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Submitted October 29, 2006 Updated November 9, 2006 Status Incomplete Chapters: 1 Size: 2k Words: 423 Comments: 2 Views: 1,251 Faves: 3 Rating: 0 | In the dark you shall fear, In your screams I'll be there, When you bleed I shall drink, When you sleep I shall wake, Then in my grasp, shall be your soul Find out.... O\v/O Happy Haoowwwwwwwwwlloween!!
Fantasy » Characters » Demons |
Submitted June 9, 2006 Updated February 12, 2008 Status Incomplete Chapters: 6 Size: 60k Words: 12,184 Comments: 6 Views: 2,076 Faves: 1 Rating: 0 | A creature that has been around for more then 1,000 years has been tracking Inuyasha and Kagome since they had begun there journey, with Sango, Miroku, Shippo, Myoga, and Kilala joining them. And it's had it's eyes on them all, especially Kilala, and most of all Inuyasha and Kagome. The others are inportent as well. It's scent undetected if it wanted it to, and invisible to those it didn't want them to see. Powers unimaginable, it could destroy the universe. It can take on an infinite amount of forms. It could be anyone you know or love. This creature has been with them since Kagome and Inuyasha begun, to the time to group defeated Naraku. Then, it lost them. So now it's off looking for them again to meet an old friend and past family members in the group and to warn them about the incoming and horrific danger'(s) that is approaching. Ancient and mythical creatures from the other side of the Earth will appear. Creatures from the past, present, and future will arrive and come together as one. And ancient power will be awakened and re-awaken. In this story this creature will make it's appearance and have wonderful and terrible things happen to those it comes in contact with. Weird things will happen, old friends and past family members will meet once again, a curse will be placed and one will be broken, new creatures will appear, and ancient power will resurface from the depth of the Earth once again.
Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series » Couples/Pairings » Fan-character (OC) Pairings |
Submitted May 22, 2006 Updated November 19, 2006 Status Incomplete Chapters: 8 Size: 77k Words: 15,776 Comments: 67 Views: 58,033 Faves: 18 Rating: 1 | This is EXTREMELY far in my story. I'm right now no were near this area. But I thought some of you would like to read some REALLY descriptive sex on every ones fav couple. Inuyasha and Kagome. So please in joy. You may be a little confused cause some info has already been said in my preveus stoire. But please bear with me and injoy!!!! ^v^
Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series » Couples/Pairings » Inuyasha + Kagome |
Submitted May 20, 2006 Updated September 2, 2006 Status Incomplete Chapters: 3 Size: 28k Words: 5,789 Comments: 5 Views: 1,330 Faves: 0 Rating: 0 | This is my story to what happens after the last episode/book chapter. Tohru has been granted to stay with the Sohmas' and live with Yuki, Kyo, and Shigure in the house. But something or someone has been watching them sense Tohru first arrived at the Sohma house. And for the past one and a half years she has been then this thing has not left. She has been watch them from afar. From the shadows of the woods. But now she will reveal herself, show them what true fear really is and what it's really like to be curesed.
Anime/Manga » Fruits Basket » Fan Characters (OC's) |