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Chapter 7 - You Never Left

What if Naruto had a cousin -Lily? What if Sasuke has her brothers? What will Naruto do to help Lily get them back? Or will their be a broken promise along the way?

Chapter 7 - You Never Left

Chapter 7 - You Never Left

Okay Authors note...

Naruto will never take off his STUPID ORANGE JUMP SUIT! MUHAHA I refuse to change there clothes except on 'special occasion'.

Do like my pairings?

Gaara - Lily

Naruto -Hinata

Kia - later character pairing

David -later character pairing

Sasuke -Sakura

Lee -Sakura -later - vote who Sakura should choose Lee or Sasuke? Or recommend!

Neji, Kiba, Chouji, Shino, Sai and Shikimaru - ? You vote! Either OC, Ten Ten, Ino, Temari or NON. Or recommend!

NO YAIO will be in any of my fiction!

And now for my Disclaimer -I've been neglecting this for some time-

Author: "Gaara if you please!"

Gaara: "Lily Uzimaki doesn't own Naruto! She dose own all her freakish characters though... 10 tailed wolf, Lily's family -every one-, Naruto's mom and Lily..."

Author: "I thought you liked Lily..."

Gaara: "Shut up or I quit!"

In case you were wondering...

Gaara- normal

Gaara- thinking

Gaara- Demon -yes there will be demon talk in here

Gaara- Demon thinking

Gaara- character perspective

No Such Thing as Home

Chapter 7

You Never Left


Lily and Gaara found the Inn and Lily took her hand away from Gaara's. "Gaara you know we're leaving tomorrow don't you?" Lily began not looking him in the eye.

"Yeah..." Gaara replied. I knew she was going to bring this up...

"Well, you also know that if any one catches us together their going to think that I'm trying to trick you, don't you..." Lily paused, Gaara knew where this was going.

"Yeah, but I don't care!" Gaara put his hand on her shoulder Lily flinched as if some one had just slapped her in the face.

"Gaara I want you to be happy, I don't want you giving up your dream and I want you to... Wait for me to compete my promise to Naruto and my brothers." Lily turned around and looked him in the eye.

Lily smiled.

Gaara smiled.

"I promise I'll wait..." Gaara moved closer, he grabbed her hand and then he kissed Lily on the cheek, she kissed him back -on the cheek-. They suddenly were both paralyzed. Lily turned her reddening face away from him and ran inside.

But for some reason Gaara didn't chase her instead he just stood there...

And stood there... And stood there... Until a drunk Kankurou came back leading a sorry bunch of tiered leaf ninjas. Temari was helping Kankurou walk but when they all saw Gaara standing there with his hand on his cheek staring at the Inn without Lily. Temari and Kankurou collapsed of laughter and the rest...

All gathered in a line behind a still dumbstruck Gaara and took turns as they walked by, smacking him in the face. Well most of them knew why he was standing there with his hand on his cheek... But there were some who didn't, Hinata didn't even notice him, she was lost in her own fantasies. Naruto was at the end of the line and didn't know why Gaara was getting smacked in the face so instead he put a comforting hand on his shoulder and said...

"Gaara it's okay I know how you feel, Sakura wouldn't let me call it a date when we went to get ramen until the seventeenth time." Gaara looked at him his expression changing to an annoyed frown. Gaara also felt as if his cheek went num but didn't know why. Temari and Kankurou lead him home telling him how there night went, and asking Gaara how his went...

Mean while Sakura quickly grabbed Naruto by the ear and got him out before Gaara could mercilessly kill him.


Lily looked out the window, she was sorry for leaving him hanging but she was afraid... Her wolf demon chakra would take control. She had been suppressing it ever since Gaara offered to walk her home, now she was beat.

I hate this it's not fair! I should have plenty of chakra but because of that stupid fever I don't! If I did I could have made that moment last even longer... But I don't want them to know about the fever or Sakura would book me down for weeks! I don't even know these people and their taking care of me like I was their friend...

"Sorry, but I can't help you control it it's all you. But you had a bit of fun didn't you? And as for the fever just be glad you aren't dead!" A voice spoke inside her head.

But if I could stand up to all my fears, bring back Kai and David and live a normal life- as normal as my life can get-. If not for the stupid Yellow fever that saps all my chakra to keep it from killing me! Not to mention all the pain I get from feeling Jinchuuki die and suffer... Well no life can be perfect.

"Well hey I'm sorry too, I didn't want this for you... Nut you stupid older brother... We need to stop that guy! But I still don't know why you can fell them, but I'll try and consult with the Kyuubi on it. Right now when you go to sleep I'll figure out what went wrong with your great uncle Kyuubi... Good night grand daughter..." A wolf appeared inside a prison cage and tried to comfort Lily. Mean while in the real world Lily looked away from the window and went to bed

Lily fell asleep by the time Sakura and Hinata had gotten in the door.


Man that party was great! I never knew Hinata could dance! Yeah it was awesome, I wander if Lily had a good night too?

But Naruto looked at the clock on his wall and decided that he'd find out tomorrow on the way back to the Leaf village.

The next morning he woke up and for some reason his head felt like it was about to split. He had a strange dream to... Lily was there and so was a giant Wolf behind bars, like the Kyuubi. And Kyuubi was there too, they talked for a while.

The Wolf and Kyuubi were in separate cells. Lily was merely nodding at the information lazily, Naruto on the other hand had no idea what they were talking about. All he heard were a few questions Lily asked him. He thought they were pretty odd... But not as strange as when the wolf started talking to Naruto remembered that clearly. It all seamed so real...


Naruto had been laying there thinking he was having a very odd dream -which he still thought-. The Kyuubi, Wolf and Lily were just chatting while Naruto was sitting in a corner of the prison that he visited every time he was in need of chakra, the seal where the Kyuubi was. But when Lily turned to him he wandered... Why she is here? Why is that Wolf here? Why is the wolf in a prison like Kyuubi? Is that Lily's demon? If so than why are Kyuubi and I here?

"Naruto have you ever felt when a jinchuuriki dies or gets hurt?" Lily asked, he shook his head. Well I mean I could tell that Gaara was different when I met him but I don't think that's what she means...

"Odd, but then again maybe it is just me... Naruto do you know your history? Surely the Kyuubi has told you..." Lily looked at the fox, and for the first time in Naruto's life the fox was dumb-founded.

"Kyuubi you dare not tell the boy! He is your host. his father was your... You have broken the treaty! You have shamed me and your ancestors!" The Wolf had a dark echoing voice that even made the fox bend his head in fear. Lily on the other hand stood up from her spot in the middle of the chamber.

She held out her hand for Naruto to take, he did and so she pulled him up and dragged him to the middle with her. Naruto followed her even though he was afraid of the two giant pare of demonic eyes staring at him, Boy this is one weird dream!

"Naruto do you know who your parents were?" Naruto shook his head slowly. I never thought of my parents... I knew they died and there was no way in Heck to get them back.

"Brat, I'm going to only explain this once so listen!" The Kyuubi rattled his cage. Naruto was listening intently. Finally I'm going to figure out who my parents were... Oh wait, no I'm not, this just a dream but maybe the dream is right!

"Your father was the Forth Hokage, Uzumaki Arashi, who was my nephew... My sister married a blasted human... My sister is now dead because her husband killed her... She was your grandmother. You brat, and the girl's family are the only family I have left..." Kyuubi stopped noticing Lily reaching inside the cage. Naruto was trying to pull her back but it had no effect.

"Are you CRAZY! He'll kill you!" Naruto said still trying to pull her back.

"Why would he do that? I'm his great niece, and that also makes me the forth what ever's niece too!"

Lily somehow got through the bars to meet a very pissed Kyuubi. She didn't even look him in the eye and went to his left leg. She lifted his paw to reveal a paper seal. She looked at for minute and then stripped it off his fur. He howled in pain.

"Naruto our great uncle was under a curse... He never meant to do this, he was made to do it... The seal has done, some damage. This is why he attacked your village... He didn't want to but he had no choice... He was driven insane by this seal... But some one put it there... The wolf has his suspensions, but our uncle should get it back together soon." Lily petted the fox fondly.

"Whoah! You mean to tell me that I'm the son OF THE FORTH HOKAGE! AND THAT HE WAS A HALF DEMON, AND THE STUPID FOX DIDN'T MEAN TO KILL HALF THE VILLAGE! AND THAT THE FOX IS ALSO MY GREAT UNCLE! SO NOW WE'RE PART DEMONS! SO OUR GRANDMA WAS A FULL DEMON AND THE FOX'S SISTER!" Naruto grabbed her by the arm and dragged her through the bars again. The Wolf mean while was laughing his 'demonic butt off.'

Lily started giggling at Naruto's out burst. "Nope, Naruto the moment we were born we were demons!" Lily laughed so hard Naruto had to let go of her arm before it accidentally hit him.

"Your mother was human but mine wasn't... Your mothers name was Sari, Kiore. I don't know what happened to either of your parents... My mother was a demon and that wolf was her father, so I'm actually a almost full demon. Cage is half, but strangely Kia is not any part demon... He only has extra strength and chakra. Mean while I have a demon form... As do you, but yours is mostly because you have Uncle inside you. That's what we were talking about, the wolf told me everything he knew. Some how the wolf knows every thing... And yes the wolf is my grandfather..." Lily said noticing that Kyuubi had woken up.

"WHAT, WHERE AM I? I just want to see my nephew! I don't want to hurt you so please let me GO!" The fox looked up and wasn't menacing... He looked nice actually. Naruto merely stared, he had come to see his father and ended up destroying half the village...

"Hello uncle Kyuubi! I'm Lily, your great niece and that's Naruto and he's your great nephew... And we're all that remains of your family besides my two brothers... And our adopted brother... My father was Uzumaki, Kanji he was killed by my elder brother Cage so was my mother... You killed your other nephew Arashi -some how-, some one put a seal on you that's what did it. But can you tell us if you remember who did?" Lily said softly stroking her uncle's fur.

"Wait now... Now I remember, I... I killed my own family... I'm sorry I don't know who put the seal on me... So Naruto is my host type thing, Naruto I'm so sorry... I didn't know what I was doing..." The fox guiltily looked down.

Naruto was placed in shock to see the fox trying to put a paw on his shoulder. Slowly the fox cried and so did Naruto after he realized this all the family he had. He didn't know what to do, he always thought that his family was gone... But what happened to my mothers side of the family? I was actually a part demon... And my father was the greatest ninja in all of history... But maybe Demons aren't evil... And Lily was a demon but she didn't look like one? -Well she did two seconds later though...-

Lily's pale skin slowly started to shed away to reveal black skin and navy hair, teeth and nails. The normally white part of her eyes were navy and her pupils were slit. She had one tail around her leg where her scare would be. Naruto stared in disbelief. Boy this one weird dream!

The wolf looked down he cried too apparently he had no other family, and to see Lily in her demon form made him remember his mate.

"Don't worry Naruto, this is my real demon form. I don't have a full one. But I also have my Jinchuuriki form. Every demon actually is part human. Even Kyuubi has a human form." Lily walked over to him and put her tail on his shoulder.

"I won't hurt you..." Lily took her tail away and cried, he gave her friendly hug. Did she think I was going to scream at her? But this is just a dream? Isn't it?

But just then Naruto woke up...


Naruto shook his head, but just then he heard a scream. Coming from the girls room. Neji, Sai and Shino dropped their bags that they had been packing and rushed out the door. Naruto followed shortly.

"OH MY GOSH! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH LILY YOU DEMON!" He heard Sakura's voice trailing down the hall, he sped up.

Every one was standing in the door was looking at a transformed Lily, but they didn't know it was Lily... Naruto remembered the dream and pushed pass the struck dumb boys in the door.

He stood infront of Lily, she was standing still staring wide eyed at her black skin. She turned to Naruto he looked at her in the face. She spoke in a echoing voice that flowed through out the room. "Yes, last night wasn't a dream, other wise I wouldn't be like... this." Her skin started to shed again, she didn't even move an inch and she was back to normal.


Sakura woke up she was about to wake Lily and Hinata, but she noticed a girl with black skin on the couch where Lily was... She decided to the only thing she could think of in this kind of situation. Wake Hinata up and take on the strange demon in Lily's spot in a fight!

Hinata stirred as Sakura tried grabbing her arm and pulling her out of bed. But she didn't need to...

The girl on the couch had just woken up and stretched, Sakura screamed as she saw a tail made of black chakra. Hinata instantly rose to her feet to see the girl also. then Hinata looked at Sakura, screaming so Hinata decided to join her.

The boys rushed over to see the demon, they now wandered what happened to Lily.

Then Sakura came up with the answer... It killed her.

"OH MY GOSH! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH LILY YOU DEMON!" Sakura screamed. The girl looked bored and decided that her skin was more interesting than these people.

Naruto came through the door, and stumbled up to the girl with black skin who spoke to him. "Yes, last night wasn't a dream, other wise I wouldn't be like... this." Her voice echoed through the room... It sounded other worldly.

Than the girl started to shed her skin to reveal Lily, she guiltily looked down and Naruto freaked out. The part where her skin had shed had turned to lily petals.

"Uh... Well now you know?" Lily said Naruto was still gaping at her.

"I'm not only a jinchuuriki, I'm a half wolf part fox demon..." Lily noticed that Sakura faint.


Did I hear that right... She's a Jinchuuriki part fox half wolf demon! Well that's odd, I guess she has to be unique in her own way... But that would make Naruto part fox or half wolf demon? Wouldn't it? I guess it's rude to just stare all day I should say something... Uh, like hm... "That's great!" Yeah, maybe I should do that stupid pose that Lee always dose to help lighten the mood. Naruto always finds that funny...

"That's great Lily! Your the only person I know who's a half wolf and part fox demon that can maintain a human form!" Sai said deciding to say a little bit more. And then did the 'good guy pose'.

Every one looked at him as if he'd gone insane, Naruto finally started to laugh hysterically. He rolled around and finally choked up words. "I get it! You had some one do a genjutsu on me! And fed me that strange dream! Now this is my real dream and now I'll just wake up right?" Naruto saw Lily shaking her head the wrong way. Naruto thought, no, no she isn't shaking her head the right way... It's not left to right it's up and down... Unless it wasn't a dream...

He came to his senses and stood up, looked Lily in the eye and nodded as he headed back to his room dragging Neji and Shino with him. Sai followed waving to a paralyzed Lily.

When they got back they all decided not to ask Naruto what the dream was... They also decided to ignore the hole Demon thing to, Sai suggested the idea after seeing Naruto's face while he was packing.

Naruto was sad... You could tell he'd been crying, but he'd talk when he was ready. They were leaving in another half hour, Lily said that if they flew they'd be in The Leaf Village by tomorrow around noon. She decided that we shouldn't fly at night either.

There would be two falcons, Lily, Hinata, Naruto and Sakura on one. And Neji, Shino and Sia on the other. In that exact order, because Neji should have some since of direction with his Byakugan. Lily already knew how to fly and Hinata could tell her where to go. Hinata had given Lily a map to study also. Lily kept the map incase of missions.

Hinata was acting nervous around Naruto that morning... Well, more than usual. Hinata and Naruto danced all night until Temari came and got them. Sia remembered Sakura had danced with himself, Neji and Shino were 'too cool' to dance. -In other words they couldn't get a girl... At least not for long-.

Kankurou had a girl friend their whom he danced with. And then he had three other girls- claiming to be his girl friends- slapping him in the face. Sia also danced with one of Kankurou's X-girl friends. He liked that girl she was tall had silver hair in a pony tail and green eyes.

Sakura managed to get one dance each with Neji and Shino -it was a pity dance of course-. They all wished they had some more girls there, except Shino who kept giving off killer intent toward Hinata and Naruto. Sia laughed as he remembered reading the word Jealousy in his dictionary.


Gaara was sitting out side his office, Lily was leaving today. He remembered last night before she kissed him. She kissed me... He shook his head, last night she also told him as they were walking about her uncle being Uzumaki, Arashi. He knew that he herd the name before and found out that he was the yellow flash, The genius Hokage, The Forth Hokage and Naruto's father.

She told him the only reason she knew was because of her fathers journal. Lily said her father loved writing and wrote every single letter he had gotten or mailed in his journal. And his main correspondent was his brother Arashi. Lily told Gaara that on her birth day she read all of her fathers letters and tried to find out what had happened to her uncle. Her brothers helped her, Lily said that last year she found the address and asked for a transfer. Lily said she couldn't wait to meet Tsunade, she was so greatful to her.

Lily kept her 'demon heritage' to her self she also 'forgot' to tell him that the wolf helped her figure all this out. But he knew that there was a part missing in the equation. Lily told him about all the orphans and how she never had really gotten a chance to meet other peers. She didn't really 'know' any people older than her either. She always was cautious and bowed before talking to anyone over forty. But when Lily came here she just followed every one else. There was only one elder who she refused to bow to... The Queen, Lily told him that if she knew who Gaara were she would have bowed to him. He remembered he blushed at that moment.

He almost never blushed but last night he blushed four or five times. He smiled and then frowned because his new friend would be leaving... He got up and went to the gate with Temari and Kankurou. He told them every thing that happened last night, they both congratulated him like he just won the title of Kazekage. "Are you going to miss her?" Temari said noticing Gaara staring at the ground.

"Yeah, but she doesn't want me to tell any one yet... Because she's afraid that every one will think she's a spy. So she told me to wait till she completed her promise. So I'll wait, that's my promise..." Gaara said quietly not wanting others to hear.

"Well now I'll have to keep all those other girls off you don't I?" Kankurou said smiling.

"You have enough girl problems!" Temari said hitting him on the head.

"Ouch!" He said rubbing his head that also been sore from his now four X-girl friends.

"Hey!" Naruto and Lily came up to Gaara and his siblings.

"We're leaving now I wanted to say thanks for helping me out... Until we meet again!" Lily put her arms around him and kissed him on both cheeks.

But before Gaara could move Lily hugged Kankurou too. Temari simply shook her hand politely and then Lily bowed. The four stood their frozen, even Naruto couldn't help gaping.

Lily noticed non of them returning the gesture and scratched the back of her neck. He cheeks turned several shades of red.

"That's the custome in my village... A... I forgot this isn't there... And... a... Whoops!" Lily said now every one except Naruto felt awkward.

Gaara regained speech first. "Okay, a... we just shake hands... But that was okay too..." Gaara held out his hand.

Lily looked in his eyes she grasped his hands tightly. Than he felt some thing drop in his hand and looked down to see a note.

It read:

Well actually I didn't kiss Kankurou but I sure as hell kissed you! He knows it too, look at his face. It's not near as red as yours...


Uzumaki, Lily

Gaara turned another set of reds and pinks, Temari and Lily were the only ones who noticed. Gaara smiled and that's when Kankurou got it but poor Naruto never did... That's for the best though... Gaara thought.

"Good bye..." Gaara said.

"No, we'll se each other again so it's not 'good bye' it's until we meet again..." Lily said as she and Naruto walked away. Gaara felt sad and happy and a lot of different emotions. But the only thing he thought at the moment was... You never left... he clutched the heart around his neck.


They had been traveling for two days now, Kia and David never seemed to run out of energy after they realized Lily 'might' be in danger. They had just reached the border of the Earth country.

Sasuke told them to stop for the night, while he made a plan. Karin and Suigetsu had given him a head ache. David and Kia seemed to have an infinite number of stupid and annoying questions. He couldn't think of a plan in these conditions! Juugo was the only one who was quite... But that also got annoying

Lets see if Juugo, Suigetsu and I went to the hidden village for a week and the others went around the other cities that could work! I'll search the out skirts of the village while Suigetsu and Juugo visit shops and inns... They'll strike some where? But where exactly? Err... I can only hope we find the Jinchuuriki before they do!

Sasuke scribbled this plan onto the note pad beside him. Why did he care so much after he heard Naruto might be in danger? I almost killed him but... I don't want him to be dead... Err... And I don't want Sakura to get hurt either... I don't want any one to get hurt in the village... But WHY? I don't under stand? I abounded them! So why do I care?

He shook his head, and laid down on his sleeping matt. He looked at the starry sky and thought what Naruto and Sakura were doing now? -Unknown to him both were partying in the Suna-.

Tomorrow we set off to look for the four tails... I better get some rest.

So is Lily really a spy? -NO- Will Sasuke get to the jinchuuriki first or will it be to late? What will happen on Lily and Naruto's flight? Will Sasuke get rid of his head ache? Or will the HEAD ON commercial plague him forever? What will Naruto want to know about his heritage now? Why dose Lily have only one tail? Find out in Chapter eight!

Read and Review! The more reviews I get the more chapters I write! By the way I have Lily up at to see my pic's go to my profile and click my home page!

I accept all fan art stuff! I'll even put you singing one of the songs I wrote on my story page! -I'm trying to get my own page for this story.- If you know any thing like that on the internet -that's free- please tell me!

NO THIS IS NOT YAIO! SO VOTE PAIRINGS OR RECOMMEND PAIRINGS! Yes this will follow the Japanese Naruto Manga kinda -not the heritage-. So if I faulted on any thing tell me! You can watch the manga on YouTube or read summaries on

leaf ninja . com

ch 1, reply good with the clover

Uchiha Madara
ch 6, anon. yet another good chapter

Uchiha Madara
ch 5, anon. this is a realy good story it would fit in with the actual naruto storyline can wait till the next chapter:)

ch 3, reply Another interesting chapter! A request, that you put your stories through spell check, PLEASE! I can figure out what you're saying most of the time, but sometimes it just makes it really hard to understand what you're trying to say.

I like the little Rock Lee, and am interested to find out more about the Uzamaki blood trait! What is his?

ch 2, reply I like how you show the thoughts of each character. It is a little hard to follow with whose thoughts are whose though. And I think you write his name as Sai, not Sia. Anyway, good chapter!

ch 1, reply Hee. Nice start. I liked how Gaara was calm as he told Kankurou to let in the she-wolf, and how Naruto thought, "I have a cousin . . . no a dying cousin" yes, it's sad, but the way you wrote it was funny.

Uchiha Madara
ch 1, anon. This is the best can't wait until chapter 2

fred finch
ch 3, anon. this is a great story i cant wait till the next chapter

ch 3, reply GOOD STORY! continue soon, but take your time as well

Okay family tree incase you didn't get it earlier

Wolf-Some one ///////Kyuubi's sister- Uzumaki Some one///// Kyuubi-none
two daughters died////////// Kanji Uzumaki -oldest son//////////none
Lily's mom//////////////////////////// Arashi Uzumaki

Okay now thier parents

Lily's mom- Kanji//////////////////////////////////////////////Arashi- Sari Kior

Kia and Lily /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Naruto


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