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To my FAC Friends!!!!!

This is a tribute to all you out there who have commented on my work, or done pics or is a friend of RJ!! TAKE A LOOK! LOL ^^



Chapter 1 - fac buddies!!!!!
Submitted: November 11, 2004 • Updated: November 11, 2004
Word count: 2081 • Size: 11k • Comments: 25 • views: 859


Comments (25)

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shaku on November 13, 2004, 12:55:29 PM

shaku on (Chapter: 1)
shakuThanks! You're one of my best friends on here ^^ I could've never thought of doing this kind of thing for my friends... Very cool.... You have lotsa friends, no? You haven't been here THAT long either, but then again, neither have I. You've gotten so many friend so fast ^.^
Oh, yeah. Thanks for the hug!**gives hugs back** I'm definatly adding this to favorites!

KotokoPlum on November 13, 2004, 8:19:34 AM

KotokoPlum on (Chapter: 1)
KotokoPlumYay! Thankies soooo much for putting me in there!!!!!! *stares at the endless list of names.... You got soooo many friends!!!! No wonder, you're soooo nice and kind! Yay! Go, RJ! You're the best! I'll put you in a piccy soon... err... I hope I get to it eventually...

hobbes on November 12, 2004, 7:01:19 AM

hobbes on (Chapter: 1)
hobbesAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW THATS SOOO SWEET OF YOU!!!! *huggles till you turn blue* aww sorry i just love it so much all those kind words.. i actually dont deserve these YOU DO instead!!! I LOVE IT!!! YOU ARE THE BEST SISSY EVER!!! *hugs some more* GOHAN LOVES YOU SIS!! oh btw i got your email THANK YOU IT WAS SOOOO SWEET IT REALLY MADE MY DAY!!! i was like WHOOOOOOOOOOWWWW RHIAN SEND ME AN EMAIL YAYYY!!! i was so happy but i didnt have time to send back but i will do that soon enough!! *hugs* you are the best sis eva!! see you around!!


starry on November 12, 2004, 2:56:21 AM

starry on (Chapter: 1)
starryo_o awwwwwwww 4 me??????!!!! UR THE BEST SISTER EVER *huggy huggles hug hug* ^^ i feel so stupid 4 not commenting earlier -_- lol RJ ur the sweetest person in FAC lol you have something nice to say 2 everyone lol ^^ *hugs* *favs favs favs favs x1000000000000000* o_o lol

Chanika on November 11, 2004, 1:23:39 PM

Chanika on (Chapter: 1)
Chanikathank you for the goku plushie and puts it witht he millions she has..i love them! thank u for the comments on my work ^^ *hugs* i promise the picture will be done soon ^^"

SailorMars on November 11, 2004, 9:43:28 AM

SailorMars on (Chapter: 1)
SailorMarsNo problem...for all your hard work you deserve it *holds Goku plushi really close* oh and thanks for the plushi!!! ^-^

GothicDancer on November 11, 2004, 9:42:35 AM

GothicDancer on (Chapter: 1)
GothicDancer*breaks favorites button because I pressed it too many times* YOU ARE THE GREATEST!!! *hugz you times x100000000000000000000 and gives you more Gohan plushies than you can count* You're welcome!! I love IMing you!! And I'm glad you're happy with my comics. CLUB FANGIRLS SHALL RETURN!!! :D

Cara on November 11, 2004, 8:52:54 AM

Cara on (Chapter: 1)
CaraThanks for putting me in. You're a great friend and artist. If my computer works right I'll put up the pic I made for you. Thanks again and here have a doughnut. *shoves a doughnut down your throat*

sooty on November 11, 2004, 8:10:11 AM

sooty on (Chapter: 1)
sootyAwwwwwwwwwwww THANKIES!!!!!!!^_______________________^ U ARE THE NICEST PERSON ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *takes shadow plushie and gives u a gohan!!* ^____________^ *favz* U IS THE BEST BUDDY IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOHA AND RJ 4EVAZ!!^_________^

MoonGirl16 on November 11, 2004, 7:05:51 AM

MoonGirl16 on (Chapter: 1)
MoonGirl16*hugs* Thank you! You're the best! and I love all of your pics!!! You are one of the bestest (if thats even a word..)
friends I have! Thank you and keep drawing! ^^