Chapter 2 - just one of my rants
Submitted August 25, 2009 Updated March 8, 2011 Status Incomplete | Here are some poems I''ve been working on.
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Chapter 2 - just one of my rants
Chapter 2 - just one of my rants
I must create a barrier block out the bad accept and embrace the good, not all is easy as it could be in this life we live. We all live out our lives thinking who is nice who is evil you see their bodys their physical extreme of forever trying to be perfect. However you can’t pierce the inside you can never pry at their brain and see what they are. Most people you see look like happy go lucky businessmen but inside something is nursing at their anger and hate for the terrible and unjust. That “THING” grows with each passing day for the many who have distaste for the evil in this world. Some people beat this inner demon by consumption of alchol or using their wedded as punching bags. Some can simply wash their hands of it I’m in the middle. I listen to my self I hear my thoughts they are changing each passing minute. First I think about the lousy people in this world and how they deserve death. Then I think is there any reason do they have an uncontrollable demon in them? Then I slap my senses some are unforgiveable but I’m not the one to show them their sin against humanity they will be judged by the way they lived their life. They may later wish they could take it back but they will live with it the rest of their miserable life. This world of ours we take for granted we tear at its very flesh for sustance. We try to live with the inevitability of our life being great but that’s sugar coating this hell we have on earth. Do I believe in god one single deity that is the sole creator the one who loves us I can never answer this question with ease. But I do know that their can be a worse frame of hell than the one I experience. We never really think about our actions any more we keep repeating history, Greed, violence, war, we all know what we can do to make this world a better one but there are few who even try to do something about it. It also saddens me that a lot of people thing of ways to try and destroy another’s life a way to hurt them when they are only thinking on how to better this world. Will it get better that’s for you to decide are going to be a lousy whelp who pray on the small and weak like cowards. Or are you going to rise up confront the evil bring it down on it’s knees and shoot it in the head.
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