A, sorry I wasn't paying attention... A, its this way." He noticed he still had his hand on her wrist. But she didn't try to remove my hand? Well I think that means something good... So I think I'll just keep it there... With his other hand he pointed toward a little restaurant about a block from where they were standing.
"A... Okay, a Gaara after a... Dinner there's something I wont to talk to you about. I under stand if your busy but I need to talk to you before we leave tomorrow... Okay?" Lily fumbled with the words.
"Oh, sure um... That's fine..." Gaara said as they entered the resturaunt.
After dinner, Gaara led her to a well that was covered with bushes -which was rare in the desert-. "Okay there's no one here so you can tell me what ever you wanted to tell me..."
Lily was felling uncomfortable something told her that Gaara wasn't expecting her to tell him that he was one of them. Well I do like him but should I tell him that or not? Well he apparently dose like me I can tell, but I don't want him giving up his dream just for me! But I might never see him again! Oh this so confusing!

"Gaara well I actually have two thing to tell you... But I might not depending on how you handle the first... Well first off, I hope you noticed that Naruto has a funky looking key around his neck," Gaara shook his head. "well your about to get one too, only different." Lily took out twelve bottles she selected one with silver liquid in it, she poured it in her hand. The others she put back in her purse.
"Wha-what ar-" Gaara started but Lily pressed a gentile finger to his lips. He instantly shut up, Lily moved her fingers across a chain she had found in the bottle. The liquid was forming into a heart like structure. It had lines etched into it and on the back Lily carved the word Love into it. Gaara touched the tattoo on his fore head.
Lily formed the top of it around the chain, and handed it to Gaara. He grasped it, in his hand. "You are the love keeper like I am the light keeper and Naruto the dream keeper. I cannot tell you who the keepers are only that you'll know when you get older. The heart symbolizes love, like my crescent moon symbolizes light." Lily's knees buckled, Gaara caught her and found a bench to sit her down on.
"So why me? Or was I already chosen?" Gaara said like nothing had happened.
"Well I saw the signs in you, which I can not tell you what they are... Sorry, I have to choose the keepers. Because I'm the one who was first selected. A long time ago after the first war, I was a sleep when some one appeared in my dream and told me that I was a keeper. And that I must find the rest of the keepers, it told me what to look for, for each keeper. So far I've only found six including you and me. Their are twelve in all, You, Naruto, Kia. Cage, David and me. But I think I know some more but I still need some more evidence. Your heart pendant let's you see other peoples pain and help them. That's all I can tell you, the rest you'll learn when your older..." Lily sighed, as she took the heart from Gaara and put it around his neck.
"Okay, now what was the second thing you wanted to tell me..." Gaara said regaining his cool.
"A, well you... Well I guess... I just, um... Irealllikyo!" Lily blushed, her face turned red. Gaara was dumb struck, Lily tried to get up but found that she had forgotten that she still was a little sick... I don't want to pass out agian, using the 'silver keeper' jutsu was just to much though. Even when I'm not sick I still passed out from it... But now I feel dark chakra seeping through me. The Wolf...

Gaara noticed the pained expression on Lily's face and immediately snapped out of his trance.
"What's wrong Lily? Are you felling okay?" Gaara asked as he put a hand over her fore head.
"No its nothing, but a... I think I should get back to the Inn that were staying at. I took a pill last night so I shouldn't freak out tonight..." Lily stood up stretching.
"A... I'll walk you to the Inn. But Lily I Like you too..." Gaara took her hand looking strait in her eye. Lily beamed her eyes reflected the moon that had just risen over the setting sun.
Lily walked home with Gaara each holding the others hand. Too bad that this can't go on forever... Lily squeezed Gaara's hand a tear passed down her face.

Well I can try summoning my falcons... But I don't think that they'd come, But if they do they can track Lily down! Kia thought walking through a canyon David beside him.
It was hot and no-one wanted to talk, Sasuke didn't talk anyways. It bothered Kia that they had to keep stopping for Suigetsu. David and him usually were asking Sasuke questions while he shot them right back. And it was about to happen right now...
"Okay time for a break!" Suigetsu decided. Kia and David decided after the seventh time this happened to just shut up and not complain.
"Fine." Sasuke said, sitting upon a large rock.
"Hey, Sasuke where are we headed anyway? Or are we going around in circles? Cause this rock formation looks like the one we saw yester day..." Kia said trying to start another argument.
"Well I suppose were headed for the Earth country aren't we... I mean the akatsuki has only there to strike... You know because Naruto and another guy -in the Earth- are the only jinchuuriki left. So from the Earth will wait in the Fire country th-" Sasuke was interrupted by a angry David.
"What do you mean the only ones left our sister is one too! And they have to keep her alive... Hm... But Naruto's one also, now that's odd. Anyways if Lily's with Naruto -if- than they'll probably take her too..." David said looking at Kia. Sasuke was once again shocked.
"Why would they want to keep her alive?" Karin asked.
"Remember I told you that Cage is our older brother..." Every one nodded David gritted his teeth as Kia went on.
"Cage killed our parents right after we were born, he then kidnapped Lily. He sealed the Lead Demon inside her... They're going to seal all the demons inside her, so there are three targets actually... And if were right that Lily is with Naruto than... Their one big target..." Kia came to a conclusion. We really need to find Naruto right away, to save Lily. If they don't have Naruto they don't need Lily... But what if they already have him what if they already have Lily! We need to get moving!

"Brake over... Time to go." Sasuke said starring at the sun set.
I don't know why but suddenly I miss Lily's voice allot... Kia thought clutching the sun pendent around his neck.
Is Lily in even more danger than she was when she was in her village? Who is Lily going to choose for the next keepers? Who are the keepers? Why did they choose Lily? Why did Cage choose Lily? What will happen to Gaara and Lily's relationship? Will I actually answer these questions? Do you like my new song? Find out in chapter seven!
Okay I have no music for this song either! But you can E-mail me some if you like! I will take all fan art, music and you can even E-mail me you singing one of the songs! I finally have Lily up on! The link is my home page on my profile! My E-mail is
Than you for your reviews!


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