Chapter 1 - A Gift
Submitted May 20, 2006 Updated September 2, 2006 Status Incomplete | This is my story to what happens after the last episode/book chapter. Tohru has been granted to stay with the Sohmas' and live with Yuki, Kyo, and Shigure in the house. But something or someone has been watching them sense Tohru first arrived at the Sohma house. And for the past one and a half years she has been then this thing has not left. She has been watch them from afar. From the shadows of the woods. But now she will reveal herself, show them what true fear really is and what it's really like to be curesed.
Anime/Manga » Fruits Basket » Fan Characters (OC's) |
Chapter 1 - A Gift
Chapter 1 - A Gift
Chapter 1
A Gift
It was a warm, sunny day. Tohru was making lunch for everyone in the kichen. Yuki was watching tv in the dinning room, Kyo was on the roof, like always, and Shigure was in his office writing. Which was also his bedroom. It was quite, until... "Lunch is ready!" Tohru yelled, not to loud. "Oh, thats great. I was just getting hungery" Yuki says in his soft, sweet voice. Tohru plases the dishes down on the table. Shigure just came out of his room when he heared her. "Lunch!? Thats great. So, what did you make for us today Tohru?" Shigure asks as he sits down next to Yuki. "Oh, I made everyone there favorite dishes with rice. See Yuki has stemed leax. I don't really know what you like Shigure so I made you some beef stou with carrets and potatos in it." "Oh thats wounderful. Thank you Tohru." "Yes, thank you miss Honda." Tohru smiled at her prases. "Oh, weres Kyo? she asked. "You should know by know Tohru. Hes' on the roof." "Oh thats right. Thank you Shigure" she said then ran off outside. She went to the side of the house to the ladder. She climed it until she reashed the top. And there lying on his back looking at the sky was Kyo. "Hey Kyo lunch is ready." Kyo jumped with fear. "Ahhhhhhh! When did you get there!?" he yelled. "I just got here. I came to tell you lunch is ready. I made your favorite." Tohru said all happy. "I'll be down in a second" he said couming down. "Alright" she answered then went down the ladder. When she was gone Kyo look back up at the sky. He begain to think to himself. 'I gess today should be the day. Oh, but what if I mess it up? What if she doesn't like it?' Than a voice pulls Kyo out of his thoughts. "Kyo!! You going to let your food get cold?!" It was Tohru. Kyo smiled for some reason then started down the ladder. He opened the door to enter the dinning room. "Hey Kyo. You going to eat? Tohru ask all happy. Kyo turned his head to the side and started to blush. "Umm, Tohru? Can you come with me for a moment?" Kyo asked as he walked to the stairs. Tohru looked at Shigure and Yuki. They looked back at her. All were cureus and confused. "Well you coming or not?" Kyo yelled from the bottom of the stairs. "Coming" Tohru said and followed him up stairs. Yuki and Shigure looked at each other puzzled and confused, but most of all cureus. Tohru followed Kyo to his room. They entered it and stopped walking in the middle of the room. Tohru looked confused. She didn't know why he wanted to she her. Then she started to think 'Huh, what if I did something and he's going to punish me'. "I'm sorry Kyo. For what ever I did. I'm sorry." She said bowing her head to show her apolige. "Huh? N-no. You didn't do anything wrong." Kyo says softly. Tohru lifts her head back up and had her confused look back on her face. "Then what did you want to see me for?" she asks. Kyo covered his eyes with his bangs, clenthes his fist tight and prepars to speek. "Do you...still like me? The cat I mean?" Tohru still was confused but answered "Ofcours I like you Kyo. Wether your human or cat." "Do you still wish you were born in the year of the cat? Do you still like cats?" Kyo asked sounding a little scaired of what she might say. It was silent for a moment, then Tohru brock the silents. "Yes Kyo. I still do." At her answer he flinched slightly and un-clenched his fist. "Then you wouldn't mind if I..." He walked over to the side of his book case and picked up a little box with little holes in it. "...Gave this to you?" He says as he holds out the box with his head turned to the side as he blushed. Tohru looked at the little box then took it from his hands. "Don't shake it." he said. It was rapped in a pink ribben. Tohru untied the ribben and opened the box and was suprised at what was in it. "I thought sense you like cats, you'd like to have one." Kyo says. His face still turned away and was still blushing. But this time he begain to blush sivearly. Tohur put her right hand inside the box and picked up Kyo gift. It was an orange kitten that looked just like Kyo only a baby. And it's eyes looked like Kyo's too. "'s adorible. Thank you." she said as she held the kitten up to her left sholder, dropped the box on the floor, suported the kitten with her left hand and begain to pet it. The kitten begain to purred. "It's a girl" Kyo said. "She's so cute Kyo, just like you. Thank you." Kyo flinched with suprice. 'She said, I'm cute' he begins to think. "Kyo are you alright" Tohru asks braking Kyo out of his thought once again. "Yeah, I'm fine." "Good, now lets go eat. I also want to show Yuki and Shigure the kitten." she says as she leaves the room. Kyo still stood there suprised. He then broke out of his thought and followed Tohru down the stairs. She opened the door to the dinning room and said "Look you guys. Look what Kyo gave me." Yuki and Shigure turn there heads and were suprised. "Isint it cute?" She said holding out the kitten. "Its adorible Tohru." Shigure says. Yuki just looks at it with suprice. "Yuki are you alright?" Tohru asks. Yuki brakes out of his trance. "Yeah I'm fine. So...Kyo gave that to you?" "Uh huh." she answers. Yuki had a happy yet sad look on his face. Just then Kyo came from around the corner. All eyes were fixed on him. "Thank you once again Kyo. I love it." Tohru says with joy and a smile. Kyo's head was turned sideway twords the floor. He seemed to be embarest. "Well why don't we eat now." Tohru says as she sits down acroos the table from Yuki and Shigure. Kyo comes over and sits down next to her. He turns to face his food and his face changes to happness. His favorite dish was in front of him. Salmon with a bowl of rice to the side. "Oh, I almost forgot. Kyo can you hold Tenshi (Angel) for a moment for me?" "Tenshi?" Kyo asked. "Thats her name. I'll be right back." "Alright" he said grabing the kitten from Tohru. When she saw he had her Tohru went to the kichen. Kyo held the kitten in his arms. "So why'd you buy her a cat?" Yuki asked sispishously. "Because she likes cat. Thats all." Kyo answered in a com and sweet way. Yuki was suprised. Kyo had answered his questen when usuilly he'd tell him to mind his own bisniss. And he was nice about. Shigure was suprised as well. "Kyo, are you feeling ok?" Shigure asks. "Yeah I'm fine" Kyo says as he scraches the kitten's right cheek. The baby cat begins to purr. Tohru then opens the door. "Here you go." She enteres the room and puts a tray down in the middle of the table. "Sorry everyone. I forgot the tea. Now we can eat." Tohru pours everyone's tea and handed them out. Tohru then took the kitten back and placs it on her lap. The kitten curls up and starts falling asleep purring. Tohru petted her new friend a few more times then begins to eat. She is soon followed by Kyo, then Yuki, then Shigure. And like always on a nice day they leave the door from the dinning room to outside open. But as they were eatting they were unawari that they were being watched. A pair of lime green eyes watched there every movment from the bushes of the woods. And the eyes nether blinked nor moved. They watched them, carefully. No one knowtest until Yuki had this dying feeling that they were being watched. He turned and looked twords the woods and saw the eyes. In fear Yuki gasped and froze but he felt an earge. An earge to protect Tohru. He felt that this thing was a thret. He stood up and ran twords the bushes ready to fight. He punched the bush, but what was in there had already escaped. Everyone was standing with puzzled, cureus, and shoked expretions on there faces. "What are you doing?" Kyo asked. "You didn't see it" Yuki says with fear in his voice. "See what?" Tohru asks. "That thing that was stairing at us. You didn't see it's eyes watching you." Yuki says again. "Yuki, we didn't see anything" Shigure tells him. "Yuki I'm shour it was just a..." Tohru didn't finish because something cought the corner of her eye. She turned and in that distence she saw a creature. It was dark and it was covered in shadows but she knew what it was. "Look!" Tohru yell pointing to where the creature was. Everyone turned and saw it. The creature saw everyone looking at it so it turned and ran. Yuki ran after it. Kyo followed. "Be careful. I think its some sort of big cat!" Tohur yell. "Big cat?" questuened Shigure. "Yeah. You couldn't tell?" "Tohru, how could you tell from that distence?" Shigure asked very cureusly. "I don't know. Something just told me it was a cat. And somethings telling me were going to see a lot more of them soon." Tohru says with fear. "Tohru? How would you know that?" "I don't really know Shigure. I gess you could call it womens intorwishen. When a person has someone they want to protect, I gess they develipe sharper or extru sences." "I see. Well now all we can do is wate" were Shigure's last words. Yuki and Kyo were following what apered to be a big cat. They were far behind but still could slightly see it. Then the creature vanished up ahead. Yuki and Kyo finilly reached the end of the trail the creature had been prisowing on. When the exited the woods the came opon a lake. Yuki and Kyo looked confused and shoked. "I didn't know there was a lake here." Yuki says. "Nether did I but lets focus on finding that cat." Kyo says starting to get angry. "Well maybe if you carm down and focus will find it." Yuki says, he to starting to get angry. Then again when did the cat and the rat every get along. "Whats that supos to mean you damn rat." "I think you know what I mean you stupid cat" They were just about to begin fist fighting when Kyo spoted it. The cat was on a cliff above the water. "Look!!" he yelled pointing to the creature. They could see it now. It did look like a cat. It had golden yellow fur with black stripes all over its' body, black claws, and two enormus fangs hanging on the sides of it's mouth. The cat faced them. They looked at it back. Then the cat jumped off the cliff and into the water. Yuki and Kyo gasped in shock. They didn't know what was going on. They wated five minute but still nothing happened. Then they saw something apear from behind the cliff. Something was floting. Lucky for them it was near shour. Yuki and Kyo both rushed into the water and grabed the figuer. Then they knowtest it was a girl, naked. Yuki quickly unbuttened his shirt and raped it around the top half of her. Kyo took of his shirt and raped her bottom half. Both did this without looking ofcours. They draged her ashor. Yuki put his head near her chest to listen to her heart beat. He could hear it. He pulled back. "She alive" he says releved. Kyo looked it too. "But how did she get into the lake. And with no cloths on ether." Yuki asks. "I don't know, but something doesn't seem right here." Kyo says sounding worried. "Lets get her to the house." Yuki sugests. "Right." Kyo agres. Just then Kyo sees something stiking out of a bush. He hurryed over to it, bent down and looked at it. "Huh!? These are cloths!" "Must be hers. Come on, grab them and lets get going" says Yuki. Kyo listens. He grabs the cloths and went to help Yuki cary the women back to there home. They enter the wood and start down the path twords the house. But little do they know they were about to unfold a shoking discovery. So shoking that Tohru and the Sohma family's life, cures, and them selves will be changed, forever ............
A Gift
It was a warm, sunny day. Tohru was making lunch for everyone in the kichen. Yuki was watching tv in the dinning room, Kyo was on the roof, like always, and Shigure was in his office writing. Which was also his bedroom. It was quite, until... "Lunch is ready!" Tohru yelled, not to loud. "Oh, thats great. I was just getting hungery" Yuki says in his soft, sweet voice. Tohru plases the dishes down on the table. Shigure just came out of his room when he heared her. "Lunch!? Thats great. So, what did you make for us today Tohru?" Shigure asks as he sits down next to Yuki. "Oh, I made everyone there favorite dishes with rice. See Yuki has stemed leax. I don't really know what you like Shigure so I made you some beef stou with carrets and potatos in it." "Oh thats wounderful. Thank you Tohru." "Yes, thank you miss Honda." Tohru smiled at her prases. "Oh, weres Kyo? she asked. "You should know by know Tohru. Hes' on the roof." "Oh thats right. Thank you Shigure" she said then ran off outside. She went to the side of the house to the ladder. She climed it until she reashed the top. And there lying on his back looking at the sky was Kyo. "Hey Kyo lunch is ready." Kyo jumped with fear. "Ahhhhhhh! When did you get there!?" he yelled. "I just got here. I came to tell you lunch is ready. I made your favorite." Tohru said all happy. "I'll be down in a second" he said couming down. "Alright" she answered then went down the ladder. When she was gone Kyo look back up at the sky. He begain to think to himself. 'I gess today should be the day. Oh, but what if I mess it up? What if she doesn't like it?' Than a voice pulls Kyo out of his thoughts. "Kyo!! You going to let your food get cold?!" It was Tohru. Kyo smiled for some reason then started down the ladder. He opened the door to enter the dinning room. "Hey Kyo. You going to eat? Tohru ask all happy. Kyo turned his head to the side and started to blush. "Umm, Tohru? Can you come with me for a moment?" Kyo asked as he walked to the stairs. Tohru looked at Shigure and Yuki. They looked back at her. All were cureus and confused. "Well you coming or not?" Kyo yelled from the bottom of the stairs. "Coming" Tohru said and followed him up stairs. Yuki and Shigure looked at each other puzzled and confused, but most of all cureus. Tohru followed Kyo to his room. They entered it and stopped walking in the middle of the room. Tohru looked confused. She didn't know why he wanted to she her. Then she started to think 'Huh, what if I did something and he's going to punish me'. "I'm sorry Kyo. For what ever I did. I'm sorry." She said bowing her head to show her apolige. "Huh? N-no. You didn't do anything wrong." Kyo says softly. Tohru lifts her head back up and had her confused look back on her face. "Then what did you want to see me for?" she asks. Kyo covered his eyes with his bangs, clenthes his fist tight and prepars to speek. "Do you...still like me? The cat I mean?" Tohru still was confused but answered "Ofcours I like you Kyo. Wether your human or cat." "Do you still wish you were born in the year of the cat? Do you still like cats?" Kyo asked sounding a little scaired of what she might say. It was silent for a moment, then Tohru brock the silents. "Yes Kyo. I still do." At her answer he flinched slightly and un-clenched his fist. "Then you wouldn't mind if I..." He walked over to the side of his book case and picked up a little box with little holes in it. "...Gave this to you?" He says as he holds out the box with his head turned to the side as he blushed. Tohru looked at the little box then took it from his hands. "Don't shake it." he said. It was rapped in a pink ribben. Tohru untied the ribben and opened the box and was suprised at what was in it. "I thought sense you like cats, you'd like to have one." Kyo says. His face still turned away and was still blushing. But this time he begain to blush sivearly. Tohur put her right hand inside the box and picked up Kyo gift. It was an orange kitten that looked just like Kyo only a baby. And it's eyes looked like Kyo's too. "'s adorible. Thank you." she said as she held the kitten up to her left sholder, dropped the box on the floor, suported the kitten with her left hand and begain to pet it. The kitten begain to purred. "It's a girl" Kyo said. "She's so cute Kyo, just like you. Thank you." Kyo flinched with suprice. 'She said, I'm cute' he begins to think. "Kyo are you alright" Tohru asks braking Kyo out of his thought once again. "Yeah, I'm fine." "Good, now lets go eat. I also want to show Yuki and Shigure the kitten." she says as she leaves the room. Kyo still stood there suprised. He then broke out of his thought and followed Tohru down the stairs. She opened the door to the dinning room and said "Look you guys. Look what Kyo gave me." Yuki and Shigure turn there heads and were suprised. "Isint it cute?" She said holding out the kitten. "Its adorible Tohru." Shigure says. Yuki just looks at it with suprice. "Yuki are you alright?" Tohru asks. Yuki brakes out of his trance. "Yeah I'm fine. So...Kyo gave that to you?" "Uh huh." she answers. Yuki had a happy yet sad look on his face. Just then Kyo came from around the corner. All eyes were fixed on him. "Thank you once again Kyo. I love it." Tohru says with joy and a smile. Kyo's head was turned sideway twords the floor. He seemed to be embarest. "Well why don't we eat now." Tohru says as she sits down acroos the table from Yuki and Shigure. Kyo comes over and sits down next to her. He turns to face his food and his face changes to happness. His favorite dish was in front of him. Salmon with a bowl of rice to the side. "Oh, I almost forgot. Kyo can you hold Tenshi (Angel) for a moment for me?" "Tenshi?" Kyo asked. "Thats her name. I'll be right back." "Alright" he said grabing the kitten from Tohru. When she saw he had her Tohru went to the kichen. Kyo held the kitten in his arms. "So why'd you buy her a cat?" Yuki asked sispishously. "Because she likes cat. Thats all." Kyo answered in a com and sweet way. Yuki was suprised. Kyo had answered his questen when usuilly he'd tell him to mind his own bisniss. And he was nice about. Shigure was suprised as well. "Kyo, are you feeling ok?" Shigure asks. "Yeah I'm fine" Kyo says as he scraches the kitten's right cheek. The baby cat begins to purr. Tohru then opens the door. "Here you go." She enteres the room and puts a tray down in the middle of the table. "Sorry everyone. I forgot the tea. Now we can eat." Tohru pours everyone's tea and handed them out. Tohru then took the kitten back and placs it on her lap. The kitten curls up and starts falling asleep purring. Tohru petted her new friend a few more times then begins to eat. She is soon followed by Kyo, then Yuki, then Shigure. And like always on a nice day they leave the door from the dinning room to outside open. But as they were eatting they were unawari that they were being watched. A pair of lime green eyes watched there every movment from the bushes of the woods. And the eyes nether blinked nor moved. They watched them, carefully. No one knowtest until Yuki had this dying feeling that they were being watched. He turned and looked twords the woods and saw the eyes. In fear Yuki gasped and froze but he felt an earge. An earge to protect Tohru. He felt that this thing was a thret. He stood up and ran twords the bushes ready to fight. He punched the bush, but what was in there had already escaped. Everyone was standing with puzzled, cureus, and shoked expretions on there faces. "What are you doing?" Kyo asked. "You didn't see it" Yuki says with fear in his voice. "See what?" Tohru asks. "That thing that was stairing at us. You didn't see it's eyes watching you." Yuki says again. "Yuki, we didn't see anything" Shigure tells him. "Yuki I'm shour it was just a..." Tohru didn't finish because something cought the corner of her eye. She turned and in that distence she saw a creature. It was dark and it was covered in shadows but she knew what it was. "Look!" Tohru yell pointing to where the creature was. Everyone turned and saw it. The creature saw everyone looking at it so it turned and ran. Yuki ran after it. Kyo followed. "Be careful. I think its some sort of big cat!" Tohur yell. "Big cat?" questuened Shigure. "Yeah. You couldn't tell?" "Tohru, how could you tell from that distence?" Shigure asked very cureusly. "I don't know. Something just told me it was a cat. And somethings telling me were going to see a lot more of them soon." Tohru says with fear. "Tohru? How would you know that?" "I don't really know Shigure. I gess you could call it womens intorwishen. When a person has someone they want to protect, I gess they develipe sharper or extru sences." "I see. Well now all we can do is wate" were Shigure's last words. Yuki and Kyo were following what apered to be a big cat. They were far behind but still could slightly see it. Then the creature vanished up ahead. Yuki and Kyo finilly reached the end of the trail the creature had been prisowing on. When the exited the woods the came opon a lake. Yuki and Kyo looked confused and shoked. "I didn't know there was a lake here." Yuki says. "Nether did I but lets focus on finding that cat." Kyo says starting to get angry. "Well maybe if you carm down and focus will find it." Yuki says, he to starting to get angry. Then again when did the cat and the rat every get along. "Whats that supos to mean you damn rat." "I think you know what I mean you stupid cat" They were just about to begin fist fighting when Kyo spoted it. The cat was on a cliff above the water. "Look!!" he yelled pointing to the creature. They could see it now. It did look like a cat. It had golden yellow fur with black stripes all over its' body, black claws, and two enormus fangs hanging on the sides of it's mouth. The cat faced them. They looked at it back. Then the cat jumped off the cliff and into the water. Yuki and Kyo gasped in shock. They didn't know what was going on. They wated five minute but still nothing happened. Then they saw something apear from behind the cliff. Something was floting. Lucky for them it was near shour. Yuki and Kyo both rushed into the water and grabed the figuer. Then they knowtest it was a girl, naked. Yuki quickly unbuttened his shirt and raped it around the top half of her. Kyo took of his shirt and raped her bottom half. Both did this without looking ofcours. They draged her ashor. Yuki put his head near her chest to listen to her heart beat. He could hear it. He pulled back. "She alive" he says releved. Kyo looked it too. "But how did she get into the lake. And with no cloths on ether." Yuki asks. "I don't know, but something doesn't seem right here." Kyo says sounding worried. "Lets get her to the house." Yuki sugests. "Right." Kyo agres. Just then Kyo sees something stiking out of a bush. He hurryed over to it, bent down and looked at it. "Huh!? These are cloths!" "Must be hers. Come on, grab them and lets get going" says Yuki. Kyo listens. He grabs the cloths and went to help Yuki cary the women back to there home. They enter the wood and start down the path twords the house. But little do they know they were about to unfold a shoking discovery. So shoking that Tohru and the Sohma family's life, cures, and them selves will be changed, forever ............
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Little_miss_angel on September 11, 2006, 7:32:32 AM