Chapter 6 - Ice creams with Kaiba
Submitted June 13, 2005 Updated February 5, 2007 Status Complete | Kaede Mishua live with her grandparents in Domino City. She loves her school and her friends. But there is a certain guy she finds it impossible to like, but maybe he is the one she will love?
Anime/Manga » Yu-Gi-Oh! series |
Chapter 6 - Ice creams with Kaiba
Chapter 6 - Ice creams with Kaiba
Ice creams with Kaiba
`Calm down,' Ana said firmly, whilst leaning her chair back on the table behind her and picking the dirt from underneath her nails.
`Don't tell me to calm down; we could have been in serious trouble! And another thing-' she began, turning back to Kaede and Joey to yell at them some more, but Ryou grabbed her arm, pulled her into a chair and told her to shut up or he would get Honda to sit on her. The result: she shut up.
`What lesson do we have next?' Ana said calmly, suddenly taking notice of her surroundings. When she was sitting down, you didn't really notice, but standing up she was very VERY tall. Her mother was French, and it showed in her appearance, the long, dark brown hair, the grey-blue eyes and the olive coloured skin. She got up and went to her locker to get out the correct books.
`Physics,' said Sakura instantly. Everybody looked at her and she turned very red, so red you could fry and egg on her face. Kaede smiled. She knew why. Sakura sat next to Yugi in chemistry, and he always turned into his alter ego, Yami, for her.
Sakura was a slightly tanned blond who always wore her hair in a high ponytail. Her eyes were a beautiful amber colour, and she was happy and smiley most of the time, except when she was embarrassed like now, or when she got upset or her self-esteem ran out.
`Ooookay,' Ana said, and got out her books. Kaede went to her locker and took out her physics books.
When the bell rang to signal the end of break, all ten of them walked to the physics lab together, Tea, Kaede and Ana chatting about the weekend (Tea and Ana subtlety avoiding the subject of Kaiba's dinner party), Joey, Honda and Duke were arguing with Sakura and Yugi about duel monsters techniques and strategies, and Yuula and Ryou whispered together about god knows what slightly behind everybody else. When Yuula let out a loud, high pitch laugh at something Ryou said, everybody (including Ryou himself) turned around and stared at her in bewilderment, just like they had done with Sakura. Yuula blushed and everyone laughed except Ryou, who looked quite flattered that someone would laugh at one of his jokes.
They arrived at their classroom and all “eagerly” entered the room. Kaede sat down on a stool in the middle row, in between Honda and Ryou (the class was set in a boy-girl, boy-girl layout). Kaede pulled her books out of her satchel, took off her shoes and crossed her legs on the stool. She talked to Ryou and Honda about random stuff, whilst watching Sakura and Yugi's alter ego, Yami, who were sitting at the front, out of the corner of her eye. She smiled at their backs thinking about what a cute couple they'd make if it was really possible for them to be together when their teacher walked in. As if on queue, the whole class slumped over their desks and their eyes glazed over. Kaede sighed and tried to concentrate, but she kept remembering her daydream at the ball the evening before, and her dream during the night. She sighed, copied down what their teacher began writing on the bored, and pushed these thoughts to the back of her mind. She could duel on them later.
When their lessons were finally over for the day, Kaede and her friends began walking home together. As they walked, Ana took a packed of cigarettes and a lighter out of her bag and lit up one of the fags. She drew in a long breath and then breathed out, slowly.
`Excuse me,' Sakura almost shouted. `WHAT is that?'
Um, a cigarette,' Ana said, taking another drag. `Everybody in Paris smokes, don't you know that?'
`You're not from Paris!' Honda shouted. `You come from a town near to Toulouse!'
Kaede said nothing, just stared straight ahead. It was only when Tea started coughing that Kaede strode over to Ana, grabbed the cigarette and ripped it in half, stamping it into the ground. Kaede stepped in front of Ana, forcing her to stop.
`I don't know what they taught you in France,' she said quite calmly. `But here in Japan, they say that smoking kills. Smoke on your own as often as you like, but please never smoke in front of me again. If you do, it won't just be the one cigarette that I tear up, but the whole packet.'
They started walking again, and Kaede chatted and laughed with Ana and everybody else as though nothing had happened. But soon they began to drift away. It started with Honda, Duke and Ana saying goodbye to go to the mall. After that, Duke, Joey, Yugi and Tea left to go to Yugi's game shop. Not long after, Ryou and Sakura waved goodbye (Ryou leaving only after several glomps and whispered conversations with Yuula) and headed off towards home.
`So, where to now?' Yuula stretched her arms above her head and yawned. `Straight home, or go hang out?'
`Go hang out, definitely.' Kaede said. `Wait, hang on-'
Something jolted in her memory. She looked at Yuula's face and suddenly it hit her. One of the girls in her dream the previous night looked exactly like Yuula, the one called Sanura. Kaede opened her mouth to say something, but thought better of it. It would probably creep Yuula out if she told her, so Kaede thought it best not to say anything.
`Hey, why don't we go find Takumi and go get ice creams?' Yuula said, already making her mind up about it. Before Kaede could say anything, she was being dragged off in the direction if Kaiba Corp, despite all her protests.
`But what if we see Kaiba? It would be so embarrassing. Oh God, I hope we don't see him. Okay, let's just wait for Takumi and leave as soon as he leaves the building, okay? Please Yuula, I really don't want to have to see Kaiba today, I just really don't want to. Are you even listening?'
`Of course I am,' Yuula said, tugging her arm. They had arrived on the street Kaiba Corp was on and arrived at the front doors of Kaiba Corp. Instead of waiting by the doors, Yuula went straight inside. Not wanting to be seen by anyone there one her own, Kaede hesitated, but then followed Yuula inside.
Kaede stared around her for Yuula, and saw her at the reception desk. She ran over to her, leaned with her back against the desk just in case the receptionist recognised her, and whispered to Yuula `Just make this quick, okay?'
`No problem!' Yuula beamed, and began explaining to the receptionist that they were friends of Takumi Miharu, and where was it at the moment.
The receptionist, in true receptionist fashion, explained that Mr Miharu was very busy at the moment, but if you would like and appointment, please write down your name and telephone number and I'll get back to you. She was in full “I'm afraid I cannot allow you to see Mr Miharu without an appointment” speech when a voice called their name from at the top of the stairs. `Yuula, Kaede, what are you doing here?'
Both girls turned to look up at the stairs and saw Kaede's grandfather coming down towards them. Kaede ran to her grandfather and hugged him. `Hello grandfather, we were looking for Takumi. Have you seen him anywhere?'
`Why yes, of course. He is in the staff lounge. Come, I'll take you.'
Shooting and angry look back at the receptionist, Kaede and Yuula followed Kaede's grandfather up several flights of stairs, along a few corridors, to a lift which took them up about a million floors, down another hundred corridors (Yuula: `It's like a maze, isn't it?) and finally, up another 10 flights of stairs to a door marked Staff Lounge.
`Well, I suppose the trek gives them something to lounge after,' Kaede said to Yuula as they went through the door.
Indeed, at almost every occupied chair were employees of Kaiba Corp who seemed to be catching their breath. In a chair close to one of the windows was Takumi, with his laptop resting in his lap, typing very quickly. He looked up when they approached, and smile.
`Yuula, Kaede, what are you doing here?' His voice was happy, but then he became serious. `You do know this is an EMPLOYEES lounge, don't you? You really shouldn't be in here.'
`Well, my grandfather said we could come in, so we did.' Kaede folded her arms and looked down at him.
`Yeah. And we came to see if you wanted to go and get an ice cream with us, but it's okay, if you don't want us to treat you, then stay here and do whatever it is you are doing, but just remember, this might be the last time ever that I treat YOU, so if I were you I would make a big deal of it, but it's alright if you don't want to-'
`All right, I'll come!' Takumi snapped his laptop shut and put it in its bag. `But as long as YOU are buying.'
`Oh, you're such a gentleman, Takumi,' Yuula poked him in the chest. You should be offering to buy us ice creams, not demanding that we cough up the cash.'
`Fine, I will buy MY ice cream, you guys can pay for your own,' by this time they were at the nearest lift and Kaede and Yuula got in but blocked the way for Takumi.
`Either you buy us ice creams or you don't come in the lift with us,' Yuula said, barring his way as best as she could.
`But that's not fair, I can't pay for both of you as well as me,' Takumi protested.
`Fine, have a nice long walk,' Kaede said, and pushed him away just as the doors began closing. The girls moved back as Takumi ran to the lift and tried to open it again, but it was not use. The doors closed on him, and the last thing he saw was Yuula and Kaede laughing at him as they did.
They reached the ground floor and stepped out of the lift laughing. `Why didn't we go that way before?' Kaede gasped, out of breath for laughing so much. How many stairs do you reckon there are on the way down?'
`A lot! We should probably sit down somewhere,' Yuula headed to a small lounge area with extremely plush seats. Both girls sat down, and waited.
`About half an hour later, they head voices at the top of the stairs. When they looked, they saw Takumi walking down the stairs next to Kaiba, chatting about something or another.
As soon as she saw Kaiba, Kaede immediately lay down on the seat, hiding her head from view. She would hate it if he saw her, especially after last night.
As soon as she saw Takumi Yuula jumped up, completely unaware that Kaede was trying her best to hide.
`Takumi!' Yuula ran up to him and punched him (hard) in the stomach. `You took ages! What do you think you were doing?'
`Um, talking,' Takumi pushed her out of the way and they walked towards the exit. But then Takumi turned around. `Hey, Seto, do you want to come?'
Seto looked surprise at being invited alone. `Oh, no thank you, I have things I need to do.'
`Okay, suit yourself,' Takumi pushed Yuula towards the door, but then stopped and turned around. `Where is Kaede?'
Yuula pointed towards the seating area, `She's over there, hiding.'
`You little-' Kaede muttered under her breath but then popped her head up. `Sorry, I was just resting my eyes. Alright, let's get going.'
Kaede jumped up and ran towards the door, grabbing Yuula and Takumi by the arms and rushed them towards the door.
`Wait,' yelled a voice across the room. Kaede closed her eyes, prayed and turned around. Seto was now walking confidently towards them, a smirk on his lips.
`It appears that the things I needed to do can wait, so I'll come with you. If that's still alright.'
Kaede swore quietly under her breath. She glared at Takumi who raised his hands in defence. As Kaiba approached, Kaede took a deep breath and turned around to face him.
`Hello Kaede,' Kaiba smirked. `So nice to see you again so soon.'
Kaede said nothing, but looked him straight in the eye and refused to away. Kaiba smirked again, and walked towards the door. `Come on, I'll buy the ice creams.'
Seto stood out of the doors and Takumi and Yuula followed, dragging Kaede with him.
Kaede was dragged along down the street down to the nearest ice cream shop.
Kaiba leaned against the ice cream stall talking to the man behind the counter. `I would like four ice creams please,' Kaiba said calmly, ignoring Kaede standing behind him glaring at his back.
`Okay sir and what would you like?' the ice cream guy asked Kaiba.
`I'll have one Pistachio, Takumi, what do you want,' Kaiba said over his shoulder to Takumi.
`What, you're buying us ice creams as well?' Takumi said stupidly, as he had been counting out the loose change he had in his pocket. Kaede closed her eyes and shook her head. He had never been terribly bright.
`Um, yes,' Kaiba said as if he was wondering why on earth he had hired such a thicko.
`Okay,' Takumi put away the coins and thought, which to Kaede looked painful. `I'll have a honeycomb please.' He decided at last.
`Okay and one honeycomb,' Kaiba said to the ice cream guy.
`I WANT A STRAWBERRY CHOC CHIP!' Yuula yelled at the ice cream guy.
`Um, we don't sell those,' the ice cream guy said, quite afraid of Yuula, backing away to the back of the ice cream stall.
`I'll pay you extra if you put chocolate chips into a strawberry ice cream,' Kaiba said in a business like fashion.
`Um, okay,' the ice cream guy said. `And what about you miss?' he said to Kaede.
`Nothing, thanks,' Kaede said in monotone. Kaiba laughed.
`Mint choc chip for her thank you,' he said as Kaede stared at him shocked and angry. How the hell did he know that was her favorite ice cream?
`Here you go,' the ice cream guys handed Kaiba the ice creams. He paid, then handed them out.
`YAY! Let's sit down and eat them,' Yuula said, furiously licking her ice cream. `Hey Kaede, LET'S DUEL!' She yelled, licking even more furiously.
`No, let's not,' Kaede said, sitting down and taking tiny licks of her ice cream.
`Oh sh-' Takumi swore under his breath, looking at his watch. `Yuula, we have to go.'
`Aww, why?' Yuula whined.
`Because we have to go and get the shopping, or do you not want to eat tonight?'
`I'll come! I'll come!' Yuula jumped up and ran off, stopped, turned around and shouted back, `See you tomorrow Kaede, bye Seto.' She began running again.
`Oh Kaede, don't you have to go to work?' Takumi said as he ran after his sister.
Kaede grabbed Kaiba's arm and looked at his watch. It was already 4.30.
`Oh crap!' Kaede jumped up and began running as fast as she could in the opposite direction to the one Yuula and Takumi took. `Bye Seto, see you soon.' She yelled on impulse, and then nearly hit herself. Why did she just yell that? She turned around to see him smirking at her, as if he had planned this. Kaede shuddered, and then carried on running, dropping her ice cream as she went.
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setokaibaslittlesis on July 26, 2006, 7:44:11 AM

Lanathae on November 16, 2005, 3:47:35 AM
Lanathae on
Tillyenna on October 16, 2005, 6:34:12 PM
Tillyenna on
Eoara on October 6, 2005, 9:55:12 PM
Eoara on
Nemya on September 17, 2005, 3:43:36 AM
Nemya on

Btw, I didnt end up pairing off Yuula and Ryou because I dont think I should pair 'em up just cos I'm a Ryou fangirl. So I made Yuula love Ryou, but that's as far as it goes for her ;_;
Mel: Hey, if you add this comment length-ness to the previous one, I THINK ITS GONNA ADD UP TO BE LONGER THAN THE LAST CHAPTER ONE! YAYAYAYAAAAA! I HOOOOOPE SO!
Waaw, I think we're gonna be having early supper cos of Rachel's party, so I better stop commenting...
Mel: But waaaa ;_;
Marik: I said NOW. OBEY ME. *drags Mel off*
Mel: Waaa, you so mean Mariiiik.
Nemya on September 17, 2005, 3:36:41 AM
Nemya on

Aaaanyways, it was such an awesome chapter! Hee hee, thank you for the ice cream! Yuula is disturbed! But I do love strawberry chocolate chip!! Ha ha, and Takumi is an idiot and has to walk down all those stairs...xDDD Ahhh, and threatening for Honda to sit on me... That is a scary, SCARY prospect.
Muwaaa, LOVE IT!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!! Awaaa, its you and SETOOOOOOO!!! You are so cute!!!
Btw, I'm afraid Yuula and Ryou never get together. ;___; She has always loved him, but he doesnt know, and only likes her as a friend also. I thought that I couldn't have a perfectly happy ending for her... But yeah. She does love Ryou. So thankies so much for writing about them both!! Nyaaaa! They are so cute! But just so you know, they don't end up together, and Ryou doesn't even love her... Just really likes her. But, yeah. Just so you know xP Sadly, they don't end up together... This would muck up what I wrote about Yuula.
Aaaaanyways, thats enough about me rambling on. I loooooove your story sooo much! I can't wait for the next chapter!!!! (Although.. Hang on... That's the cake with Yuula and Dook chapter isn't it x.X NOOOOOO) But I looove it its soooo awesomely goood! Nooo throwing rocks at me Ani XP
Looove the chapter, I cant comment more because now my mum is behind me talking to Nicky (aunt) sooo got to stop commenting waaa But I loove the chapter so much!!!! And yaya, random, but we have pizza and chocolate bread and butter pudding for supper^^
Marik: No no no she's turning freakish again x.X I hate her (even more) when she gets like this.
Mel: Is this comment as long as the last one I left on ch5?? I dont think it is waaa better keep on talking...
Marik: NO WAY. We're going NOW. NOW.
Marik: Okay. Let's go check. *sigh*
Eoara on September 17, 2005, 3:17:20 AM
Eoara on