Chapter 6 - A Magic Cave
Submitted May 22, 2006 Updated November 19, 2006 Status Incomplete | This is EXTREMELY far in my story. I'm right now no were near this area. But I thought some of you would like to read some REALLY descriptive sex on every ones fav couple. Inuyasha and Kagome. So please in joy. You may be a little confused cause some info has already been said in my preveus stoire. But please bear with me and injoy!!!! ^v^
Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series » Couples/Pairings » Inuyasha + Kagome |
Chapter 6 - A Magic Cave
Chapter 6 - A Magic Cave
A Magic Cave
They embrast each other for quite some time. Then Kagome's stomic rumbled. She looked you at Inuyasha and blushed with embarisment. Inuyasha looked down at her with soft sweet eyes smiling. "Maybe it's time I find you some food. Hey I know..." Inuyasha looked around the cave "Weres that boar you killed all by yourself" he said proudly to Kagome. "I ate it" she said softly. "Really!? Your first kill, and you didn't save me a piece!?" "Ofcorse I did Inuyasha. I mean what kind of wife would I be killing a big animal like that and not shair her husben." "Husben?" Inuyasha questened. "Well yeah. Were getting married are't we? After all, we are now mates for life. Ha ha." Kagome said tilting her head to the right and giving a giggle. Inuyasha looked supriced. 'Marridge?' he thought. Then his eyes sofened and he smiled. 'If it will make Kagome happy...' "All right. Lets get married." he said. "Ok. But I want it in this world." Inuyasha was stuned. He didn't know why she wanted it here. "No Kagome. Will have it in your world." "Huh? Are you shour Inuyasha?" "Yeah. This way your friends can come and using the portil Nekoyasha found Sango, Miroku, and the others will be able to see your world as well." Inuyasha said with a smile the whole time." "All right. Sence you put it that was... The wedding will be in my world." Kagome said then embraced her mate. "Thank you Inuyasha." she said softly. "Your love" They held each other for moments non end, until Inuyasha's stomic rumble this time. He blushed with embaresment. Kagome giggled. "Why's that so funny?" Inuyasha asked cureusly. "Well, considoring you haven't eaten for four days...I wouldn't be suprised your hungry. "Four days!? I've been out that long!?" "Like you said, saving me took alot out of you, right?" "Yeah, your right about that." Inuyasha says. "So then you used up alot of energy. And your body needed to rest." "I sipose" Inuyasha answered. "But, were did you put the boar so the meat didn't rot." Inuyasha asked. "Over here" Kagome says walking towards the entrens to the darkness of the cave. She then turned around facing Inuyasha. "Theres and little... I mean very little spring, back here. Well, its more like a meddem size puddle with a tine water fall. Or, it was anyway." "Huh!?" Inuyasha said with suprise. "But anyway, I put the boars body in there." "Why in the hell would you do that?" Inuyasha asked very cureusly. "Well cause the water was very cold. And when somethings dead and you want to prezereve it, like say meat, you put it where it really cold. That way the cold will keep it fresh. "Ohhhh! I get it. So how much did you eat?" "Not much." Kagome said disipointed. "I mean how could I when I thought I hurt you and was turning into a demon." "But Kagome, you weren't" "But I didn't know that." She sighed then smiled. "But now I do. And best of all, theres plenty. Cause most of the time I was so down I didn't even eat. But now...." Her stomic growled louder and she held it. "I as hungry as every" Her mate smiled and gave a little chokol and walked next to her in front of the darkness and said "Well, lets get our dinner." He says taking Kagome by the hand. They both enter the darkness of the cave. It wasn't long till they heared water. There kin eyes saw through the darkness, were humans couldn't. They finily stoped. "Huh!? I don't get it. Why couldn't we hear it erlyer when we were in the light. "I'll show you later. But right now lets get our food." Kagome said. Inuyasha bent down and put his hand in the water. "AHHHHH!!" he yelled jumping back. "Thats cold. I've never felt water as cold as that." he said again. "Yes the cold caught me by suprise too. But try to endoor it." Inuyasha noded to his mate. This time they both bent down together and put there hands into the water. Inuyasha flinched. The cold rushed through his body. "Hold out Inuyasha" Kagome said. His hands were right above the boar's back legs. "Now Inuyasha! Grabe the boar!" Inuyasha grabed it's back legs and pulled his hands out of the water as fast as her could. Kagome did the same but had the boar's front legs. They held the boar upside down. Water rush down off the fur from it's the back. Water leced from the boar. "Nice job Inuyasha." Kagome said. "Yeah you to. But, now my hands are num." "It'll go away soon once were back by the fire." Kagome and Inuyasha caryed the dead boar out of and dark and into the dusky light. The sun was going down and the light was beming in throw the holes. Inuyasha and Kagome lyed the boar sideways near the fire. Kagome kneled down next the the boar. Pieces of the boar were already missing. That was where Kagome had eaten, but it was not much. Just a small area were she tore some skin off. "Your right Kagome. You didn't have much. Thats not good." "I'm fine Inuyasha. I'm just hungry. Well, lets stop talking and start eaten." And so they ate the boar. They didn't even cook it. Inuyasha prefered to eat it raw. Kagome too. Well I mean there are dogs, and they were very hungry. But serten peices of meat they did cooked. Anyway, they both were so hungry that barly any of the boar was left. Acshoily, none was left. Really all there was, was the head, the huves, and the tail. The rest was bone, and the flesh and meat were torn right off. Kagome and Inuyasha mad there last peices of meat it there hands, and they were good size peices. Kagome went to take another bite when Inuyasha spoke. "Men Kagome! I think you ate more then me." Kagome stoped and looked at him. "Really Inuyasha. I haven't knowtest. I'm sorry." "It's all right though." He looked over at the pile of wood that she had brought in for four days strate. "We need it. Cause you have been work for four days right? So you need your strancth back." Inuyasha finished then took a bit of his meat. Kagome watch him with soft eyes and a soft smile and said "Thank you Inuyasha" then continued eatting. Time passed and they finished there huge meal, but it was dark now and they started hearing the roars of thunder. Inuyasha and Kagome looked up that the sealling. "Sounds like it's going to rain." "Yeah, your right Kagome. But were also going to get wet." "Not at all Inuyasha." "Huh!?" Inuyasha says facing Kagome with confution. "What do you mean Kagome?" "You see Inuyasha... This is no ordenary cave." There was silents for a moment. "It's a magical cave." Inuyasha was suprised of Kagome's words. "Why in the world would you says that Kagome?" Because, Inuyasha.... When I told you about the little spring in the back, I wished for it. Thats why you didn't hear it sooner." Inuyasha was in shock. "So, your saying that...." Inuyasha started looking around. "This is a wishing cave?" "Thats right." Kagome answered with happness. "You can wish for anything you want in here." Inuyasha lowered his head with disbilef. "No. Now anything." "Huh!?" Kagome questuned. She looked at Inuyasha with cueasity. "What do you mean Inuyasha?" He got up, walked over the Kagome, and bent down right in front of her. He lifted her chin with his right hand and said "This cave could never have brought you to me. And I dought it could have ever let me have you or you me." Kagome looked confused, cureus even. "What do you mean by that Inuyasha?" "You found me and relesed me from a spell. We traviled together and gruw atached to one aonther. And now were mate for life. And do you know what?" Kagome looked at him, then blinked a few times as if to say "what". "That was all your doing. You broke the spell, you shatered the jewel, so we traviled together to regain the pieces, you warmthened my heart and healed soul, and you have given me your heart." Inuyasha looked at her with such softness in his eyes. "It was you all alone Kagome. You have changed me in ways Kikyo and not even my mother could. I am extremly greatful I met you Kagome. Other wise..... I don't even want to think what would have happen. But you found me and freed me, and I fell in love with you. The instent I saw you I liked you. But you know me. I would never show someone that right away. And you sent." Inuyahsa closed his eye and breathed in deeply smell her sent. He then breathed out hevily, opened his eyes and had a smile. "Your sent controls me. Every time I smell you..." He pushed forwered and huvered over Kagome forsing her to liy on her back on the ground. "I want to have you even more." Kagome smiled and blushed slightly with happness looking up into his hazil eyes. "When you were a human I loved the smell of you. I wanted to be near you all the time. Thats way I never wanted you to go. I never wanted you to leave, not even for a second, because then, I wouldn't be able to smell you. Your sweet fragrence. But, but now, your sent, it intoxicats me. And I absilotly love it." He bends his face down to the left side of Kagome's face, closed his eyes, and licks her left cheek. She giggle and he continued the lick her cheek. Finily, but it happen with such speed, Kagome grabed Inuyasha head and moved it infrount of her own and when Inuyasha went to lick her cheek again, or so he thought he got her toung. He opened his eyes to find his face in front of her's. And she was frenching him which told him she was saying "shut the hell up and make love to me you silly dope". Inuyahsa obade the kisses order. He grabed Kagome and rolled over so that she was on top of him. She ly in him, kissing him. Inuyasha then using his right hand went and pated Kagome's left ear. Kagome couldn't help but laugh as she continued to kissed him. Inuyahsa then using his other hand felt down Kagome's legs. He then started pulling down her skirt. Kagome's tail brisiled up and ears prcked up and she instently broke the kiss and looked down at her mate. Inuyahsa looked at her, extremly cuereus. "What's wrong Kagome? I thought you wanted it." "I do Inuyahsa. But, why don't we wish for something soft and warm." "Like a bed." "Goog idea honey." Inuyahsa was shocked. 'Did she just call me honey?' he thought. "How bout my bed? Exept make it bigger." Inuyahsa smiled. "Alright." he said. Then Kagome started thinking. Inuyahsa knowtested. "What's wrong Kagome?" "I was just thinking... Do you even think that the cave can grant wishes of things not of this world?" "I don't know sweety, give it a try." Kagome cought what he said. 'Sweety huh?' she thought. "Ok babe." Kagome said. Inuyahsa smiled. He liked calling her these sweet names, and he really like her calling them to him to. Kagome stood up and walking a few foot steps away from Inuyasha. Kagome then closed her eyes and said "I wish we had my bed. Only it was king size." Kagome wispered. A light gust of wind worled around near Kagome's sleeping bag. Then, a white light formed into a huge matres. When the light died the matres was there next to Kagome's stuff. "Wow!! I didn't expect the cave to read my mind." "What do you mean Kagome" her mate asked. "I mean when I was wishing, I pictured the bed with a few comfeters and pilows. And thats just what we got." Just like Kagome had wished. It was a king size matres of her bed and it had white and light pink sheets and light pink pilows on it neatly. Kagome turned slightly so only the lift side of her face was looking at her mate. Inuyasha got a little worried. "Hey" Kagome sang. "Yes dear?" Inuyasha replied. "Why don't you get ready in the bed." She turned towards the darkest part of the cave. The back. "I'll just be a moment" she says walking into the darkness. Inuyahsa was getting sispishus, and alittle creeped out. But he listened to his lover. Inuyahsa walked to the bed and took off his pants but left on his loyn cloth. He hopped into bed and covered you. A few moments passed, then Inuyasha heared his name being called ever so sweetly. "Inuyasha." It was Kagome. "You coming honey?" he asked. There was no answer. Inuyasha was getting really on edge now. Then, all of a sudden, a white figuer came hertiling towards Inuyasha with a loud roar. It pounsed on him and gripped him tight on the arms pinning him to the bed. ................
They embrast each other for quite some time. Then Kagome's stomic rumbled. She looked you at Inuyasha and blushed with embarisment. Inuyasha looked down at her with soft sweet eyes smiling. "Maybe it's time I find you some food. Hey I know..." Inuyasha looked around the cave "Weres that boar you killed all by yourself" he said proudly to Kagome. "I ate it" she said softly. "Really!? Your first kill, and you didn't save me a piece!?" "Ofcorse I did Inuyasha. I mean what kind of wife would I be killing a big animal like that and not shair her husben." "Husben?" Inuyasha questened. "Well yeah. Were getting married are't we? After all, we are now mates for life. Ha ha." Kagome said tilting her head to the right and giving a giggle. Inuyasha looked supriced. 'Marridge?' he thought. Then his eyes sofened and he smiled. 'If it will make Kagome happy...' "All right. Lets get married." he said. "Ok. But I want it in this world." Inuyasha was stuned. He didn't know why she wanted it here. "No Kagome. Will have it in your world." "Huh? Are you shour Inuyasha?" "Yeah. This way your friends can come and using the portil Nekoyasha found Sango, Miroku, and the others will be able to see your world as well." Inuyasha said with a smile the whole time." "All right. Sence you put it that was... The wedding will be in my world." Kagome said then embraced her mate. "Thank you Inuyasha." she said softly. "Your love" They held each other for moments non end, until Inuyasha's stomic rumble this time. He blushed with embaresment. Kagome giggled. "Why's that so funny?" Inuyasha asked cureusly. "Well, considoring you haven't eaten for four days...I wouldn't be suprised your hungry. "Four days!? I've been out that long!?" "Like you said, saving me took alot out of you, right?" "Yeah, your right about that." Inuyasha says. "So then you used up alot of energy. And your body needed to rest." "I sipose" Inuyasha answered. "But, were did you put the boar so the meat didn't rot." Inuyasha asked. "Over here" Kagome says walking towards the entrens to the darkness of the cave. She then turned around facing Inuyasha. "Theres and little... I mean very little spring, back here. Well, its more like a meddem size puddle with a tine water fall. Or, it was anyway." "Huh!?" Inuyasha said with suprise. "But anyway, I put the boars body in there." "Why in the hell would you do that?" Inuyasha asked very cureusly. "Well cause the water was very cold. And when somethings dead and you want to prezereve it, like say meat, you put it where it really cold. That way the cold will keep it fresh. "Ohhhh! I get it. So how much did you eat?" "Not much." Kagome said disipointed. "I mean how could I when I thought I hurt you and was turning into a demon." "But Kagome, you weren't" "But I didn't know that." She sighed then smiled. "But now I do. And best of all, theres plenty. Cause most of the time I was so down I didn't even eat. But now...." Her stomic growled louder and she held it. "I as hungry as every" Her mate smiled and gave a little chokol and walked next to her in front of the darkness and said "Well, lets get our dinner." He says taking Kagome by the hand. They both enter the darkness of the cave. It wasn't long till they heared water. There kin eyes saw through the darkness, were humans couldn't. They finily stoped. "Huh!? I don't get it. Why couldn't we hear it erlyer when we were in the light. "I'll show you later. But right now lets get our food." Kagome said. Inuyasha bent down and put his hand in the water. "AHHHHH!!" he yelled jumping back. "Thats cold. I've never felt water as cold as that." he said again. "Yes the cold caught me by suprise too. But try to endoor it." Inuyasha noded to his mate. This time they both bent down together and put there hands into the water. Inuyasha flinched. The cold rushed through his body. "Hold out Inuyasha" Kagome said. His hands were right above the boar's back legs. "Now Inuyasha! Grabe the boar!" Inuyasha grabed it's back legs and pulled his hands out of the water as fast as her could. Kagome did the same but had the boar's front legs. They held the boar upside down. Water rush down off the fur from it's the back. Water leced from the boar. "Nice job Inuyasha." Kagome said. "Yeah you to. But, now my hands are num." "It'll go away soon once were back by the fire." Kagome and Inuyasha caryed the dead boar out of and dark and into the dusky light. The sun was going down and the light was beming in throw the holes. Inuyasha and Kagome lyed the boar sideways near the fire. Kagome kneled down next the the boar. Pieces of the boar were already missing. That was where Kagome had eaten, but it was not much. Just a small area were she tore some skin off. "Your right Kagome. You didn't have much. Thats not good." "I'm fine Inuyasha. I'm just hungry. Well, lets stop talking and start eaten." And so they ate the boar. They didn't even cook it. Inuyasha prefered to eat it raw. Kagome too. Well I mean there are dogs, and they were very hungry. But serten peices of meat they did cooked. Anyway, they both were so hungry that barly any of the boar was left. Acshoily, none was left. Really all there was, was the head, the huves, and the tail. The rest was bone, and the flesh and meat were torn right off. Kagome and Inuyasha mad there last peices of meat it there hands, and they were good size peices. Kagome went to take another bite when Inuyasha spoke. "Men Kagome! I think you ate more then me." Kagome stoped and looked at him. "Really Inuyasha. I haven't knowtest. I'm sorry." "It's all right though." He looked over at the pile of wood that she had brought in for four days strate. "We need it. Cause you have been work for four days right? So you need your strancth back." Inuyasha finished then took a bit of his meat. Kagome watch him with soft eyes and a soft smile and said "Thank you Inuyasha" then continued eatting. Time passed and they finished there huge meal, but it was dark now and they started hearing the roars of thunder. Inuyasha and Kagome looked up that the sealling. "Sounds like it's going to rain." "Yeah, your right Kagome. But were also going to get wet." "Not at all Inuyasha." "Huh!?" Inuyasha says facing Kagome with confution. "What do you mean Kagome?" "You see Inuyasha... This is no ordenary cave." There was silents for a moment. "It's a magical cave." Inuyasha was suprised of Kagome's words. "Why in the world would you says that Kagome?" Because, Inuyasha.... When I told you about the little spring in the back, I wished for it. Thats why you didn't hear it sooner." Inuyasha was in shock. "So, your saying that...." Inuyasha started looking around. "This is a wishing cave?" "Thats right." Kagome answered with happness. "You can wish for anything you want in here." Inuyasha lowered his head with disbilef. "No. Now anything." "Huh!?" Kagome questuned. She looked at Inuyasha with cueasity. "What do you mean Inuyasha?" He got up, walked over the Kagome, and bent down right in front of her. He lifted her chin with his right hand and said "This cave could never have brought you to me. And I dought it could have ever let me have you or you me." Kagome looked confused, cureus even. "What do you mean by that Inuyasha?" "You found me and relesed me from a spell. We traviled together and gruw atached to one aonther. And now were mate for life. And do you know what?" Kagome looked at him, then blinked a few times as if to say "what". "That was all your doing. You broke the spell, you shatered the jewel, so we traviled together to regain the pieces, you warmthened my heart and healed soul, and you have given me your heart." Inuyasha looked at her with such softness in his eyes. "It was you all alone Kagome. You have changed me in ways Kikyo and not even my mother could. I am extremly greatful I met you Kagome. Other wise..... I don't even want to think what would have happen. But you found me and freed me, and I fell in love with you. The instent I saw you I liked you. But you know me. I would never show someone that right away. And you sent." Inuyahsa closed his eye and breathed in deeply smell her sent. He then breathed out hevily, opened his eyes and had a smile. "Your sent controls me. Every time I smell you..." He pushed forwered and huvered over Kagome forsing her to liy on her back on the ground. "I want to have you even more." Kagome smiled and blushed slightly with happness looking up into his hazil eyes. "When you were a human I loved the smell of you. I wanted to be near you all the time. Thats way I never wanted you to go. I never wanted you to leave, not even for a second, because then, I wouldn't be able to smell you. Your sweet fragrence. But, but now, your sent, it intoxicats me. And I absilotly love it." He bends his face down to the left side of Kagome's face, closed his eyes, and licks her left cheek. She giggle and he continued the lick her cheek. Finily, but it happen with such speed, Kagome grabed Inuyasha head and moved it infrount of her own and when Inuyasha went to lick her cheek again, or so he thought he got her toung. He opened his eyes to find his face in front of her's. And she was frenching him which told him she was saying "shut the hell up and make love to me you silly dope". Inuyahsa obade the kisses order. He grabed Kagome and rolled over so that she was on top of him. She ly in him, kissing him. Inuyasha then using his right hand went and pated Kagome's left ear. Kagome couldn't help but laugh as she continued to kissed him. Inuyahsa then using his other hand felt down Kagome's legs. He then started pulling down her skirt. Kagome's tail brisiled up and ears prcked up and she instently broke the kiss and looked down at her mate. Inuyahsa looked at her, extremly cuereus. "What's wrong Kagome? I thought you wanted it." "I do Inuyahsa. But, why don't we wish for something soft and warm." "Like a bed." "Goog idea honey." Inuyahsa was shocked. 'Did she just call me honey?' he thought. "How bout my bed? Exept make it bigger." Inuyahsa smiled. "Alright." he said. Then Kagome started thinking. Inuyahsa knowtested. "What's wrong Kagome?" "I was just thinking... Do you even think that the cave can grant wishes of things not of this world?" "I don't know sweety, give it a try." Kagome cought what he said. 'Sweety huh?' she thought. "Ok babe." Kagome said. Inuyahsa smiled. He liked calling her these sweet names, and he really like her calling them to him to. Kagome stood up and walking a few foot steps away from Inuyasha. Kagome then closed her eyes and said "I wish we had my bed. Only it was king size." Kagome wispered. A light gust of wind worled around near Kagome's sleeping bag. Then, a white light formed into a huge matres. When the light died the matres was there next to Kagome's stuff. "Wow!! I didn't expect the cave to read my mind." "What do you mean Kagome" her mate asked. "I mean when I was wishing, I pictured the bed with a few comfeters and pilows. And thats just what we got." Just like Kagome had wished. It was a king size matres of her bed and it had white and light pink sheets and light pink pilows on it neatly. Kagome turned slightly so only the lift side of her face was looking at her mate. Inuyasha got a little worried. "Hey" Kagome sang. "Yes dear?" Inuyasha replied. "Why don't you get ready in the bed." She turned towards the darkest part of the cave. The back. "I'll just be a moment" she says walking into the darkness. Inuyahsa was getting sispishus, and alittle creeped out. But he listened to his lover. Inuyahsa walked to the bed and took off his pants but left on his loyn cloth. He hopped into bed and covered you. A few moments passed, then Inuyasha heared his name being called ever so sweetly. "Inuyasha." It was Kagome. "You coming honey?" he asked. There was no answer. Inuyasha was getting really on edge now. Then, all of a sudden, a white figuer came hertiling towards Inuyasha with a loud roar. It pounsed on him and gripped him tight on the arms pinning him to the bed. ................
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ermangel on January 10, 2007, 11:22:44 PM
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Anne14 on November 28, 2006, 11:15:06 AM
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Anne14 on November 28, 2006, 11:00:40 AM
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Anne14 on November 27, 2006, 1:47:38 PM
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sangofan1 on October 14, 2006, 7:53:01 AM
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