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Chapter 14 - Out Numbered but Still Determined

What if Naruto had a cousin -Lily? What if Sasuke has her brothers? What will Naruto do to help Lily get them back? Or will their be a broken promise along the way?

Chapter 14 - Out Numbered but Still Determined

Chapter 14 - Out Numbered but Still Determined
No Such Thing as Home

Chapter 14

Out Numbered but Still Determined


"Well, your Tobi are you?" Naruto demanded back to Back with Sasuke who was fighting Itachi.

"Why don't you find out!" Tobi said happily running forward and tripping Naruto. In retaliation Naruto back flipped, making Tobi back up, and put distance in-between Tobi and himself. "Kage Bushin No Jutsu!" Naruto shouted, and five clones popped up, two of them rushed foreword. The real Naruto hung back while the two clones gave a direct attack while the three charged from above.

The first two missed and thrown by the force of Tobi's kick making them pop, the three above dropped on Tobi, but he reacted by taking the Middle one and, using him as a shield, threw him back up too the other two. The real Naruto lunged him self at Tobi after the three cloned made a sickening crack and then a pop. Naruto managed to get Tobi's arm briefly with a kunai, before being thrown backward by Tobi's fist. He landed in a tree, causing some of the bark to fly off it.

"I thought you'd be more of a challenge, to bad I was wrong." Tobi said cheerily stepping behind Naruto's sitting form. Naruto's head snapped up when he heard Tobi's voice, but it was too late, Tobi kicked him into another tree. Naruto got up and snarled, he used his Kage no Bushin to create at least fifty clones behind him. The first four went at Tobi at different angles while three others went above and one hid a few inches from Tobi below a fresh lair of earth.

As the first four went up Tobi took the one below him, pulled him up, threw him at the four, then he flipped into the air kicking two clones and causing the third to slam into his fist. They all went Pop at once, and smoke filled the clearing; Naruto took this opportunity to try this plan again only using twice as many clones. The effort ending in using most of his clones, four hid under ground, eight attacked from the ground and ten attacked from above. The rest drew his attention over toward the clones hiding place; the real Naruto was among those attacking from above and would be the last to go.

"Oh, come now, is that all that I get to play with you for?" Tobi asked kicking the last decoy clone into a tree and laughing at the faint popping noise it made. Naruto now heard the cooing of a bird, which meant his forward clones were ready, and he made an answering call of a hawk. He now heard the eight stomps off toward Tobi who was having fun kicking around some leaves waiting for the next attack.

Naruto and his clones launched themselves from the tree; Tobi took the first four clones down using a kunai. The next four landed each a kick on him and backed off as the clones below burst from the ground and socked him in the jaw the retreated out of the way before he could touch them. Clones from above kicked his neck; Tobi seemed not to care or to be in an unbelievable stupor. The real Naruto landed lastly kicking him flat on the chest. Tobi then seemed to come alive and take Naruto's foot making him wince in pain as he twisted it till it made a sickening snapping noise.

"Well, I suppose you are a little bit better then I expected you to be, but still, you could be stronger. You could use the power that was giving to you, instead of keeping it locked up in its cage. You could save your friend if you used that power... You might even be able to bring your father back..." Tobi's bright giggling voice changed to a dark, brisk tone as he grabbed Naruto's collar and pulled Naruto up with him from the leaf scattered ground. And then suddenly he felt the fox's chakra starting to take control of him, trying to take over him. It caused Naruto pain as he fought the chakra back. But he just then stared into the hypnotic Sharingan eye that poked out of Tobi's mask and after that he knew no more.


"I'm definitely gunna kill you this time!" Sasuke roared, after Naruto had flipped, he and Itachi circled each other, using their Crimson eyes to spot an opening. Sasuke saw one first, under Itachi's cloak dragged a ruffled, old, and mud caked straw hat.

Straw... Straw is a good conductor of fire, and that cloak doesn't look quite as fireproof as it should be. One simple fire ball, just to distract him, then I'll move in from behind and start a barrage, wearing him down. I'll make a clone and have it come from behind and do a Chidori then the I'll have my Senbon ready for the final attack. Sasuke stepped into action after his plan had formed. Sasuke began to move his hands in the familiar fire symbols, then taking a deep breath he let out a fireball as big as a full-grown birch tree.

Itachi took the bait, jumping back wards in shock, Sasuke's clone made it around him to meet the elder Uchiha's eye was focused on the clone and the clone fell a gasping whole in it's chest. Before Itachi could even look at his rasping little brother, another one popped into the air in front of his a senbon aiming at his heart. The one on the ground gave a soft POP and vanished in whips of smoke. Sasuke plunged the blade into his brother's arm and sent an electrical through his brother but not even a wince escaped his brother’s face. As blood dripped out of his mouth and down his chin he still showed no sign pain.

"So you have grown, little brother, but I since that you did not grow up alone, and you did not tear up those pesky ties. And there is your best friend over there slumping against a tree, the beast inside him taking over. And you stand over me and wait for me to die? You may not have severed the ties but surely you never deserved them if you choose your dead brother over a friend that is being manipulated. I do believe that he would not stand for it if you two had switched places." Itachi said without emotion, not moved from the tree where Sasuke held him pinned.

Sasuke gritted his teeth, was this lecture or a way to fool Sasuke into letting his brother off. Sasuke decided to just finish the job and 'secretly' help the big moron. But how could he have been talked out so fast? I thought he killed at least two or three Akatsuki members, and according to my information this guy is a nobler. Sasuke smiled dismissing his thoughts before he felt a change in the atmosphere, he even dropped his weapon has so great the disturbance.

Sasuke turned around slowly only to find a fox, not an ordinary one either, this one was twenty feet high, and had nine tails. It's crimson eyes flashed in Sasuke's direction under it's gaze he gave shudder.

"Well, I see your skills have once again moved up a notch, but no worries mine have done much more then that... And this time I'll bring you back, wanted or not!" Sasuke shuddered as the voice rung in his head. It couldn't have been Naruto's voice, it's too deep, and it echoed and.. It was in my mind. Sasuke thought desperately of the cheery faced little kid that used to try to beat him in everything.

"Ah now, dear brother I'm afraid that I'll have to run, seeing as your friend will probably kill me. But don't worry, I sense others are coming, other friends of yours." Itachi said before disappearing in a cloud of ravens. Sasuke cursed before taking back his sword. He looked at the monster and tried to imagine that Naruto wasn't the one who was controlling it. That it was just the stupid Demon inside him. Not his fault... Don't kill him, just knock him out or... Something! What ever did happen to the Akatsuki member Naruto was facing? Sasuke thought despairingly. But soon he heard a whistle and then gasps.

"Sasuke! What are you doing! You'll get killed and even though Naruto's probably like this because of you, I still think Lily should handle this." David said in the distance holding a trembling girl while Kai was holding the other side of her.

"So this is Lily, so nice t-" Sasuke started sheathing his sword but stopped when the girl interrupted him.

"Shut up! And stand back unless you want to get mauled!” The Girl said yanking away from her brothers and walking to Naruto. The rest looked a bit shocked except Kai and David who gave a worried sigh. Sasuke went to the other end of the clearing and watched the girl stand right in front of Naruto without any fear at all.

Then she winced as black tendrils sprung from her chest, she put her hands to her chest and pulled something out and threw it away, and it was a silver half moon pendant. Then it looked like she was having a seizer and the ground around her turned dead and everything sunk down, dieing of an invisible force. As this happened the dark tendrils streaked Lily's face hard enough to leave what Sasuke thought was black charred skin. Soon her body was completely black, and her clothes were ripped, silver blood dripped from some of the wounds but Lily was now crouched to the ground and she kept opening and closing her jaw, and some how it looked wider. Her blue eyes are the only thing that was the same, as now she seemed to be growing blue hair where blond once shone. Her fingernails and now exposed teeth seemed to be growing widely.

And the feeling was dread, and it washed over him like an ice shower. This was much worse then Naruto; this wasn't fear this was loss of hope. And as this thought spun through Sasuke's dismal mind, as if the weather had read his slurred and hopeless mind, the sky was covered with rain clouds and it began to get chilly. Then Lily's chakra appeared to attack her, and she seemed to be swallowed and the chakra kept growing until she was up there with Naruto. This time with ten massive tails, black energy instead of crimson and she was in the shape of a wolf.

Sasuke keeled over breathing deeply; this was just too much for him. And the others were ushered back by a man that was with Sakura and Naruto before when they came to find him and Kakashi, his old sensei. Lily's brother weren't effected, or at least not as much as the rest of them, and Kai was looking the better out of the two of them though.

But Sasuke didn't see his brother and Tobi in Lily's hands, nor did he hear her screeching, because he passed out. And nothing would wake him until he was back home -where ever that was anymore-.


I always knew Lily's wrath was worse then death, but what happened to Sasuke? No one has ever died of it, they probably wish they would but Sasuke isn't wakening up... Kai thought going over to their abandoned leader. He knocked on his head and made him grown, so Kai guessed he was just passed out. He walked to the other side where every one else was; they all looked a bit shaky.

They just got done with Juggo and Karin and Lily was just starting to heal when she felt it. It was always Lily who felt it, the loss of control, the power surge, and finally she smelt the blood. The blood of the victim, that's what she used to shiver all night about, the smell, the sight, the feeling of it pausing though her, and the taste in her mouth. It was too much for her, a gentle one like her got the power that was inherited from mom and Dad. But it won't her fault was it? I should have gotten that power; all I wanted to be was a good big brother and protect my sister but how could I protect her from her heritage? Kai was unaffected by the Dread and Fear that consumed the rest and walked by almost stumbling into a black tail.

It was his demon blood his grandpa used to say, using Lily as his speaker. She always winced when he did that, like she was being scolded, Kai remembered that look on his sister’s face clearly. But that was not the only thing he inherited from his 'Demon blood' and that in why he would take down the old fox with Lily. Well not with her but more or less help her after words.

He set Sasuke down by an unphased David and nodded to him, signing that he was going to join Lily. David nodded back and looked at Sasuke, in little interest. Kai looked at Lily and Naruto who were both growling something he could hardly understand, it sounded a little like this...

"I... You, hurt him or I... kick you, cannot control... Sorry gunna... Have to knock me... I will kill you... Just wait and see you old... knock me out, kill me please!"

"I won't kill you... Try to calm down... What is the problem what did this to you?"

"Er... To-Bi... Called on me... I will kill him too!.. He said something... weird... KILL HIM! NO!" Then Lily threw Tobi and Itachi into the small group, they looked frozen to death from her grip, and their faces were slightly blue. Naruto started biting back, Naruto caught Lily off guard though, and when Naruto scratched her so hard that in went though to her actual body. She freaked out and silver drops covered the ground frozen as soon as they hit the air.

Lily had to lunge at Naruto biting his leg, he kicked her head but that only made him hurt worse and he whimpered as Ice shards appeared on the edge of his leg where she bit him. He then took advantage of Lily's distress at hurting him and scratched her again. But she swiftly dogged it, and frowned deeply. She took in a deep breath, and let it out.

"I, Lily Uzimaki of the Okami tribe and new Alpha condemn you to return your seal and leave your container to his own devisees unless he calls upon your help!" Lily said in pure English with a bit of an Irish accent, then snarled to let him know she meant it. Kai stood beside his sister as they watched Naruto slowly shrink, growling and crying, until finally his raw and red burnt skin was all that was left to remind them of what he had been a few minutes ago. Kai looked up at his sister who was trying to return to her normal form. But this is where he could help, Kai ran up Lily's arm and bit the seal on her chest, just enough to get a few drops of Sylvia in. And then Lily's chakra dissipated and Kai floated back to the ground.

Lily was having convulsions again but instead of black skin erupting, her normal -well not quite normal- pure white skin came back and Kai moved her beside the burning up Naruto. He laid her head on Naruto’s shoulder, other then that they didn’t touch each other. They didn't move and their breaths started coming is slower and raspier spurts, Sakura and David ran over to them, as they finally broke free of Hinata, Shino, and Kiba's grips, and soon every one was over there.

"Holy crap! I don't know which one is worse! She has the worst case of Hypothermia I've ever seen her had and Naruto it so burnt he's begging to turn BLACK! It's like his insides are burning his skin..." Sakura said crying while trying to heal the burns with Hinata's help.

"Lily has been in this condition before; I've never had to amputate, although she was holding back to much energy for to long... Then she let it all out and now has none to heal her self. She's never been in more control but she... She still can't control the pain, I doabt she ever will be able too. DARN IT!" David swore as Lily's heart began to beat slower and slower... and slower still, until...

She stopped. Every one went silent as David started to pump her heart for her, or at least trying but her skin was hard as rock and wouldn't budge.

David swore again and took Naruto's still burnt arm and laied it over Lily's heart. And slowly her pause came back very weak but there. He sighed and asked some one to make a fire. Kai did happily, concentrating on his sister and cousin and their falling and barely rising chests. I'm surprised Naruto stood a chance with Lily and the wolf against him and the fox. He should have known better then to attack, but Naruto was determined to try to keep control and kill himself. He was trying to kill himself; he was outnumbered but still determined to go out with a fight... Koji concentrated on the logs for bit before they turned a flame and smoke began to rise in the air.


Lily's body was still shivering and she had a very bad fever, her scratch from her chest to her stomache was stitched but infected only making the fever worse and Lily needed to get to a medic soon. A proper medic or else she might die, from a dozen different infections from Naruto biting and scratching her or from the fever that was already 105. Itachi and Tobi had escaped; the team wasn't all that concerned though.

Naruto was okay besides half the bones in his body being broken and some parts of his skin red. But his bones were healing quickly, while they camped in a cabin Sasuke's team had used. It seemed that Naruto did not have to use his chakra in one shot like Lily. But his burns lasted longer, and he had only three major burns David couldn't heal right away. And as soon as they found some medicine they would heal fast like his bones. But Lily might die tonight; she could die from now until we get her to a medic, a professional Medic. David thought, grimly wishing that he could be a great medic, then Lily wouldn't have to almost die every day. But maybe our new life will be a bit more profitable! And Lily won't get as many injuries. Maybe, maybe...

"Well, you should get some shuteye; I'll look after pale beauty." Kakashi said from an open door were every one else was sleeping on mats.

"Oh I dunno, what if the fever goes up? Or the infection spreads? Or if somebody steals her while I'm not here. What if she was taken away... I couldn't stand it, I was away long enough. I couldn't stand it, imagining what the Queen was doing to her, what Lily was going through. And without us... We were the only ones that she would let help her. I'm, glad you people found her, I owe you allot for what you and Naruto did for her." David said looking at Kakashi who had joined him on the floor.

"We didn't do anything..." Kakashi said smiling.

"Yes you did, I can see it in her eyes, and Kai can see it too. Whenever she hears one of you she smiles, and her eyes grow big and watery. She only used to do that when Kai and me came home, from missions. But now... She's letting people in, I'm glad too." David said leaning over Lily petting her hair.

"What about the Orphans? Naruto said she loves the orphans..." Kakashi said remembering what he had said the other day.

"Oh well that's different, I love the Orphans too, I mean I'd die to save every one of them but... They're more of a duty, some thing that we should do, some thing we all feel we must protect. But Lily is an obligation, it's impossible not to love her, but you don't have to. She's not a weak little child, she's a teenager that can handle her self, but she won't... On the inside she won't hurt a fly, she wont even kill a spider with her own hands. She uses traps or surprise attacks. But Lily can't stand the feel of blood, except her own..." David said stroking Lily's pale skin and the stitches that were turning crimson from their usual white appearance.

"I see, like a friend and a student... I guess I do feel differently about them." Kakashi said thinking a little longer.

"Kind of, but your students are your friends, their your comrades. But it would be more like a little child being beaten on the street, you take him in and when he wants to go you let him, and he'll come back and visit on occasion.

But what would you do, say if Naruto was dieing, and the kid off the street was all alone some where with a bunch of other kids. Would you go to Naruto or see if the children were doing okay?" David said looking at Kakashi now.

"I'd go to Naruto of course." Kakashi said without hesitation this time.

"There you go... The Orphans have a new caretaker with them now, our time was over. Lily stayed but would she bother little children to help her? No, because they might get hurt and Lily cannot stand that." David said now putting another blanket over Lily.

“But we her friends can be there for her; we can help her, because she knows that we care more for her life then ours. We'd never be happy without Lily there to give us a good song. That's what we missed most about being away. Her voice is heavenly, and there is nothing but a life I wouldn't risk to hear it." David said feeling her fore head again.

Whooo!!! That was a good chapter right! I liked it, it took me two days! I'm sorry I didn't draw the fight out longer but I got bored with it easily, I just had to put in a sad/happy ending!

So what will happen to Lily? Will they make on time? What happened to Juggo, Karin, Suigetsu, Itachi and Tobi? Why didn't I mention Gaara or Jiraiya in here? -I didn't feel like it- and what of Cage? Find out in Chapter Fifteen!

Happy Turkey day! And REVIEW! A big thanks to KrackenGirl who has responded every time!


Comments (3)

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musicismylife on December 21, 2007, 5:08:53 AM

musicismylife on
musicismylifeThis is what happened in the small text just so you know. I copied it and pasted it here for every one to read. This is the one at the bottom i didn't do the one at the top. By the way great work!! very eventful chapter!!! keep it up!!

Naruto was okay besides half the bones in his body being broken and some parts of his skin red. But his bones were healing quickly, while they camped in a cabin Sasuke's team had used. It seemed that Naruto did not have to use his chakra in one shot like Lily. But his burns lasted longer, and he had only three major burns David couldn't heal right away. And as soon as they found some medicine they would heal fast like his bones. But Lily might die tonight; she could die from now until we get her to a medic, a professional Medic. David thought, grimly wishing that he could be a great medic, then Lily wouldn't have to almost die every day. But maybe our new life will be a bit more profitable! And Lily won't get as many injuries. Maybe, maybe...

"Well, you should get some shuteye; I'll look after pale beauty." Kakashi said from an open door were every one else was sleeping on mats.

"Oh I dunno, what if the fever goes up? Or the infection spreads? Or if somebody steals her while I'm not here. What if she was taken away... I couldn't stand it, I was away long enough. I couldn't stand it, imagining what the Queen was doing to her, what Lily was going through. And without us... We were the only ones that she would let help her. I'm, glad you people found her, I owe you allot for what you and Naruto did for her." David said looking at Kakashi who had joined him on the floor.

"We didn't do anything..." Kakashi said smiling.

"Yes you did, I can see it in her eyes, and Kai can see it too. Whenever she hears one of you she smiles, and her eyes grow big and watery. She only used to do that when Kai and me came home, from missions. But now... She's letting people in, I'm glad too." David said leaning over Lily petting her hair.

"What about the Orphans? Naruto said she loves the orphans..." Kakashi said remembering what he had said the other day.

"Oh well that's different, I love the Orphans too, I mean I'd die to save every one of them but... They're more of a duty, some thing that we should do, some thing we all feel we must protect. But Lily is an obligation, it's impossible not to love her, but you don't have to. She's not a weak little child, she's a teenager that can handle her self, but she won't... On the inside she won't hurt a fly, she wont even kill a spider with her own hands. She uses traps or surprise attacks. But Lily can't stand the feel of blood, except her own..." David said stroking Lily's pale skin and the stitches that were turning crimson from their usual white appearance.

"I see, like a friend and a student... I guess I do feel differently about them." Kakashi said thinking a little longer.

"Kind of, but your students are your friends, their your comrades. But it would be more like a little child being beaten on the street, you take him in and when he wants to go you let him, and he'll come back and visit on occasion.

But what would you do, say if Naruto was dieing, and the kid off the street was all alone some where with a bunch of other kids. Would you go to Naruto or see if the children were doing okay?" David said looking at Kakashi now.

"I'd go to Naruto of course." Kakashi said without hesitation this time.

"There you go... The Orphans have a new caretaker with them now, our time was over. Lily stayed but would she bother little children to help her? No, because they might get hurt and Lily cannot stand that." David said now putting another blanket over Lily.

“But we her friends can be there for her; we can help her, because she knows that we care more for her life then ours. We'd never be happy without Lily there to give us a good song. That's what we missed most about being away. Her voice is heavenly, and there is nothing but a life I wouldn't risk to hear it." David said feeling her fore head again.

Whooo!!! That was a good chapter right! I liked it, it took me two days! I'm sorry I didn't draw the fight out longer but I got bored with it easily, I just had to put in a sad/happy ending!

So what will happen to Lily? Will they make on time? What happened to Juggo, Karin, Suigetsu, Itachi and Tobi? Why didn't I mention Gaara or Jiraiya in here? -I didn't feel like it- and what of Cage? Find out in Chapter Fifteen!

Happy Turkey day! And REVIEW! A big thanks to KrackenGirl who has responded every time!

LilyUzumaki on December 25, 2007, 12:49:23 AM

LilyUzumaki on
LilyUzumakiTHX for translation! Total life saver!  

musicismylife on December 30, 2007, 10:20:36 PM

musicismylife on
musicismylifeur welkyz!!

LilyUzumaki on December 20, 2007, 11:42:59 AM

LilyUzumaki on
LilyUzumakiFor some reason some of the text is really small I don't know why.