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Chapter 9 - If You Want It

What if Naruto had a cousin -Lily? What if Sasuke has her brothers? What will Naruto do to help Lily get them back? Or will their be a broken promise along the way?

Chapter 9 - If You Want It

Chapter 9 - If You Want It

 Another Author's note...

"My planned chapter has been discarded due to the fact you have not voted on pairings! So instead I'll give you till chapter twenty... Muhaha. And why do some people think that there's a Uzumaki blood trait? There is but, you weren't supposed to know! All I can tell you right now is that it has some thing to do with the demon side of their family. And it ha-"

Neji gags the author and shoves her off... "No spoiling..."

Then Kakashi comes rubbing the back of his neck. "I guess I'll do the disclaimer! Lily doesn't own Naruto! But she owns herself and Lily's family!" Kakashi than disappeared into thin air...

No Such Thing as Home

Chapter 9

If You Want It


Sai was walking Lily to her room but on the way they met an mad Naruto... Which was uncommon, so Lily being the kind headed foolish girl she is just had to something about it. "Naruto, what's wrong, you look angry... Sai could you a leave..." Lily said stopping in front of Naruto making him run into her. Sai simply left without saying a word.

"I don't get it... You told me that my father was the forth Hokage! I mean I never asked any body about my parents but you'd think they'd tell me anyways. And why did the forth have to seal the fox inside me any ways..." Naruto looked at Lily.

"What would you choose? Millions of lives or your son's normality?" Lily looked Naruto in the eye.

"I get your point but why me?"

"Because he wanted you to grow up with some one to explain what you were and to pass down the family secrets..." Lily said once again moving water around her self it looked like it was floating.

"Huh, I don't get it? Your the one who did that! And by the way why didn't your family adopt me? And why didn't any one tell me? And how are you moving that water?" Naruto said now looking at Lily. Lily smiled tearfully, she looked up at the sun, slowly moving the water around her in small drops.

"No the fox was supposed to, and well my parents didn't even know you existed... After their deaths Cage was given a letter about your father's death and that you were still alive... Cage threw the letter in Dad's journal... I found it later that's how I got here... I was thinking about bringing you to our village... But you'd probably died. In the wars and such and see what a wonderful life you have here? I don't know why no one told you... Oh and this thing that I'm doing well actually it's a bloodline type thing, you can do it too. Do you know what your elemental chakra currant is?" Lily asked making the water float around Naruto now.

"Yeah air, I'm guessing yours is water than?" Naruto said putting some chakra into one of his kunai to make it sharper.

"Yes it is but that's off the point. Now try moving the air around you, like making it oh... I dunno... Lift up that kid with the green suit... Just imagine him being picked up by an invisible force..." Lily said pointing at none other than Rock, Lee...

"Okay! Watch out Bushy Brows!" Naruto shouted at Lee who was with the rest of his team eating raman at Naruto's favorite restaurant.

"Huh? Naruto what are you do-!" Lee was whipped off his feet by an invisible force. Like an invisible hand had just whipped him up and dropped him. But every one except Lily failed to notice that Naruto's eyes flashed white for a moment. Naruto stood there for a second wide eyed and jaw dropped.

"Yes I did it whoo! I swept Lee off his feet, I tripped the famous Tiajutsu user!" Naruto cheered up considerably after that and every one else had a sweat drop at the side of their face.

"What was that? Who is that girl beside you? And why did you do it to Lee?" Ten Ten questioned getting off her chair along with her team.

"Well this is my cousin Uzumaki, Lily. I did it to Lee cause she told me to and I do believe that that was air... Wasn't it?" Naruto now turned to Lily.

"Yep! Now you see while any body can control an element ordinary people usually have to use chakra to control it, as we don't have to. Because of our a... great uncle's side of the family. You see because he's a bit different, he can control fire like every other different person, but they all control their own elements. Take Gaara for example... He was probably able to control sand right?" Lily said helping Lee to his feet with her water.

"Yeah." They all replied.

"Well, it's like that but it wont protect you subconsciously, it just moves when you think about moving it..." Lily said moving water around Lee, Gai, Neji and Ten Ten.

"Wait Lily is her name you say, Tsunade told all of us that you we're supposedly dead and that we we're supposed to be kind to Naruto and help him through your pas-" Gai was interrupted by Ten Ten and Neji punching him in the gut. They were saying some thing like -talking about other peoples deaths isn't respectful-.

"Who are you by the way?" Lily asked Lee, holding out her hand as a form of greeting.

"I'm the Hidden Leafs HANDSOME GREEN BEAST! Rock, Lee!" Lee said showing off his muscles, then doing the 'good guy' pose while every one except Lily sweat dropped.

"I'm Ten Ten, it's nice to meet you Lily!" Ten Ten said shaking her hand.

"And I'm MAITO, GAI THE KING OF YOUTHFULNESS! You've probably heard of me before right!" Gai said also showing off his muscles and also doing the good guy pose which had the same effect if not worse on every one.

"Nope, wait... Wait... Wait! I do remember you! Your that guy who was badly hurt and David -when he was younger- patched up and then you ran off thinking that you captured by the enemy and then we found you three minutes later on the steps passed out. Then we convinced you that we weren't enemy ninja you decided to stay till you got better and ran off again..." Lily said taking out a decently sized journal and reading from the lines then showing him the picture.

"Oh that was you! I didn't recognize you, it's been pretty long, where are your brothers and the other children that took care of me?" Gai said taking a good look at his picture, in the picture Gai was running while in a patients gown and tubes in his nose and arms connected to a few bags hanging on a rack that was trailing behind him. Every one was holding back laughs.

"They're gone... The other children are still at the orphanage. And I've decided to transfer here, because I wish to see my cousin... You know what Naruto we really need to get to my room and stuff..." Lily walked away dragging Naruto.

"You idiot! Now she's sad what kind of a welcome was that! It's obvious that she doesn't want to talk about some one she's lost! You egg head!" Ten Ten said hitting Gai atop the head. Lily could hear Neji starting to explain the mission to get her. She ran off so she wouldn't ear it, Naruto finally told when she arrived at the apartment.

"This is my room?" Lily said walking into a colorless room, she even liked the hotel in the suna better than this. A least in had color! This place is covered in white! Well I guess I'll have to accessorize it my self... With Naruto's help! Muhaha. Lily grinned evilly and looked at Naruto who was wandering how his place was so dirty and colorful when it had also originally looked like this. But just than he noticed Lily's grin, he knew that grin that was the 'I'm going to do something and your going to help me weather you want to or not' look. Sakura had given him that look whenever she wanted to go shopping.

"Naruto would you like to help me decorate this room?" Lily asked but she had wide eyes and her lower lip was out. Naruto had never been mentally tortured as badly as this in his whole life.

"Okay..." Naruto said rubbing the back of his head.

Little did Naruto know that Lily meant rearrange the whole room, and decorate it.

By the time they we're done Naruto was proud of their work. Lily was a good artist he thought as he looked at the mural on the wall. Lily had painted every one she had met since the time she arrived at the Suna to right then. Which was Sai, Naruto, Gaara, Temari, Shikimaru, Chouji, Hinata, Neji, Shino, Sakura, Kankurou, Gai, Ten Ten, Lee, Shizume and Tsunade.

All of them were in different positions, Naruto was shifting his headband making the sun shine off it. Lily had a dull back background, she told Naruto that when she met someone else memorable she'd put them on the wall. The amazing thing is that the were all exact height and Naruto swore that they were all alive...

The carpet she dyed blue and black in looked like water really, the furniture was mostly aqua and had wavy patterns Lily used her water to help cut polish it. Lily trained Naruto to use his wind to help cut and dry stuff. Naruto was truly proud of the room. It took them only four hours due to Naruto's drying factor. It was about six O'clock and Lily had just unpacked her last bag and shoved it in a black dresser with a blue vine painted on the side. Naruto was very cooperative after he learned this was like training...


"Try swiping the board in front of your hand but stand three feet away so your hand can't touch it." Lily said, holding a wooden plank that was supposed to go on the dresser.

"Okay!" Naruto stuck out his hand and swiped an imaginary broad in front of him. To his surprise a white line appeared where his hand had been and cut through the board three feet away from him.

"Wow! It worked!" Naruto did a little victory dance while Lily giggled.



"Well we need to meet Tsunade about your team now..." Naruto said.

"Okay!" Lily said dropping some 'underwear' in the last drawer.

Naruto walked Lily to the hokage tower and opened in the front door. Every one in Konoha that he considered a friend was there... This can't be good...

"Ah... Naruto I was just about to summon you and Lily... We have decided to have Lily go against two chuunin, one jounin and if she wants an ANBU, these will be held in one on one battles. Is that fine with you?" Tsunade was trying to find Lily amongst the crowd but she didn't see her.

"Yeah that's alright!" Lily was on the ceiling so Tsunade just about hit her head when she went by that spot.

"Why are you up there?" Tsunade asked as every one else who hadn't met her yet wandered... Who is this person? And what dose she have to with Naruto? On the other hand every who had met her thought... Great another trouble maker...

"It was crowded down there and up here there's actually room to think!" Lily said doing a cartwheel on the ceiling. Than Lily flipped to facing Tsunade.

"Okay... Well Naruto tomorrow at noon bring Lily to the training grounds. Lily I still have yet to choose your team these, people in here are all part of teams that need an extra person so get yourselves acquainted mean while Iruka I'm finished with you. But me and Jiraiya have some unfinished business. DISMISSED!" She called as every one scrambled for the door's, Naruto did notice that Kurenai wasn't there.

"Hey Naruto how have you been? And who's the hottie you came in with?" Said Kiba meeting Akamaru out side.

Naruto became very angry but he had no idea why... "Kit calm your self he's a friend all he did was call Lily my only niece a hottie... KILL HIM!" The fox called in his head.

" Look who's worked up now!" Naruto chanted in his head.

"Kiba, she's my cousin... Uzumaki, Lily and besides I think she likes Gaara... Do you really think it wise messing with Gaara's girl?" Naruto said in a dangerous tone.

"Oh, well just friend than... Hinata was about to tell us about the mission she just went on. I'm guessing that she was the one you went to pick up?" Kiba said now joined by Shino, Neji, Lee, Gai, Kakashi, Iruka, Shikamaru and Choji. The girls all strode ahead introducing Lily to Ino and such. Boy I wish I was over there instead of being interrogated. "Where's Yamoto and Sai any way's?" Naruto said changing the subject.

"Who are they?" Iruka asked.

"New parts of our squad... They;re with the girls over there... Yamoto wants to interrogate Lily, to make sure she's not a monst-" Kakashi didn't finish his sentence because he just realized Naruto getting very tense and stopping in his tracks. That and the fact Shino some how got bugs to gag him through his mask.

"Hey Kakashi can I talk to you for a minute... We'll meet the rest of you at Ichiraku." Naruto said dragging Kakashi into an ally.

"Kakashi, Lily is my cousin and she's a half wolf part fox demon and I'm apparently part fox demon to, the forth hokage was my father, Kyuubi is my great uncle, The forth hokages's mom my grandma is a demon and Lily's mother's a demon, Lily's brother is the leader of the akatsuki, Lily has killed more than one thousand people probably, her village tortured her to do it, she runs an orphanage and Lily's also a jinchuuriki to the most powerful demon in all the land and it's also her grandfather. And she's the keeper of light -whatever that means-!" Naruto shouted at the top of his lungs. Of course little did he know that there was more than two people in that dark ally... And they all just heard him loud and clear...


"Sir there have been reports of a ranting sound through out the village. And we can't find the source!" A messenger called.

"Eh, it's okay... As long as no one's hurt than people can scream all they want." Gaara said.

Wow, this is so boring... I miss having Naruto around he makes every thing interesting well, the chuunin exams are held here this year though, I'm sure he'll be there... I can't believe he's still a genin! Maybe Lily will be there too... Well I have to start signing evil paper work! I wander if I could tell Temari that I have paperworkillness? I can try! Or I could dissolve it with my sand... Ooo That I like!

"Kazekage strange reports have been coming in about six ninja going to the Earth

country. One of them seems to have the same description of Uchiha, Sasuke! The other members are unknown... They appear to be at least S-class ninja, they were last seen leaving one of Orochimaru's old hide outs." Kankurou said calmly opening the door.

"We must send this information to Konoha, and have people track their currant location." Gaara said already writing a letter to the Hokage.


"What are you trying to say?" Kakashi said trying to calm Naruto down.

"She will not be interrogated!" Naruto said stubbornly.

"You do realize that every one just herd that even the people up there watching

us... Which -if I'm not mistaken- includes Lily..." Kakashi said pointing upwards.

"Oh shoot!" Every one except Lily said, Lily hadn't even moved from the spot.

"A... I... Uh... Well... I think I'll turn in early... I'll find my way back be my self..." Lily said jumping from the awning she was standing on.

"Oh, great... Now how am I going to deal with this! Me and my obnoxious mouth..." Naruto said also walking away.

"Huh... I'm sure if they were your real friends they'll shout at your door the next morning and tell you that they don't care what you are. But you did rune it for your cousin. BAKA!"The fox called in his head.


"I don't under stand? Who's Kyuubi?" Lee asked.

"I'll explain!" A new comer came down it was Jiraiya...


Jiraiya explained every thing to the part Naruto was a jinchuuriki to the part where Kyuubi -the nine tailed buuji- was his great uncle. He didn't know much about how Lily fits in to this but he said that he also has been to Lily's village. "Well I've been to the village doing some 'research' on their Queen. I was just snooping around some secret passages when I did how ever see a girl while I was there, she was held in chains her skin was black... She looked to be about oh... seven at the time most likely. Their were two boys there both being whipped I do believe... The girl was crying out in pain...

I wanted to stop it but me being in a foreign country and saving some one who 'might' have done nothing well... Not good, but I watched as the girl finally gave out and I sensed major killer intent. I watched as she was sent some where and the two boys were let go. When they left I picked them up and asked the one that was -still- cousins where they lived. I dragged them there and them ran off to find the girl I found her in the middle of a battle field...

Or rather swamp, the ground was fool of rotting copses I swear there was a creek of blood. The girl stood there looking at me with really big eyes she started to shake and I noticed the girl had blood all over her, scares covered body and there were some arrows sticking out of her back... She decided to speak, she said and I quote...

"I-I... You, didn't ru-run! Ar-are you here t-to ki-kill me? If you are it wo-wont work... I al-already tr-tried. Drowning, flesh wounds, poison, putting spiders all over me... I guess you could try be-headedment?"

I was shocked I mean if I just killed that many people than I would maybe say a prayer, and then move on... So naturally I asked her name and crap... She didn't give me any useful answers...

"Where are Kai and David! A-Are they okay? If their not you might as well kill me now... I wont go with a fight... Or if you want t-to have the joy of having me scream and run and stuff I can do that to but if you wait to long I might kill you or so-something..."

Than I was close to tears... In all my life have I ever had a 'death wish', so I asked her why she would want to die at such a young age. She once again surprised me...

" I don't wa-want to cause any more pain to my bro-brothers... Every day they help take care of me an-and they help me wh-when pe-people in the street try t-to hu-hurt me... I-I just do-don't want th-them to waist away their lives loo-looking after m-me! I wander wh-why they do-don't ha-hate me? Every one else dose..."

Well I was close to slapping her but instead I knocked her out she fell like she knew it was coming and I brought her to the place where the two other boys were and they took care of her... I do believe that was Lily... And in addition, that day I peeked on the Queen and took a picture of her in her under wear and posted it on every building! I figured she deserved it... But I never did go back..." Jiraiya stopped to let them take that in.

"Well what do we do now..?" Kiba said as if it was the most difficult decision ever... And it was...

"Well Naruto's the same person, I mean we didn't know that before and it didn't matter so why should it matter now!" Hinata spoke up, every one was in shock.

"Well... I agree, you know I think we should give Lily a chance too, I mean... It didn't matter five seconds ago why should it now! And what's so bad about demons ya' know? We only hear that they're bad right? Well maybe they were just tricked or wanted revenge... And wouldn't we do the same if that's the case?" Neji said which was also astounding...

"I agree too!" Lee and Kiba perked up. And soon every one else followed suit, but strangely Iruka, Sakura, Kakashi and Gai disappeared...

"Let's get some sleep It's been a long night tomorrow we'll tell Naruto what our decision is..!" Ten Ten said yawning.


Since they already knew Naruto's secret and accepted him -even though they didn't know what half of Naruto said before they still accept him now- they let every one else decided on their own. "Well what about Lily? We still don't know if she's lying..." Iruka stated.

"Well we'll just have to see her memory using the 'Mind Transference jutsu' I think I can get Ino to do it... With out causing necessary damage to her mind. But we can't do it now Lily will probably be to stunned to allow any one in her mind..." Sakura said remembering Lily's pills.

"How about before she fights tomorrow?" Kakashi said pulling out his book.

"That'll work! Okay we'll meet her at the battle felid... Who is she facing again any way's?" Sakura added.

"Oh, I think Lee, Kiba, maybe you..., Neji, Yamoto, Sai or me they haven't decided yet really..." Kakashi said thoughtfully.

"Okay well I'm tired..." Iruka got down from his seat on a trash can in the opposite all from where he heard screams of 'I AGREE!' coming from the other students... I guess our time has passed... The next generation will go on now... Well now I can get a girl, the next step in life... Painful, enjoyable and utter havoc. Yep that's love for you!

Iruka returned to his home wandering how much Naruto had changed from the once 'raman loving. annoying, surprising, innocent and most hated ninja in the village', well he drifted to sleep seeing Naruto's smiling face to the one he just saw tonight storming off. Well one things for sure he'll never be sensitive around girls... I can always look forward to seeing Naruto being chased around by Sakura and ignoring Hinata's obvious crush on him I guess...He was now dreaming of Anko stomping his guts out... So much for peaceful sleep...


"You want me to do what to that poor girl!" Ino said looking at Sakura anger in her eyes she was just woken up at seven O'clock and was being asked to pry some poor girls mind by her arch rival and best friend. Nope she could feel it today was not going to be a good day...

"Well would you rather she kill us all -If she is indeed evil-!" Sakura said getting serious.

"Fine but she has to agree to it!" Ino said.

"I wasn't planning on kidnapping her..!" Sakura said stomping the ground, after all Sakura thought Lily was a nice girl... She would never hurt her on purpose...

"Okay, we should get going then, I'll get changed." Ino said stepping inside her room and shutting the door, She was back in five minutes with her ninja gear on.

"Well I still have a chance that I might fight her." Ino explained dragging Sakura out of her house.




"Come on in! The door wasn't even locked!" Naruto said putting the rest of his suit on.

"OKAY" Lee said opening the door to reveal his friends. But he noticed Sakura and Ino were knocking on Lily's door... But they didn't know that Lily was in shock did they and that she wouldn't open the door for a few hours... O shoot...

"Hey guy's thanks and every thing but you shouldn't do that Lily's room is locked a-" Naruto stopped he heard a sharp cling of metal around his neck and when it sounded every one stopped to see what made the heavenly noise in fact at the very moment Gaara also heard the same thing as his heart pendant dogged a flying kunai sent by his student.

"The key?" Naruto reached for the thing around his neck every one turned their heads to look at Naruto as if he were alien to them.

"That's right it can unlock any door!" Naruto stepped aside and unlocked the door Hinata and Sakura trying to stop him but it was to late he opened the door to find...

Lily was all black in her demon human form she only had her under wear on, but no one could really tell if she had anything else on or not because her tail was swing so much it was even hard to make out her face. She didn't notice the door was open until she heard giggling. She turned her head to see every one she had met in this village so far staring at her -besides the Hokage, Shizume and Jiraiya- the only thought running through her head was...


But she did some thing very unlikely for a girl to do... "Please shut the door, while I'm dressing." Lily continued dressing as if nothing had happened, Naruto closed the door slowly.

But just because Lily hadn't been so harsh didn't mean Sakura could forgive Naruto though... Or any of the other boys for that manner... Naruto looked terrified, the only thought going through his head was... I just let seven boys peep on my cousin in her demon form -not that you could see her... I think that counts as strike one on our trust... And Sakura is probably going to kill me... Today has not been a good day for me dealing with girls...

"Nice one! Baka, don't believe you just did that!" Kyuubi was giving him his version of punishment in his head while Sakura did the same thing out side his mind scape.

Needless to say Naruto was feeling like more of an idiot by the second. Lily finally got fully dressed and came out of her room locking the door.

"Well I'm ready for the interrogation thing let's get going..." Lily said turning her back to them looking out the balcony.

"Your going to interrogate her?" Naruto asked watching Lily's reaction,

"Naruto, would you like to come with us?" Lily said turning to face him. Naruto nodded and Ino and Sakura joined Lily at the balcony.

"Fine, let's go..." Lily said motioning for Sakura to lead the way.

"How did you know this was going to happen?" Sakura asked.

"I just know..." Lily smiled and Naruto noticed that her pendant was making a strange sound like his... But it's more of a, Chime...

The rest walked to where they would fight Lily. Tsunade was waiting for them there...

Meanwhile Ino lead them to an ANBU interrogation center...

"Okay we're here!" Ino said walking into a closed space.

"Fine let's just get this over with... Naruto are you going too?" Lily said.

"Huh?" Naruto got an 'I don't get it' face.

"Ino can take you with her... Into my mind are you going..?" Lily asked calmly.

"Okay..." Naruto simply shrugged it off and watched as Ino showed him some hand seals Naruto copied them "Mind transfer no jutsu!" and he felt as if he had just been punched in the gut...

They were in Lily's mind scape...

Ino gasped it was breath taking! They were in a forest clearing, a pond was in the middle of it. Lighting bugs were every where and a Giant Willow tree was beside the shore, it was the middle of the night apparently. A cresset moon was visible along with a few stars.

"Wow, Lily's mind scape is well... Wow..." Ino said capturing a lighting bug.

"Mind what?"

"Mind scape a place where your mind tries to calm itself down through pleasant

scenes and such... Yours is probably a raman stand..." Ino murmured the last part under her breath.

"Oh I get it!" Naruto said walking around.

"Well where are her memories than?" Naruto said tugging on a willow branch.

"Follow me... I'll show you..." A girl came out behind the tree.

"Lily?" Naruto asked looking at the girl, she looked exactly like Lily well but she

was... Transparent.

"Follow me please." The girl simply walked into the pond.

"Okay?" Naruto shrugged Ino followed her into the pond.

Naruto slipped into the water to find that it wasn't even cold, it was actually warm and... I-I'm breathing! Under water? Well I guess what ever you want right?

Naruto saw Ino trailing ahead of him simply walking on the sand at the bottom. Ino must have done this before! Naruto thought walking on the sand uneasily.

But Naruto soon saw Ino stop he guessed they were in the middle of the pond.

Their was a strange light beside Ino and the translucent Lily vanished. "Come on Naruto! We've got to go probe Lily's memories! Just step into the light!" Ino said waving her hand in front of his face.

"Right!" Naruto said facing the light. Here goes nothing! Naruto went into the white light and vanished along with Ino, the waters calmed in the pond once again...

It was white and then nothing... Naruto then saw a picture come to life before his eyes there was a woman with a sword standing over him a smirk on her face. For some reason though he was shaking and he felt pain all over him self, he screamed but it wasn't his voice but one of a little child's. The woman instantly lunged the sword right at him he tried to move but couldn't the sword the woman carried fell through his arm.

The woman's black hair was around him ha could feel her breath shakily and then he met with her eyes... They were pure black, almost as though her eyes were swallowing you in darkness. He screamed although he didn't want to... It's almost as if he weren't in my own body...

"You wretch get out of my sight and go back to the dark pit you crawled out of! Get out of my sight!" The woman screamed attempting to lung the sword into his flesh again but he ran out of the stone room gripping a wound in his stomached. He heard himself panting he was running, stumbling down a dark hall the only light coming from few torches. He could see a blinding light at the end of the hall. He ignored his wincing eyes and ran on he felt fresh air hit his face.

Two boy's were running toward him, they were both crying his feet were now moving as fast as they could. He ran into a bear hug by one of the boys... I know these two wait the consort Lily said she made her clones look like her... Brothers? Although these guy's must be like two... That means I'm... I mean Lily's two also... Wait this is Lily's memory! I'm seeing it through her eye's!

"Kia?" He heard him self say or was it Lily he couldn't tell anymore.

The red eyed blond hugging him nodded and broke the hug then he turned his head there was a boy with brown hair and green eyes...

"David?" He asked.

"Yeah, Lil we're her' fer ya... Com on let's get back to the'r Orphanage." The boy said he nodded. But then it all went black...

Naruto was back under water with Ino, she was crying... Naruto was about to ask what happened but Ino spoke first...

"I-I saw blood... Every wh-where... I wa-was in the middle of it... I-I just I was covered in it... I was tryong to kill my self... But then it a-all went bl-black I thou-thought I was dead... What di-did you see?" Ino said through crying gasps.

"I saw a woman torturing me, er... Lily and she threw her out and she found her brothers out side. Are you okay?" Naruto said.

"Can't we skip to th-the one's we ha-have t-to see?" Ino chocked out.

"Yes..." The translucent Lily appeared beside Ino, she touched the light and their was another white flash, than he was staring at the same woman only now he was taller than the woman, he was older and could see blood and golden hair floating in front of his face.

It looked like the same room he was in before. Only he could now see that there were others guarding the door and chains were hanging off the wall opposite him supposedly the same ones he was tied up with. The woman now had a table full of dangerous weapons, too torture him most likely. The woman was wearing a very fine dress, it was red and had gold trimming on the bottom. Her hair was in a bun and she had the same manic grin on her face.

"Well, you want to go to this village and you even have permission! Well don't worry... You can go as soon as your done with this war! And just to remember me... I'll give you a scare one that even you can't heal... A mental scare... Would you like to relive your parents deaths? And David's parents deaths? Because you feel guilty! Or maybe it's enough that your brothers lives have been lost and that it's also your fault!" The Woman took a Scythe looking thing from the table and silted it across his chest. Naruto could feel himself shaking and crying guilt panging at his soul, yet he had nothing to be guilty about... Than every thing went black as he felt the woman tear out his throat.

He was in his own body and Sakura's worried face was above him Ino was in the same state he was... They were both trembling, but Ino soon collapsed Naruto looked at Lily who was walking over to him as Sakura was taking care of Ino...

No words were spoken they just stared as tears started to form in Lily's eyes, she turned away before any got out and stood against the wall waiting to leave...


Kia and David reached the village within the next day they just booked a hotel and now they were to begin their search...

So far there were no reports of the jinchuuriki being in the area, or any missing ninja. So Kia and David kept their eyes out for any one suspicious... And for some cheap food and ninja tools...

"David look it's a music shop!" Kia said parading down the street and stopping at a sign that read 'Music Emporium'. Kia saw a pair of drum sticks and a guitar and immediately ran in knocking over a few innocent people. David only needed to see the word 'key' before he was almost drooling over a new electric piano.

"Wow, these are awesome! It would be good to get some new instruments... And we have saved allot of money so why not?" Kia said doing the same puppy dog pout that Lily used on Naruto.

"Fine..." David said giving in. Kia chose a guitar with painted flames on the bottom and black covering the rest of it. His drum sticks were regular birch wood. David choose a key board with green lines out lining the keys and different buttons.

"Now we can do our special jutsu..." Kia said sneering.

What dose Kia mean when he says 'special' jutsu? Who will Lily face in the up coming matches? What of this new power Naruto has acquired? What about the pairings? Will I update quicker next time? Will I ever get more fan art up-Yes I will!- Find out the rest in Chapter Ten!

I'll have fighting in the next chapter! Don't worry if this chapter was so confusing I'll explain more of the -Blood Line- later wait I'll just do it now!

Okay each demon has a element they control! Like Kyuubi has fire, Lily water, wolf darkness -ice- and Naruto wind. Now it all matters on the individual on witch element they get. This element will not just defend you automatically though, you'd have to think about what you want it to do before it dose it. Mostly by body movement but Lily is so advanced she doesn't need it! Do you under stand all that? If not tell me so I can make it more understandable! -By the way I answer all reviews so if you didn't get a response you weren't logged in!-

Kia, Lily and soon David will all be up on my homepage!! Thanks to all reveiwers!!!!!!!!!!!!

Uchiha Madara
ch 8, anon. this story gets better and better, and whats the Uzumaki blood trait?

ch 8, reply good chappie i go with sakuxsasuk

ch 7, reply i dont get it...well just keep on updating!

ch 1, reply good with the clover

Uchiha Madara
ch 6, anon. yet another good chapter :D

Uchiha Madara
ch 5, anon. this is a realy good story it would fit in with the actual naruto storyline can wait till the next chapter:)

ch 3, reply Another interesting chapter! A request, that you put your stories through spell check, PLEASE! I can figure out what you're saying most of the time, but sometimes it just makes it really hard to understand what you're trying to say.

I like the little Rock Lee, and am interested to find out more about the Uzamaki blood trait! What is his?

ch 2, reply I like how you show the thoughts of each character. It is a little hard to follow with whose thoughts are whose though. And I think you write his name as Sai, not Sia. Anyway, good chapter!

ch 1, reply Hee. Nice start. I liked how Gaara was calm as he told Kankurou to let in the she-wolf, and how Naruto thought, "I have a cousin . . . no a dying cousin" yes, it's sad, but the way you wrote it was funny.

Uchiha Madara
ch 1, anon. This is the best can't wait until chapter 2

fred finch
ch 3, anon. this is a great story i cant wait till the next chapter

ch 3, reply
GOOD STORY! continue soon, but take your time as well :


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