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Chapter 17 - The Choice

What if Naruto had a cousin -Lily? What if Sasuke has her brothers? What will Naruto do to help Lily get them back? Or will their be a broken promise along the way?

Chapter 17 - The Choice

Chapter 17 - The Choice

No Such Thing as Home

Chapter 17
The Choice


"What do you mean I have to lay around all day? And when I'm not on missions my brother has to baby sit me!?" Lily was screaming in much Naruto like fashion, but I would probably too. Thought Kiba. Having to sit in bed all day and teach us all techniques, then her brother demands that when ever she's not on missions -during which she has to be surrounded by squad members- she has to be with one of her brothers. I would be out raged, and yet, I agree with him, Lily is to fragile and targeted by to many people to be out of some ones sight. Who better, then her hawk like brother, who interrupts us every five minutes to make sure she's still here, to watch her?

"Hey, wasn't our idea!" Kiba said shrugging and taking his usual chair. It was too bad thought Kiba Lily had been sent back to the hospital after Sasuke. But she was since her temperature an down again, even though she told them it was part of being a demon, that when ever she used chakra her temperature would go up. They hadn't believed her. So she had to stay in bed for a week, and if it happened again, they would run a test on her theory

"Whose was it? Bring them here immediately! No one orders me around but my superiors and my br-!" Lily's rage was cut short by an opening door, Kai was there, right on time.

"Here." He said closing the door and siting on the edge of her bed, while her face went red.

"Please leave for minute would you? " Lily said through her teeth and waved to Hinata, Kiba and Shino to get out, they gladly fled from the room and waited in the hall. They heard Lily's echoing voice through the door, screeching an unholy octave, they heard thuds and a low whimper that they guessed was Kai. There was another crash and more screeching, Kiba winced as there was more yelling and a crack. The door came pounding open, and Kai skidded out, and Lily was standing up with her fist in front of her, Kai slid into a chair and looked at her with fearing eyes, they looked back at Lily. She was relatively calm.

"If any of you upset, disgrace or annoy me, you have seen your fiat Come," She motioned to them with one finger. "we shall continue class. David? Help Kai up." David came around the corner and picked Kai up shaking his head, and dragged him to the room beside them. Kiba and his team entered silently and continued with their lesson.


"What are we going to do Lord Kazekage?" The Peddler asked the very annoyed Gaara, who sat in his chair, head in his hand, while he explained the trade routs being ravaged by a few rouges

"What we always do!" He suddenly said. "Fight our way through them and capture, imprison, or kill them based on their crime! That's our only solution!" He frowned and the peddler snuck out while he wasn't looking. Too scared to ask what was wrong with that.

Well who am I supposed to fight to capture Lily's heart? Who would I fight? No one, because the only one holding me back in my mind... Should I fight against that too? Should I just out of the blue tell the elders that I plan to marry Lily, and if they don't accept, I quit? Gaara thought of the possibility and decided to take it up with Temmari, she was in the same niche with Shikamaru.

He found her, later that day, folding laundry at home looking down, not noticing his entry. "Temmari?" He started, she looked up at him and stopped her folding, at the soft tone of his voice. "I want to marry Lily, but I can't while I'm the Kazekage, and Lily probably won't come over to live here, she'd be unhappy. I hate this job, but there's no one else that can do it besides me. But on the other hand, if I did quit the job there's no guarantee that Lily would marry me, or that her brothers would allow it. And she wants to kill all the Akatsuki, with Naruto and them, so I don't know if she'll even survive that, and I can't help her while I'm trapped here. And if she did die and we were never together... Chiyo might as well have just let me die." Gaara finished amorously. Temmari stared at him with sympathetic eyes, then suddenly turning stern she said.

"Your to young. Your only sixteen." Then she sighed and patted the space beside her on the couch, Gaara sat down. "But if you did want to get married I'd ask while she's here for the Chunnin exams next month, she's going for Naruto's sake. She sent me a message, if you wanted to ask her... I'd do it then. And then you can hold off the marriage until she's finished with her business and you find a replacement. And then you can go where ever, and visit us at least once a year." She smiled, and put an arm over his shoulder.

"Or you can go on, and Lily will eventually catch another mans eye -she probably already has mind you- and she'll marry him, you'll stay miserable here, signing paper work, and become like father." She said tightly.

"So those are my choices... Either be happy, and the village stay happy. Or be miserable, and the village probably not stay happy any way." Gaara grumbled. "I have a choice at least." and he walked off frowning deeply shrugging out of Temmari's one armed embrace, walking the lonely streets.

I just now have earned respect, could I leave my people for their good and my happiness? Would Lily? No she'd give everything for other people. But what if what you want and whats right are the same thing? What then? Well then you'd choose that, right? But what if you didn't know? Gaara sat in a children's swing rocking silently, all alone, watching the emptying street.

He looked at a passing couple, two children running around them, laughing, the man's arm around the woman's waist. They were talking quietly, and entered a cottage at the end of the road, waving at him when they caught him staring at them. Gaara wandered vaguely if that could be he and Lily one day.

And our life together would consist of what, children and a little house in the hidden leaf village, with little family dinners every night. But there was always danger, because of the Akatsuki! Lily would be hunted down, our life may wholly consist of fighting for our lives. Would that be as bad as staying here?

No it wouldn't. So really there was only one choice left to be made. And the rest is up to fiat, and Lily. He got up and smiled to himself.

Where to get the right ring?

And that was the only thing that kept him vexed over the next month.


"Well, where do you stand Uchiha?" Lily asked, now looking quite healthy, no bandages at all, and color coming back to her cheeks. She had visited his prison often, talking about his case, and his past, and her past, and Naruto's past. Some times Sakura or Naruto came with her, her brothers accompanied her at other times, they were slightly less mature. Sasuke liked these times, although he knew that she was going out with Gaara, Naruto had warned him to back off, he didn't like her that way. He liked her as an older sister, which is how she treated everybody, Naruto, Sakura, her brothers. Always scolding them and giving them help and advise, it was hard not to like Lily, she was very nice.

She had supported him in his case, and he had almost won, all except for this last part, where he was now. He was being put on watch, babysitter, until they chose to trust him again. He wasn't exactly happy with this part, he already had Kakashi tailing him, he didn't need another ANBU or Jounin fallowing him like a lap-dog, trying to make the most of the situation, and forcing themselves to make small talk with him. Of course Kakashi was a bit more distant, not as relaxed with him anymore, more stern, watchful Like he was afraid of him.

What had he done to deserve such treatment? Didn't every one understand that it wasn't him the past two years? That it was only an image, an invader inside his body that made him string the awe full actions that had made him UNDESIREABLE-NUMBER-ONE? Well, Lily and Naruto did at least, while every one else just only got half of it. Maybe it was because Lily and Naruto had been in the same situation, still are, always will be. Sasuke had learned the truth about his friends, the sad, miserable truth. And he felt so deeply ashamed of himself for always looking down on Naruto. Now Naruto was way up there, he was a demon, he was the Nine Tailed Fox, and Lily was the Ten Tailed Wolf. Both so much stronger then he could ever hope to be, and yet he felt no jealousy, because he knew the price of the power, a curse.

"I stand with the village's judgment, for my punishment," He said, hoping that the lack of resentment in his voice would put him in a slightly higher point of trust-worthiness It worked.

There was a murmuring, in the Hokage's office while the officers and members of the council discussed his case, amongst them selves. Their was a grunt of approval, on one side of the room, and slowly their was a nod from the Tsunade, and Shizune whispered the decision in her ear. Tsunade smiled to her self before she spoke, the first time since the death of the Toad Sage.

"The Verdict," She announced "is that Uchiha Sasuke shall be allowed on missions, under supervision at all times of one of. or more, of his teammates. Naruto, Sakura, Lily -as a substitut-, Kakashi, Sai or Yamoto. He will compete in the Chunnin exams with Uzimaki Naruto, Sai, and Lily shall be your substitute sense Since Kakashi and Yamoto shall have a mission to attend to." We all relaxed and smiled, Sasuke was absolutely fine with his punishment. And Lily being able to be his mentor was a bonus, he realized that Hinata, Kiba and Shino would also tag along, because Lily was also their sense

The officials and towns folk filed out of the room, shaking Sasuke's hand or giving him a stiff nod. Lily, once the room was cleared, jumped up and down squealing and giggling at their success, Naruto smiled and punched him in the arm. Tsunade got a glass of Sake and sighed, drinking it moodily.

"Come on lets get outa here!" Lily said, grabbing his arm and leading him away from the office, smiling and pulling him to an unknown destination. So far he staid at the jail, only allowed out with Naruto, Sakura or Lily. Now he could roam the village, and be on his own again, although he'd rather not be. He'd rather live with Naruto, but he was to ashamed to ask.

We were going past the apartments when Lily stopped at the one where Naruto, her brothers and she lived, Naruto smiled at him and nudged Lily in the ribs, she nudged him in the ribs. He stepped on her tow, she stepped on his, and finally Naruto pointed to Sasuke, and Lily OH'ed and stopped copying Naruto. She instead turned to Sasuke.

"By the way," Lily said conversationally "we rented you an apartment beside ours, I already moved all your things in it, and decorated it. But if you don't want to live their that's fine, but it's right beside Naruto's and mine, so if you ever got lonely..." Lily said pointing at the building towering above her.

"That would be great," Sasuke said smirking. "I'm sure that I can ignore all the noise somehow." And he laughed, Lily and Naruto joined in.


"Do you have your kunia?"


"Do you have your medication?"


"Do you have your scythe?"


"Do you have your first aid kit?"

"Yes...." Lily said zipping the last bag for her journey to the Chunnin exams, Kai and David stood arms crossed in front of her. It was much to their disliking that Lily was going, but she was going to go, and that would probably be the end of it.

She had been out of the hospital earlier then what David recommended but he didn't want to fight with her, and she seemed exceptionally better at any rate. She trained with team eight and seven every other day, and Kai watched her when he wasn't teaching. Kai and David had successfully become Jounin's as easily as Lily, except just giving up instead of letting some one punch their guts out. David was becoming quite cozy working at the hospital with Thunder, who helped him pick certain ingredients.

"Send us a letter everyday through Silver break or Midnight, okay?" He said sitting on the bed beside his sister.

That's only the fifth reminder.... Lily thought reaching over and giving Kai a one armed hug. David sat on her other side and slung another arm across her shoulders.

"I'll miss you while I'm gone, but I won't be long, be sure to keep Sakura company while were gone David- not that all her other friends won't be."


"Take care of the wolves while I'm gone Kai, I'm only taking Midnight and all her family. The rest are staying here." And that would be saying something, since Midnight's family is of thirty four, including mates and cubs.

"Why are you taking all them?" Kai inquired.

"Oh, we just want to explore the land routs around the villages so we can map routs and things." Midnight said, stretching upward, when a glimmer, that he hadn't noticed before, caught his eye.

"Collar?" He said, examining the thing around Midnights neck.

"No... You know we don't tag the wolves unless they want to be, or if they're younger. No this is a sign that they will attack if threatened, I don't want any foreigners getting the wrong idea." Lily said frowning.

"Ah," Said David thoughtfully. "Worried about the other ninjas that are going to be there?"

"Yes, I saw Naruto's Chunnin exam, and the teams play dirty. If any one thought that these were part of Naruto's assembly of summons... They would undoubtedly kill them, or at least try." Lily snickered at the thought.

"The Akatsuki will have spies there, Cage might even be there, but they won't attack. There are to many ninja enemies" Lily said frowning, not sure if the last part was true.

"If there's any sign of them, tell us immediately." Kai said, his eye's narrowed into slits.

"I'm going to be late," Lily said opening the door and waving one last time to her brothers, Kai saw her eyes tighten the tiniest bit. It's as hard for her to leave as it is for me to see her go... Kai thought, as the trail of wolves fled by, Midnight taking the lead and Silver Break at the back.

"So now what will we do?" David said, plopping down on Lily's bed his head in his hands.

" I don't know, but we're going to be late for work," He smiled to him self. "I'm going to be teaching on my own today, no Iruka. I have the graduating class, it should be fun..."

"I'm going into the emergency room today, waiting for the graduating class, that you'll be teaching." David chortled.

"Well you never know, I'll probably see you around five minutes after the test with the first victim" He laughed and the rest of the wolves filed out of the room, letting the two maniacs alone.

And so David and Kai were left alone, laughing until Lily's alarm clock went off and they went quickly to their rooms to change and get ready for the day.


"I'll go, I wish to see my family," Pain volunteered, as they all knew he would. "Lily should be ripe for the taking." He laughed maliciously, his carefully facade going on unnoticed.

"I may accompany you," Itachi said, again to no one's surprise "Sasuke has finally beaten the snake. It should be interesting to see how he dose now that he is on his own. And what motivates him to stay in the infernal village." He spoke quietly, curiosity easy to read in his face as he stared off at nothingness.

"I was planning on going by myself..." Cage pondered his proposal, he knew what he wanted to do, and he judged if Itachi would get in his way. I doubt it, He decided. he'll be too busy watching his brother to notice what I have going on. Then again his brother might be with her...

"You can go with me, but I'll have my own affairs to attend to, don't get in my way. We might be revealed if you disturb me while I'm doing this. I can sneak in on my own for the capture, but if even you, as surreptitious as you are, were to fallow me I would be caught." Pain explained, his stern voice demanded cooperation.

"Fine then off to the Chunnin exams we go..." Itachi smiled impishly and every one gave a grunt of approval, then they faded into nothingness.

What will happen now? Will Lily be kidnapped? What is Cage hiding from every one? What will Lily say the big question? What ring did Gaara get Lily? What will Happen at the Chunnin exams? Where is Kabuto in all this? Find out in Chapter 18!

Dear readers, since I gave up the Internet and TV for Lent I have not had time to get caught up on my Magna, so I might be going off track a little. If so, I will get back on track, don't worry! I'm having like a total CHAPTER EXPLOSION! So don't worry, I'm king up for all my time not being there, I was with God instead, and he's like more important then this stuff.


Naruto and Hinata
Gaara and Lily
Sasuke and Sakura
Shikamaru and Temari
Choji and Ino
Neji and Ten Ten
And every one else will have random people and OC okay?
You don't like it you should have voted!

Thanks to the people that did!

Check out my other fic's!
Element's Academy, has been/will be transfered to and the sister site to this one, my pen name is the same. is my current home page. If you have trouble getting to it please tell me, thank you Kracken girl for telling me about that. The Found is a big hit, with very few reviews, and Equinox is for all Twilight lovers. It's a bit faster paced though...


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