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(need ideas)

Lori and Sora are 18 years old and have just started dating...but what happens when Lori isnt allowed to see Sora?



Chapter 1 - Chapter 1
Submitted: February 11, 2004 • Updated: February 11, 2004
Word count: 1035 • Size: 5k • Comments: 12 • views: 525

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2
Submitted: February 11, 2004 • Updated: February 11, 2004
Word count: 867 • Size: 4k • Comments: 7 • views: 271

Chapter 3 - CHapter 3 ( finished! ^_^ )
Submitted: March 19, 2004 • Updated: March 19, 2004
Word count: 606 • Size: 3k • Comments: 4 • views: 247

Chapter 4 - Chapter 4 (what i have so far)
Submitted: April 17, 2004 • Updated: April 17, 2004
Word count: 303 • Size: 1k • Comments: 3 • views: 297

Chapter 5 - Not a chapter, but read it anyway....ITS IMPORTANT
Submitted: September 7, 2004 • Updated: September 7, 2004
Word count: 74 • Size: <1k • Comments: 5 • views: 217


Comments (31)

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Trinkuh on February 26, 2006, 12:47:28 AM

Trinkuh on (Chapter: 1)
Trinkuhby the power of the D.D.A i here by tell you you are a marry sue will make you do 100 years of making good fan fics and japan dont has a princess you fool!

Chronos on November 29, 2005, 9:01:35 AM

Chronos on (Chapter: 1)
ChronosRead TheAlmightJ's comment and take some of the advice. I know that sounds harsh, but it's really the best thing if you're an aspiring writer. And, since you've made yourself open to criticism.

For one thing, your CHARACTERS. Those are the blandest ones I've seen since Eragon (a painful read), and you must realize that characters are not simply inanimate tools. Characters are ALIVE. They have their little ways and whims, and if you're not careful, you'll find yourself writing a completely different story than the one you started on. This here is an example of underdeveloped characters as well as character abuse. You're MAKING them do what you want them to, which is common in beginners, but you have to give them their own personalities and idiosyncrasies and likes and wants and needs. Otherwise, they're all going to turn out the same.

I realize that this is an old fic and I'm probably belaboring the point, but I'm tired of people not getting this simple concept, and then they come crying to the reviewers and anybody else who'll listen when they're criticized for blandness. This is only one point made where plenty could be, but I think the thing you need is to keep writing, gain experience, and, above all else, LISTEN TO YOUR CHARACTERS.

P.S. I. Hate. Mary-Sues. It is not possible to write a good Sue fic. It's just not. Use Kairi, or write your OWN STORY, for God's sake.

heavensent92 on November 28, 2005, 4:46:39 AM

heavensent92 on (Chapter: 5)
heavensent92Pleaseee write more!!!!! i love it its so cute ^-^ the only problem is i rly want to know what happens and im goin nuts so you have to finishhhhhhhhhhh

sorasloveforever on November 6, 2005, 5:47:12 AM

sorasloveforever on (Chapter: 1)
sorasloveforevergive her a break thealmightyj i made up my own story called soras story its not very good

heavensent92 on October 28, 2005, 8:15:54 AM

heavensent92 on (Chapter: 5)
heavensent92PLeaseeee write more! lovee this story ^-^

SexyShadow on September 14, 2005, 3:22:49 PM

SexyShadow on (Chapter: 5)
SexyShadowContine contine contine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TheAlmightyJ on July 31, 2005, 8:02:50 AM

TheAlmightyJ on (Chapter: 1)
TheAlmightyJWHOA! Paragraphs: Use them! I simply can't read a story when It's a big pulsating mass of text! *screws up eyes to read story*

Alright. First, where does this story take place?! Lori and Julie are Western names, while Sora is a Japanese name. Why does Lori use -san? If she's supposed to be childhood friends with him, it should be -kun, or possibly -chan.

Lori has KNEE-LENGTH HAIR?! What!? My hair's only mid-back and it takes me forever to take care of it; I shudder to think how long she must spend brushing that out. How about something more realistic?

Wait. Oh God, you mean you're trying to pass off Lori as a PRINCESS of JAPAN? Seriously, bad idea. Lori's not a Japanese name at all!

Why is Julie allowed a boyfriend? She's a Princess too. And she lectures Lori on 'princess-lyness', which would come across as more sincere if given by a parent. Speaking of Julie, how can she tell that Lori's got a boyfriend-and that it's Sora-JUST BECAUSE LORI'S CRYING?

Returning to Lori... No way this girl's 18. She's 13-14, based off her behavior. She's 18 and has never been on a date? Even the most anti-social, mean and unattractive girl's I've ever met have had a date before 16! Besides, at 18 she's an adult. She'd probably have outgrown her 'Gothic Rebellion'.

Analysis: A classic boring love story with nothing new to bring to the table. Bland characters rush the action leaving the reader's confused. You need a LOT of improvement.

(PS, black can be quite elegant and suitable for a princess)

Areya on June 25, 2005, 7:18:59 AM

Areya on (Chapter: 1)
AreyaWow, Im REALLY sorry but umm oh no offence but yeah um... yaaawwwnnn.. been there heard that WAY TOO many times constructicve critizism: WAY TOO TYPICAL and its not fluent enough it just doesn't flow right... Anyway I hope that you take this and learn from it and not take it as an insult like me, I hope that you are open to tips. But do with my comment as you wish.

Minoru on April 21, 2005, 7:50:35 AM

Minoru on (Chapter: 1)
MinoruWow ths is great! ^^;

Night_Wolf on April 1, 2005, 8:44:49 AM

Night_Wolf on (Chapter: 2)
Night_Wolfawwww! its so sweet...

Night_Wolf on April 1, 2005, 8:41:50 AM

Night_Wolf on (Chapter: 1)
Night_Wolfgreat story....has anyone seen the ring 2? i have it is really good...sorry off topic. like the story a lot

i_eat_penguins on December 5, 2004, 3:14:56 PM

i_eat_penguins on (Chapter: 5)
i_eat_penguinsooh can you write some more?! please, everyone wants to know what happens!!!

GoddessPorn on November 23, 2004, 7:17:12 AM

GoddessPorn on (Chapter: 2)
GoddessPornThat was Toooooooooooo Sweet They Are Great Together.I hope You Do MORE

Lucky-Dragon24 on July 1, 2004, 1:09:10 AM

Lucky-Dragon24 on (Chapter: 4)
Lucky-Dragon24Continue continue continue!I love it so far!

Lucky-Dragon24 on July 1, 2004, 1:06:56 AM

Lucky-Dragon24 on (Chapter: 3)
Lucky-Dragon24I like it a lot!^__^

Lucky-Dragon24 on July 1, 2004, 1:03:48 AM

Lucky-Dragon24 on (Chapter: 2)
Lucky-Dragon24This is a good story!

Lucky-Dragon24 on July 1, 2004, 12:58:22 AM

Lucky-Dragon24 on (Chapter: 1)
Lucky-Dragon24Its good^__^

Teddi_MaulerX on May 19, 2004, 7:57:29 AM

Teddi_MaulerX on (Chapter: 1)
Teddi_MaulerXsounds like a romeo/juliet thing. Have them see eachother secretly and have them kill themselves at the end (like in the story of Romeo/Juliet)

SailorMars on May 8, 2004, 1:37:58 AM

SailorMars on (Chapter: 4)
SailorMarsWow, depresing, please continue

sweetblood on March 27, 2004, 6:14:24 AM

sweetblood on (Chapter: 3)
sweetbloodAwwww its sho kute!! *tear* I cant wait for chapter 4!!

SorasAngel on March 23, 2004, 7:00:06 AM

SorasAngel on (Chapter: 3)
SorasAngel*sighs* dude, this is what i have so far....and im already working on chapter 4...but thanks anyway

kristefur on March 21, 2004, 2:49:42 PM

kristefur on (Chapter: 3)
kristefurYay! you got chapter 3 up! now just work on ch. 4 please? If you need ideas, I'm chalk full of them, just e-mail me! and I can give you all my ideas! k?

kristefur on March 21, 2004, 2:47:02 PM

kristefur on (Chapter: 2)

SorasAngel on March 12, 2004, 9:47:29 AM

SorasAngel on (Chapter: 2)
SorasAngelyeah im going to finish it, im working on the thrid chapter...exept not now because i put it on a disc on my laptop and it wont laod on this computer and my latop is being its goning to be a while ^^ sorry! but i can assure you ill work like crazy when i gt my lapotp back!

kristefur on March 11, 2004, 10:26:18 AM

kristefur on (Chapter: 2)
kristefurAren't u going to finish the story? it was just getting good, please, oh please won't you finish it? I'm dyeing here.

SorasAngel on March 9, 2004, 11:36:25 AM

SorasAngel on (Chapter: 1)
SorasAngelthats a good idea sweetblood thanks! =^^= ill make that my title once i figure out how to change it >.<

o yeah, moonstar_neko, i like your comment lol i laughed so hard ^^ the ring is one oof my fav movies, and the chick is named Samara ^^

sweetblood on March 8, 2004, 10:52:41 AM

sweetblood on (Chapter: 1)
sweetbloodWow your storys good. I have an idea for the title though how about "Locked Love" since Sora has a keyblade and him and Lori are in love. Just an idea! ~^_^~

moonstar_neko on March 6, 2004, 2:36:51 AM

moonstar_neko on (Chapter: 2)
moonstar_nekothat's just the sweetest thing.*looks with chibi eyes*are u going to finish the story?it's really good=)

moonstar_neko on March 6, 2004, 2:32:23 AM

moonstar_neko on (Chapter: 1)
moonstar_nekothat's sad and cruel.bad lori's sister!*trows her in the well withthe ring chick*7 DAYS!!!