Chapter 1 - IT
Submitted October 16, 2004 Updated October 16, 2004 Status Incomplete | A little Sci Fi story to Explain why Furrys are Half Human and half Animals. A Desease threatens to kill all of Humanity...
Furry |
Chapter 1 - IT
Chapter 1 - IT
This is the first draft of My first story …. I hope you like it. . Hi.. My name is Raa.. That’s right Raa . It’s pronounced like Rat , just drop the T . No it’s not my given name , It’s a nick name I got stuck with . It’s OK You get used to these things. I ‘m a Married Man with a Lovely Wife and Daughter . My Wife’s name Is Lil , That’s short for Lilley ,and my daughters name is kat, short for katey. This is my story , Or should I say our story , and by our. I mean the whole human race. IT started around eight years ago. IT was noted by naturalists , that the simians of Central Africa started dieing off at a alarming rate . IT spread through out the Continent in just a couple of weeks. IT was identified by the scientists working on IT , a New disease , they named it Interminable Toxemic , or as it was better know as I.T. or just plain IT. IT was killing the Monkeys and Apes in rapid order. The Naturalists called a emergency meeting of scientists to look for a cure. The head of the world zoological organization called the meeting to order with the simple statement … To let a entire species die off ,without doing anything about it, would be one of the greatest tragedies the people of this planet would ever know . The Doctor that said this had no idea at the time how true that statement was … until around six months later when several of the people that had contact with the monkeys started to get sick and die. It spread through Africa , They tried to contain it to the Continent , all movement out of Africa was cut off. But it didn’t help .IT soon spread to the Middle East , then to Asia and Europe . People started to panic. They tried to get to the Americas or Australia , two of the few places on Earth that IT hadn’t spread to yet. The airplanes and ships were met by the combined Air Forces and Navies of the Americas and forced to return to where they had come from, some of the planes ran out of fuel and fell to their doom in the oceans., some of the ships drifted at sea till other ships from the infected areas where sent out to save them. Soon riots started all over the planet., People in the infected countries insisting on a cure, or a way to escape before they became infected. People in the uninfected countries insisting that all contact with infected countries be stopped at once. The Governments grudgingly agreed. Of course The U.S. Government insisted that the oil tankers bringing in oil from the Middle East had to keep moving, You can’t stop the Worlds Number one economy just because the rest of the world was dieing off. Besides the tankers never really land in the other countries , they fill up at pumping Islands off the coast so no one had to go ashore. And just to be safe the crews would be kept aboard the ships when they returned. But of course as soon as the tankers arrived at the pumping islands they where met by a fleet of small boats full of people desperate to get away. As the tankers returned to the U.S. someone had the good idea to send a plane out to check on them. The Pilots of the planes reported back that the ships where returning full, not of oil, but of people. The decks of the super tankers where clogged with people. The U.S. Air Force and Navy met the ships and order them to turn around, the orders where not heeded . The Ships where sunk, with the lost of thousands of lives. Of course not all the ships came back to the U.S. , some of them ended up in Central or South America , one ended up in Cuba. As the people swam ashore some got shot, but some made it. In the U.S. it was decided to build a wall at the southern border, some said this was racist , but they where shouted down quickly. The Wall was one hundred feet tall and lined with machine guns and mines. People still tried …people died. Of course in the long run it didn’t matter, you see IT was already here. What we didn’t know was it had been here for months , It had traveled here on the backs of little spiders., No not a cargo shipment , or in some ones luggage , but on the wind. Let me explain , When baby spiders make there way out of there egg sack they crawl to the highest point and let a small thread of web out to be caught up by the wind, in this way the spiders are spread across the country side . These little spiders crawled up on the large pile of bodies that where piled up in the middle of the African Village ,as they climbed up the pile they picked up the germ’s on there little legs. As the wind picked them up into the air the germs came along for the ride. The winds were blowing good that day, it carried them high into the sky, they where carried aloft to the tops of the clouds , they where carried so high in fact that there little bodies where quickly frozen in the high atmosphere. They floated from cloud top to cloud top at the top of the western moving thunder heads. In a couple of weeks the storms had moved across the Atlantic ocean to arrive in Florida.. The little spiders had no idea of the passage of time, as the rain fell in Florida they unfroze and amazingly came back to life *(Writer note, I watch way to much Animal Planet and Discovery Channel ) with there little unknown passengers on there bodies. IT also had survived the icy trip. IT spread around the globe. All the doctors and scientists around the planet ,( that where still alive) didn‘t have any answers. . Half the human population and almost all the Semions where dead… No one seemed immune to IT. We all locked ourselves in our houses and waited for the end…. Then one day on TV there was a Chimp.. A Healthy Happy CHIMP. The Chimp was swinging from a rope, chattering its head off. The young scientist with the Chimp was very happy , smiling and proud. As the camera came in on the Chimp you finally realize that something about the Chimp didn’t seem quit normal.. The Chimps fur was white and his muzzle was too long and pointy . He also had a long pointy tail that was leathery looking , for the life of me it looked like a Rats tail. The young scientist explained that he had managed to change the Chimps DNA enough so that IT no longer could effect the Chimp. He had done this by combining the Chimps DNA with that of a Rat. And he was sure it could also work on humans... If he could get the OK to try it on humans from the government . After some hesitation the government agreed to let him try. Needless to say he had people lined up around the block as soon as the word got out. Better a Live Rat then a dead Human , was the words heard over and over in that line. Two days later, there on TV appeared the same young scientist again, this time with a middle age man. The man had short white hair on his head and a little furrier then normal white beard. As he turned profile you could see he had a three foot long furry tail . And that the lower part of his face was extended out ward in a snout with a small black nose. His features where less pointed then the chimps had been, the scientist explained that his DNA had been mixed with that of a mouse and not a rat like the Chimp. A microphone was given to the man and he began to talk… Hi. My name is James Johnson, I am a lab assistant here at the clinic. I have worked here for five years, I live in San Jose with my wife and three year old daughter. At that point a middle age lady came on stage carrying a three year old girl. She came over and gave the man a kiss on the cheek , the three year old would not look at her father. Sally still has to get use to the way I look now, but I’m sure she will get use to me. I have all my memories and I feel Fine. Three days ago I was a patient here at the clinic , I was in the last stages of I.T. I was dieing. When Doctor Jensen asked me if I was willing to try this serum I volunteered.. Doctor Jenson was standing to one side , he stepped forward. Mr. Johnson was in the late stages of I.T. when we gave him the treatment, it took around 10 hours for it to transform him to as you see him now. Blood test show that he still has I.T. but now it doesn’t effect him , We will perform more tests on him to make sure there are no bad side effects. We will release the results as soon as they are available.. With thousands dieing every day the pressure was put on to hurry the research.. More people that were sick and dieing were given the serum , they all recovered. After eight days the US government was giving it‘s full support to Doctor Jensons work. .On day ten , Dr. Jenson reappeared on TV …This time surrounded by twenty people , all with white hair, some with white tails, some with rats tails ,and some with bushy rabbit tails, these people also had long rabbit ears. . All of these people where interviewed, they all said they felt fine. When asked if they felt any different at all , one of the women that looked like a rabbit stepped forward... She was beautiful , with soft white hair covering her face and a small pink nose. She had a knock out figure, she had a large round bust and a nice round rear with a cute little rabbits tail coming out of a small slit in the back of her gown… My name is Linda Samwells. I’m twenty three years old and I’m a airlines hostess. I was five foot four inches tall with measurements of 34X26X36.. I wore a B cup Bra.. Now I’m Five foot six inches tall and my measurements are 42X28X38 and I think I’m going to have to were a double D cup. Dr. Jensen stepped forward and spoke, Yes we have noted that a side effect of the treatment seems to be a growth of two to three inches in most people and an increase in chest size , seemingly more pronounced with the women then the men . All the Patients have put on a few pounds and all have good appetites. There is also a change in Ummm well … The men’s private parts have changed, they now have penis sheaths like most animals have… A reporter asked… Does there equipment still work OK.. One of the Rat men stepped forward and answered,, It works Just fine, at which time one of the rabbit lady’s turned around and nodded…The Dr, looked rather shocked.. Another reporter asked …Has any of the patients shown any abnormal behavior. No Dr. Jenson stated none that have been observed .. The Dr. glancing over at the Rat man and Rabbit lady…All the patients seemed to agree.The next morning the decision was made. The word went out - the serum would be mass produced .. The first thing was as many animals as possible where to be gathered and brought down to animal collection points so that there blood could be drawn to make the serum. People brought down there pets - Cats, Dogs, Hamsters, Guina Pigs , Pot belly Pigs, Rats , Mice , Rabbits , Snakes, Birds , anything and everthing … . People went to farms - Cows , Horses , Pigs , Sheep , Goats, Lamas , Alpacas , Ostriches, Emus ..From the Zoos came Lions and Tigers and Bears -OH MY …. It was quite a sight…Every type of animal you could think of …The first few days at the clinics , They drew blood, …ALL OF THE BLOOD OUT. They threw all the animals into a big pile to be taken care of later… , As soon as the people heard this there was a loud out cry to stop this practice, Stop Killing our pets and other animals .. Soon the people stop bringing in the animals.. So the Governments announced this practice would stop , and the blood would just be taken out in a humane way as to not kill the animals .., So people started to bring there pets in again…Also Mass breeding programs where stared for the animals that breed the fastest - Rabbits, Mice, Rats and other rodents .. But It was soon reported that they needed more . So the people went out to the wild to catch wild animals - Deer, Fox , Squirrels , Chipmunks , Wolfs , Foxes , Sloth’s , Porcupines, Skunks , Wolverines ,Mink ,Ermine , Moles ,Frogs , Ducks , Fish , Dolphins , …Some one came up with the idea of Whales , Largest animals on the planet , The most blood….Luckily only a few where slaughtered before it was discovered ( The hard Way ) that the serum made up from them was Fatal.. The people that where given it died as there bodies could not transform without heart failure accruing . Surprisingly other forms of sea mammals worked out better … Dolphins blood worked , if the people given it were allowed to transform while they were in water…Seals, Sea Lions , And Sea Otters worked much better. .. We heard on the TV that other countries were having the same types of problems ..It was a hard lesson ,but it was learned ..Non- Mammals or vary large animals ..It didn’t work… most of the people given serum from these died.. And the ones that did survive transformed into more animal then human.. The word went out.. MAMMALS ONLY.. It didn’t seem to matter how small the animal was , it only became a problem with vary large animals.. No Elephants, Rhinos , or Hippos .. But Horses, Cattle , Buffalo , even Giraffes where OK, or any smaller Mammals worked.. You could not use .. Birds , reptiles , or Fish .. Invertebrates where never tried. Thank God… It was a bit hit and miss at first. Some things worked out, others didn’t.. The first to get the Serum was the Medical community , Then Government Personnel , Starting with the Elected officials then working it’s way down. ..Military personal , then Police and Firemen, Emergency personnel. The Medical personnel being the first mostly got DNA from lab animals.. White Rats, Mice, Rabbits… . Many of the top Government people also got the Lab Animal DNA. Later on this ended up being a big mistake .The reason the Lab Animals are white and are used in Lab experiments is because most of there coloring and Immune systems have been bred out of them . That’s why you always hear of something giving lab Rats Cancer, they have no immune system to fight off any ill effects of what ever is given them. The Medical personnel end up catching every thing they came in contact with. Many of them had to get out of the medical field.. Medical schools boomed in the aftermath , With many new people getting into the field, This was a good thing after all , as the most medicine had to become a mixture of old and new , Human medicine had to change with the people, it was a cross between Veterinarian medicine and old human medicine. Oh yaa , And a lot of the Politicians also got sick… No one seemed to care. By the time that the Military personnel got there serum all the lab animal blood was used up , so they got the first Pet DNA. So - they ended up with lots of Dog and Cat ..the Police and Fire personal also got these. A few hamsters and Guinea Pigs also. Some Pet Rat ( mostly the Brown and White ones ) , A few mice. Then the Snake blood came in.. That’s when we found out that this didn’t work …The few that got it and survived where changed to the point that they could not stay in the Military. They where penchant out .. It was at this point that Prisoners where given the opportunity to try the serum from animals that hadn’t been tried yet ..Most prisoners went for the chance .Knowing that if they didn’t they would be the last to get the treatment. Most survived and given early parole for there help. By doing this it was proven that mammal DNA was the way to go . Later the Prisoners and the Military personnel that had received the Reptile DNA that had survived , had problems adjusting to there new life.. Some tried to have a second shot of serum to try to change to something else , but it was discovered that once you had the serum a second dose didn’t work.. Many of them ended up down in Florida , working in the Everglades , or in one of the amusement parks, They ended up with a reputation of being good workers . They elected a Repasentive to Washington to fight for there rights.. As people changed it was discovered that many ,if not all , picked up traits from the animal that there DNA had come from. Like people that got Cheetah DNA could run real fast , People that camel DNA could stay out in the sun for long periods of time and not have to drink, and so on. It didn’t take long for the people that had not received there treatment yet and had some money to customize there DNA choices. Some tried to mix DNA from different animals to get the results they wanted.. Some time this worked , but some times they ended up with the worst of the blend. So this practice was given up by most .. Among the Rich and Famous Fox , Mink , Ermine , lynxes ,where very popular . Some went with fancy dogs , Poodle , shootzu , Pomeranians . Some had the blood from there own animals drawn and used , so you got Polo ponies , Quarter horses and such.. If you had the money you had your choice. A number of upper middle class people from California opted for Sea Mammal , They are now Seal , Sea Lion , Sea Otter ,and a few Dolphin people .Many moved to the Long Beach area of Southern California .The town now has a land area and a under water area of the city.. The side walks go directly into the water .. People walk straight from dry to wet ..many of the countries best sea food restaurants have moved there.. They have dry sections and wet sections . Also the town has many night clubs, It’s the Place To Be Seen on Saturday Nights. And because of the new Sea People , The Water of Southern California is now some of the cleanest in the World. From the water it’s EZ to see where the water pollution is coming from, and these people had the money and the Clout to get things done Fast..,Many older people chose to get there serum from Pigs… Pig DNA ended up leaving the people looking more like they use to then any thing else they tried. They didn’t get Fur , the skin looked much as it had. The Tail was easily removed by Doctors and the snout they got was usually was pretty small. Many got Plastic surgery to have them reduced , so they looked much the same as they did before… It became a saying among young people -- Oh , he’s a pig Face .. Meaning , you where old and out of it. What ever it was… Of course if you didn’t have money you had to go to the Government set up centers to get your serum . Of course the Government was in to big of a hurry to mark there vials to show what animals the stuff was made from , so you got what ever you got . So it was the luck of the draw as to what you got . YOU GOT WHAT EVER YOU GOT….. I GOT RAT… No not a nice white Lab Rat , Nor a Nice Brown and White Pet Rat.. I got a REGULAR DIRTY BROWN SEWER RAT … My Lovely wife got Tree Squirrel and my Beautiful Daughter got Chipmunk …Well at least we’re all still one happy Family …( YAA.. THE RODENT FAMILY)… Sorry about that ,.That was my daughter Kat..
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Thazacon on September 15, 2012, 3:33:56 AM
Thazacon on

Bouncy_The_Chao on February 2, 2006, 7:29:46 AM
SERJ on January 29, 2006, 12:54:23 PM
Sly_and_ally_forever on December 14, 2005, 4:40:28 AM
RickRaccoon on October 29, 2005, 1:58:24 AM
RickRaccoon on

Prinncess_of_compe on September 10, 2005, 10:03:05 AM
Dragon_Buster on June 7, 2005, 2:19:49 AM
zakuman on October 23, 2004, 9:13:37 AM
zakuman on

Well it's well thought, with all the facts that draw from reality. And it gives reason to all these furries. At first I was thinking of outbreak... with all the quarenteen business, and spreading. You don't explain exactly how IT kills someone. And you mention the fact that IT kills animals too..... so why the crossed dna counters it is a little fuzzy.
Wasn't too keen on the big bad America picture. We do have very open borders, sometimes someone gets the short end of the stick, but that's life. It also seems, that when they start combating it with and thingsgo back to normal...they tend to get better than they were before... a little furry utopia. They also don't care about politicians. well I lot of people now don't care about politicians, but even as bad as they are, they serve a purpose.
Well all this got me thinking of how I'd make a story about furries. I think I'd just write it up as a new realm in which these furries live. And some dude finds a way to come across realms. Meets a cat girl and gets it on, hehe :) And that's about as far I've come in the last few minutes.
Ok now to wrap this up. It's a decent story. I'd like to here more about the people after the whole shibang. My guess is that this only the begining, and foundation for your story idea, so I understand it helps to set this out, and then the real fun can begin after all that.
RaaToons on October 18, 2004, 2:37:32 PM
RaaToons on