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A Pointless Kingdom Hearts Fanfic

A story of extreme insanity! Complete with dancing coconuts, alien cows, and raining ducks that go moo!
Note: The first chapter isn't working for some reason. Don't worry, I'll try to get it fixed as soon as possible. ^^



Chapter 2 - Chapter Two: The Pointless Journey Begins
Submitted: April 18, 2004 • Updated: April 18, 2004
Word count: 1205 • Size: 7k • Comments: 9 • views: 378


Comments (22)

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Dani on November 23, 2004, 2:21:15 PM

Dani on (Chapter: 1)
Danii love this story, its good to read when i need a little chuckle every so often.


ThreeWishesKeyblade on July 4, 2004, 6:13:32 PM

ThreeWishesKeyblade on (Chapter: 1)
ThreeWishesKeyblade^^;; Thanks for the comments, everyone. And yes, Fuu, I 'got the whole Sora-in-blue-jeans-with-midnight-blue-shirt thing from' you. XD And indeed, I realized a while ago that you love to bug me. XD but that's ok, cause I like to bug you too, so... we're even XP

tsumitobatsu on July 4, 2004, 5:38:55 PM

tsumitobatsu on (Chapter: 1)
tsumitobatsu..............why haven't I commented on this and bugged you to no ends on FC yet (since I've bugged you on and DA already)? XP I know you posted this fic a looong time ago....and I STILL say you got the whole Sora-in-blue-jeans-with-midnight-blue-shirt thing from me! O.o;

<br /><br>
I luff [to bug] you! =D

setsuna_marie_meioh on June 23, 2004, 8:32:00 AM

setsuna_marie_meioh on (Chapter: 2)
setsuna_marie_meiohMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! YOU AND THIS STORY KICK @$$!!! WHOO!! GO YOU!!

Inuyasha_ears13 on May 21, 2004, 8:53:43 AM

Inuyasha_ears13 on (Chapter: 2)
Inuyasha_ears13*screams in laughter* OMG!!!!! i so belong in this world! i'm just as high and spazed as everyone! *high pitched squeak* i luv your story it is so hilarious!

moonstar_neko on April 25, 2004, 12:21:49 AM

moonstar_neko on (Chapter: 2)
moonstar_nekoHey, isn't it enough I'm fighting with 2 of my friends over Riku and another friend over Balmung? Too many ppl like Riku. This story is hillarios. Doesn't make much sense but hillarious.

Icare4u on March 23, 2004, 4:53:43 PM

Icare4u on (Chapter: 1)
Icare4umake another chapter already i have read this 6 times

KH_Lover on March 22, 2004, 9:19:43 AM

KH_Lover on (Chapter: 1)
KH_LoverThat was awesome! pink fuzzy spork outfit? i laughed out loud! lol!!!!!!!!

Liger_Kid_12 on December 22, 2003, 7:11:21 AM

Liger_Kid_12 on (Chapter: 1)
Liger_Kid_12OH MY GOD!!! LAMO I thought that was the funniest thing I had ever read!!! Though I read it at night!! I loved it. WALKING HAMBURGERS!!!! WHEEEE!!!! *runs and joins Selphy chase the cows* anywho what sucked was I had to stifle my laghs so I wouldn't wake my mom and her boyfreind up!! It sucks to be 12 years old!!! Anywho. . . That was funny!!

silver_twilight on December 17, 2003, 12:33:10 PM

silver_twilight on (Chapter: 1)
silver_twilightOMG how did you came up with the idea of FLYING DUCKS AND ALIEN COWS ??? hee you are a very random person just like me