Chapter 10 - Sonic Heroes Bloopers!!
Submitted July 25, 2006 Updated February 11, 2009 Status Incomplete | This is what Sonic and the others do when they are not saving the world... ^_^
Comics » Sonic the Hedgehog |
Chapter 10 - Sonic Heroes Bloopers!!
Chapter 10 - Sonic Heroes Bloopers!!
Sonic Heroes bloopers!
Beginning CGI Movie… Team Sonic… Act 1…
Tails: OMG!! IT’S SONIC!!
Sonic: Yo Tails! Long time no see!
Tails: Sonic! Check this out!
Sonic: Check what out…?
Knuckles: Tails’s stupid airplane!
Tails: What?!!
Knuckles: Yeah!!
Tails: *makes barrelroll so that Knuckles falls out…*
Beginning CGI Movie… Team Dark… Act 1…
Rouge falls down from an airvent… and smacks on the ground…
Beginning CGI Movie… Team Dark… Act 2…
Rouge falls down from an airvent, this time she lands on her feet… She punches some number on a keypad, and a door is opening…
Rouge: This must be it! I’ve found Eggmans secret treasure!!
She then walks to a capsule… and opens it. At the same time, a robot awakes…
Rouge: *gasp!*
Robot starts shooting… T_T
Shadow: HOLY CRAP!!
Rouge: Shadow! O_o
Shadow: Stay here!
Omega: Must eradicate all Eggmans robots!
Rouge: Huh!?
Shadow and Omega started fighting…
Rouge: CUT THE CRAP!!!
All: O_o
After a while…
Rouge: Now I get it! Now I know what this is all about… *points at Omega* You’re mad at Eggman for being dumped inside this basement! And you… *points at Shadow* You cant remember anything can you…?
Shadow: Nope…
Rouge: Then it’s settled!
Rouge: O_o
Shadow: What…? I just had to say it… ^-^
Rouge: That’s my line dumbass… T_T
Shadow: ^-^
Beginning CGI Movie… Team Chaotix… Act 1…
Vector: What?!
Charmy bumps into Vector and the box is flying through the air… Espio throws a shuriken at the box… Shuriken hits Charmy…
Charmy: GAAGH!!
Espio: Whoops…
*long silence*
Espio: Hey Vector…? *Looks at a dead Charmy*
Vector: Yeah…?
Espio: Did you know Charmy has a real sharp butt…?
Vector: No…
Espio: Let’s play darts…
Vector: ‘Kay…
CGI Movie, Boss one… Team Sonic vs Team Rose…
Amy: Gotcha! My darling Sonic!
Sonic: Amy! What are you doing here?!
Amy: Sonic, this time there is no way outta marrying me!
Amy starts running towards Sonic… Sonic stepped aside… Amy fell of the platform…
Big: OMG!!! *jumps of platform*
Sonic: Pweh… Glad that’s over…
Tails: Knuckles, let’s go!
Knuckles bashed the shoot outta Cream…
All: O_o
CGI Movie, Boss one… Team Chaotix vs Team Dark…
Rouge: Man! Who are those creeps over there?!
Vector: What’s up Espio?!
Espio: And you are…?
Rouge: Just whadda ya think your doing here?!
Vector: Who’s this broad?!
Espio: Our client adversary perhaps…
Charmy: You mean the pizza delivery guys!?
All: O_o
Charmy: *to Shadow* Give me a pepperoni pizza!
Shadow: O_o
Charmy: And make it snappy!
Shadow: T_T *slaps Charmy of the platform…*
CGI Movie, cutscene… Team Sonic… Act 1…
Fake Eggman: Muhahaha! Once again, you fools have been tricked!
Tails: It's a fake?! O_o
Eggman: From these canyons, watch as I conquer the world with my air fleet! And there's nothing you can do to stop me!
Sonic: Drat! A trap to stall for time!
Sonic and Knuckles run off
Tails: It's not an Eggman robot... Sonic! Knuckles! Wait for me!
Tails runs off…
Metal Sonic: All life form data... successfully copied!
*long silence*
Metal Sonic: A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.
If this is the first time you’ve seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps:
Check for viruses on your computer. Remove any newly installed hard drives or hard drive controllers. Check your hard drive to make sure it is properly configured and terminated. Run chkdsk /F to check for hard drive corruption, and then restart your computer.
Technical information
***STOP: 0x0000007B (0xF898963C, 0xf0000034, 0x00000000 0x00000000)
Bill Gates: And that’s how I saved the world!!
( I’m sorry if you don’t get the joke… T_T )
CGI Movie, cutscene… Team Dark… Act 1…
Fake Eggman: Muhahahahaha! Muhahahaha!
Shadow looks at a Shadow Android
Rouge: Shadow...?
Shadow: Let's go…
Shadow skates of the ship…
Rouge/Omega: -_-‘ *walks away…*
Metal Sonic: Ultimate life form data... has been copied.
*long silence*
Metal Sonic: A problem has been detected and- Oh God!! Not again!!! O_o
CGI Movie, cutscene… Team Rose… Act 1…
Fake Eggman: Muhahahaha! Muhahahaha!
Amy: Hey! It's just a stupid copy!
Big: Froggy! Where are you! Let's go home...
Cream: Cheese? What's wrong?
Cheese: It's Chucola Chao...
Big: Chocolate Chao?! Where?! I’m gonna eat it!
Big: Okiedokie!!
Cream: Cheese!! Get him!!!
Cheese: CHAO CHAO MOTHERfrackER!!1
Big: O_o
Big gets @$$ kicked…
( The moral…? Never mess with a @$$ kicking Chao… )
CGI Movie, cutscene… Team Chaotix… Act 1…
Vector: Good job boys! Guess that Eggman was a fake after all!
Client: Of course it was! Listen carefully! There's a jungle just to the north
of here! Go there immidiately!
Vector: Got it!
Charmy: You know what? Our client sure seems to know a lot about this Dr.
Eggman guy…
Espio: Definitely an agent… His mother perhaps…
Vector: Strangely enough, I had the same weird feeling about our client's REAL
identity! It could be you know who...
Charmy: Oh dear God! You mean…
Vector: Yes…
Espio: No…! O_o
Vector: Yes… T_T
Espio: There’s… No way!
Vector: It is…
Espio: Naah… Wait… You mean…?
Vector: Yes…
All: O_o
Espio: Don’t you dare to try and stop me from rescuing her!
Vector: T_T *slaps Espio*
CGI Movie, Boss 2… Team Dark vs Team Sonic… Act 1…
Shadow: Look it's that asshole!
Rogue: Wonder what the big rush is all about? Betcha those guys will end up
getting in my way and making trouble!
Knuckles: Hey, isn't that-
Tails: Sonic!
Knuckles: That’s not Sonic! That’s Shadow! O_o
Tails: T_T
Sonic: Heh! Talk about being stubborn and full of surprises!
Rogue: Long time, no see boys! Too bad you had to come all this way for
nothing! We'll take it from here!
Knuckles: What'd you say?
Omega: Sensors locked on Eggman! Non-complaint intruders will be destroyed!
Sonic: Didn't you know? We have a date with Eggman to!
Shadow: Hah! I knew it! You’re gay!
Sonic: O_o
Shadow: A date with Eggman…?! Eew… You’re disgusting!
Sonic: O_o
Shadow: Eggman has a little doggy too! Shall I get him for you!? His name is Snooky! Just be carefull you don’t get rabies! *lmfao*
Sonic: -_-‘
CGI Movie, Boss 2… Team Chaotix vs Team Rose… Act 1…
Vector: Excuse me miss! I was wondering if I could ask you something!
Amy: If it's about a date, it'll halfta wait!
Vector: A DATE! You think this is a joke, you little brat?
Espio: Now hand over that Chao nice and easy!
Cream: I betcha you're the ones who took Chucola Chao!
Big: It’s not nice to tease my friends!
Amy: What friends…?
Big: -_-‘
CGI ending Movie, Team Sonic… Act 1…
Kncukles: Boy, talk about cutting it close...
Sonic: Eh, not really!
Knuckles: C'mon, tell me you weren't scared? If it weren't for us, you wouldn't stand a chance!
Sonic: Well maybe you're right! Thanks Knuckles! You too Tails!
Amy: Aha! Gotcha Sonic! SONIC!!
Sonic: O_o
Knuckles: Don’t worry! I got this one!
Amy hugs Knuckles… T_T
Knuckles: Gaaah… I’m… done… for… go on… without me… save yourselfs…
Sonic: Get up you asshole! It’s just a hug…
Knuckles: Yeah… But from Amy…
Tails: Dude! That’s so horrible!
Amy: -_-‘ *kicks the guys of the ship…*
CGI ending Movie, Team Dark… Act 1…
Omega: Eggman target completely destroyed!
Rouge: Now let's find that secret treasure...
Rouge gasps as she notices all of the capsules around there containing Shadow
Androids, then Omega walks in the base
Omega: Prepare to destroy immediate area!
Rouge starts to walk out, but stops…
Rouge: Hey Omega... Did I ever tell you that Shadow is a robot, and... oh never
mind... good luck!
Omega: You know about cloning... the original must exist somewhere.
Rouge is outside talking to Shadow…
Rouge: All this for what? Nothing! I might as well go look for that Master
Emerald, since that irritating ECHIDNA is here.
Shadow: Heh! Some things never change, do they?
Rouge: Whaddya saying? What else is a famous treasure hunter supposed to do?
Shadow: Well… For example, getting a life…
Rouge: O_o
CGI ending Movie, Team Chaotix… Act 1…
The fake Eggman melts into liquid
Vector: Guess he was a fake after all!
Espio: What do you mean after all?
Vector bashed on the doors that is containing there client…
Vector: We're here to save you! Kate Winslet, I presume!
All: *gasp!* O_o
Espio: What's going on? O_o
Charmy: What's up? O_o
Eggman: You knew it was me all along, didn't you?
Vector: Eeh… Yeah… It's all part of being a good detective!
Espio: Were we fooled that easily?
Charmy: You're rotten!
Eggman: Hey hold on you guys! It's no trick! Besides, I plan on paying you! As
soon as I conquer the world… I will PAY you!
Vector: Some nerve promising what you aint got!
Espio: We've been had!
Eggman: Wait!
Charmy: Take this you bad man!
Eggman: O_o *slaps Charmy*
CGI final ending Movie… Act 1…
*probably the best…*
Vector: Then who was it? Who locked you up here for trying to conquer the
(Eggman hesitates before speaking)
Eggman: It was...
Charmy: Kate Winslet?!
Eggman: T_T
Part 2… Act 1…
Team Sonic runs to this pillar where Metal Sonic is standing on the structure…
Metal Sonic: HA!! HA1!! HA1!!!! HA!!!!!!!!!! HA!!!!!!!!!
All: O_o
Metal Sonic: -_-‘
Part 2… Act 2…
Metal Sonic: Mwehehehehehe…
All: O_o
Metal Sonic: All living things, kneel before your master!!
Charmy kneels for Metal Sonic… Vector kicks him off the ship…
Part 2… Act 3…
Metal Sonic: Mwehehehehehe…
All: O_o
Metal Sonic: All living things, kneel before your master!!
*long silence*
Metal Sonic’s right arm falls off…
Metal Sonic: Eeh… Could you help me with that…?
Shadow: You’re pathetic…
Part 3… Act 3…
Eggman: Metal Sonic has finally transformed!
Sonic: So THAT'S Metal Sonic?
Eggman: It's useless! Metal Sonic has combined your data with the power of
Chaos, and is super strong! We can't defeat it! ARGH!! If only we had the
seven Chaos Emeralds!
The four teams hold up the emeralds and Eggman looks shocked
Eggman: What's this? But how? Even with the emerald's power, our chances for
victory are slim! It would take a miracle!
Sonic: Just leave that to me Doc!
Amy: Sonic, no!
Tails: I'm going with you too!
Sonic: Tails...?! What kinda shoot powers you have?!
Knuckles: You can count me in to!
Sonic: Knuckles!
Shadow: OK guys! We'll buy you some time! That way you can use your super
powers!! O_o
All: O_o
Shadow: What?!
Rouge: Arent you gonna fight with Sonic…? Changing into Hyper Shadow…?
Shadow: Well… Eeh… you see… eeh… I’ve pulled a muscle…
All: T_T
Shadow: What?! It really hurts!
Knuckles: Stand back everyone! Give this guy some air! The ambulance is on its way!
Shadow: T_T *punches Knuckles in the face*
Sonic: All right then, let's get ready to do this. We'll show that creep the
*long silence*
Sonic: Guys…? *turns around and noticed no one is there…*
Sonic: Crap…. T_T
Sonic gets his @$$ kicked by Metal Overlord…
Final Part… Act 1…
Metal Sonic goes back to his regular form
Metal Sonic: It's no use... but why can't I defeat you?
Sonic: Because... We're Sonic Heroes!
Metal Sonic: That doesn’t make any sense you know…
Sonic: Shut the frack up!!
Amy: Sonic!
Sonic: Anytime you want a rematch, just let me know! I'll be waiting!
Tails: Hey, Sonic wait up! *walks over Metal Sonic*
Metal: Son of a dog!!
Amy *calling to Big and Cream*: Sorry to leave like this, but I can't get my
Sonic get away!
Cream: Good luck, Amy!
Big: Bye-bye!
Knuckles: Sonic sure has his hands full!
Rouge: Guess I'm outta here too! I guess I'll go look for someone else's
Knuckles: Man! She never gives up, does she?
Rouge: Maybe something that begins with an M and ends with Aster Emerald…
Knuckles: Oh ok, as long as it isn’t the Master Emerald…
Vector: Guess that's it for this case!
Espio: Guess so!
Charmy: But what about our money!
Vector: MAN, I almost forgot!
Eggman is trying to sneak away but gets caught by Team Chaotix who starts to
chase after him
Omega is standing on the ship holding Metal Sonic's limp body
Shadow looks at Metal Sonic
Shadow: Why don’t I say anything at the end…?
Omega: Does not compute…
Shadow: What do you mean?! Something educational for the kids at home!
Omega: …… Go ahead…
Shadow: Thank you… If you want to save a tree… Then kill a beaver…
Omega: O_o
Shadow: ^_^
Omega: T_T *slaps Shadow*
Then you see Sonic running with Tails and Knuckles
Sonic: Alright! Our next adventure awaits us, so there's no time to waste!
Yeah! We are SONIC HEROES!
All: O_o
Sonic: What?!
Tails: Why is it called Sonic Heroes?!
Knuckles: Yeah! Why not Knuckles Heroes?!
Tails: That sucks…
Sonic: That doesn’t make sense…
Knuckles: Yes it does!
Sonic: No it doesn’t…
Knuckles: Yes it does!
Sonic: No it doesn’t…
Knuckles: Yes it does!
Sonic: No it doesn’t…
And so… We leave our heroes to do whatever they wanted… The next day… They would all kick Eggman’s @$$ again…
The end…
*thank God…*
Beginning CGI Movie… Team Sonic… Act 1…
Tails: OMG!! IT’S SONIC!!
Sonic: Yo Tails! Long time no see!
Tails: Sonic! Check this out!
Sonic: Check what out…?
Knuckles: Tails’s stupid airplane!
Tails: What?!!
Knuckles: Yeah!!
Tails: *makes barrelroll so that Knuckles falls out…*
Beginning CGI Movie… Team Dark… Act 1…
Rouge falls down from an airvent… and smacks on the ground…
Beginning CGI Movie… Team Dark… Act 2…
Rouge falls down from an airvent, this time she lands on her feet… She punches some number on a keypad, and a door is opening…
Rouge: This must be it! I’ve found Eggmans secret treasure!!
She then walks to a capsule… and opens it. At the same time, a robot awakes…
Rouge: *gasp!*
Robot starts shooting… T_T
Shadow: HOLY CRAP!!
Rouge: Shadow! O_o
Shadow: Stay here!
Omega: Must eradicate all Eggmans robots!
Rouge: Huh!?
Shadow and Omega started fighting…
Rouge: CUT THE CRAP!!!
All: O_o
After a while…
Rouge: Now I get it! Now I know what this is all about… *points at Omega* You’re mad at Eggman for being dumped inside this basement! And you… *points at Shadow* You cant remember anything can you…?
Shadow: Nope…
Rouge: Then it’s settled!
Rouge: O_o
Shadow: What…? I just had to say it… ^-^
Rouge: That’s my line dumbass… T_T
Shadow: ^-^
Beginning CGI Movie… Team Chaotix… Act 1…
Vector: What?!
Charmy bumps into Vector and the box is flying through the air… Espio throws a shuriken at the box… Shuriken hits Charmy…
Charmy: GAAGH!!
Espio: Whoops…
*long silence*
Espio: Hey Vector…? *Looks at a dead Charmy*
Vector: Yeah…?
Espio: Did you know Charmy has a real sharp butt…?
Vector: No…
Espio: Let’s play darts…
Vector: ‘Kay…
CGI Movie, Boss one… Team Sonic vs Team Rose…
Amy: Gotcha! My darling Sonic!
Sonic: Amy! What are you doing here?!
Amy: Sonic, this time there is no way outta marrying me!
Amy starts running towards Sonic… Sonic stepped aside… Amy fell of the platform…
Big: OMG!!! *jumps of platform*
Sonic: Pweh… Glad that’s over…
Tails: Knuckles, let’s go!
Knuckles bashed the shoot outta Cream…
All: O_o
CGI Movie, Boss one… Team Chaotix vs Team Dark…
Rouge: Man! Who are those creeps over there?!
Vector: What’s up Espio?!
Espio: And you are…?
Rouge: Just whadda ya think your doing here?!
Vector: Who’s this broad?!
Espio: Our client adversary perhaps…
Charmy: You mean the pizza delivery guys!?
All: O_o
Charmy: *to Shadow* Give me a pepperoni pizza!
Shadow: O_o
Charmy: And make it snappy!
Shadow: T_T *slaps Charmy of the platform…*
CGI Movie, cutscene… Team Sonic… Act 1…
Fake Eggman: Muhahaha! Once again, you fools have been tricked!
Tails: It's a fake?! O_o
Eggman: From these canyons, watch as I conquer the world with my air fleet! And there's nothing you can do to stop me!
Sonic: Drat! A trap to stall for time!
Sonic and Knuckles run off
Tails: It's not an Eggman robot... Sonic! Knuckles! Wait for me!
Tails runs off…
Metal Sonic: All life form data... successfully copied!
*long silence*
Metal Sonic: A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.
If this is the first time you’ve seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps:
Check for viruses on your computer. Remove any newly installed hard drives or hard drive controllers. Check your hard drive to make sure it is properly configured and terminated. Run chkdsk /F to check for hard drive corruption, and then restart your computer.
Technical information
***STOP: 0x0000007B (0xF898963C, 0xf0000034, 0x00000000 0x00000000)
Bill Gates: And that’s how I saved the world!!
( I’m sorry if you don’t get the joke… T_T )
CGI Movie, cutscene… Team Dark… Act 1…
Fake Eggman: Muhahahahaha! Muhahahaha!
Shadow looks at a Shadow Android
Rouge: Shadow...?
Shadow: Let's go…
Shadow skates of the ship…
Rouge/Omega: -_-‘ *walks away…*
Metal Sonic: Ultimate life form data... has been copied.
*long silence*
Metal Sonic: A problem has been detected and- Oh God!! Not again!!! O_o
CGI Movie, cutscene… Team Rose… Act 1…
Fake Eggman: Muhahahaha! Muhahahaha!
Amy: Hey! It's just a stupid copy!
Big: Froggy! Where are you! Let's go home...
Cream: Cheese? What's wrong?
Cheese: It's Chucola Chao...
Big: Chocolate Chao?! Where?! I’m gonna eat it!
Big: Okiedokie!!
Cream: Cheese!! Get him!!!
Cheese: CHAO CHAO MOTHERfrackER!!1
Big: O_o
Big gets @$$ kicked…
( The moral…? Never mess with a @$$ kicking Chao… )
CGI Movie, cutscene… Team Chaotix… Act 1…
Vector: Good job boys! Guess that Eggman was a fake after all!
Client: Of course it was! Listen carefully! There's a jungle just to the north
of here! Go there immidiately!
Vector: Got it!
Charmy: You know what? Our client sure seems to know a lot about this Dr.
Eggman guy…
Espio: Definitely an agent… His mother perhaps…
Vector: Strangely enough, I had the same weird feeling about our client's REAL
identity! It could be you know who...
Charmy: Oh dear God! You mean…
Vector: Yes…
Espio: No…! O_o
Vector: Yes… T_T
Espio: There’s… No way!
Vector: It is…
Espio: Naah… Wait… You mean…?
Vector: Yes…
All: O_o
Espio: Don’t you dare to try and stop me from rescuing her!
Vector: T_T *slaps Espio*
CGI Movie, Boss 2… Team Dark vs Team Sonic… Act 1…
Shadow: Look it's that asshole!
Rogue: Wonder what the big rush is all about? Betcha those guys will end up
getting in my way and making trouble!
Knuckles: Hey, isn't that-
Tails: Sonic!
Knuckles: That’s not Sonic! That’s Shadow! O_o
Tails: T_T
Sonic: Heh! Talk about being stubborn and full of surprises!
Rogue: Long time, no see boys! Too bad you had to come all this way for
nothing! We'll take it from here!
Knuckles: What'd you say?
Omega: Sensors locked on Eggman! Non-complaint intruders will be destroyed!
Sonic: Didn't you know? We have a date with Eggman to!
Shadow: Hah! I knew it! You’re gay!
Sonic: O_o
Shadow: A date with Eggman…?! Eew… You’re disgusting!
Sonic: O_o
Shadow: Eggman has a little doggy too! Shall I get him for you!? His name is Snooky! Just be carefull you don’t get rabies! *lmfao*
Sonic: -_-‘
CGI Movie, Boss 2… Team Chaotix vs Team Rose… Act 1…
Vector: Excuse me miss! I was wondering if I could ask you something!
Amy: If it's about a date, it'll halfta wait!
Vector: A DATE! You think this is a joke, you little brat?
Espio: Now hand over that Chao nice and easy!
Cream: I betcha you're the ones who took Chucola Chao!
Big: It’s not nice to tease my friends!
Amy: What friends…?
Big: -_-‘
CGI ending Movie, Team Sonic… Act 1…
Kncukles: Boy, talk about cutting it close...
Sonic: Eh, not really!
Knuckles: C'mon, tell me you weren't scared? If it weren't for us, you wouldn't stand a chance!
Sonic: Well maybe you're right! Thanks Knuckles! You too Tails!
Amy: Aha! Gotcha Sonic! SONIC!!
Sonic: O_o
Knuckles: Don’t worry! I got this one!
Amy hugs Knuckles… T_T
Knuckles: Gaaah… I’m… done… for… go on… without me… save yourselfs…
Sonic: Get up you asshole! It’s just a hug…
Knuckles: Yeah… But from Amy…
Tails: Dude! That’s so horrible!
Amy: -_-‘ *kicks the guys of the ship…*
CGI ending Movie, Team Dark… Act 1…
Omega: Eggman target completely destroyed!
Rouge: Now let's find that secret treasure...
Rouge gasps as she notices all of the capsules around there containing Shadow
Androids, then Omega walks in the base
Omega: Prepare to destroy immediate area!
Rouge starts to walk out, but stops…
Rouge: Hey Omega... Did I ever tell you that Shadow is a robot, and... oh never
mind... good luck!
Omega: You know about cloning... the original must exist somewhere.
Rouge is outside talking to Shadow…
Rouge: All this for what? Nothing! I might as well go look for that Master
Emerald, since that irritating ECHIDNA is here.
Shadow: Heh! Some things never change, do they?
Rouge: Whaddya saying? What else is a famous treasure hunter supposed to do?
Shadow: Well… For example, getting a life…
Rouge: O_o
CGI ending Movie, Team Chaotix… Act 1…
The fake Eggman melts into liquid
Vector: Guess he was a fake after all!
Espio: What do you mean after all?
Vector bashed on the doors that is containing there client…
Vector: We're here to save you! Kate Winslet, I presume!
All: *gasp!* O_o
Espio: What's going on? O_o
Charmy: What's up? O_o
Eggman: You knew it was me all along, didn't you?
Vector: Eeh… Yeah… It's all part of being a good detective!
Espio: Were we fooled that easily?
Charmy: You're rotten!
Eggman: Hey hold on you guys! It's no trick! Besides, I plan on paying you! As
soon as I conquer the world… I will PAY you!
Vector: Some nerve promising what you aint got!
Espio: We've been had!
Eggman: Wait!
Charmy: Take this you bad man!
Eggman: O_o *slaps Charmy*
CGI final ending Movie… Act 1…
*probably the best…*
Vector: Then who was it? Who locked you up here for trying to conquer the
(Eggman hesitates before speaking)
Eggman: It was...
Charmy: Kate Winslet?!
Eggman: T_T
Part 2… Act 1…
Team Sonic runs to this pillar where Metal Sonic is standing on the structure…
Metal Sonic: HA!! HA1!! HA1!!!! HA!!!!!!!!!! HA!!!!!!!!!
All: O_o
Metal Sonic: -_-‘
Part 2… Act 2…
Metal Sonic: Mwehehehehehe…
All: O_o
Metal Sonic: All living things, kneel before your master!!
Charmy kneels for Metal Sonic… Vector kicks him off the ship…
Part 2… Act 3…
Metal Sonic: Mwehehehehehe…
All: O_o
Metal Sonic: All living things, kneel before your master!!
*long silence*
Metal Sonic’s right arm falls off…
Metal Sonic: Eeh… Could you help me with that…?
Shadow: You’re pathetic…
Part 3… Act 3…
Eggman: Metal Sonic has finally transformed!
Sonic: So THAT'S Metal Sonic?
Eggman: It's useless! Metal Sonic has combined your data with the power of
Chaos, and is super strong! We can't defeat it! ARGH!! If only we had the
seven Chaos Emeralds!
The four teams hold up the emeralds and Eggman looks shocked
Eggman: What's this? But how? Even with the emerald's power, our chances for
victory are slim! It would take a miracle!
Sonic: Just leave that to me Doc!
Amy: Sonic, no!
Tails: I'm going with you too!
Sonic: Tails...?! What kinda shoot powers you have?!
Knuckles: You can count me in to!
Sonic: Knuckles!
Shadow: OK guys! We'll buy you some time! That way you can use your super
powers!! O_o
All: O_o
Shadow: What?!
Rouge: Arent you gonna fight with Sonic…? Changing into Hyper Shadow…?
Shadow: Well… Eeh… you see… eeh… I’ve pulled a muscle…
All: T_T
Shadow: What?! It really hurts!
Knuckles: Stand back everyone! Give this guy some air! The ambulance is on its way!
Shadow: T_T *punches Knuckles in the face*
Sonic: All right then, let's get ready to do this. We'll show that creep the
*long silence*
Sonic: Guys…? *turns around and noticed no one is there…*
Sonic: Crap…. T_T
Sonic gets his @$$ kicked by Metal Overlord…
Final Part… Act 1…
Metal Sonic goes back to his regular form
Metal Sonic: It's no use... but why can't I defeat you?
Sonic: Because... We're Sonic Heroes!
Metal Sonic: That doesn’t make any sense you know…
Sonic: Shut the frack up!!
Amy: Sonic!
Sonic: Anytime you want a rematch, just let me know! I'll be waiting!
Tails: Hey, Sonic wait up! *walks over Metal Sonic*
Metal: Son of a dog!!
Amy *calling to Big and Cream*: Sorry to leave like this, but I can't get my
Sonic get away!
Cream: Good luck, Amy!
Big: Bye-bye!
Knuckles: Sonic sure has his hands full!
Rouge: Guess I'm outta here too! I guess I'll go look for someone else's
Knuckles: Man! She never gives up, does she?
Rouge: Maybe something that begins with an M and ends with Aster Emerald…
Knuckles: Oh ok, as long as it isn’t the Master Emerald…
Vector: Guess that's it for this case!
Espio: Guess so!
Charmy: But what about our money!
Vector: MAN, I almost forgot!
Eggman is trying to sneak away but gets caught by Team Chaotix who starts to
chase after him
Omega is standing on the ship holding Metal Sonic's limp body
Shadow looks at Metal Sonic
Shadow: Why don’t I say anything at the end…?
Omega: Does not compute…
Shadow: What do you mean?! Something educational for the kids at home!
Omega: …… Go ahead…
Shadow: Thank you… If you want to save a tree… Then kill a beaver…
Omega: O_o
Shadow: ^_^
Omega: T_T *slaps Shadow*
Then you see Sonic running with Tails and Knuckles
Sonic: Alright! Our next adventure awaits us, so there's no time to waste!
Yeah! We are SONIC HEROES!
All: O_o
Sonic: What?!
Tails: Why is it called Sonic Heroes?!
Knuckles: Yeah! Why not Knuckles Heroes?!
Tails: That sucks…
Sonic: That doesn’t make sense…
Knuckles: Yes it does!
Sonic: No it doesn’t…
Knuckles: Yes it does!
Sonic: No it doesn’t…
Knuckles: Yes it does!
Sonic: No it doesn’t…
And so… We leave our heroes to do whatever they wanted… The next day… They would all kick Eggman’s @$$ again…
The end…
*thank God…*
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shadow_flames12345 on May 30, 2007, 5:26:13 AM

Superstix on January 19, 2007, 11:44:16 PM
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Serenity_Hedgehog on September 4, 2006, 6:59:41 AM
ShadowsGirlfriend1_0 on August 30, 2006, 12:41:37 AM
Marcia-the-Hedgehog on August 19, 2006, 10:10:37 AM
nextguardian on August 19, 2006, 7:19:25 AM
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