Chapter 1 - Alone At Last
Submitted May 22, 2006 Updated November 19, 2006 Status Incomplete | This is EXTREMELY far in my story. I'm right now no were near this area. But I thought some of you would like to read some REALLY descriptive sex on every ones fav couple. Inuyasha and Kagome. So please in joy. You may be a little confused cause some info has already been said in my preveus stoire. But please bear with me and injoy!!!! ^v^
Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series » Couples/Pairings » Inuyasha + Kagome |
Chapter 1 - Alone At Last
Chapter 1 - Alone At Last
Alone At Last
Sango and Miroku were at the demon slayers village so Sango could fix up her village, give her dead family prays, and to re-mark the graves. And so Miroku could spend some time alone with Sango. If you know what I mean ^_~. Kilala tending to the kingdom for a while,, Shippo was with Keade in her village with Nekome, and The Therteen Demons were out on one of there own missions. Before they left Nekoyasha had told the group that they may not be back for two to three weeks. Everyone agread that they to would be gone for that lone as well. Nekoyasha didn't tell them what the mission was but that it would put Inuyasha and everyone else in danger. So they all then started going there seporet ways. And so, with at Nekoyasha and her band of demons took off into the sky. But before Nekoyasha followed her fellow friends she made shore everyone was gone exept for Inuaysha and Kagome and then told Kagome a secret. Not even Inuyasha's ears could pick up the words coming from her furry lips. Then, she gave them both a sispishus, creepy and yet REALLY happy look and smile, then went after her band of demons. Everyone left Inuyasha and Kagome alown for quite a while. Two to three weeks to be exact. Secse Sango and Miroku will take a while, Shippo has another girl firend, Nekome is trying to help Shippo out, and give Inuaysha and Kagome some alone time, and Kilalas' trying to patch up some damege that was done to the kingdom. Kagome was now a half dog demon like Inuyasha. She had black furry doggy ears and a black, long, furry, bushy, puffy, fluffy tail. Plus her hair stade black. And of coures she had fangs, claws, hazil eyes, and a hot temper like any other half dog demon would. But she seemed to still show how she felt. Not like Inuyasha how kept his emotions botiled up inside him. Inuyasha and Kagome were off in the woods. Quite some distence away from any people, town, city, or village. Kagome was leading. "Kagome where are we going?" "You'll see Inuyahsa." Kagome said sweetly. Inuyahsa was starting to get sispishous. Ispeshoily when he picked up her sent. She was starting to get exited and yet worried and fritened. He couldn't understand why she was acting like this. Inuyahsa looked at Kagome's back and knowtest her tail was wagging with exitment. "Kagome are you alright?" Inuyahsa asks now starting to get worried. "Like I told you, you'll see." Kagome said again sweetly, but this time with a giggle. Then she stopped in front of some bushes. "Where here." "Huh? Wheres here Kagome?" Inuaysha asked. Kagome giggled again then moved the bushes out of the way and reveuled a big hot spring. "So what. Its just a hot spring." Inuyasha says with a atittude. Kagome giggled again and wagged her tail even faster. Kagome stuck her nose up in the air and sniffed. "Come!" She shouted darting off twords a side of a cliff a few feet away from the hot spring. She stopped in front of quite a few bushes. Inuyasha walked over to her. Kagome looked at the bushes, then back at him as if to tell him something. "What!?" Inuyasha says in confution. Kagome had a smile on her face and her eyes were filled with happness. She was panting heavily and her tail was wagging like crazy. "Well, come on." She said then went on her hands and knees and started to crawl into the bushes. When she did Inuyahsa couldn't help but stair at her butt and giggle slitly as her tail stuck strate up into the air forsing her skirt to move up and reveiling her light pink underwear. Inuyasha couldn't help but grin. Then he shock he's head to try and get a thought out of his mind. 'I've got to stop this. I'm getting as bad as the monk.' Inuyasha thought to himself with worried eyes. Kagome then disipered. "Kagome!?" Inuaysha yelled in a worried voice. "Inuyahsa I'm in here!" "Wheres here!?" Inuyasha asked yelling back. "Crawl into the bushes!" Kagome yelled from what sounded like a cave because of an eco. Inuyasha started to crawl on his hands and knees into the bushes and knowtest an opening a few inches behind them just big eught to crawl throu. He entered inside the hole. About two inches seporated his back from the seling of the entrense. The hole was five to six feet long, then you were in side the cave. The inside of the cave was enormus. It was probbly thirty to forty feet long and wide. Inuyahsa started to smell that Kagome was extremly nerves. But he didn't know why. So Inuyahsa walked up to Kagome who was now figiting with the end of her tail nervisly. Her back was facing him. "Kagome, whats wrong." Kagome's heart started to pound. Kagome with her back still facing Inuyahsa replied "I think, I'll go take a dip in the hot spiring." She dropped her backpack to the right side of her and dug throu it to find her towil. She then pulled out her sleeping back and placed it on the ground and smoothined it out. She stood back up then started walking to the exit of the cave with her white towil in her right arm. When she bent down to crawl out she wispered "Why don't you come join me" then left. Inuyahsa was suprised at what she had just said. "Did she just say....I could join her." A smile started to form on his lips. Then, without hezitation Inuyahsa quickly undressed and went to follow Kagome but then stopped, turned around and grabed his red fire rat kemono. He didn't know way but his instics told him to. So he listened to them then went after her. Inuyahsa was behind a tree obzerving Kagome. Both naked of cores. She was already in the warm water up to her waste. Her tail floted on the surface and her left side was facing him. She stood there in the water looking down at it for almost ten minets doing nothing but seemed to be waiting. And every now and then she'd look twords where the cave us and try to listen for something. 'What is she doing. Is she wating for me?' Inuyasha thought while still watching his loved one. His eyes grew wide because of what Kagome did and said next. "Huuuh" Kagome sighed deeply, sadly and had a sad and disipointed look on her face. "I thought he'd come. Huh! How was I kidding. I can't beleve I thought me and Inuyahsa could start getting closer. I was hopping I'd became his mate tonight. Huuuuh" Kagome sighed again sadly and with even more disipointment. "I gess I can always still dream. He probble is still thinking a little bit about Kikyo. Thats why he probble didn't come." Kagome said as she turned her bair back twords Inuyasha. Inuaysha could then smell water and a hint of salt. She was crying. Inuaysha eyes widened in suprice. Then Kagome took a beep breath and went under water. Inuyasha was uterly shocked. "Did she just say she wanted to become my mate tonight" Inuyasha said in a low wisper. "She did. She said she'd be my mate!" Inuyasha started to smile with joy and he lit up with happenss. "She feels the same way." He said again in a wisper. "But I got to convins her I want her not Kikyo." Inuyasha then placed the kemono to the side of the tree in the bushes and then walked from behind the tree and stepped into the water. He kept going till he to was waste deep. Then Kagome popped up right in front of him. Kagome started to wipe the water and wet hair out of her face. She then felt a presense, like some one was behind her. Kagome worled around and was cought by a pair of warm, smooth, loving, and welcoming arms. Her head was sideways agenst a bear, musculer cheat. "Inu.....yasha?" "Kagome, I heared what you said. Are you shour about tonight?" Kagome was suprised and shocked. But she then nodded her head. "Yes" Kagome said softly with a smile. Inuyahsa relested her and there eyes locked for moments. Then Kagome leaned in and they both shaired a long and passionible kiss. A few minutes later Inuyasha broke the kiss. "I love you Inuyahsa." Kagome said with a big smile on her lips. Inuyahsa picked up his right hand and used it to stroke her ravin black hair. He used that same hand and lifted her chin, looked deep within her pools of hazil and said sweetly with a smile "I love you too Kagome." Kagome smiled widly showing her pirly white fangs. Inuyahsa did to same. Inuyasha closed his eyes and lunged for Kagome's lips. He kissed her with such romance. He started to move forwered forsing her to move back. They were in the shalow water now. Right up against the shor still standing. Then Kagome broke the kiss and pushed Inuyahsa and her self away. "Kagome....whats wroung?" Inuyasha asked VERY worried, cureus and conserend. Kagome looked fritened, worried, sad, nerves, and scaired. "Kagome, whats wroung?" Inuyahsa asked again but this time pleading for an answer. "I'm......scaired Inuyasha. I want to stay, but, my body is yelling at my to run." She was really worried now. She hands were curled up in her chest. Kagome was looking around franticly for a way out. She was looking for an exit. A place to run. To get away from him. Then Inuaysha picked up her sent. And it wasn't good. 'Oh damn. Shes in heat. I've got to came her down, and fast' Inuaysha thought to him self. Just as Kagome was about to bult Inuaysha grabed her left wrist with his right hand and pulled her into himself to embrace her. He could feel her mucels tighten and hear her heart racing. "Inuaysha please.....!" Kagome said strugeling trying to get away. "Kagome." Inuaysha said softly. Kagome stopped strugeling and looked up into her loved ones eyes. She was scaired and sad. She didn't want to leave but her body told her otherways. Inuaysha lifted her chin again and show her his amber eyes. And so he could see her's. Kagome looked sad, disipointed, ashamed with her self. She tryed to look away but Inuyahsa wouldn't let her. She then gave in and looked him strate in his eyes. She was starting to cry again. He looked at her with a little smile on his lips, happyness on his face, and ushorness in his eyes. Kagome's eyes started to water up even more. "Inuyasha, I'm sorry. I just got so fritened and....." She couldn't finish her sentence because her lips were sealed by his. He held the kiss for a few moments, to show her that it was alright. To tell her that everything would be fine. Her lips became un-intensed and she sucome to the kiss. They both broke the kiss and slowly opened theres eyes to stair into each others. Kagome licked her lips, to taste the remaining of his. "Inuaysha please, I'm...." Her lips were stopped again. But this time Inuyasha had placed his right hands pointer, clawed finger on her lips. "Shhhhhhhh. It's ok. I think I know how you must feel. But everythings going to be alright." He then pulled Kagome into him, places her head sideways on his chest and lying his head in top of her's. His lips right next to her left ear. He then speaks into it. "I'd never hurt you and I never will Kagome. Your the one I want." "But, Kikyo......" "Forget about Kikyo. She's not you and your not her. And I'm grateful for that." "Why?" Kagome asked looking up twords Inuaysha. Inuaysha took a DEEP breath. "Kikyo never smiled the way you do twords me. She never seemed happy. She never tryed to take care of me. She never shed tears for me. She never made me feel so alive, so happy, so peaceful and make me want to shed tears for her. She never put herself....her life in danger for me. She never tried to show me that she loved me as much as you have. She never trusted me. Which you can tell from the way things turned out. And I'm glad they did. And most of all...... She seemed to care who I really was and how I looked. Thats way she tryed to convins me to become a human. She tryed to take away who I really was and still am. But.... But you.... You didn't cared. You never cared. For how I looked. You shed tears for me. You made me smile. You made my heart warm, my anger and hatered go away. You made me laught. You risked your own life and put it in sereus danger for me. You cared to my wounds, wether you could see them or not." (means Kagome cared to his cut wounds and wounds by words, memories, or emotions) "You made me happy. You showed me that I could trust again. Trust others, trust you, and you could trust me. You showed signs that you loved me, but, but I..... I was to blined, stuk up, stuberen, being a jurk, and a fool to even knowtest. But our friends did. They told me in many ways and I still didn't listen. You were also the only one besides my mother to made me feel so peaceful, so alive. So glad to even BE alive. You were always the one beside me side no matter what happened. You bleed for me. And most of all...... You never caired for what I was or became. You loved all of me. Wether I became a blood theresty emotionul human....or even a jurk of a half demon. You were always there for me. When others were fritened by me, shuned me away, forced me away from my home, dispised me because I was a half breed, and some tryed to turn me into something I didn't really want to be. That's why I'm glad your you and not Kikyo. Your better then her. Thats why I love you. You care for my soul and me. Kikyo, never did." That sealed it. Kagome begain to cry like crazy. She fell to her knees in the warm water covering her face with her hands and crying non stop. Inuyasha felt shatered. He thought telling Kagome how he really felt would make her happy, but it seemed to make her even more sad. Inuyasha bent down and went to try and comfert her and apoligize, but she then lifted her head out of her hands and knees. She was smiling and laughing slitly. "Kagome? But I thought you were.....?" "No Inuyasha. These are tears of happness. Tears of joy. I never thought you loved me like that. I'm so happy. So happy I could die right here right now." "Don't say that Kagome." Inuyasha says as he puts his hands on the sides of her armes. "Then I would be alone again. And if you died, then....I'd die to. Just to follow you so we would still be together. I can't live without you Kagome." Kagome smiles and go's to look into Inuyahsa's eyes. When she does she knowtest he was sweating. She tryed to pick up his sent and when she did, she smelt rezistonce. His eyes showed it too. He was trying to keep his sight locked to her eyes. She smile widened, and moved her head to the side and giggled. "Whats so funny?" Inuyasha asks smiling back at her. Kagome faces him again still smiling widely. "You." "Me?!" Inuyasha says in suprice. "Whats so funny about me?" Kagome looks at him with a look that says don't play dum with me. "What are you trying to rezist from doing?" Inuyasha smiles widely and says "If you really must know, it's that I'm trying to rezist from going crazy and having you like a wild animal." "And whats wrong with that?" Kagome says plezently and sweetly. Inuaysha cups her chin in her right hand. "Do you really want me to go wild on you?" "I'm not going to stop you." Inuyasha was shoked. He never thought Kagome would say anything like that. 'She's brobble having the erge' he thought to himself. "And if your thinking I'm acking like this because of some erge, your wroung. Inuyasha flinched back in suprice. "How did you know......" "Please Inuaysha. I know you." Inuyahsa smiles and gives a little chukole. Kagome then takes her arms and raps them around Inuyahsa's neck, pulls her body into him and rests her forhead on his. "I'm not acking like this because of some erge." She looks deep into his eyes. "I'm acking like this because I want you." She says in a pleading puppy way. Inuyasha could rezist no more. He then rapped his arms around her waste and placed his hands on her bair butt. "I want you to." He says. Inuyasha starts to examin her face and tryed the pick up her sent to see if she really would alow him to have her. He smelt it. And it was the invitation he hade been wating for, for a LONG, LONG time. He gave her a big smile. She gave him one back. There lips slowly met. Inuyasha then gentily push Kagome to the gronud on her back. Him on top, her on the bottom. Inuyasha huvered over her, kissing her with such passion. Kagome moned lightly as they frenched each other. Inuyasha then started slowly kissing and tounging down to her neck, between her brests, on her stomic, and to her pelves. Kagome moned a little louder with plesher. .............
Sango and Miroku were at the demon slayers village so Sango could fix up her village, give her dead family prays, and to re-mark the graves. And so Miroku could spend some time alone with Sango. If you know what I mean ^_~. Kilala tending to the kingdom for a while,, Shippo was with Keade in her village with Nekome, and The Therteen Demons were out on one of there own missions. Before they left Nekoyasha had told the group that they may not be back for two to three weeks. Everyone agread that they to would be gone for that lone as well. Nekoyasha didn't tell them what the mission was but that it would put Inuyasha and everyone else in danger. So they all then started going there seporet ways. And so, with at Nekoyasha and her band of demons took off into the sky. But before Nekoyasha followed her fellow friends she made shore everyone was gone exept for Inuaysha and Kagome and then told Kagome a secret. Not even Inuyasha's ears could pick up the words coming from her furry lips. Then, she gave them both a sispishus, creepy and yet REALLY happy look and smile, then went after her band of demons. Everyone left Inuyasha and Kagome alown for quite a while. Two to three weeks to be exact. Secse Sango and Miroku will take a while, Shippo has another girl firend, Nekome is trying to help Shippo out, and give Inuaysha and Kagome some alone time, and Kilalas' trying to patch up some damege that was done to the kingdom. Kagome was now a half dog demon like Inuyasha. She had black furry doggy ears and a black, long, furry, bushy, puffy, fluffy tail. Plus her hair stade black. And of coures she had fangs, claws, hazil eyes, and a hot temper like any other half dog demon would. But she seemed to still show how she felt. Not like Inuyasha how kept his emotions botiled up inside him. Inuyasha and Kagome were off in the woods. Quite some distence away from any people, town, city, or village. Kagome was leading. "Kagome where are we going?" "You'll see Inuyahsa." Kagome said sweetly. Inuyahsa was starting to get sispishous. Ispeshoily when he picked up her sent. She was starting to get exited and yet worried and fritened. He couldn't understand why she was acting like this. Inuyahsa looked at Kagome's back and knowtest her tail was wagging with exitment. "Kagome are you alright?" Inuyahsa asks now starting to get worried. "Like I told you, you'll see." Kagome said again sweetly, but this time with a giggle. Then she stopped in front of some bushes. "Where here." "Huh? Wheres here Kagome?" Inuaysha asked. Kagome giggled again then moved the bushes out of the way and reveuled a big hot spring. "So what. Its just a hot spring." Inuyasha says with a atittude. Kagome giggled again and wagged her tail even faster. Kagome stuck her nose up in the air and sniffed. "Come!" She shouted darting off twords a side of a cliff a few feet away from the hot spring. She stopped in front of quite a few bushes. Inuyasha walked over to her. Kagome looked at the bushes, then back at him as if to tell him something. "What!?" Inuyasha says in confution. Kagome had a smile on her face and her eyes were filled with happness. She was panting heavily and her tail was wagging like crazy. "Well, come on." She said then went on her hands and knees and started to crawl into the bushes. When she did Inuyahsa couldn't help but stair at her butt and giggle slitly as her tail stuck strate up into the air forsing her skirt to move up and reveiling her light pink underwear. Inuyasha couldn't help but grin. Then he shock he's head to try and get a thought out of his mind. 'I've got to stop this. I'm getting as bad as the monk.' Inuyasha thought to himself with worried eyes. Kagome then disipered. "Kagome!?" Inuaysha yelled in a worried voice. "Inuyahsa I'm in here!" "Wheres here!?" Inuyasha asked yelling back. "Crawl into the bushes!" Kagome yelled from what sounded like a cave because of an eco. Inuyasha started to crawl on his hands and knees into the bushes and knowtest an opening a few inches behind them just big eught to crawl throu. He entered inside the hole. About two inches seporated his back from the seling of the entrense. The hole was five to six feet long, then you were in side the cave. The inside of the cave was enormus. It was probbly thirty to forty feet long and wide. Inuyahsa started to smell that Kagome was extremly nerves. But he didn't know why. So Inuyahsa walked up to Kagome who was now figiting with the end of her tail nervisly. Her back was facing him. "Kagome, whats wrong." Kagome's heart started to pound. Kagome with her back still facing Inuyahsa replied "I think, I'll go take a dip in the hot spiring." She dropped her backpack to the right side of her and dug throu it to find her towil. She then pulled out her sleeping back and placed it on the ground and smoothined it out. She stood back up then started walking to the exit of the cave with her white towil in her right arm. When she bent down to crawl out she wispered "Why don't you come join me" then left. Inuyahsa was suprised at what she had just said. "Did she just say....I could join her." A smile started to form on his lips. Then, without hezitation Inuyahsa quickly undressed and went to follow Kagome but then stopped, turned around and grabed his red fire rat kemono. He didn't know way but his instics told him to. So he listened to them then went after her. Inuyahsa was behind a tree obzerving Kagome. Both naked of cores. She was already in the warm water up to her waste. Her tail floted on the surface and her left side was facing him. She stood there in the water looking down at it for almost ten minets doing nothing but seemed to be waiting. And every now and then she'd look twords where the cave us and try to listen for something. 'What is she doing. Is she wating for me?' Inuyasha thought while still watching his loved one. His eyes grew wide because of what Kagome did and said next. "Huuuh" Kagome sighed deeply, sadly and had a sad and disipointed look on her face. "I thought he'd come. Huh! How was I kidding. I can't beleve I thought me and Inuyahsa could start getting closer. I was hopping I'd became his mate tonight. Huuuuh" Kagome sighed again sadly and with even more disipointment. "I gess I can always still dream. He probble is still thinking a little bit about Kikyo. Thats why he probble didn't come." Kagome said as she turned her bair back twords Inuyasha. Inuaysha could then smell water and a hint of salt. She was crying. Inuaysha eyes widened in suprice. Then Kagome took a beep breath and went under water. Inuyasha was uterly shocked. "Did she just say she wanted to become my mate tonight" Inuyasha said in a low wisper. "She did. She said she'd be my mate!" Inuyasha started to smile with joy and he lit up with happenss. "She feels the same way." He said again in a wisper. "But I got to convins her I want her not Kikyo." Inuyasha then placed the kemono to the side of the tree in the bushes and then walked from behind the tree and stepped into the water. He kept going till he to was waste deep. Then Kagome popped up right in front of him. Kagome started to wipe the water and wet hair out of her face. She then felt a presense, like some one was behind her. Kagome worled around and was cought by a pair of warm, smooth, loving, and welcoming arms. Her head was sideways agenst a bear, musculer cheat. "Inu.....yasha?" "Kagome, I heared what you said. Are you shour about tonight?" Kagome was suprised and shocked. But she then nodded her head. "Yes" Kagome said softly with a smile. Inuyahsa relested her and there eyes locked for moments. Then Kagome leaned in and they both shaired a long and passionible kiss. A few minutes later Inuyasha broke the kiss. "I love you Inuyahsa." Kagome said with a big smile on her lips. Inuyahsa picked up his right hand and used it to stroke her ravin black hair. He used that same hand and lifted her chin, looked deep within her pools of hazil and said sweetly with a smile "I love you too Kagome." Kagome smiled widly showing her pirly white fangs. Inuyahsa did to same. Inuyasha closed his eyes and lunged for Kagome's lips. He kissed her with such romance. He started to move forwered forsing her to move back. They were in the shalow water now. Right up against the shor still standing. Then Kagome broke the kiss and pushed Inuyahsa and her self away. "Kagome....whats wroung?" Inuyasha asked VERY worried, cureus and conserend. Kagome looked fritened, worried, sad, nerves, and scaired. "Kagome, whats wroung?" Inuyahsa asked again but this time pleading for an answer. "I'm......scaired Inuyasha. I want to stay, but, my body is yelling at my to run." She was really worried now. She hands were curled up in her chest. Kagome was looking around franticly for a way out. She was looking for an exit. A place to run. To get away from him. Then Inuaysha picked up her sent. And it wasn't good. 'Oh damn. Shes in heat. I've got to came her down, and fast' Inuaysha thought to him self. Just as Kagome was about to bult Inuaysha grabed her left wrist with his right hand and pulled her into himself to embrace her. He could feel her mucels tighten and hear her heart racing. "Inuaysha please.....!" Kagome said strugeling trying to get away. "Kagome." Inuaysha said softly. Kagome stopped strugeling and looked up into her loved ones eyes. She was scaired and sad. She didn't want to leave but her body told her otherways. Inuaysha lifted her chin again and show her his amber eyes. And so he could see her's. Kagome looked sad, disipointed, ashamed with her self. She tryed to look away but Inuyahsa wouldn't let her. She then gave in and looked him strate in his eyes. She was starting to cry again. He looked at her with a little smile on his lips, happyness on his face, and ushorness in his eyes. Kagome's eyes started to water up even more. "Inuyasha, I'm sorry. I just got so fritened and....." She couldn't finish her sentence because her lips were sealed by his. He held the kiss for a few moments, to show her that it was alright. To tell her that everything would be fine. Her lips became un-intensed and she sucome to the kiss. They both broke the kiss and slowly opened theres eyes to stair into each others. Kagome licked her lips, to taste the remaining of his. "Inuaysha please, I'm...." Her lips were stopped again. But this time Inuyasha had placed his right hands pointer, clawed finger on her lips. "Shhhhhhhh. It's ok. I think I know how you must feel. But everythings going to be alright." He then pulled Kagome into him, places her head sideways on his chest and lying his head in top of her's. His lips right next to her left ear. He then speaks into it. "I'd never hurt you and I never will Kagome. Your the one I want." "But, Kikyo......" "Forget about Kikyo. She's not you and your not her. And I'm grateful for that." "Why?" Kagome asked looking up twords Inuaysha. Inuaysha took a DEEP breath. "Kikyo never smiled the way you do twords me. She never seemed happy. She never tryed to take care of me. She never shed tears for me. She never made me feel so alive, so happy, so peaceful and make me want to shed tears for her. She never put herself....her life in danger for me. She never tried to show me that she loved me as much as you have. She never trusted me. Which you can tell from the way things turned out. And I'm glad they did. And most of all...... She seemed to care who I really was and how I looked. Thats way she tryed to convins me to become a human. She tryed to take away who I really was and still am. But.... But you.... You didn't cared. You never cared. For how I looked. You shed tears for me. You made me smile. You made my heart warm, my anger and hatered go away. You made me laught. You risked your own life and put it in sereus danger for me. You cared to my wounds, wether you could see them or not." (means Kagome cared to his cut wounds and wounds by words, memories, or emotions) "You made me happy. You showed me that I could trust again. Trust others, trust you, and you could trust me. You showed signs that you loved me, but, but I..... I was to blined, stuk up, stuberen, being a jurk, and a fool to even knowtest. But our friends did. They told me in many ways and I still didn't listen. You were also the only one besides my mother to made me feel so peaceful, so alive. So glad to even BE alive. You were always the one beside me side no matter what happened. You bleed for me. And most of all...... You never caired for what I was or became. You loved all of me. Wether I became a blood theresty emotionul human....or even a jurk of a half demon. You were always there for me. When others were fritened by me, shuned me away, forced me away from my home, dispised me because I was a half breed, and some tryed to turn me into something I didn't really want to be. That's why I'm glad your you and not Kikyo. Your better then her. Thats why I love you. You care for my soul and me. Kikyo, never did." That sealed it. Kagome begain to cry like crazy. She fell to her knees in the warm water covering her face with her hands and crying non stop. Inuyasha felt shatered. He thought telling Kagome how he really felt would make her happy, but it seemed to make her even more sad. Inuyasha bent down and went to try and comfert her and apoligize, but she then lifted her head out of her hands and knees. She was smiling and laughing slitly. "Kagome? But I thought you were.....?" "No Inuyasha. These are tears of happness. Tears of joy. I never thought you loved me like that. I'm so happy. So happy I could die right here right now." "Don't say that Kagome." Inuyasha says as he puts his hands on the sides of her armes. "Then I would be alone again. And if you died, then....I'd die to. Just to follow you so we would still be together. I can't live without you Kagome." Kagome smiles and go's to look into Inuyahsa's eyes. When she does she knowtest he was sweating. She tryed to pick up his sent and when she did, she smelt rezistonce. His eyes showed it too. He was trying to keep his sight locked to her eyes. She smile widened, and moved her head to the side and giggled. "Whats so funny?" Inuyasha asks smiling back at her. Kagome faces him again still smiling widely. "You." "Me?!" Inuyasha says in suprice. "Whats so funny about me?" Kagome looks at him with a look that says don't play dum with me. "What are you trying to rezist from doing?" Inuyasha smiles widely and says "If you really must know, it's that I'm trying to rezist from going crazy and having you like a wild animal." "And whats wrong with that?" Kagome says plezently and sweetly. Inuaysha cups her chin in her right hand. "Do you really want me to go wild on you?" "I'm not going to stop you." Inuyasha was shoked. He never thought Kagome would say anything like that. 'She's brobble having the erge' he thought to himself. "And if your thinking I'm acking like this because of some erge, your wroung. Inuyasha flinched back in suprice. "How did you know......" "Please Inuaysha. I know you." Inuyahsa smiles and gives a little chukole. Kagome then takes her arms and raps them around Inuyahsa's neck, pulls her body into him and rests her forhead on his. "I'm not acking like this because of some erge." She looks deep into his eyes. "I'm acking like this because I want you." She says in a pleading puppy way. Inuyasha could rezist no more. He then rapped his arms around her waste and placed his hands on her bair butt. "I want you to." He says. Inuyasha starts to examin her face and tryed the pick up her sent to see if she really would alow him to have her. He smelt it. And it was the invitation he hade been wating for, for a LONG, LONG time. He gave her a big smile. She gave him one back. There lips slowly met. Inuyasha then gentily push Kagome to the gronud on her back. Him on top, her on the bottom. Inuyasha huvered over her, kissing her with such passion. Kagome moned lightly as they frenched each other. Inuyasha then started slowly kissing and tounging down to her neck, between her brests, on her stomic, and to her pelves. Kagome moned a little louder with plesher. .............
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multi-colored_kitty on December 8, 2007, 11:33:36 AM

Anne14 on November 28, 2006, 9:25:24 AM
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