Chapter 4 - Start
Submitted November 2, 2008 Updated November 22, 2008 Status Incomplete | In a world where how magically educated you are is everything, nothing's better than graduating from Academy Hex. For two student teams, there’s only one test left to achieve that. The problem is, that test is surviving in the human world!
Fantasy » Misc. Fantasy |
Chapter 4 - Start
Chapter 4 - Start
Chapter 4: Start
Ferran stared at Carmos in shock. He was vaguely aware of his rival Darkon doing the same.
The Human World was known as the hardest graduation test that could be assigned to the senior class. It was the most restricting of the five possibilities.
“The old bat wants ta’ make this hard,” Cobalt hissed in his ear. The fairy was once again resting on his shoulder. His feathered wings tickled Ferran’s neck as he flared them angrily. “’E’s trying ta’ make sure ya’ don’t graduate.”
Ferran stayed silent – Carmos would have heard him if he responded. But he couldn’t help feeling Cobalt was right. The Human World hadn’t been assigned to anyone in years. Why now?
Darkon recovered before Ferran did – much to Ferran’s hatred – and cleared his throat.
“What are the requirements for this assignment, Master?”
Carmos nodded approvingly at the Team One leader, causing Ferran to curl his lip as his anger flared even more.
“The first requirement,” Carmos said, pulling out the box he’d had tucked under his arm until now and opening it, “is that you must turn over all your solutions to me now.”
Ferran’s eyes widened in horror. Without his solutions, he would be totally unable to perform hexes – that was the whole point of Academy Hex! If they were unable to use what they’d learned in the assignment, how would they prove who was worthy to graduate?!
Ferran wasn’t the only one hesitating; both teams were nailed in place. Everyone would feel defenseless without the creams, inks, and various other solutions used to write hexes.
“Now,” Carmos repeated firmly. “Or no one will be graduating this year.”
Still, Ferran hesitated. He couldn’t help it.
Amazingly, it was the goof from Darkon’s team who shared a name with what he was giving up that made the first move. Hex stepped around his team leader and smiled at Carmos. He untied a pouch from his thigh and one more from his belt and emptied the various containers of solutions he had in them into the box. Then he pulled a few more containers from his pockets and dropped them in. Last of all, he laid his field set of brushes into the chest and stepped back, bowing to the Academy Master.
“Well done,” Carmos said warmly. He gave a hard look to the rest of the students. “The rest of you had better follow his example.”
Ferran growled deep in his throat, he was being measured up to Darkon once again. Just because it was a different face and name didn’t make any difference – the guy was still on his rival’s team.
Ferran was the next to step up. He made sure his expression was blank as he dumped all of his solutions into the chest with Hex’s. His field brush set was last as well and as soon as he bowed and stepped back, he felt naked. This is why The Human World is the worst assignment, he thought.
Carmos nodded to him but didn’t say anything. One by one, the other students dumped their solutions into the chest, none of them happy about it. Hex had been the only one to smile, for unknown reasons.
Laster was the last to follow through on the requirement. He sullenly dropped his brushes and solutions into the box and bowed stiffly, slipping back into his place in line. If Carmos noticed his unhappiness he didn’t mention it.
“As we’ve been gathered here, servants have been collecting your home solutions as well,” Carmos said, closing the chest and locking it. “The only things you are allowed to take to the human world are your clothes.” He chuckled. “And be prepared to change wardrobes when you get there anyway – humans have very odd clothing styles and you may not fit in if you don’t change yours. Of course, that is your choice.”
Sure it’s our choice, Ferran thought sarcastically. Nothing is ever left up to us anymore – everything is forced.
“Now,” Carmos said, his expression turning serious, “on to the topic of your main assignment. You must live in the human world for one month, exactly as a human your age would do. That includes a human school, human social groups, human activities et cetera. But, you must never reveal who you truly are or what you can do. At the end of the month, the team that has “fit in” best you could say, will be the one to graduate.”
Ferran was certain he was dreaming. There was no way this could be the real graduation ceremony! Last year had been nothing like this. He had been assigned number three: Dawn’s Country. The test had consisted of a week spent in Dawn’s Country – a place on the other side of the planet that had blistering heat and savage animals. It was a place where “kill or be killed” was definitely the fitting description. And that test was two levels below The Human World.
“’M’ I the only one who smells a rat ‘ere?” Cobalt whispered suspiciously.
Ferran shook his head ever so slightly. He didn’t know if it was a rat, but he was certain something was not right. He shot a look sideways at Darkon. His rival’s forehead was creased in a frown and Ferran could tell he was thinking the same thing.
Unfortunately, there was nothing to be done about it. Once assigned, the test had to be completed or both teams automatically failed. That was something Ferran couldn’t risk.
After letting the students stand in silence for a full minute or more, Carmos looked around at each of them in turn. Ferran met his gaze without blinking, trying to see what the Academy Master was planning. But his violet eyes revealed nothing.
“Well then teams, what say you?”
Ferran turned to look at his team, locking eyes with each of them to see how they felt. Laster’s brown eyes were fiery as he nodded his consent. Alos nodded along with his twin. Shina looked at Ferran for a long moment before dipping her head. Ferran smiled tightly.
“Ya’ know I’m with ya’ Chap,” Cobalt said, rising to his feet so Ferran could see him in his peripheral vision. He used the fond nickname he’d given Ferran after their first meeting. “No old bat’s gonna get the better of us this time!”
Ferran hoped Carmos hadn’t heard that last comment, yet some small part of him would be glad if he had. Cobalt was right; there was no way Ferran wasn’t earning his place as an initiate this year. No way was he returning to a farming town where magic was nonexistent.
“Team Two accepts the assignment,” he said firmly, his voice echoing in the White Hall.
Carmos nodded at him and looked to Darkon. Darkon turned from his team to face the master once more.
“Team One also accepts the assignment,” he said.
“Excellent,” Carmos said. “The first member of each team knows where the Human Rune is, pack up and head out. I will see you in a month. Luck to all.”
With that he turned and left the hall, all but two of his servants following him.
Ferran turned to exit and was surprised to come face to face with Darkon. The other team leader had his hand outstretched and was wearing the ghost of a smile.
“I know we have our differences, Ferran,” he said quietly. “But I hope you know I still wish you luck.”
Ferran stared at his hand for a moment and then looked up at him coolly, hatred burning in the pit of his stomach.
“Only failures need luck,” he said, pushing past his year-mate. Darkon didn’t say anything else and his team parted the way so Ferran could get through. Ferran’s team followed him silently.
They walked to the exit of the courtyard, then Ferran paused.
“Pack and meet at my quarters,” he said. “The sooner we leave the better.”
“Yes sir,” Laster said.
He didn’t have to look to know Shina and Alos were nodding. He turned to leave them and then paused.
“Oh, and Shina, don’t take forever and don’t try to fit your entire room into your bag. I’m not waiting for you.”
With that he began walking again, ignoring the furious statements she was muttering to his back.
The test had finally started.
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KelekiahGaladrian on November 18, 2008, 11:08:04 AM
YoriXYamiForever on November 18, 2008, 11:28:21 AM

Hehe, I love his accent. ^^ (meaning both Cobalt's and Hagrid's, although they are different)
Yes yes, the more difficult it is, the more fun it is. ^^
Um... yeah I can see why you don't like Ferran. Personally I like him, but then again he's not out to kill MY boyfriend *grins at you*
Yes yes, Darkon shall be just fine ^^
Cobalt talks funny. Reminds me of Hagrid. *giggling to self, hiccupping (that looks like it's spelled wrong XP) every now and then)*
I feel bad for everyone having to lose their solutions *mutters to self* except maybe Ferran's team........... *normal voice* But I suppose it can't be helped. 'Sides, it's a lot more fun when things are difficult.
Ravin: Don't be such a sadist Lego-chan.
I'm not being a sadist. It's the writer's instinct in me.
Ravin: Uh huh, sure it is.
*rolls eyes* Anyway, I don't like Ferran period. Don't like his attitude, don't like his attitude, don't like his attitude... did I mention I don't like his attitude?
Regardless of all that, Dar-kun is really cute and I'm sure he'll do fine. *blushes at my own words, fangirl-ish hugging of self (I see that ALL the time in OHSHC, it's REALLY freaky.....)*
I love it and I'm excited for more. ^^ Great job Wulf-chan!!!! *thumbs up*