Chapter 3 - Revival of Baroque Works
Submitted January 31, 2008 Updated February 9, 2008 Status Incomplete | This is just something I thought I'd work on when I'm not drawing. Even so, I'd still like your opinion and critisism. Also, this story will involve different anime, videogames, and even a few books.
Fantasy |
Chapter 3 - Revival of Baroque Works
Chapter 3 - Revival of Baroque Works
Zoro woke up in the middle of the after noon yawning as usual. This was all the lime-haired swordsmen would really do on their voyage. Just sleep, unless there is a brawl going on. “Ugh, morning already?”
A red haired female who had a blue tattoo on her left shoulder swiftly hit him on the head. “It’s past noon knuckle head. Now go help with the ship.”
“Geez,” Zoro said under his breath, “why do I have to be bossed around by this woman?!” He got up and looked up at a raven-haired woman with what looked like a black, old fashion western hat. “Hey Robin! Need any help up there? Nami’s treating me like her slave again.”
Robin grinned. “No Mr. Swordsman. Everything is under control.”
“Good,” Zoro yawned. “Then I guess I’ll go back to sleep.” Which he did.
“Ugh,” Nami sighed. “I’m trying to get his lazy @$$ to do some work Robin. You could try helping once in a while.”
Robin gazed at the coastline. “Please, Ms. Navigator. Today is a beautiful day, no navy ships are chasing us, and we are headed in the right direction. Some people need their rest. Even us pirates.”
“Yeah, but some people get so much rest its ridiculous.”
The door to the gallows burst open, a blonde man in a black suit leaping from the entrance. “Snack tiiiiime!” He shouted in a merry voice. “Namwi my dear! Wobin, my love! Here are your drinks!”
“Why thank you Sanji!” Nami accepted gladly.
Sanji was easy to swoon. “No problem my dearest!”
“Hey!” came an annoying voice from the lookout point. “Where’s my drink!?” Out popped a head that had long and black curly hair tied down by a green scarf on his head. He wore overalls and had goggles on his head.
“Get it yourself!” Sanji retorted, switching his voice from bright, mellow, to dark, cold, and sarcastic.
“HOW DARE YOU!!” screamed the figure. “HOW DARE YOU DEFY THE GREAT CAPTAIN USOPP?!” then, lost his footing and then fell to the ground, face first. Hard.
“DOCTOOOOR!!!!” came a shrilly child-like voice. It had come from a reindeer. That was a human. It had the features of a reindeer, but had the body structure of a human boy. “Doctor! Doctor! Someone get him a doctor!”
Nami swiftly hit him on the head. “YOU are the doctor!”
“Huh?” said the reindeer painfully “Oh! Right, me!” He got up and started his examination. From what he could tell, Usopp was merely unconscious. “Nothing serious. He’ll have a slight trauma when he wakes up, but otherwise, he should by fine.”
“Darn.” Sanji grimaced. “He’s just lucky we got a doctor like you Chopper.”
“FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!” This voice came from an extremely energetic youth, who was wearing a bright red sleeveless shirt, short blue pants, and a straw hat. “Food, Food, Food, Food, Food, Food, Food, Food!” If you never knew him, you’d say that the crew constantly starved their captain.
Sanji pressed his foot against his captain’s face. “No Luffy, no meat. And if you take one morsel from the fridge in MY kitchen, I’ll kick the living crap out of ya’.”
“MEAT??!!” that was the only word Luffy heard. “MEEEEAT!!!” and tried even harder to get into the kitchen. Sanji had actually kicked him across to the other side of the ship to keep him quiet.
All this commotion was unheard of. Well, anywhere else. This was pretty much daily. You would also think that the crew would treat their captain with the utmost respect. However, the only reason half the crew is even on the ship was because he had forced them on there.
Robin noticed an island far in the distance. “Mr. Cook?”
Sanji suddenly switched from cold and harsh to mushy and sweet. “Yes Wobin my sweet?”
“How is our food situation?”
“Well”, Sanji replied sounding slightly more serious. Slightly. “Our gluttonous captain had consumed more than half of our food supply in a matter of weeks. We’ll need to re-supply somewhere soon if this keeps up.”
Robin grinned. “Well, I believe we can do just that. Ms. Navigator?”
Nami looked at the round compass strapped to her wrist. “Well, it’s not the island we were supposed to go to, but if Sanji’s right, and we do need to restock, then I guess we have to go.”
Just as Zoro was about to sleep again, Nami hit him on the head again. “Come on lazy @$$. Steer the ship towards that island.”
Zoro grumbled all the way to the steering wheel. The ship sailed all the way to the tiny island. The island had strange features about it. There were trees that they had never seen before, of course, they always experienced this, so the crew didn’t give it a second thought.
“All right!” Luffy shouted, “Let’s go! Adventure waits!”
Nami tended to her migraine. “Calm down, fearless leader. We’re only here to fill up your bottomless pit.”
“Chopper and Ms. Navigator will stay at the ship, while the rest of us go, correct?”
“What?!” Usopp squealed in surprise. “No! No, no no no no! I can’t go! You see, I have this disease, it is called, Death-By-Going-Onto-Island-Syndrome! I, the brave captain Usopp will bravely stay behind to guard ship.”
“No, fearful leader. You are going.”
Therefore, he did, and didn’t die by his so called disease. The group headed into the forest. There were so many strange things in here. First off, the trees weren’t really trees. They were solid rock, which was painted over. Everything was. Nothing in here was real. What’s even more amazing was the detail of it all, from the ridges on the leaves, to the gravel and twigs on the ground. Usopp was creeped out by all of this, needless to say. Then again, everything had scared him. “Strange,” Robin said, “who would go to all this trouble to make an entire island?”
Sanji noticed as well. “Yea, it looks like this took years to make.” He took note of the trees. “Look at this. I’ve never seen this kind of tree before, the leaves are of different colors, the bark is silky smooth on one, and so rigid on another.”
Usopp couldn’t help but notice a few things too. “Yeah, and the paint is nothing like I’ve ever seen. It actually makes the surface look real. It almost doesn’t look like paint at all.”
Luffy, in all his wisdom and understanding, said, “I knew it. A mystery forest.” Ok, fine, I lied. He didn’t get a word as to what was going on.
Usopp slapped him on the head. “We know that, captain obvious.” Robin was examining the surroundings more closely. She noticed a white cottage in the distance, and it seemed eerily familiar. “I think I have found something Mr. Captain.”
Luffy looked at the cottage, “Hmm. A mystery house.”
Usopp hit him on the head again. The group approached the house then Sanji and Robin froze where they stood. This was definitely familiar. Too familiar.
“Luffy! Zoro! Usopp! We need to be careful here.” Sanji warned.
Luffy, carefree as usual, said “What’s to worry?” then the door opened. What they had to worry about walked out into the open. A tall man, taller than everyone else, stepped out. Followed by four people. One was a slightly shorter man with tanned skin and a shaven head. He had an excellent build and looked like he could crush your skull. Next to him was a skinny woman, who wore leather clothing. She had blue curly hair, and was no taller than the tanned man was. The third person was of an average stature, but what was strange about him was that he tied his hair so that it looked like a three. Next to him was a child who looked no less than ten years old and was nibbling on senbei.
Luffy and his crew were obviously in shock, because they had dealt and defeated these people before. In fact, they were supposed to be locked in the navy base. Yet here they were, Crocodile, or Mr. 0 with his associates, Mr. 1, Ms. Double Finger, Mr. 3, and Ms. Golden Week.
A red haired female who had a blue tattoo on her left shoulder swiftly hit him on the head. “It’s past noon knuckle head. Now go help with the ship.”
“Geez,” Zoro said under his breath, “why do I have to be bossed around by this woman?!” He got up and looked up at a raven-haired woman with what looked like a black, old fashion western hat. “Hey Robin! Need any help up there? Nami’s treating me like her slave again.”
Robin grinned. “No Mr. Swordsman. Everything is under control.”
“Good,” Zoro yawned. “Then I guess I’ll go back to sleep.” Which he did.
“Ugh,” Nami sighed. “I’m trying to get his lazy @$$ to do some work Robin. You could try helping once in a while.”
Robin gazed at the coastline. “Please, Ms. Navigator. Today is a beautiful day, no navy ships are chasing us, and we are headed in the right direction. Some people need their rest. Even us pirates.”
“Yeah, but some people get so much rest its ridiculous.”
The door to the gallows burst open, a blonde man in a black suit leaping from the entrance. “Snack tiiiiime!” He shouted in a merry voice. “Namwi my dear! Wobin, my love! Here are your drinks!”
“Why thank you Sanji!” Nami accepted gladly.
Sanji was easy to swoon. “No problem my dearest!”
“Hey!” came an annoying voice from the lookout point. “Where’s my drink!?” Out popped a head that had long and black curly hair tied down by a green scarf on his head. He wore overalls and had goggles on his head.
“Get it yourself!” Sanji retorted, switching his voice from bright, mellow, to dark, cold, and sarcastic.
“HOW DARE YOU!!” screamed the figure. “HOW DARE YOU DEFY THE GREAT CAPTAIN USOPP?!” then, lost his footing and then fell to the ground, face first. Hard.
“DOCTOOOOR!!!!” came a shrilly child-like voice. It had come from a reindeer. That was a human. It had the features of a reindeer, but had the body structure of a human boy. “Doctor! Doctor! Someone get him a doctor!”
Nami swiftly hit him on the head. “YOU are the doctor!”
“Huh?” said the reindeer painfully “Oh! Right, me!” He got up and started his examination. From what he could tell, Usopp was merely unconscious. “Nothing serious. He’ll have a slight trauma when he wakes up, but otherwise, he should by fine.”
“Darn.” Sanji grimaced. “He’s just lucky we got a doctor like you Chopper.”
“FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!” This voice came from an extremely energetic youth, who was wearing a bright red sleeveless shirt, short blue pants, and a straw hat. “Food, Food, Food, Food, Food, Food, Food, Food!” If you never knew him, you’d say that the crew constantly starved their captain.
Sanji pressed his foot against his captain’s face. “No Luffy, no meat. And if you take one morsel from the fridge in MY kitchen, I’ll kick the living crap out of ya’.”
“MEAT??!!” that was the only word Luffy heard. “MEEEEAT!!!” and tried even harder to get into the kitchen. Sanji had actually kicked him across to the other side of the ship to keep him quiet.
All this commotion was unheard of. Well, anywhere else. This was pretty much daily. You would also think that the crew would treat their captain with the utmost respect. However, the only reason half the crew is even on the ship was because he had forced them on there.
Robin noticed an island far in the distance. “Mr. Cook?”
Sanji suddenly switched from cold and harsh to mushy and sweet. “Yes Wobin my sweet?”
“How is our food situation?”
“Well”, Sanji replied sounding slightly more serious. Slightly. “Our gluttonous captain had consumed more than half of our food supply in a matter of weeks. We’ll need to re-supply somewhere soon if this keeps up.”
Robin grinned. “Well, I believe we can do just that. Ms. Navigator?”
Nami looked at the round compass strapped to her wrist. “Well, it’s not the island we were supposed to go to, but if Sanji’s right, and we do need to restock, then I guess we have to go.”
Just as Zoro was about to sleep again, Nami hit him on the head again. “Come on lazy @$$. Steer the ship towards that island.”
Zoro grumbled all the way to the steering wheel. The ship sailed all the way to the tiny island. The island had strange features about it. There were trees that they had never seen before, of course, they always experienced this, so the crew didn’t give it a second thought.
“All right!” Luffy shouted, “Let’s go! Adventure waits!”
Nami tended to her migraine. “Calm down, fearless leader. We’re only here to fill up your bottomless pit.”
“Chopper and Ms. Navigator will stay at the ship, while the rest of us go, correct?”
“What?!” Usopp squealed in surprise. “No! No, no no no no! I can’t go! You see, I have this disease, it is called, Death-By-Going-Onto-Island-Syndrome! I, the brave captain Usopp will bravely stay behind to guard ship.”
“No, fearful leader. You are going.”
Therefore, he did, and didn’t die by his so called disease. The group headed into the forest. There were so many strange things in here. First off, the trees weren’t really trees. They were solid rock, which was painted over. Everything was. Nothing in here was real. What’s even more amazing was the detail of it all, from the ridges on the leaves, to the gravel and twigs on the ground. Usopp was creeped out by all of this, needless to say. Then again, everything had scared him. “Strange,” Robin said, “who would go to all this trouble to make an entire island?”
Sanji noticed as well. “Yea, it looks like this took years to make.” He took note of the trees. “Look at this. I’ve never seen this kind of tree before, the leaves are of different colors, the bark is silky smooth on one, and so rigid on another.”
Usopp couldn’t help but notice a few things too. “Yeah, and the paint is nothing like I’ve ever seen. It actually makes the surface look real. It almost doesn’t look like paint at all.”
Luffy, in all his wisdom and understanding, said, “I knew it. A mystery forest.” Ok, fine, I lied. He didn’t get a word as to what was going on.
Usopp slapped him on the head. “We know that, captain obvious.” Robin was examining the surroundings more closely. She noticed a white cottage in the distance, and it seemed eerily familiar. “I think I have found something Mr. Captain.”
Luffy looked at the cottage, “Hmm. A mystery house.”
Usopp hit him on the head again. The group approached the house then Sanji and Robin froze where they stood. This was definitely familiar. Too familiar.
“Luffy! Zoro! Usopp! We need to be careful here.” Sanji warned.
Luffy, carefree as usual, said “What’s to worry?” then the door opened. What they had to worry about walked out into the open. A tall man, taller than everyone else, stepped out. Followed by four people. One was a slightly shorter man with tanned skin and a shaven head. He had an excellent build and looked like he could crush your skull. Next to him was a skinny woman, who wore leather clothing. She had blue curly hair, and was no taller than the tanned man was. The third person was of an average stature, but what was strange about him was that he tied his hair so that it looked like a three. Next to him was a child who looked no less than ten years old and was nibbling on senbei.
Luffy and his crew were obviously in shock, because they had dealt and defeated these people before. In fact, they were supposed to be locked in the navy base. Yet here they were, Crocodile, or Mr. 0 with his associates, Mr. 1, Ms. Double Finger, Mr. 3, and Ms. Golden Week.
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luckylace222 on June 10, 2008, 11:09:20 AM
luckylace222 on

SixDigit on February 9, 2008, 4:09:25 PM
SixDigit on