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Yukina's sadness

A story of Yukinas true feelings.



Chapter 1 - Together forever, my family
Submitted: June 10, 2005 • Updated: June 10, 2005
Word count: 547 • Size: 2k • Comments: 5 • views: 242


Comments (5)

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TorturedSoul on June 12, 2005, 1:55:58 PM

TorturedSoul on (Chapter: 1)
TorturedSoulI love this story! Great work! you are a really great writer! =^__^=

YukinaObbsessionist on June 11, 2005, 7:03:12 PM

YukinaObbsessionist on (Chapter: 1)
YukinaObbsessionistJEESE YOU PYRO!!!!!!!!!!O_O mls, (much laughs, for all you who know not of my insanity) Girl scoutz and lil kids? O_O GOOD IDEA!!!!!!!!*high fivez* YOU RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!*tacklez/hugglez* BYEZERZ!!!!!*sets comment on fire* HA NOW IT FLAMEZ!!!!!!!WITHOUT BEING A FLAMEZ!!!!!!!!HEHEHEHE!!!!!!!!I'M CLEVER!!!!!!!LUV YAZ!!!!!!!!XOXO *tacklez/hugglez*

MysteriousMindReader on June 10, 2005, 3:24:09 PM

MysteriousMindReader on (Chapter: 1)
MysteriousMindReadero_O ^_^ thanks guys! this is my first fic thingy. T_T so happy. o_O next will be soon. I FINALLY FIGUERD OUT HOW TO WORK THE html THINGY! o_O muwahahahaha!!! anway comment if you like. cause flames. will be deleted. flames are only good for one thing. and that is setting lil kids and girl scouts on fire. ^_^/)) later

YukinaObbsessionist on June 10, 2005, 12:46:11 PM

YukinaObbsessionist on (Chapter: 1)
YukinaObbsessionistAmazing, it almost made me cry, the tears were in my eyes they just didn't come. -_- Maybe because YOU KILLED ME! Still awesomenezz, you definately have a lot of writing talent. -_- YOU AND GRAVE MAKE ME LOSE MY SPECIALNEZZ!!!!!!! O_O *sighz* -_- ~_^ Oh well though, you had good detail, kinda looped me in the beginning but all in all I luved it! It's in my favez!!!!Absolutely fantastic!!!! O_O *reaches over commentz and smacks Grave with a frying pan* YOU THIEF TACKLE HUGGING IS MINE! *MUTTERZ* Well anyway stunning and stellar story! I luv it! If you don't make more I'm going to stalk you and kill every cat in the universe! Sayonara! *hugglez* LUV YAZ!!!XOXO!!!!!!!!BYEZERZERZIZIZIZIZERZERZERZ!!!!!!!!!!! O_O Another long comment! O_O YAY IM SPECIAL AFTER ALLLLLL!!!!!!!!Obviously!!!!!! Anyone reading this, I'm sorry but OoOoOoOoOoOoOo I'am the Ghost of Insanity!!!!!Feel my wrath mortalz!!!!!!!!!!!! *bed sheet draped over self* OoOoOoOoOoOo!!!!!! O_O Righto, LATAZ GATAZ!!!!!!!!!

grave_keeper on June 10, 2005, 12:31:12 PM

grave_keeper on (Chapter: 1)
grave_keeperO_O.......................................OMG I LOVE THIS STORY IT MADE ME CRY GODDAMNIT YOUR A KICK @$$ WRITER AND DEMAND YOU DO MORE! O_O............**tackles and hugs** YOU ARE THE BEST! >_< **favorits to everything** o_O;;;;;;