Chapter 3 - The invention convention!
Submitted July 25, 2006 Updated February 11, 2009 Status Incomplete | This is what Sonic and the others do when they are not saving the world... ^_^
Comics » Sonic the Hedgehog |
Chapter 3 - The invention convention!
Chapter 3 - The invention convention!
The Invention Convention!!
( This chapter features Flash the hedgehog ( shadowthehedgie ) And Ekyt ( NextGuardian )
One day…
Flash is watering his “perfectly legal” garden when suddenly an alien space ship crashed in his garden…
And… Shadow is in jail because he insulted an old woman…
Meanwhile, Flash is at the police station…
Flash: So there I was, watering my perfectly legal garden when suddenly a space ship crashed into it! O_o *fires up a joint*
Police officer: O_o
Flash: ^-^
Police officer: Eeh… Sir, what the hell do you think you’re doing?!
Flash: Oh… I’m sorry! *gives joint to police officer*
Police officer: You know where you’re going…?
Flash: O_o
Police officer: To jail! That’s right! I answered the question for you!
Flash: =(
Meanwhile, Sonic, Blain, and Knuckles arrived to pick up Shadow…
Shadow: Thanks guys!
Police officer: Just don’t do it again… Next time, make sure it isn’t my MOTHER!!1
Shadow: ^-^
Sonic: Come on… Let’s go…
Shadow: No wait! We can’t go just yet!
Blain: Why not?!
Shadow: This dude here… totally knows everything! *points at Flash sitting in a jail next to him*
Sonic: FLASH?!!
Flash: Hey guys!
Shadow: Don’t worry Flash! I got this one! *pulls out a “get out of jail free” card*
Police officer: DAMNIT!!! WHY DO WE ACCEPT THESE!!! DAMN YOU MILTON BRADLY!!! *pokes Flash with a bludgeon*
Flash: ^-^
Ekyt: Hey guys! What about me?!!
Sonic: Ekyt?!!
Knuckles: How did you ended up here?!
Ekyt: Well… You know how much I love people and stuff…?
Ekyt walks up to a random pedestrian…
Ekyt: I love you! *punches pedestrian*
*Flashback ends*
Ekyt: Please! Get me out of here guys!
Shadow: I can’t! I just used up my last “get out of jail free* card!!
Flash: Well, why don’t we just go to the store to buy a new monopoly game and use the cards?
Shadow: See! I told you! This dude knows everything!!
Ekyt: Thanks guys… But they want money for me to get out…
Blain: Well how much…?
Ekyt: $1200,-……
Knuckles: Don’t worry Ekyt!! We’ll get you out of here! Keep fighting strong buddy!!
So… After that, Sonic, Blain, Shadow, Flash and Knuckles are outside…
Blain: So how do we get $1200,-…??
Shadow: Someone should get a job…
Knuckles: No not me! The last time I took a job… It didn’t work out quiet well…
Knuckles is standing at a building with a sign: Today Cats Audition!!
He then showed up in an elephant suit…
*long silence*
Knuckles: Meow…
Jury: O_o
Knuckles got kicked back outside…
*Flashback ends*
Knuckles: They didn’t told me it was the musical called Cats!
All: T_T
Flash: I know!!! We can sell…. Weeeeeeeeed!!!
Shadow: That’s a great idea!!!!
Sonic: It’s the dumbest idea!!
Flash/Shadow: shoot…
Blain: We can go to Tails and sell his machinery!!!
Flash: Or… We can sell weeeeeeeeed… ^-^
All: T_T
They all go to Tails’s house…
*ding dong*
Tails: Hey guys!
Flash, Sonic, Shadow, Knuckles and Blain are giving Tails a very… very evil smile…
Tails: Guys…?
Tails: I can’t! I already brought it over to the invention convention!
All: O_o
Shadow: Explain your gibirish!!!1
Tails: Well, tomorrow there’s an invention convention, you can show your idea on that! Grand prize is $5000,-!
All: O_o
Sonic: So when is this… Invention convention…?
Tails: Its tomorrow!
Flash: On Sunday?!
Tails: Yes… On Sunday…
Blain: Not Saturday…?
Tails: No… On Sunday…
*long silence*
Flash: OK!!! LETS DO THIS!!!1
So they all made something…
A few hours later… There revealing what they made…
Shadow: Lemme go first! Lemme go first! Lemme go first!
All: Sure… Go ahead…
Shadow: Tadaa!!! *pulls off canvas of the contraption*
The guys are seeing a large cardboard box with an arm sticking out holding a toilette paper…
Flash: Just what the hell is that?! O_o
Shadow: The Bum Asswiper!!
All: O_o
Blain: It’s just a homeless guy in a cardboard box that wipes your @$$… T_T
Flash: Ok my turn!! *reveals some coins and a rubber band*
All: O_o
Flash: This… I call… The Pennyshooter!!
Sonic: What does it do…?
Flash: It shoots penny’s!!
All: T_T
After a while… Sonic, Knuckles and Blains invention sucked too… Then Tails is showing his invention…
Tails: TADAA!!!
All: O_o
Flash: What is it…?
Tails: Well, you know how expansive the gas prizes gets…?Flash: Yeah…?
Tails: I made a carburettor that makes your car run on water!!
All: O_o
Tails: So eeh… I guess we go with my invention! ^_^
Shadow: Bu- bu- But yours doesn’t wipe your @$$!!! >_<
The next day at the invention convention… Flash, Blain, Knuckles, Shadow and Sonic are standing at there stand…
Flash: Dude! WE’re sooooooo gonna get $5000,-!!!
Blain: What makes you think that…?
Flash: Well look at all those assholes who think they got the best product… *points at the stand left of them*
Guy: People! This is just one BIG opportunity to let you pass it!! Buy the invisible mattress!!! GUARANTEED that it will make you sleep better!! Where’s the mattress?! Can you see it?! Only $559,95 folks!!!
Blain: Damn… What the hell…?
Flash: That’s not all of them… Check it out! *points right from the stand*
Guy: BUY TONY!!!!
Tony: YEAH!!! BUY ME!!!!
All: O_o
Then some guy is walking up to there stand…
Guy: So… What are you selling…?
Tails: A carburettor that runs on water! ^-^
Guy: Water?!!
Tails: Yeah…
Then another guy shows up…
Guy2: Water eey…? You know how expansive water is these days?!!!
Tails: Water is practically free!
Guy: Yeah?! What about all those oil company’s who made billions of it?! Argh, THINK OF THERE CHILDEREN!!! Omg…
Shadow: What the helll?!!
Flash: We’re just trying to make it easier on you guys!
Blain: Yeah! What he said!
A whole argument started… T_T Meanwhile, more guys are getting at there stand
Knuckles: WATER IS FOR FREE!!!1
Guy4: Oh really? You just think you can turn a knob and water starts running out?! Sure!
Knuckles: >_<
Guy3: What about 3rd world country’s?! If you use your invention there, they are gonna die of thirst because of your stupid invention!!!
Shadow: Well I-
Guy5: What about Coca-Cola!?!!
Sonic: What about it!?
Guy5: Coca-Cola runs out of business because YOU used up all the water!!!
Guy6: Not to mention Pepsi or Fanta!!!
All: O_o
Guy8: And what about the animals!?!!
All: T_T
Guy8: All the animals are gonna die because they DON’T have water to drink!!!!
Everyone shouts out true, and I agree and stuff…
Guy8: Not to mention the SEALIFE!!!! Where are they supposed to go if there is NO MORE WATER ON THIS PLANET?!!!!
Guy7: How about GreenPeace?! Greanpeace going to be out of a job just because there are NO MORE ANIMALS TO PROTECT!!!!
Shadow: OK SHUT THE frack UP!!!!
All: O_o
Shadow: You either buy it… OR get the frack away from here!!!1 O_o
Guy: Guys!! We are on the brink of a Ecologic disaster!! We must destroy this contraption in order to save the planet from being dried out!!
So all the guys started to attack the crew!!!
Shadow pulls out his Nickelplated .45 Desert Eagles… Bang! Bang! Went the guns!
Flash is charging up, he’s making a sound just like a testlacoil…
( A teslacoil is a machine that produces artificial lighting… Its kick @$$ )
Blain: Eeh… Flash… You ok…?
Flash: Yup! Never been better!
Blain: What are you doing?!
Flash: Charging up! I can produce 475 Volt with 0.5 Ampere!
Blain: Oh good… I can use you… Because I forgot to pay the electrical bill! ^_^
Flash: O_o
After a while… The fight stopped because there announcing the winner of the convention…
Important guy: And the winner of the $5000,- dollar grand prize… Is…
All: O_o
Important guy: Mr. Chris Thorndyke and The Bum Asswiper!!!
All: O_o
Sonic: We’ll just rob him after he gets out…
Blain: You never said that!
Shadow: Yeah but…. That’s not the point right now…
Flash: Then what is it…?
Shadow: O_o *slaps Flash*
After they got outside…
Sonic: Chris!
Chris: O_o
Sonic: Good job buddy!
Chris: Thanks! ^_^
Sonic: Can I have your $5000,- now?! ^-^
Chris: No! ^-^
Sonic: That’s our cue!! GUYS!!! LETS GET HIM!!!!
Chris: O_o
They all punched and kicked Chris…
Chris: I GAVE THE $5000,- AWAY!!!
All: O_o
Chris: Yeah I’m rich! ^_^
All: O_o
Chris: Eeh… O_o
They all started to punch and kick Chris…
After a while… The guys return to the police station to tell Ekyt that they didn’t succeed…
Knuckles: Well that was a pointless attempt…
Flash: Wait… Isnt that Ekyt sitting on the stairs!?
Knuckles: Hey your right! EKYT!!
Ekyt: Yo!
Knuckles: How did you get out?!
Ekyt: Well Rouge sold something, and with the money she busted me out!
Knuckles: What did she sell?!
Ekyt: I don’t know, she said she was doing you a favour by busting me out…
*long silence*
Blain: Don’t you get it…?
Knuckles: What…?
Blain: She sold your Master Emerald…
Knuckles: O_o
All: *chuckles*
Knuckles: THAT dog!!!!!
All: *LMAO*!!!
Ekyt: I love you guys!
Shadow: NO EKYT!!!! You respect… and appreciate our friendship…
Ekyt: Oh… *looks at random pedestrian…*
All: O_o
Ekyt: I love you!! *punches pedestrian…*
Police officer: HEY!!!!
All: Oh Ekyt…! ^-^
Flash: Yeah… AND I’M OFF!!! WHOOOOOOSH!!!!
All: O_o
All: O_o
Flash: *giggles insanely and falls down*
All: O_o
End!! ^_^
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DemonZeroX3000 on April 26, 2009, 7:35:16 PM

Superstix on January 19, 2007, 6:09:46 AM
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Phantom42 on November 5, 2006, 6:37:27 AM
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