Submitted April 20, 2006 Updated April 20, 2006 Status Incomplete | I can`t say anything, cause you never know with roleplays ^_^
Comics » Sonic the Hedgehog » Fan Characters (OC's) |
The rules are VERY simple! No rude comments (*unless you`re the villain……. Mwuahahaha*), and you need to not just “WHAM! HERE I AM!” try to make it make sense, such as, the area that the people already writing are at is a place where you live, you want to steal something, so you jump down from a tree, or a smokescreen, WHATEVER! I`ll start things up so you can understand! ^_^
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vanilla_cream_girl on April 28, 2006, 8:49:53 PM

Rikku_Mogonei on April 28, 2006, 11:40:58 AM
Rikku_Mogonei on April 28, 2006, 6:42:48 AM

This...this...thing was mocking me. It stopped nearly a half second in front of me,then sped off in a zigzag pattern. I closed my eyes. I had to focus on the movements MENTALLY,not physically...I would just get dizzy and become vulnerable. I listened to the way the movements pierced the air. I opened my eyes. Now.
I finally hit the real thing. Alex flew up just in time to see the (*now I could see it*) robot fall to the ground. "It was a stupid robot!?",he said. "Yeah..",I said, flipping it over. There was a very familiar marking on it...."Another one of Eggman`s schemes...It looks like his machinery is much more high-tech than it once was.",I said,"It also seems he may become yet ANOTHER problem..." I groaned. But I only stayed still for a moment. Eddin needed help...or at least,that was what I was going to give him....
I ran over to him, avoiding anything I could trip on (*that was something that didn`t need to happen twice -_-"*), and jumped up into the air, and something I didn`t even know was possible happened....Out of the flames forming around me, a long, snake-like dragon was twisting and scratching at the sky. Then it locked its cold,firey embers (*that were his eyes*) on Robin. I lost my ability to control myself. My eyes were glowing, and I spoke in a voice simular to how the dragon`s might have been if it could talk: "For you,Robin,the end is now."
DaWolff on April 28, 2006, 3:45:28 AM
DaWolff on

Alex flied for the girls while I tried to get the emerald and kept fighting Robin. I quickly kicked him in his head and ran for the Emerald. And just when i was reaching it...
BTW IS IT "flied" or "flew" sorry my no-good english. :(
vanilla_cream_girl on April 27, 2006, 1:43:22 PM

Rikku_Mogonei on April 26, 2006, 6:29:06 AM

"I don`t need to worry about Wolfie until this is over!",I whispered, "Or anyone for that matter..." I blushed...that was supposed to stay in a thought bubble!! O//O
I didn`t have much time to think before a cold chill of wind went by me. "WTF??",I said quietly, scanning the area around me. It was moving fast,whatever it was. Even Robin or Eddin,or anyone for that matter, was THAT fast... I ignored it for the moment....
Then something hit me in the stomach. It moved to fast for me to see what. I concentrated on the way the wind was moving around me....finally,I focused on something,and sent my katana through it....only to hit a copy, which fell to the ground in a puddle of water. "Crap...looks like I have yet ANOTHER problem to deal with...",I groaned, casted a sorry look toward the others (*who may still need help*) and tried to kill that sick little-----
(*just guess ^__^*)
Anyway,that`s it for me! Thanks to everyone who`s helped with this! :D
Fargmaster on April 26, 2006, 3:06:49 AM
Fargmaster on
DaWolff on April 25, 2006, 10:01:49 PM
DaWolff on

The explosion threw me at huge power to a rock. It hurt alot, but it didn't matter right now. If the Emeralds were destroyed, the world would turn to unstoppable chaos. And that ain't good, eh?
"Suprised dog-boys?" Robin smiled meanly. "Black Arms' sientist aliens made my sword ablo to create explosions!"
"Yes... I figured that out already..." I said painfully. Right before that I jumped in air, next to Alex. "Ready?" I asked. "You bet!" he replied. Before i fell back to the ground.
I fell next to Robin and kept battling him with my nails. I yelled: "NOW!!!"
In air, Alex took a number of small but powerful bombs from his pocket and threw them. I ran away from the danger-zone.
Robin tried to ran away, but too late. The bombs exploded right next to Robin... and that looked like it hurt.
"BOOOOOO-YAAAAH!! Who's yo daddy!?!" Alex yelled. "He's not dead yet, Alex. He alot smarter then he looks like." I tried to calm him down: "But I guess this emerald is safe now."
or was it... YOU DECIDE!
vanilla_cream_girl on April 25, 2006, 11:16:53 AM
Rikku_Mogonei on April 25, 2006, 11:06:05 AM

"Its alright,it`ll go away..",I said.
Even if it wasn`t,I still wouldn`t leave Eddin and Alex by themselves.
It wasn`t my fault that that curse had been inflicted upon me....
When I was young, I had been shunned. But then,I got a gift of sorts...It let me read people`s minds just by touching them.
At first,it was ok,until I found out things I didn`t want to.
I had this bruise now. No matter what,it was here to stay...
Skye looked worried. "I`ll be fine,don`t worry!",I assured her. I got out my katana. [*I`m comin` Wolfie!