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Chapter 13 - Face Down of The Siblings

What if Naruto had a cousin -Lily? What if Sasuke has her brothers? What will Naruto do to help Lily get them back? Or will their be a broken promise along the way?

Chapter 13 - Face Down of The Siblings

Chapter 13 - Face Down of The Siblings

No Such Thing as Home

Chapter 13

Face Down of the Siblings


"I sense them, Juggo and Karin take the wolf and the dog I'll hold the first two, we'll wait for the two brats to come. If they don't then we just knock them out; after all we don't want to kill them. I think I'll have some fun with the wolf’s owner, especially if it's a girl. I haven't had time to play for a long time, I hope this is good." Suigetsu licked his lips and the lust in eyes seemed more apparent then before.

"Calm down here comes the wolf..."


"There! Can you see him?" Lily asked stopping to peer through a few trees. Lily pointed at two men fighting in the distance; they’re shouts carried past them. One on them held a chidory in his hand, Sasuke...

"I see 'im!" Naruto said leaping on now in faster and more confident speeds.

“Don’t go one step further; or I’ll have to take the life of this wolf here.” A man rose out of the forest, he carried with him Midnight, who was trying to break free of his grasp. Akamaru whined in the distance, and Kiba ran off in search of him.

"No Kiba wa-" Lily broke off as her arm, out stretched, and was thrusted back. She looked at the man again; he snickered and held Midnight closer as she snarled.

"Wha'd we tell ya? No further or the wolf gets it. I'll let you go this time but next time Juggo 'ill have ta snap it's neck open." Another Man's voice filled the air around them; Kai and David wrestled for their Kunai hidden in their pockets.

"Ah Kai and David, we was wondering where you got off. This must be your lil sis, how cute..." The man named Juggo turned to look at Kai and David, as if just noticing they were there. Another man appeared, though he had white hair and pointed teeth but rather skinny compared to his companion. He stepped closer to Lily, he walked around her as if checking a valuable item and seeing if it was worth what it cost.

"Get away from me you creep!" Lily said shaking with anger, if she moved Midnight would die or kill the man. On the other hand this Perv was checking her out, and that brought back painful memories of the Queen's children. When she was beaten, it was they who touched her in the wrong places and laughed at her helpless state. And the Queen laughed with them, Lily remembered one night when her brothers saw this they charged at them and saved her of that torment -they killed one of the Queen's sons that night. That's what got them into the mission where they disappeared.

"Get away from her, Suigetsu, we out number and out class you! I don't wont to kill you but if you touch my sister you'll be sorry!" David said taking out Shuriken and an arrow from his back; Lily gritted her teeth too.

"Oh, dear we are out numbered aren't we? Well at least I know where not out classed after all, you're all so young and, untrained..." Suigetsu took Lily's hair and pulled it up, he traced a finger around her neck and slowly up to her cheek. Lily kicked furiously and Suigetsu laughed throwing her to the ground. She scrambled back up, trying to calm herself, his touch was icy cold -even more then my own... Lily thought as David's arrow struck Suigetsu's arm. But to their surprise his skin turned to water and the arrow fell though.

Every one else concentrated on Juggo and a woman with red hair. Juggo had dropped Midnight and Akamaru and Kiba was now there too. Lily sighed in relief. At least she could move without hesitation now. She pulled put her Scythe, and Ice quickly formed on the edge of it.

"Ah, not one for playing games? Now, now that's a shame! You were a pretty one; I assure you that if you have a boyfriend I'll gladly tell him who your killer was." He smiled revealing all his teeth, his back hunched over and hands were together as though he were just about to get a tasty treat.

"Well I'll assure you that I'll tell your mother what happened to you after she sees your shreds. For surely no woman would date the likes of you, with your crude behavior and devilish stare." Lily retorted smugly and gave him a disapproving look.

"Oh yeah we'll see who gets torn to shreds!" He started for her, launching his teeth at her throat. Lily grinned and brought up her scythe, his teeth latched on to it, and she threw him off, cutting his arm in process. But his smile only widened with lust, this time he was quicker and caught her off guard when he disappeared behind her. His fangs dug into her shoulder, his arms clamped Lily's to her body and his claws dug painfully into her ribs. Lily struggled against him, finally making Siugetsu's claws scrape their captive free. Kai's sword lunged at him next and wedged itself between his shoulder blade. With a sickening crack, his arm went limp, and blood covered Kai's sword.

Lily's wounds were already scabs and her scythe's blade changed into a double-edged javelin. Kai pulled out his sword just in time to miss Lily's attack, she jumped in the air twisting and spinning the javelin in her hand till she was right above Siugetsu's head. Lily's javelin dug through his back leaving a red line down his spine. But he took no notice and instead, he turned to water and merely reformed.


Sasuke wasn't tired from the fight with Dediedra; no on the other hand he was invigorated. He rushed past the woods not wanting to wait for his next fight. He sensed a clone tailing him and smirked at the challenge. Of course he knew whose clone it was, and that made it all the more fun, he couldn't wait to outwit the dumbass. He sneaked through trees and took what ever paths he could to escape the pest, but Naruto was persistent in his pursuit and Sasuke was growing impatient.

Soon Sasuke picked up another chakra signature behind him, this time he recognized that he was near the Akatsuki cave. He realized that this time it must be an Akatsuki member, so he stopped and listened. He turned his Sharingan on and out of the corner he saw Tobi, Dediedra's partner who abandoned Dediedra. That coward dare show his face? Well maybe he's like Naruto, stupid. But at least Naruto's brave, and is working for a good cause... Sasuke hung his head as he remembered the smiling blond idiot.

"Stop it! You left that behind! They were too weak, they restricted your growth, and you would never have beaten him like that!" A voice growled form inside him. This voice was the result of Orochimaru's influence, but Sasuke didn't know that, to him it was just another piece of logic his mind offered him. And he abandoned all other guilty feeling and fed off the voice's ideas and excuses. Like right now...

"Yes right, I left that behind." He squinted into the distance Naruto was coming faster now he must have caught his sent.

Tobi stood in front of him, he appeared out of nowhere, and smiled villainously at Sasuke who only smirked and dove at him with his sword. Tobi dodged the attack without effort, and countered by kicking Sasuke's arm sending him backward a few feet. But it hardly fazed Sasuke and he only smirked in delight at the challenge.

"That the best you got?"

"Not even close, not even... " Tobi moved again with the same speed and managed to find an opening, but was blocked by a one Naruto Uzimaki...


"Naruto we can handle these guys! Go find Sasuke, hurry! We'll came A.S.A.P." Sakura yelled, over the Shino's buzzing bugs.

"A..." Naruto looked around, Lily and her brothers were with a weird shark guy, no doubt Lily was holding back. And Shino, Kiba, and Hinata had the tall orange/red haired man, who had captured Akamaru and Midnight before, they were faring well. And Naruto’s own squad plus Yamoto battled a strange woman with red hair and glasses. "Okay, but I'll wear my short ranged radio incase."

"Okay just go!"

Naruto ran, seeking his extra clone that was tailing Sasuke, the clone had apparently found Sasuke and was watching him battle an Akatsuki member. If he remembered correctly his name began with a T, Tommy or something...

Naruto hurried, to find the spot where his clone was, and got there just in the nick of time. Tobi was just about to slit Sasuke's throat; Naruto ran foreword panting hard from all the running. He blocked the attack and smiled at a dumbstruck Sasuke.


"Let Midnight and Akamaru go!" A pink haired kunochie yelled at him.

"Hm... Okay, Karin let the dog go to its master." Juggo let the wolf down and jumped back before he was scratched wit it's claws.

"Naruto we can handle this..." The pink haired girl spoke to a yellowed haired ninja; he nodded and ran off. I'll let Sasuke deal with him, besides didn't he say to leave the yellowed haired one to him? Juggo only smiled and got in a fighting stance.

"Hm... I'll give you one warning, and that is that I'm going to try to kill you. So please come at me like your going to kill me other wise you'll die far to quickly." The two Jounin and the pink haired girl only smiled wider. Don't they know what I am? What I can do to them? Why aren't they flinching in fear? Why go this far? No one did that for me, Sasuke is far luckier then he knows... Juggo got stiff and let his cursed mark cover his body.

The two Jounin took their stances in front of the pink haired one. "What are your names?"



"You may call me Yamoto. What's yours?"

"Juggo..." Juggo announced releasing a clenched fist into Yamoto's stomache. He tuned into a log and disappeared above him, then Juggo felt a sharp tap where Yamoto must have thrown a senbon. Juggo's smile turned into a manic grin and he took the senbon out and smelled the blood coming off it, as if it empowered him.


"N-No way! Come on that is so unfair!" Kai said pointing with his lip. Lily looked at the reformed Suigetsu and didn't think it was unfair at all, Suigetsu was panting hard and his lustful smile transformed and became a grimous.

"Ah, I see I took you to lightly, my mistake, I shan't make another one though I promise you! But come on it is a little unfair that you have two of them helping you, why don't you just face me on your own and," His Lustful smile returned wider then ever. "show me your true power." Lily didn't flinch, she merely thought about the proposal. And yes it would be better that way; she wouldn't have to worry about hurting her brothers.

"Fine, if I'm unable to battle though Kai or David gets to step in and take my place. Not that I'll need my place taken, what do you say?"

"Agreed!" Suigetsu took out some kunai and flung them at Lily, she recovered and blocked them with an ice shield. Kai and David were fuming but walked away, David had his medical equipment set up just in case. Lily wished her brothers couldn't see her transform but she had no choice if she was gunna get this over with quick.

She felt the normal sensation of taking a cleansing bath and getting rid of her normal skin. She felt fangs growing and dagger like fingernails digging into her palm, letting the blood warm and red trickle down her fingers.

Lily was aware of her brother’s audible gasps and David's foot steps running up to her. She held out and a hand and the footsteps stopped, Kai took small steps toward her. "I'm okay, this is my 'transformation' from our grandpa..." Lily said as a tingling sensation came from behind her, she saw ten tails emerge from her back side. Kai jumped about a foot in the air and stopped and turned the other way as did David but they still didn't take their eyes off her.

"Lily, that's you name, if I'm not mistaken, what an inaccurate name. I would have called you, Nightshade, Eclipse maybe even Moon but Lily? Never, Lily's are bright and white but you are the exact opposite." He took out a long silver handle and ice grew up it making a sword the same way Lily made her scythe.

"Well my parents didn't exactly know I was going to be like this, so when I was born they thought I did look like a Lily. And then they named me Kathleen, do you know what that name means?" Lily said turning her javelin back into a scythe with a three-foot blade.

"Hm... Pure one, another name I would never use for you, my Shadow dear."

"Well you'll have to consult my parents about that one!" Lily charged forward this time so quick that Suigetsu could only see the grass move where she had stepped. He suddenly was flying backward then up ward then he was falling; Lily was waiting at the bottom. He felt his shoulders and left hip throb under the grass he fell on. Lily smiled and pulled him back up, this time he remembered his sword and met hers with the same speed.

Lily ducked and tried to swipe his feet but he jumped just in time to avoid being hit and to follow it up with a counter attack. But Lily rolled so she was now in the spot he was in, then she swung upward toward his face causing the pain to blind him. Lily took this chance to trip him into a tree, she saw a clearing up ahead and threw Suigetsu in the middle of it, leaving Kai and David behind in the forest.

Now, you'll be dead in minutes! Lily summoned water from the ground so it surrounded her and the rest of the area in tiny droplets. She breathed out a blue mist into the air and the droplets instantly turned to tiny pieces of diamond shaped ice. Lily's tails covered her body from the oncoming attack, then she shouted " Diamond rain!"

All the diamonds were pointing at Suigetsu and they dove for him. Lily heard his shriek along with thuds as the ice drops hit him. No one has ever survived this attack and Lily doubted Suigetsu would either. But just as she heard the last thud, she felt a blade push through her rib cage and into her heart. The blade was enveloped in black fire soon and disappeared leaving Lily defenseless.

"Get up! You do not need your new powers to defeat this one; he's already on the brink of death anyways!" Shouted Okami her head.

"Yah I know!" Lily said out loud, and she turned to see the sword still in her chest. When she saw the bloodied up, still grinning face of Suigetsu she decided that she wouldn't kill him.

"What aren't you going to kill me?"

"No, I'll let you live, but if we cross paths again I will not choose the same act of kindness."

"Now I see why you are called Lily or is it Kathleen? You have a spirit pure as any other... I'm glad you defeated me. I'm sure I wasn't the only one." Suigetsu collapsed and pulled the sword out of her back, making her breathing harder.

"Lily? Lily!" David and Kai's voices rang out in the forest that seemed to be swallowing her.


"Long time no see, getting a bit rusty are we?"

"This isn't your fight, now get out of my face!" Sasuke pushed Naruto out of the way and lunged at Tobi with his own sword. But Sasuke missed, and Tobi countered by sweeping his blade across the ground, causing Naruto and Sasuke to jump back.

"Hm... I'll take on my brother, Tobi you deal with the Nine Tails brat. I see you have improved, both of you, this will be very interesting eh, Sasuke? Naruto?" A voice spoke out of the bushes; Naruto turned around to see none other than Itachi.

"Fine, but where is Pain?" Tobi asked relaxing.

"Oh... He's having it out with his sensei, the Toad Hermit. So I heard and came to take his place for now." Itachi said walking closer to the two young ninjas.

So what's happening with that old Pervert anyways? Why haven't I updated more? What will happen with the Uchihas? And Juggo and Karin? Is Suigetsu evil? And when is Gaara going to use his powers? Find out is Chapter Fourteen!

Yes lots of Gaara and Sauske, a bit of Cage, and more action then I can count! If you think I tottaly stink at this whole action-fighting-drama thing tell me!

Than you to my reviewers! Where would I be without you? Well that would be in some random toilet going down a long unending drain.

Lily Uzimaki- REVIEW! I get like only one review a month and it's a bit depressing...  I don't write when I'm depressed as much as when I get like a million reviews.


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