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Chapter 11 - Round Two

What if Naruto had a cousin -Lily? What if Sasuke has her brothers? What will Naruto do to help Lily get them back? Or will their be a broken promise along the way?

Chapter 11 - Round Two

Chapter 11 - Round Two


No Such Thing as Home

Chapter 11

Round Two


"Kakashi will you be Lily's next challenger? I'd use Yamoto but he's on crowd control, and Neji is a new Jounin so you'll be her elite Jounin challenger... Well you better get going it's gunna start in a minute..." Tsunade said after he gave her a status report on the match.

"Shouldn't we give her a break? I mean that's four matches in a row..."

"Did she look tiered to you?"

"No, she looked like she was holding back..."

"I get it your... Scared! Scared of a fourteen year old girl who just got of a hospital."

"A girl who should have died in that hospital! She has weird demonic powers!"

"But she didn't even use any of them yet..."

"Fine good point... But I better put my books away they might get damaged..."

"Kakashi just so you know... Her power is exactly like a bloodline limit... It's her birth right, and if you think it's not her own, then you should call using your eye cheating. Think how long it took you to master it... Well she has mastered her powers, trained just as hard, and been through worse circumstances then you!"

"Your right, It's her power... Bye!" And with that he left...

"Sorry I'm late! Wait who is this girl where's Lily?" He looked around the field but all he saw was a strangely colored girl and Ino and Sakura.

"I'm Lily... And your Kakashi?" She said waving.

"Yeah... Okay then... Well this should be exciting..." Kakashi murmured under his breath.

They walked to the middle and shook hands, they stood back and Sakura shouted. "Ready?"


They jumped back and Lily took immediate action and drew her scythe, Kakashi landed in a tree and picked out a kunai preparing for the attack. Lily rushed foreword her black form barley visible, Kakashi felt an icy chill rush past him and he jumped up once more. Lily missing Kakashi was where he was sitting not a moment ago. She jumped back down and circled the tree once before disappearing. Kakashi looked about for the attack he knew was coming. Then Kakashi saw Lily in the sky falling head first strait at him.

He jumped back down to find a second Lily waiting for him there. Shadow clone? Was she expecting to doge that attack? Or was it an attack in the first place? He sliced the shadow clones neck openly and searched for the falling Lily. She was no where to be found, and slowly he heard gasps from the crowd he turned to find that the second Lily did not disappear... Blood was dribbling down her neck, but the wound that he just bowled he knew, would have torn out her throat. But she was still standing and she wiped away the blood to find there was only a shallow cut.

"How?" Kakashi gasped.

"Well I dived and at the last moment changed direction, and you shoved a kunai into my neck. So I healed the wound, which I might add took a bit more chakra then I thought..." She said rubbing the place in irritation.

She attacked again and Kakashi dogged and thrust a kunai at her she jumped and avoided them easily, she toot out the blade of her scythe and thrusted it at him it got him in the shoulder. He pulled it out and stepped away. She flung it again but missed and Kakashi took the opportunity to do a few hand seals. "Chidori!" Kakashi cried and was surprised to see he hit a water clone in slowly melted away. Lily was on the other side of him panting heavily her scythe at her side, she calmed her self and swung at him again.

Lily's attack missed him and she repeatedly swung at him, he blocked all of her swings and swiped her feet. Lily jumped up and this time brought the scythe down on his shoulder. She backed up and waited for Kakashi to attack now. The cut on Kakashi's shoulder was light, and he was unnerved to find that she could have ended right there. Kakashi thought quickly and did a few hand seals. "Gokan Sakusou!" Lily staggered, her vision became blurry. She knew that this was an illusion and put hands together. "Kai!" Lily staggered again...

But soon she held out her scythe and stood back up into her full height. Kakashi regained his position too, this time Kakashi made the first move and uncovered his Sharingan, he surged foreword with shuriken in hand. None of them hit as Lily blocked them with another water shield. He tried copying her movements but failed as he could not see any that she had made, then he tried hypnotizing her, which still had no affect because she refused to meet his eyes. Dang! I mean I expected her to be good... But this is ridiculous! I mean she shouldn't have ever seen this Technique! Unless she's met Itachi... Okay that might of been... Well I'll try getting under neith her... I mean that water shield can't protect her under there? Can it?

Kakashi made a shadow clone dig a small hole under nieth a near by tree as he preoccupied Lily. He brought out all forms of Taijutsu he knew which he had to admit was allot. She had blocked most and some times managing to get a hit in her self. But Kakashi had not given up quite yet, he used Gai's Dynamic entry and hit her in the gut she landed right beneath the hole.

Lily jolted upward as Kakashi's clone used 'Chidori' to punch strait through her left lung. He let go and let her fall to her knees, she coughed some blood on the ground. The clone dissapeared and the real Kakashi stood gaping. I didn't mean to take it that far... I hope she'll survive that...

Lily staggered up ward and smiled and gasped and. "Well it looks like you got me... Well I give up!" She walked out of the arena and ran off into the woods. The crowd left and Sakura was on the brink of hitting Kakashi...

Naruto started chasing Lily through the forest Kakashi followed him. "Naruto I didn't mean to..." Kakashi started but Naruto interrupted him.

"It's fine I'll go fetch her... You should go back and get checked up... It looks like you might have broken a few bones..." Naruto said moving on Kakashi stood still then steadily headed backwards.


"Had enough fun?" Okami shouted inside Lily's head.

"Yeah... I could have dogged all those attacks but you know... was afraid I was going to loose control if I staid in the battle, and with all those people there..." Lily was panting against a tree deep in the forest. Midnight laid over her, Lily scratched her ears

"But why did you run away after such heavy damage? Unless you wanted too get rid of all your built up chakra..."

"Yep... Er! This thing hurts!" Lily said clutching her side. "But... Compared to the Queen, that 'Chidori' was a message!"

"Well Naruto's coming to see if your okay I can feel his presence now..."

"Me too... Well this isn't really a pretty sight to walk in on though is it... I suppose I could talk to him though! That would take my mind off the pain..." Lily heard foot steps and then Naruto's face rounded the trunk of a great beech tree.

"Hey are you okay? You took a bad hit back there..." Naruto said sitting beside her.

"Nah! I'm fine! I'll be back to normal in an hour!" Lily said smiling.

"Well maybe I should take you back to the apartment..." Naruto said trying to think of what Sakura would in this situation...

"Okay! That's a good idea! It's probably much more comfortable there..." Lily said getting up, Midnight purring loudly, helped her.

"Are you sure you can stand?" Naruto asked wirily.

"Yes I'm sure..." Lily said stumbling over a tree root.

Naruto helped Lily to her apartment, and talked to her about the match and it was kind of unfair that Tsunade made her challenge all those people with only ten minute breaks. Naruto was just asking Lily why she fell for Kakashi's trap when there was a knock on the door. Naruto opened the door for Lily, Kakashi stood in the door way. "Ah... May I came in?"

"Yes! Go ahead!" Lily said sitting up in her bed.

"I'm sorry I almost killed you... I thought you were going to doge it but instead you just stood there why?" Kakashi sat in a chair by her bed while Naruto sat on the edge of her bed.

"I just wanted to end it... I'm fine though! That was a very nice attack I must say!" Lily said smiling.

"Oh okay... But tell me something... Were you holding back?" Kakashi said leaning forward.

"A... Well if I didn't holding back then half the people in the stadium would be dead... So a yeah sorry... But most of my Justus are for mass killing... You know like turning little particles of water and then shooting them through people... And honestly I don't think that even I could block them all. And if I put poison in them oh, that would be very fatal..." Lily said shivering at the thought.

"Ah... I see, well in that case I'm thankful you held back..." Kakashi said.

"But I do have to admit... If I would have had another battle like that I would have been defeated through exhaustion!" Lily said smiling.


Lily, Naruto and Kakashi went back to Tsunade's to ask for her rank and team. Tsunade made Lily a Jounin and temporary replacement for Kurenai and after that would be a replacement for other squads missing ninjas. Lily was pleased with her self, she'd meet lots of people by switching teams and such.

Naruto and Lily walked to the apartment and since it was only six decided to get some dinner and then get preparations ready for the ceremony. "Hey, where are we going to eat anyways?"

"The place that we tried to go to last night... Iruka said he'd meet us there, he wants to congratulate you on your match!"

"Oh... That's nice of him..." Lily said with little enthusiasm.

"Anosa what's wrong? I mean isn't that a good thing?"

"Oh, nothing it just... Never mind it's a very nice thing to do!" Lily said waving an impatient hand.

"Hey there's the place!" Naruto said pointing at a little restaurant, with red curtains. Iruka was waiting inside for them, he was holding a brown box, it looked like something you get in the mail.

"Hey Naruto! You must be Lily, I'm supposed to give you this." Iruka said holding out the brown package.

Lily took the box and opened it, inside it was a regulation headband. She took off the one on her foot and replaced it with he new one. Then she wrapped her arms around Naruto and Iruka in thanks. Both boys were bewildered, of course Naruto completely forgot that when he got his head band he hugged Iruka too.

"Thank you!" Lily said letting them go.

"A... Well Tsunade figured that you wouldn't want your Chunin vest but if you do I have that here too. And a er... Your welcome..?" Iruka said striating himself.

"Nope, I don't where vests..."

They all ate and departed, Lily and Naruto went to the apartment, Lily gathered some ink and candles from her room and arranged them. Naruto sat in the middle, Naruto and Lily even had markings on them selves. Lily turned out all the lights, about nine she was done and the only light came from the candles around them. Naruto had to take off his shirt in order Lily to put marking around his seal. Lily herself was wearing a deep cut shirt to keep the ink on her seal from drying.

"Done! Okay now you and me have to stand in the center... I should warn you... On my birthday I'll have two tails and you have to go through this process in order to keep from having a mass explosion of power... Now depending on how the seal is made, you might accidentally get all of your tails right now... And that would be very painful, and since I'm in the circle to the same will happen to me." Lily said starting the sequence of hand signs.

"Now copy me... Goat, Ox, Monkey, Dragon, Wolf, Fox!" Lily and Naruto shouted the last word. A strange glow, came from the two their eye's and mouths were pouring out light. The candles seemed mere shadows of the light radiating from the two.

Mean while Naruto and Lily were in the prison where the fox and wolf were waiting for them. Lily and Naruto walked over to their demons and went into their rightful cages. Naruto felt very uneasy but reluctantly allowed the fox -in his human form- to grab his hands. Naruto saw red chakra flowing from the fox now surrounding him too. He felt a sudden jolt of pain as his skin burned and then he looked at his hands they were dark red, and another jolt of pain came from behind him. There was two tails. Lily must have done the seal wrong... Naruto thought.

Lily came into view Okami -wolf- with her, they were both sitting indian style on the floor, holding hands. Lily looked at Naruto. "Yep I did the seal wrong, to many candles... You know I could get out of this circle but unluckily... If I got out you'd be in so much pain you might go into shock... Your lucky though I didn't have the pleasure of having another demon here. Trust me it helps allot!" Lily said winking.

"When will this be done?" Naruto said thru gritted teeth, he didn't know how she could have stood this pain with that calm a face.

"Oh, about five minutes... I'd say..." Okami said in his usual growl.

Naruto had another sprout of pain as his hair changed from blond to black. More pain came from behind him it was the worst yet, he howled. Nine tails were behind him now... They all looked like long tendrils of fire. His teeth and nails grew to be white fangs and claws. He looked at Lily who had ten massive tails behind her, she got up and the chamber lightened, she helped Naruto up.

"Well that's over with... You okay kid?" Kyuubi said stretching upward.

"I'm fine, just dizzy..." He stumbled out of the bars where the Kyuubi was.

"Well we'd better get back to our selves and hope no one herd you scream... Other wise I'm afraid they may attack you..." Lily disappeared and with her so did the dungeon and suddenly he was back in his own room. Hinata and Neji were both crouching over him with few kunai.



Hinata woke up with a start, she thought she herd some one- "Ahhhh!" Hinata looked out here window there was a light on in Naruto's apartment where she would sometimes watch him. She got up careful not to wake anyone and went to the front door. She turned the handle but stopped as a figure put it's hand over hers to stop her. "N-Neji-ni-san!" Hinata said backing up.

"What are you doing?" Neji said calmly letting go of her hand and crossing his arms.

"I-I herd sc-screaming... And th-there was a-a stran-strange light on at N-N-Naruto's hou-house... So I-I thought I-I sh-should go an-and see if he wa-was okay..." Hinata said trembling all over.

"Well I'll go with you then... Just incase it's the Akatsuki." Neji said and with that they left. they now were in Naruto's apartment, where Lily in her demon form and another demon lay, both were unconscious.

"What d-do you th-think hap-happened here?" Hinata whispered quietly.

"Naruto and a few other guys must 'ave had a fight and Lily came over and knocked this one out while the others took Naruto... But Lily looks different too... I mean I didn't think she had ten tails... And what's with all this candles and markings? There are some on this gut and Lily too... Maybe he was an old friend of Lily's and came to help Naruto and both were caught in this pentacle...I don't know I mean neither has any sign of... damage but, I'm not sure Hinata you go check Lily and I'll check this guy..." Neji said putting two fingers on the side of his neck. But the gut was stirring and Neji backed up. he pulled kunai out of his pouch ready to pounce.

"Who are you?" Neji said as Hinata backed up from Lily to see the boy.

"Neji? Hinata? What are you doing here?" The boy said. His eyes remind me of Naruto's but he wasn't Naruto... Is he... More like was he? Neji thought.

"Who are you? How do you know us? And Where is Uzumaki, Naruto?" Neji said his kunai now next to the boy's throat.

"Huh? I'm Naruto! And I've known you since the chunin exams!" The boy said heatedly, he looked down at his dark blood red skin and let out a gasp. he started looking at his nails and hair to then a look of shock was on his face. He felt his pointed ears and teeth he then had a look of realization. He looked at Lily and shoved back Neji's blade, who found that didn't care. Lily was sitting up still in her demon form.

"Hey Neji, Hinata I'm sorry you must have herd Naruto's screech... Well don't worry! I'll have'm back to normal in a few seconds." Lily said smiling clumsily.

She tapped the boy and it looked as though his skin caught fire and burned off all his strange features so that Naruto now sat before them dumbfounded.

"Yeah were okay I'll need to talk to Naruto before we go to bed... Um could you just forget you saw this..?" Lily said helping Naruto -still dumbfounded- to his feet. Hinata just stood there nervous, Neji shook his head in disbelief.

"A... A... sure but are you two okay..?" Neji said helping Naruto into a chair.

"Yeah he's just in shock! I was too but I do have to admit I got over it rather quickly. Um... I suppose you want to know what happened?" Lily said smiling nervously.

"Yes... That would be nice... We won't tell though, if it's a family thing..." Neji said sitting down on in a chair.

"A well let's put it this way... Naruto is more of a half demon now and I'm a... Well a full demon... With human chactoristics..." Lily said Naruto seemed to be listening to.

"Okay... Well let's go back Hinata..." Neji said going through the door.

"Thanks for caring!" Lily called from down the hall. Neji walked on still trying to save the half demon form of Naruto in his mind.


"Well, Naruto I'm going to teach you one thing before we hit the hay okay?" Lily said walking over to him and sitting on his bed.

"Okay what?" Naruto said hazardously.

"How to change from and to your demon form..." Lily said seriously.


"When you want to turn into your demon form just think about the Kyuubi's face and then think about a red fire..." Lily broke off as Naruto erupted into flame and then was back in his demon form.

"Okay to turn back think of your self... Your favorite color, your elemental wind, your eyes, a memory or friends. Personally I think eyes are the best way to transform." Lily said turning back her human form.

"Now sometimes at night when you dream you'll find that you sometimes turn into your demon form... So check your mirror every day to make sure your not in your demon form..." Lily said yawning and walking out the door, but then trailed back in and kissed Naruto on the forehead and said.

"Good night..." and shut the door. Naruto laid down on his bed already asleep.

Lily walked back to her own room and slept curled up on her bed, dreaming about her brothers and the way she kissed them good night. I'm begging to think that Naruto is just like my brothers...


"We only have one more week! And still no sing of Lily... Maybe I could send a letter to this Naruto person... I could try the orphanage but I don't know where it is anymore... I completely forget! I think I'll try a summons..." Kai said pulling a scroll from his pocket. David sighed heavily.

"I told you you should have tried it!" David said getting out his own summons.

Both boys cut their thumbs and smeared it over the parchment and in a whirl of smoke Two animals stood before them. One a stag with massive antlers standing next to David and was just about his height, and a falcon about three feet perched on Kai's arm.

"Shadow! It's been a long time! Hey have you seen Lily at all?" Kai said petting the falcon affectingly.

"Yes I looked after her along with Midnight and -he pointed his beak at the stag- Thunder... I even know where she is at the moment... Why have you not summoned me before this we were all worried... Lily wouldn't eat anything for about three weeks... She didn't take your going missing very good... She blames herself, but she's with your cousin in Konoha. His name is Uzumaki, Naruto, he's allot like you two but not to smart... Lily started her ceremony last year... From what I've heard last night she now has all her tails... Where have you been?" The bird had a very deep voice. But the bird didn't seem to see Kai was too happy to hear of new of his sister to answer the last question.

"We were in a prison... Is Lily okay? Why did the queen let her go?" David said to Thunder -the stag.

"Well the queen thought she was getting out of hand... And Lily was in the hospital after killing off a hundred people after she already went into her demonic form and killed three hundred. The Queen said she could go only if she went this last war but the Queen 'forgot' to mention that this war was against two countries..." The stag said in a gruff voice.

"Was she okay!?" David and Kai said turning to the stag.

"She is now... Midnight carried her to a sand village... She would have died if she had been a few hours later.. She met a... Another jinchuuriki there... His name was Gaara and he has no family name... He is their Kazekage -leader- and Midnight said she... Well Lily went on a... a kind of date with him... and Gaara and Naruto are now keepers." The stag said waiting for the explosion...

"LILY WENT ON A DATE!" David said after a few minutes but Kai merely smiled.

"Is this 'Gaara' a nice guy?" Kai said calmly.

"You don't care that she's going out with a guy?" David said rounding on KAi now.

"Nope I'm happy for her! I mean I thought she'd never get a date! And now I can get one... Hehe!" Kai said in a mischievous grin.

"Well from what I've seen of him he's very nice... Red hair, blue eyes, nice face... Although there were rumors that he killed people for fun on accident... I'm not sure what they meant it had something to do with Shukaku..." Thunder said.

"Well Shadow give Lily a message for me okay... Tell her I'll be in the earth country for one week and that I'm with Uchiha, Sasuke..." Kai said letting the bird fly off his hand.

"Thunder, I want you to make sure that our sent can be tracked... Okay?" The stag nodded.


Well there goes another chapter... Yeah remember you still have pairing votes! Well I still have no idea who Kai and David are gunna date but I'll worry about that later... I will be gone this week at camp so no updates... I know I left you a cliff hanger but oh well... I might slip a chapter If I'm bored but I don't know...

My birthday is in two weeks about! The 21st!

I'm so happy so I'll have about two more chapters I think so that's my birthday gift to you!

What will happen to Lily when she get that note? -you know if you read the manga though- Will Naruto be stronger? Will Lily get to the earth country in time? Or will someone else find them first? Find out in Chapter Twelve! -There will be Akatsuki insight in the next chapter...-



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