Chapter 0 - Who want's To Become A Sailor Scout?
Submitted July 27, 2007 Updated April 26, 2008 Status Incomplete | After The Battle of the Nexes,All Nown Scouts Disapeared,Now 5 New Scouts will Face The Nexes and try 2 Save the Old Scouts By Useing the Silver Crystal,But ONLY A Air 2 the Moon Can Command Full Power Of the Crystal.Can They Defeat the Negaverse?READ ON!
Anime/Manga » Sailor Moon series » Fan Characters (OC's) |
Chapter 0 - Who want's To Become A Sailor Scout?
Chapter 0 - Who want's To Become A Sailor Scout?
HEY!!! This is going to be really fun and I would like 5 Lucky People to Join This Story As Permenet Scouts... BEfore I go on, I would Like you All to Know that Only ONE MALE can Be on the Side of good, All the Rest will Have to either Be Guest's Or Evil Demon Guy. Guest's Are not Permenet Unlike, Head Demons Who Will Be Permenet Becuz The Sailor Scouts Aren't Strong Enough to destory them... OKay I would Like A Team Of Demons/Monsters *Male or Female* And This Team of Demons will Consist of 7 Team Members Who Are All "Nexes" *Pronounced Nex-S* And They Are WAAAY stronger then All of the Roockie Sailor Scouts Combined! But they Still Get Killed off One by One in the End... Well Here is A List Of Demon Ranks*you will be forced to choose one*...
Rank A: Nexes- Nexes Are A Team of Nega-Scum that Are the Highest Rank Of Demons/Monsters
Rank B: Panac-*Pronounced- Pan-Ack* They are A Team Based Demon, In other words, If one Dies Everyone Gets Weaker and if a Tible is Promoted in Rank, They Get Stronger...
Rank C: Tible-*Pronounced- Tib-L* These are most of the time the rank of monsters the Sailor Scouts see. Their Eyes will Transform you into Pure Energy *No Matter what the Tible's Power is* and they Will Absorb you. Once A Tible Has Had Enough energy, It will be abel to go up a Rank.
Rank D: Ceper-*Pronounced- C-peR* They Rank Up once they Are Abel to Control Their Powers Enough To Absorb the Energy Equal to one Human
Rank E: Badem-*Pronounced- Bad-M* Are The Evil Demon Children, who Apear to Be
regular Kids... They Have the Ability To Choose which Power They Want *Their Father or Mothers Power* And UNtill They Do, They Are Protected by a Barrier. At This rank they Can Even Choose to be Human, But they Usally Don't. If they Choose To Be Human The Barrier Is Still There but It ONly Protects them from other Humans. And If they Loose their temper Even ONce, They Could Axedentaly Their humanity for ever by unleashing the Power with in.
Okay This is what I'm Going To have you Demons Fill out...
Name of attacks:
Hair, Eye and Skin Color:
Other Info:
And Then For you Sailor Scouts, now remember their Only 5 of you Aloowed and I already OF to People in... Before I give you the info I need let me explain something... NO SCOUT NAMES LIKE "Sailor Leaf" -.- OR Sailor "Mother earth", Try TO make it have something to do with a Planet or OuterSpace., But NO SAILOR UNIVERSE'S OR SAILOR EARTH'S! Try to Find Something that Has to do with A Planet, If you Can't Find one Use a Name of A God or Goddess OR Make up a Name Of a Planet.. Here Are the Names of the Sailor Scouts Thats Are All ready in it...
Hazel- Sailor Cresent
DK- Sailor Triton
Moonara- Sailor Black Hole
Cat-Sailor Celestial
Jenny-Sailor Supernova
And Here is the Male Good Guy...
Name Not Availible- Tuxedo Mini Mask/Prince of the Sun
And Here is the List of Guests
And it's Time for You Girl's who want to Be a Scout to fill out the Following...
Sailor Scout Name:
Planet *if You have one*:
Transformation Name:
Transformation Decription:
Name of Attacks:
Sailor Scout Outfit:
Hair,Eye,and Skin color:
If your Parent's Are Sailor Scouts, What Were their Names:
Well That's All For now... CHECK FOR UPDATES DAILY!!! A Committed Member of the Story will Be in the Story More, So BE COMMITTED!!! =D
HEY!!! This is going to be really fun and I would like 5 Lucky People to Join This Story As Permenet Scouts... BEfore I go on, I would Like you All to Know that Only ONE MALE can Be on the Side of good, All the Rest will Have to either Be Guest's Or Evil Demon Guy. Guest's Are not Permenet Unlike, Head Demons Who Will Be Permenet Becuz The Sailor Scouts Aren't Strong Enough to destory them... OKay I would Like A Team Of Demons/Monsters *Male or Female* And This Team of Demons will Consist of 7 Team Members Who Are All "Nexes" *Pronounced Nex-S* And They Are WAAAY stronger then All of the Roockie Sailor Scouts Combined! But they Still Get Killed off One by One in the End... Well Here is A List Of Demon Ranks*you will be forced to choose one*...
Rank A: Nexes- Nexes Are A Team of Nega-Scum that Are the Highest Rank Of Demons/Monsters
Rank B: Panac-*Pronounced- Pan-Ack* They are A Team Based Demon, In other words, If one Dies Everyone Gets Weaker and if a Tible is Promoted in Rank, They Get Stronger...
Rank C: Tible-*Pronounced- Tib-L* These are most of the time the rank of monsters the Sailor Scouts see. Their Eyes will Transform you into Pure Energy *No Matter what the Tible's Power is* and they Will Absorb you. Once A Tible Has Had Enough energy, It will be abel to go up a Rank.
Rank D: Ceper-*Pronounced- C-peR* They Rank Up once they Are Abel to Control Their Powers Enough To Absorb the Energy Equal to one Human
Rank E: Badem-*Pronounced- Bad-M* Are The Evil Demon Children, who Apear to Be
regular Kids... They Have the Ability To Choose which Power They Want *Their Father or Mothers Power* And UNtill They Do, They Are Protected by a Barrier. At This rank they Can Even Choose to be Human, But they Usally Don't. If they Choose To Be Human The Barrier Is Still There but It ONly Protects them from other Humans. And If they Loose their temper Even ONce, They Could Axedentaly Their humanity for ever by unleashing the Power with in.
Okay This is what I'm Going To have you Demons Fill out...
Name of attacks:
Hair, Eye and Skin Color:
Other Info:
And Then For you Sailor Scouts, now remember their Only 5 of you Aloowed and I already OF to People in... Before I give you the info I need let me explain something... NO SCOUT NAMES LIKE "Sailor Leaf" -.- OR Sailor "Mother earth", Try TO make it have something to do with a Planet or OuterSpace., But NO SAILOR UNIVERSE'S OR SAILOR EARTH'S! Try to Find Something that Has to do with A Planet, If you Can't Find one Use a Name of A God or Goddess OR Make up a Name Of a Planet.. Here Are the Names of the Sailor Scouts Thats Are All ready in it...
Hazel- Sailor Cresent
DK- Sailor Triton
Moonara- Sailor Black Hole
Cat-Sailor Celestial
Jenny-Sailor Supernova
And Here is the Male Good Guy...
Name Not Availible- Tuxedo Mini Mask/Prince of the Sun
And Here is the List of Guests
And it's Time for You Girl's who want to Be a Scout to fill out the Following...
Sailor Scout Name:
Planet *if You have one*:
Transformation Name:
Transformation Decription:
Name of Attacks:
Sailor Scout Outfit:
Hair,Eye,and Skin color:
If your Parent's Are Sailor Scouts, What Were their Names:
Well That's All For now... CHECK FOR UPDATES DAILY!!! A Committed Member of the Story will Be in the Story More, So BE COMMITTED!!! =D
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AlleyCat17 on August 1, 2007, 5:09:33 AM
AlleyCat17 on

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on August 1, 2007, 5:22:24 AM
Moon_Princess on August 1, 2007, 4:05:39 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on August 1, 2007, 4:42:46 AM
AlleyCat17 on July 31, 2007, 11:27:21 AM
AlleyCat17 on

Name:jenny Hikaru
Sailor Scout Name: sailor super nova/ sailor nova
Element/Power:a supernova
Planet *if You have one*: just live's on earth
Transformation Name: nova power
Transformation Decription:well she is like she is in space and she is floating in space and a supernova apiears all a round her and she then has her outfit on.
Name of Attacks: Nova Bow(a dark blue bow apires and she use's and then pulls on the strin and makes a arrow apire and calls out super nova arrow)and she can use Super Nove Blast(that comes from her hands which she get's from a supernova from space).
Sailor Scout Outfit:pretty much the same as the real sailor scouts but the skirt is dark blue and her bow on the back is a little longer and dark purple and the bow on the cheas is drak purple but in the middle is a broch shape like a yellow star with a black "N" on it.
GENDER: female
Hair color: dark brown and in a long brade that go's all the ways down her back.(and has her bangs down).
Eyes color: blue
skin color : peach
Personality: starm,nice,kind,frindly,hate bad guys,and love's to kick but,strong,love's to make new friends,she love's to draw/paint alot of things which she is really good at amd love's to sing,and love's animals like cat's,dog's etc,she is goos at school usealy gets A's or B's and some time's A plus,love's waching movie's (not horrir movie's she hate's them),and she love's to read a good novle when she has time to read.
oh and i might draw a pic of the so you now what she look's like but it will lool really bad.and if you need any more info just ask me ok.and i hope her profile is ok for you.
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on July 31, 2007, 12:52:45 PM
Moon_Princess on July 30, 2007, 12:10:58 PM

Sailor Scout Name: Sailor Celestial
Element/Power: Light
Planet *if You have one*: Moon
Transformation Name: Celestial Power!
Transformation Decription: She holds up the power stick and a ribbon of light shoots out and covers her body and when it disappears, her scout uniform is there.
Name of Attacks: "Moonlight Flair!" and "Pure Light Beam!"
(The light isn't gold, it's either silver or pure white)
Sailor Scout Outfit: The same look as one of the inner scouts (Mars, Mercury, Venus, ect)
But the skirt and the ribbon and sailor...thing on their shoulders and the end of the gloves are all silverish blue and she has boots like Sailor moon's only silverish blue.
The jewel in her tiara is blue and she has a blue ribbon holding up her ponytail.
Hair,Eye,and Skin color: Skin: White Eyes: beautiful blue and Hair: Brown and hair in a ponytail and split long bangs. (Just look at a picture of my OC in my gallery to get an idea)
Very kind and sweet, but shy.
She's pretty innocent, but brave and tough when she needs to be.
She's somewhat of a crybaby and klutz and mostly a quiet person.
She always wears a silver cartouche around her neck because it was a family heirloom.
She's also an awesome singer and athletic and loves tennis and swimming.
Shes not all that great at school and likes to sleep in.
She loves all her friends.
(Is this information okay? Is there anything else you'd like/need?)
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on July 31, 2007, 12:51:00 PM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on July 30, 2007, 2:09:24 PM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on July 30, 2007, 12:51:19 PM

Sailor Celestial is The Deffender of all the Moons. Normally, She would Never even Think About coming into Our galaxy To check up on our Moons Becuz, This is here Neo Queen Serenity Rules, and all is normally Right...But when her Power stick began to Vibrate Toward Our Solor System, she Followed her instinks and ran to the Newly astablished Moon Kingdom to see what was wrong. Forunatly she was right, Something was terribly wrong... The Nexes Had Captured the Sailor Scouts of the Past, And Of coarse Everyone Knew this becuz it was the 31st centuary, they then knew what they had to do... 5 Sailor Scouts Of the 31st Centaury Were Preborn into the past *With out their Memorys of the future* and well She was one of those Valentared Scouts to Go back in the Past...
What do ya think?
Moon_Princess on July 30, 2007, 3:32:37 PM

Lol, she's all over the place. XD But here. I'll put a pic up:

This is a pic of her I did recently. This is what she looks like.
I usually use her only as my Yugioh OC, but since I can't really think up a new character really fast, I'll use her. ^^
And yeah! I liked the background info. ^^
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on July 31, 2007, 6:53:43 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on July 27, 2007, 9:59:46 AM

Sailor Scout Name Choices:
Sailor Sea, Sailor Water Star
Element/Power: Water, Light, and Music
Planet: (if for Sailor Sea)Earth*under water (If for Sailor Water Star) a small planet that reveals(or howeva ya spell it) around Mercury
Name of Attack: Water Chamakras Slice
Transformation Name: Sea Sunlight (same for both names)
What Happeneds in your Transformation: star and moon charms float around with lights sparkling ever where and turns into Sailor Sea/Sailor Water Star
Other Info:
-Her weapon is two blue chamakras *big rings that are sharp enough to cut through anything*
-She has a German Shepered and Grey wolf mixed puppy that has a moon crescent but has markings of water on the upper part of the crescent that is her guardian Named Tony
-She once worked for The Negaverse by being controlled and lost all her memories of being Sailor Sea/Sailor Water Star even her friends and family by being defeated by her cousin Sailor Mercury(Amy) in battle. She later on regained memory when her friends Pai, Rose, and Ryan were attacked by a monster.
-Met her mother's younger self and she became Sailor Dawn but went back to her time and could never be Sailor Dawn ever again
-Was killed in combat but her friend Pai's cry and tears some how revived her; They say her strong friendship with her since preschool and now was the only thing to wake her up or maybe more...
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on July 30, 2007, 10:55:41 AM
Sasukesgirlfriend on July 28, 2007, 3:03:01 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on July 30, 2007, 2:34:51 AM
Sasukesgirlfriend on July 30, 2007, 3:17:43 AM

Sailor Scout Outfit: baby blue skirt attached to a neon blue tube top with a baby blue ribbon hanging over the tube top with the sailor thing on the back and boots that just go over my knees. Has dark sea blue hair that goes to her caves. And has purple eyes. And has a necklace
Normal Out fit: Serena's school outfit (not her's but same style) When she's not wearing that she wears pants with a ripped hole in the left and wears a tank top with a panda on it that says "I might be cute but I THINK I'M HOT!".(LOL) And wears mortcycicel boots.
I want to also add something (Sorry ^^';):
She is a semi-famous artist and is a spazz around friends but shy around everyone else.
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on July 30, 2007, 10:14:12 AM
Sasukesgirlfriend on July 30, 2007, 10:50:33 AM
Sasukesgirlfriend on July 30, 2007, 3:19:21 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on July 29, 2007, 8:40:25 AM
Sasukesgirlfriend on July 29, 2007, 8:47:06 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on July 29, 2007, 8:47:55 AM
Sasukesgirlfriend on July 29, 2007, 8:49:48 AM
Moon_Princess on July 30, 2007, 4:28:19 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on July 30, 2007, 10:17:15 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on July 30, 2007, 2:33:15 AM

Name: Hazel
Sailor Scout Name Choices: Sailor Crescent(what else would I get)
Age:*11 at the Least 15 at the Most* 15
Element/Power: Wind and Sea (mostly wind)
Planet*if you have one*: Uranus and Neptune (mostly Uranus)
Name of Attack: Cupids Arrow, Love Hurts, Feather Dance, Angel's Call, & Shatter
Transformation Name: Crescent Crisis Star Power
What Happeneds in your Transformation: Angel wings grow as the feathers pull off and the wings disappear as the feathers go im in the white part as black and gold ribions make the rest of the uniform. also the tiara comes from the moon
Other Info: I'm a need for speed, ants in ur pants, wacky immature chick. Im also a tomboy that loves the wind. Even I love to swim. Even though i can be a rotten mean brat and silly around my friends i like to be alone when i get the chance. Thats when im real deep and emo. Also im under a lot of depression
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on July 30, 2007, 2:45:09 AM

Eyes, Hair, and Skin: her eye color is hazel. it is mostly pearl grey at the time. sometimes its pearl green then partliy pearl blue. but the hair is black
Outfit: Sailor Scout Outfit with the Colors of Yellow and Black. When she transforms Her Hair Gains Yellow/Blonde Highlights...
I think thats It for her, Tell me if I got anything wrong ;D
FallOutGirlAARHinder on July 30, 2007, 11:03:29 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on July 30, 2007, 12:03:55 PM
PunkWolfGirl on July 27, 2007, 9:16:24 AM
PunkWolfGirl on

Sailor Scout Name: Sailor Star
Element/Power: Darkness/Ice
Planet *if You have one*: Earth xD
Transformation Name: YinYang Power!
Transformation Decription: The Power Stick Is Held Firmly In A Diagonal position. The Tip of It Turns Into A Shining Star But Within Seconds, The Star Is Consumed In Darkness, Which Covers Moonara's Body. The Black Smog, Soon Disappears, leaving her With A Sailor Scouts Outfit On Her.
Name of Attacks: 'Dark Star!' 'Oblivionizer!' And 'Moonlit Death!'
Sailor Scout Outfit: All Gems And Such ARe Red. Same Uniform As Sailor Moon's Basically, But On Sailor moon's What is White Is Black, on Sailor Star's.
If your Parent's Are Sailor Scouts, What Were their Names:
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on July 29, 2007, 11:39:35 AM
PunkWolfGirl on July 27, 2007, 9:54:21 AM
PunkWolfGirl on
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on July 27, 2007, 11:42:32 AM
PunkWolfGirl on July 27, 2007, 9:31:41 AM
PunkWolfGirl on
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on July 27, 2007, 9:40:39 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on July 27, 2007, 9:23:14 AM
Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on July 29, 2007, 11:38:21 AM

Sailor Scout Name: Tuxedo Mini Mask
Element/Power: The Power of the Sun, Not Fire
Planet: The Sun
Name of attacks: Golden Bullet, Sun Blade, Star Bolts, Sun Barrier, Sun Crystal Power!
Transofrmation: Sun Crystal Power!!!
Transformation Description: I pull Out my Sun Crystal. The Crystal Glows a Bright Yellowish Gold. The Crystal Sprouts White Wings and Flutters All Around Him Followed by a Trail of Golden Star Dust. The Crystal Circles all Around his Chest as The Dust Forms Glowing Golden Armor on his Torso. The Armor Flashes a Bright Golden color And when the flash Fades his Armor is now a Golden Tuxedo!!! His Sun Symbol on his forhead glows, and His Hair goes from blonde to Gold!!! as He grabs the Fluttering Crystal and places it over his eyes and he turns around and it's his mask!
Outfit: A Golden Tuxedo with a Winged White Mask With the Sun Crystal in the Center of it
Other info: N/A
There is his profile =D!!!