Chapter 5 - Wedding Plans
Submitted May 22, 2006 Updated November 19, 2006 Status Incomplete | This is EXTREMELY far in my story. I'm right now no were near this area. But I thought some of you would like to read some REALLY descriptive sex on every ones fav couple. Inuyasha and Kagome. So please in joy. You may be a little confused cause some info has already been said in my preveus stoire. But please bear with me and injoy!!!! ^v^
Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series » Couples/Pairings » Inuyasha + Kagome |
Chapter 5 - Wedding Plans
Chapter 5 - Wedding Plans
Wedding Plans
"DO YOU HEAR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KAGOMES' MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He yelled up at the selling as if he was yelling at God himself. Inuyasha then faced the wound with his eyes open wide filled with tears. Kagome was now lying in a lake of her own blood. Inuyasha then did the most crazy think you could think of. He lunged for her wound, bit it in the middle, and helled his grip. He had anger and determenation in his eyes. Then all of a sudden Kagome's eyes poped open. But they were dark. She lunged up and bit Inuyasha on his left sholder. As if she were posesed by something. Inuyasha flinched and shut his left eye in pain. Kagome was bitting down hard, suking him blood. 'Thats right Kagome... Take it.... You need it.' Inuyasha says to himself in his mind. Kagome's eyes slowly started changing back to normal with each suck of blood she takes and her wound started closing up. After ten seconds she was back to normal. "Huh!?" She says as she un-clenched her teeth from Inuyasha's flesh. She removed her mouth and looked at her mate with puzzled eyes. Inuyasha had losened his grip on her leg, but now his fangs were out of her flesh and her wound and his bite marks were gone. He was exasted. He turned and tried to look at his loved one with the little bit of stranth he had left. He slowly faced her. "" he said fantly. "Inuyasha! Inuyasha what heppen?!" She yelled. "Good..... I'm glad your back." He said again even more fantly and with a slight smile. Kagome looked even more puzzled now. " you." Inuyasha said before colapsing over Kagome's legs. "Inuyasha!!!!!!!! INUYASHA!!!!!!!!!!!! INUYASHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed as she lunged for him. Her voice ecowed through out the cave. "Inuyahsa, please, open you eyes!" Kagome picked him up and held him close to her chest, right next to her heart. Then she knowtest bite marks on his left sholder. "Inuyasha, how could have done this to you." Then Kagome tasted something werried. She licked her lips and she felt something wet, something creamy like, and tasted funny. She took her right hand and using her fingers and felt what it was on her lips. She pulled her hand back to see what it was. And when she did...... A shoked and horrified expretion came on her face. She looked at her hand, now trembleing, her eyes open wide, and her voice filled with fear. "I did this?" She wispered to herself. She looked at her mates face, how only looked asleep. "Inuyasha....forgive me...if I was the one who has done this to you." She now had a scaired and ushor look on her face. "I think..... from now on I'll keep my distence. For if I don't, I may do what ever I did to you again, or whers.... I may even try to kill you next time." She said eyes filled with tears. "Kagome" Inuyasha wispered in his sleep. Kagome flinched back in suprece. Then she thought 'How could he still love me after what I've done to him.' She moved her face away from his ashamed and with sadness. She begain the cry. 'I can't be near him any more. I have to stay away.' Tears were fluding down her cheek now. 'For his sake.'
Four days went by and Kagome tyred her best to stay away from her loving mate. It was a cool autumn day. Kagome rolled in some logs then craled into the cave herself. Once she was inside she went around collecting all the logs, sticks, and twigs she had been rolling, throwing, and placing into the cave for the past four days. She staked and orgenised them all in a neat pile. The ones on the right side was logs, the ones in the middle were sticks, and the ones at the end to the left were all the twigs. Once she was done she brought a few of each to a spot in the cave. She was six feet away from Inuyasha. Kagome begain to place the logs in a circle with the center ends tuching. She then did the same for the sticks, and if some were to long she brock them in half. And the twigs she just tossed on top. The wood was ready. Kagome went over to her back pack and rumidge throu it until she found a lider. It was getting dark out and it was getting chilly. Kagome had her own cloths on now. Inuyasha was in the sleeping bag rapped up tite asleep. Kagome glansed over at Inuyasha with sad and lonly look. She then turned her atenchon back to the fire wood. She lit a stick then tossed it into the wood. A fire slowly started to grow. Kagome put her hands out and warmed herself by the fire. "" a soft voice came. Kagome worled around and looked at Inuyasha. "Kag...gome. Kag..gome. Kagome." he kept saying as his eyes started flutering open. Kagome jumped up and run into the darkness of the cave. "Kagome...Kagome..Huh!" Inuyasha thrust up. "KAGOME!!" he yelled. He was still naked. He looked around and saw his cloths were next to him, then he went looking around for Kagome. Inuyasha got out of the sleeping bag and put his loyn cloth and pants on. He stood up looking around the cave. He sniffed the air. "Whats this, shes' still here in the cave" he said to himself in a wisper. "KAGOME! WERE ARE YOU!?" he yelled. His words ecoued through otu the cave. He then turned twords the darkness of the cave and sniffed twords there. "Kagome why are you in the darkness?" Inuyasha asked walking twords the back of the cave. "Don't come any closer!" yelled a voice. Inuyasha froze in his tracks. "Kagome, why are you in the dark?" "Please Inuyasha? Don't come near me. I could hurt you again." Kagome said in a voice that said she was crying. "Kagome, what are you talking about, you didn't hurt me." "Yes I did! I bit you now the sholder and started drinking your blood. I'm a demon. A blood thersty demon" she said backing up ferther into the dark. "Kagome, your wrong. Remember resently when I thought you all were sleeping. Nekoyasha called me to her. She spoke to me about revivel. She told me in case I needed to use it how to do it. It's simpel yet dangeres." It was silent for a while. Then Inuyasha spoke again "She said if someone you care for is on the brink of death and they have a wound the one how's trying to save the one on the brink of death should bit the one that persons' trying to save in the middle of the wound. Now here's were it gets dangeres. The one dying should burst back to life, but they'd be the living dead. The one dying would go for the closest body part and start drinking blood from them to retern to the living. But the dangeres thing is, not just anyone can do it..... Only ones of unek demons or half demons can do it. Like us. If others try both would die in the prosses. But the thing is that this techneik drains alot out of you. I thought you all were sleeping but you followed me. And I bet you were thinking other things cause of why Nekoyasha and I were together. But Kagome...." He took a step fether twords the darkness. "You thought wrong. I love you. No one else but you Kagome. I'd never be with another women and never will so long as I have you. Not even that. Even if you ever were to leave me, my love and loyalty will remain yours. I love you Kagome, no matter what you become, no matter what you do, I'll always be there for you just as you were there for me." It was silent for a moment then Inuyasha heared crying. Kagome came lunging out of the darkness of the cave and clung to her mate. "Inuyahsa I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for every douting you." she says as tears poor from her eyes. They embraste each other for quite some time. Then Kagome's stomic rumbled. She looked at Inuyasha and blushed with embarisment. Inuyasha looked down at her with soft sweet eyes smiling. "Maybe it's time I find you some food. Hey I know..." Inuyasha looked around the cave "Weres that boar you killed all by yourself" he said proudly to Kagome. "I ate it" she said softly. "Really!? Your first kill and you didn't save me a piece!?" "Ofcorse I did Inuyasha. I mean what kind of wife would I be killing a big animal like that and not shair with my husband." "Husband?" Inuyasha questioned. "Well yeah. Were getting married aren't we? After all, we are now mates for life. Ha ha." Kagome said tilting her head to the right and giving a giggle. Inuyasha looked suprised. 'marridge?' he thought. Then his eyes softened and he smiled. 'If it will make Kagome happy...' "All right. Lets get married." he said. "Ok. But I want it in this world." Inuyasha was stuned. He didn't know why she wanted it here. "No Kagome. Will have it in your world." "Huh? Are you sure Inuyasha?" "Yeah. This way your friends can come and using the portal Nekoyasha found Sango, Miroku, and the others will be able to see your world." Inuyasha said with a smile the whole time." "All right. Sence you put it that was... The wedding will be in my world." Kagome said then embraced her mate. "Thank you Inuyasha." she said softly. "Your love." ..............
"DO YOU HEAR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KAGOMES' MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He yelled up at the selling as if he was yelling at God himself. Inuyasha then faced the wound with his eyes open wide filled with tears. Kagome was now lying in a lake of her own blood. Inuyasha then did the most crazy think you could think of. He lunged for her wound, bit it in the middle, and helled his grip. He had anger and determenation in his eyes. Then all of a sudden Kagome's eyes poped open. But they were dark. She lunged up and bit Inuyasha on his left sholder. As if she were posesed by something. Inuyasha flinched and shut his left eye in pain. Kagome was bitting down hard, suking him blood. 'Thats right Kagome... Take it.... You need it.' Inuyasha says to himself in his mind. Kagome's eyes slowly started changing back to normal with each suck of blood she takes and her wound started closing up. After ten seconds she was back to normal. "Huh!?" She says as she un-clenched her teeth from Inuyasha's flesh. She removed her mouth and looked at her mate with puzzled eyes. Inuyasha had losened his grip on her leg, but now his fangs were out of her flesh and her wound and his bite marks were gone. He was exasted. He turned and tried to look at his loved one with the little bit of stranth he had left. He slowly faced her. "" he said fantly. "Inuyasha! Inuyasha what heppen?!" She yelled. "Good..... I'm glad your back." He said again even more fantly and with a slight smile. Kagome looked even more puzzled now. " you." Inuyasha said before colapsing over Kagome's legs. "Inuyasha!!!!!!!! INUYASHA!!!!!!!!!!!! INUYASHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed as she lunged for him. Her voice ecowed through out the cave. "Inuyahsa, please, open you eyes!" Kagome picked him up and held him close to her chest, right next to her heart. Then she knowtest bite marks on his left sholder. "Inuyasha, how could have done this to you." Then Kagome tasted something werried. She licked her lips and she felt something wet, something creamy like, and tasted funny. She took her right hand and using her fingers and felt what it was on her lips. She pulled her hand back to see what it was. And when she did...... A shoked and horrified expretion came on her face. She looked at her hand, now trembleing, her eyes open wide, and her voice filled with fear. "I did this?" She wispered to herself. She looked at her mates face, how only looked asleep. "Inuyasha....forgive me...if I was the one who has done this to you." She now had a scaired and ushor look on her face. "I think..... from now on I'll keep my distence. For if I don't, I may do what ever I did to you again, or whers.... I may even try to kill you next time." She said eyes filled with tears. "Kagome" Inuyasha wispered in his sleep. Kagome flinched back in suprece. Then she thought 'How could he still love me after what I've done to him.' She moved her face away from his ashamed and with sadness. She begain the cry. 'I can't be near him any more. I have to stay away.' Tears were fluding down her cheek now. 'For his sake.'
Four days went by and Kagome tyred her best to stay away from her loving mate. It was a cool autumn day. Kagome rolled in some logs then craled into the cave herself. Once she was inside she went around collecting all the logs, sticks, and twigs she had been rolling, throwing, and placing into the cave for the past four days. She staked and orgenised them all in a neat pile. The ones on the right side was logs, the ones in the middle were sticks, and the ones at the end to the left were all the twigs. Once she was done she brought a few of each to a spot in the cave. She was six feet away from Inuyasha. Kagome begain to place the logs in a circle with the center ends tuching. She then did the same for the sticks, and if some were to long she brock them in half. And the twigs she just tossed on top. The wood was ready. Kagome went over to her back pack and rumidge throu it until she found a lider. It was getting dark out and it was getting chilly. Kagome had her own cloths on now. Inuyasha was in the sleeping bag rapped up tite asleep. Kagome glansed over at Inuyasha with sad and lonly look. She then turned her atenchon back to the fire wood. She lit a stick then tossed it into the wood. A fire slowly started to grow. Kagome put her hands out and warmed herself by the fire. "" a soft voice came. Kagome worled around and looked at Inuyasha. "Kag...gome. Kag..gome. Kagome." he kept saying as his eyes started flutering open. Kagome jumped up and run into the darkness of the cave. "Kagome...Kagome..Huh!" Inuyasha thrust up. "KAGOME!!" he yelled. He was still naked. He looked around and saw his cloths were next to him, then he went looking around for Kagome. Inuyasha got out of the sleeping bag and put his loyn cloth and pants on. He stood up looking around the cave. He sniffed the air. "Whats this, shes' still here in the cave" he said to himself in a wisper. "KAGOME! WERE ARE YOU!?" he yelled. His words ecoued through otu the cave. He then turned twords the darkness of the cave and sniffed twords there. "Kagome why are you in the darkness?" Inuyasha asked walking twords the back of the cave. "Don't come any closer!" yelled a voice. Inuyasha froze in his tracks. "Kagome, why are you in the dark?" "Please Inuyasha? Don't come near me. I could hurt you again." Kagome said in a voice that said she was crying. "Kagome, what are you talking about, you didn't hurt me." "Yes I did! I bit you now the sholder and started drinking your blood. I'm a demon. A blood thersty demon" she said backing up ferther into the dark. "Kagome, your wrong. Remember resently when I thought you all were sleeping. Nekoyasha called me to her. She spoke to me about revivel. She told me in case I needed to use it how to do it. It's simpel yet dangeres." It was silent for a while. Then Inuyasha spoke again "She said if someone you care for is on the brink of death and they have a wound the one how's trying to save the one on the brink of death should bit the one that persons' trying to save in the middle of the wound. Now here's were it gets dangeres. The one dying should burst back to life, but they'd be the living dead. The one dying would go for the closest body part and start drinking blood from them to retern to the living. But the dangeres thing is, not just anyone can do it..... Only ones of unek demons or half demons can do it. Like us. If others try both would die in the prosses. But the thing is that this techneik drains alot out of you. I thought you all were sleeping but you followed me. And I bet you were thinking other things cause of why Nekoyasha and I were together. But Kagome...." He took a step fether twords the darkness. "You thought wrong. I love you. No one else but you Kagome. I'd never be with another women and never will so long as I have you. Not even that. Even if you ever were to leave me, my love and loyalty will remain yours. I love you Kagome, no matter what you become, no matter what you do, I'll always be there for you just as you were there for me." It was silent for a moment then Inuyasha heared crying. Kagome came lunging out of the darkness of the cave and clung to her mate. "Inuyahsa I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for every douting you." she says as tears poor from her eyes. They embraste each other for quite some time. Then Kagome's stomic rumbled. She looked at Inuyasha and blushed with embarisment. Inuyasha looked down at her with soft sweet eyes smiling. "Maybe it's time I find you some food. Hey I know..." Inuyasha looked around the cave "Weres that boar you killed all by yourself" he said proudly to Kagome. "I ate it" she said softly. "Really!? Your first kill and you didn't save me a piece!?" "Ofcorse I did Inuyasha. I mean what kind of wife would I be killing a big animal like that and not shair with my husband." "Husband?" Inuyasha questioned. "Well yeah. Were getting married aren't we? After all, we are now mates for life. Ha ha." Kagome said tilting her head to the right and giving a giggle. Inuyasha looked suprised. 'marridge?' he thought. Then his eyes softened and he smiled. 'If it will make Kagome happy...' "All right. Lets get married." he said. "Ok. But I want it in this world." Inuyasha was stuned. He didn't know why she wanted it here. "No Kagome. Will have it in your world." "Huh? Are you sure Inuyasha?" "Yeah. This way your friends can come and using the portal Nekoyasha found Sango, Miroku, and the others will be able to see your world." Inuyasha said with a smile the whole time." "All right. Sence you put it that was... The wedding will be in my world." Kagome said then embraced her mate. "Thank you Inuyasha." she said softly. "Your love." ..............
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ermangel on January 10, 2007, 11:16:05 PM
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Anne14 on November 28, 2006, 11:14:30 AM
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Anne14 on November 27, 2006, 1:26:48 PM
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