Chapter 0 - Characters
Submitted November 21, 2007 Updated August 23, 2009 Status Incomplete | Yesssssssss, Digimon Destiny 2 is here! Join the gang for their next biggest adventure in the Digital World ^^
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Chapter 0 - Characters
Chapter 0 - Characters
The Heroes and Heroines:
Masheedramon: My Digimon. A pink cat Digimon with a fox tail, sharp claws and sabre teeth, blue paws and stripes on her back, red tail tip and a little crown.
Wormmon: My other Digimon. A green caterpillar type Digimon with a purple mouth and a strange marking on his head.
Lupinmon: AquaBerry15's Digimon. An ice blue fox/wolf type Digimon with yellow and purple tips, purple hair and baby blue eyes.
Zorromon: Sharp-Fang's Digimon. A brown fox type Digimon with red and yellow stripes and yellow hair.
Okamimon: AquaBerry15's other Digimon. Zorromon and Lupinmon's daughter. A brown wolf/fox type Digimon with lots of different coloured tips of fur and a pendant around her neck.
Wolfdramon: PunkWolfGirl's Digimon. A wolf like Digimon with one black paw and brown fur and yellow hair.
Lobodramon: AquaBerry15's other Digimon. Wolfdramon and Okamimon's son. A brown and ice blue wolf/fox type Digimon with colourful tips of fur and yellow hair.
Zashomon: Masheedramon and Lobodramon's daughter. A pink cat/wolf/fox type Digimon with purple ear tips and purple hair with yellow ends and ice blue legs with red and yellow stripes on them and a purple, stripy, tail.
Leopardmon: Jordanthehedgehog's Digimon. A Leopard type Digimon with red around his eyes and a white bandana and a marking on his head.
Vixymon: Sparx's Digimon. An orange fox Digimon with red and black gloves and long rabbit type ears and a black streak going from her head all the way to her tail tip.
Grizzlymon: AquaBerry15's friend, Aaron's Digimon. A stripy bear type Digimon with yellow hair and extra long claws.
Punkdramon: AquaBerry15's friend, Ty's Digimon. A green and ice blue rabbit/cat Digimon with long rabbit ears, 2 tails and blue hair.
Honeymon: BlueBloo's Digimon. A brown honey bear Digimon with red ear tufts, red antenna and a honey comb on her back. She is also Grizzlymon's sister.
Taynmon: (He's some random Digimon I made up for fun but he was cool so I added him to the story ^^ He also DNA Digivolves with Masheedramon). A green dinosaur Digimon with red training bands and sharp claws.
Gatamon: SaskueGurl's Digimon. A magenta cat Digimon with pink ear tufts and white bracelets and a white band around her fluffy tail. She is also Masheedramon's sis.
Flamelopmon: Anyxtherabbit's Digimon. A yellow rabbit type Digimon with flame markings on her ears, legs and on her back, a flame tail and a heart mark on her cheek. She also has yellow and blue wings.
Wolvomon: Konohasdarkshadow's Digimon. A grey anthro wolf Digimon with flaming hair and a flame marking on the end of his tail. He also carries around a sharp sword that he uses in combat.
Maneemon: Sutaru's Digimon. A green cat type Digimon with black stripes and a black tail tip and 2 scars on his left eye.
Rikumon: Kouni46892742's Digimon. A pink and white winged dog Digimon with a flame on the end of his tail.
Aquamon: Kairi23's Digimon. He is an aqua bear type Digimon.
Metemon: UltimateTailsLover's Digimon. An electric rabbit type Digimon with orange lightning bolts on her head and 2 metal bars on her right ear. She is also yellow and has orange paws and an orange mane.
Bugsmon: xxcuteecheekxx's Digimon. A black and white rabbit and cat type Digimon with a long tail and long teeth and a pet bug that he uses to attack with.
Doggymon: Alleycat17's Digimon. A sky blue dog type Digimon with pink inside his ears and white wings.
Veramon: DarkHorse's Digimon. A huge pink Dragon type Digimon that can read other Digimon's minds and grow even larger.
Scorpionmon: Boykingkilla's Digimon. A scorpion type Digimon with a long poisonous tail and red pants.
Kuramon: PunkWolfGirl's Digimon. A brown fo and wolf type Digimon with different coloured markings and a black paw. She is Wolfdramon and Okamimon's daughter.
Kohakumon: AquaBerry15's other Digimon. Masheedramon and Lobodramon's son. A brown cat, wolf and fox type Digimon with purple hair and different coloured stripes all over him and his tail is half brown and purple stripes and half white fur and he has Masheedramon's crown triangle and a pink patch over his right eye.
Sakumon: Sasukegurl and Sutaru's Digimon. A mint green cat type Digimon with a yellow pelt and pink ear tufts. He is Gatamon and Maneemon's son.
Jamaicamon: Picklepelt16's Digimon. Lupinmon's cousin. A blue Digimon with red stripes all over him and a green and yellow Rasta hat and dreadlocks and a deadlocked tail.
Tigsamon: xxcuteecheeksxx's other Digimon. A pink tiger type Digimon with orange stripes and a black tail.
Vulpusmon: Falconlobo's Digimon. A cream fox type Digimon with four arms and a red mane with a blue tail tip.
Vulpinmon: Falconlobo's other Digimon. Vulpusmon's brother. He looks like Vulpusmon except he had red hair and his tail and chest mane were opposite colours to Vulpusmon.
Foxxiouskatomon: Falconlobo's other Digimon. A part cat and part fox type Digimon cream in colour with a blue muzzle and pelt and red hair and a red tail tip.
Reelomon: Vixymon and Leopardmon's son. A half Leopard, half fox type Digimon with markings on his eyes and pelt like his fathers and gloves like his mothers and a tuft of hair on his head.
Velocimon: Sharp-Fang's other Digimon. A red dinosaur type Digimon with feathers and charms and a feathery crown on his head.
Hitsugayamon: Picklepelt16's other Digimon. A white wolf type Digimon with a brown muzzle, belly and tail tip and yellow stripes with silver hair and a strange scar on his face. He is Lupinmon's new husband and Okamimon's step dad and she hates him!
Zoranmon: Aquaberry15's other Digimon. A silver wolf type Digimon with brown ear tips, belly, muzzle, tail tip, mask and legs and daggers on his head and tail. He also has a locket with a picture of him and Zashomon in it that she gave to him and ice blue eyes. He is the son of Darukumon and Candramon and is sometimes mistaken for his father.
Mindramon: Mindramon's Digimon. An orange and white rabbit type Digimon with a fox tail and green eyes.
Sunnydramon: Ty’s other Digimon. A yellow tiger type Digimon with yellow and black wings, pink eyes and a sun pendant.
Aysunmon: Ty’s other Digimon. A sky blue fox/pony Digimon with white paws, around her eyes, belly, chest and ear tips, ginger hair and tail, old eyes and a moon symbol on her thigh, pendant, earrings, head and bracelet.
Beardramon: Aaron’s little brother’s Digimon. Grizzlymon and Punkdramon’s daughter. A brown bear/cat type Digimon with blue hair, chest, fingertips and toes, green and black stripes, white stomach, muzzle and tail rimmed with yellow, black ears with gold studs in them, pink tail tip and a red bandana around his neck.
Flamermon: BlueBloo's other Digimon. A black cat type Digimon with flame patterns on her paws, ear tips and tail tip. She also has an orange chest and stomach, a red stripe going down eaither side on her back and cream hair.
The Villains:
Solandomon: A huge ultimate were wolf type Digimon with blood red eyes and huge red wings. He has a belt with a dagger and scars all over his body. He has the same markings as Paranugumimon on his wings, cheek and pendant.
Valeriemon: An ultimate yellow poodle were-dog type Digimon with a pink collar and red eyes. She is Solandomon's wife. She has the same markings as Paranugumimon on his wings, cheek and pendant.
Shadow Paranugumimon: An even bigger, stronger, eviler version of Paranugumimon that was brought back from the dead by Solandomon. He looks almost the same to Paranugumimon except he is all black and has powers to disappear into shadows. He is Solandomon and Valeriemon's son.
Darth Darukumon: Paranugumimon's strongest apprentice that he brought back from the dead using three Wishing Stones. He is also Lupinmon's rival that Lupinmon and her friends had defeated ages ago. He is a brown, champion wolf type Digimon with a dagger necklace and dagger markings all over his tail. The end of his tail is also poisonous and it has blood on it as does the spikes on top of his head. He also has three scars on his nose. This is the new and improved Darukumon, Darth Darukumon! He has the same new powers as Shadow Paranugumimon.
Black Shadowkingmon: A black version of Leopardmon with grey markings, red eyes and a huge cape. He also killed the tribe of Leopardmon except for the last one who is part of the Digimon Destiny team! He has the same powers as Shadow Paranugumimon.
Dark Gunjeekimon: A champion red phoenix type Digimon with the same markings as Paranugumimon on her wings, cheek and pendant. Her wings and tail are made from fire and she has giant horns on top of her head. She has the same powers as Shadow Paranugumimon.
Stone Oriangolamon: A giant, champion, blue dragon type Digimon with long blue horns and a spiky tail. She also had the same markings as Paranugumimon on her wings, cheek and pendant. She has the same powers as Shadow Paranugumimon.
Midnight Pantheromon: A champion Black Panther type Digimon with golden horns and big silver wings. He has the same markings as Paranugumimon on his wings, cheek and pendant. He has the same powers as Shadow Paranugumimon.
Night Paramantismon: A giant, red, champion, praying mantis type Digimon with the markings the same as Paranugumimon on his wings, cheek and pendant. He has 4 razors coming out of his back as well as 2 of his arms with razors on the end of them. He has giant clawed feet and glowing green eyes. He has the same powers as Shadow Paranugumimon.
Killer Wolfermon: A black version of Wolfdramon with red markings. He has the same powers as Shadow Paranugumimon.
Razor Nargomon: A black dragon type Digimon with purple markings and wings and horns as sharp as razor blades. He has the same powers as Shadow Paranugumimon.
Scourge Lombaxmon: A yellow anthro part cat, part fox type Digimon with brown stripes and a lions tail. He also has thick armour and uses guns as weapons. He has the same powers as Shadow Paranugumimon.
Masheedramon: My Digimon. A pink cat Digimon with a fox tail, sharp claws and sabre teeth, blue paws and stripes on her back, red tail tip and a little crown.
Wormmon: My other Digimon. A green caterpillar type Digimon with a purple mouth and a strange marking on his head.
Lupinmon: AquaBerry15's Digimon. An ice blue fox/wolf type Digimon with yellow and purple tips, purple hair and baby blue eyes.
Zorromon: Sharp-Fang's Digimon. A brown fox type Digimon with red and yellow stripes and yellow hair.
Okamimon: AquaBerry15's other Digimon. Zorromon and Lupinmon's daughter. A brown wolf/fox type Digimon with lots of different coloured tips of fur and a pendant around her neck.
Wolfdramon: PunkWolfGirl's Digimon. A wolf like Digimon with one black paw and brown fur and yellow hair.
Lobodramon: AquaBerry15's other Digimon. Wolfdramon and Okamimon's son. A brown and ice blue wolf/fox type Digimon with colourful tips of fur and yellow hair.
Zashomon: Masheedramon and Lobodramon's daughter. A pink cat/wolf/fox type Digimon with purple ear tips and purple hair with yellow ends and ice blue legs with red and yellow stripes on them and a purple, stripy, tail.
Leopardmon: Jordanthehedgehog's Digimon. A Leopard type Digimon with red around his eyes and a white bandana and a marking on his head.
Vixymon: Sparx's Digimon. An orange fox Digimon with red and black gloves and long rabbit type ears and a black streak going from her head all the way to her tail tip.
Grizzlymon: AquaBerry15's friend, Aaron's Digimon. A stripy bear type Digimon with yellow hair and extra long claws.
Punkdramon: AquaBerry15's friend, Ty's Digimon. A green and ice blue rabbit/cat Digimon with long rabbit ears, 2 tails and blue hair.
Honeymon: BlueBloo's Digimon. A brown honey bear Digimon with red ear tufts, red antenna and a honey comb on her back. She is also Grizzlymon's sister.
Taynmon: (He's some random Digimon I made up for fun but he was cool so I added him to the story ^^ He also DNA Digivolves with Masheedramon). A green dinosaur Digimon with red training bands and sharp claws.
Gatamon: SaskueGurl's Digimon. A magenta cat Digimon with pink ear tufts and white bracelets and a white band around her fluffy tail. She is also Masheedramon's sis.
Flamelopmon: Anyxtherabbit's Digimon. A yellow rabbit type Digimon with flame markings on her ears, legs and on her back, a flame tail and a heart mark on her cheek. She also has yellow and blue wings.
Wolvomon: Konohasdarkshadow's Digimon. A grey anthro wolf Digimon with flaming hair and a flame marking on the end of his tail. He also carries around a sharp sword that he uses in combat.
Maneemon: Sutaru's Digimon. A green cat type Digimon with black stripes and a black tail tip and 2 scars on his left eye.
Rikumon: Kouni46892742's Digimon. A pink and white winged dog Digimon with a flame on the end of his tail.
Aquamon: Kairi23's Digimon. He is an aqua bear type Digimon.
Metemon: UltimateTailsLover's Digimon. An electric rabbit type Digimon with orange lightning bolts on her head and 2 metal bars on her right ear. She is also yellow and has orange paws and an orange mane.
Bugsmon: xxcuteecheekxx's Digimon. A black and white rabbit and cat type Digimon with a long tail and long teeth and a pet bug that he uses to attack with.
Doggymon: Alleycat17's Digimon. A sky blue dog type Digimon with pink inside his ears and white wings.
Veramon: DarkHorse's Digimon. A huge pink Dragon type Digimon that can read other Digimon's minds and grow even larger.
Scorpionmon: Boykingkilla's Digimon. A scorpion type Digimon with a long poisonous tail and red pants.
Kuramon: PunkWolfGirl's Digimon. A brown fo and wolf type Digimon with different coloured markings and a black paw. She is Wolfdramon and Okamimon's daughter.
Kohakumon: AquaBerry15's other Digimon. Masheedramon and Lobodramon's son. A brown cat, wolf and fox type Digimon with purple hair and different coloured stripes all over him and his tail is half brown and purple stripes and half white fur and he has Masheedramon's crown triangle and a pink patch over his right eye.
Sakumon: Sasukegurl and Sutaru's Digimon. A mint green cat type Digimon with a yellow pelt and pink ear tufts. He is Gatamon and Maneemon's son.
Jamaicamon: Picklepelt16's Digimon. Lupinmon's cousin. A blue Digimon with red stripes all over him and a green and yellow Rasta hat and dreadlocks and a deadlocked tail.
Tigsamon: xxcuteecheeksxx's other Digimon. A pink tiger type Digimon with orange stripes and a black tail.
Vulpusmon: Falconlobo's Digimon. A cream fox type Digimon with four arms and a red mane with a blue tail tip.
Vulpinmon: Falconlobo's other Digimon. Vulpusmon's brother. He looks like Vulpusmon except he had red hair and his tail and chest mane were opposite colours to Vulpusmon.
Foxxiouskatomon: Falconlobo's other Digimon. A part cat and part fox type Digimon cream in colour with a blue muzzle and pelt and red hair and a red tail tip.
Reelomon: Vixymon and Leopardmon's son. A half Leopard, half fox type Digimon with markings on his eyes and pelt like his fathers and gloves like his mothers and a tuft of hair on his head.
Velocimon: Sharp-Fang's other Digimon. A red dinosaur type Digimon with feathers and charms and a feathery crown on his head.
Hitsugayamon: Picklepelt16's other Digimon. A white wolf type Digimon with a brown muzzle, belly and tail tip and yellow stripes with silver hair and a strange scar on his face. He is Lupinmon's new husband and Okamimon's step dad and she hates him!
Zoranmon: Aquaberry15's other Digimon. A silver wolf type Digimon with brown ear tips, belly, muzzle, tail tip, mask and legs and daggers on his head and tail. He also has a locket with a picture of him and Zashomon in it that she gave to him and ice blue eyes. He is the son of Darukumon and Candramon and is sometimes mistaken for his father.
Mindramon: Mindramon's Digimon. An orange and white rabbit type Digimon with a fox tail and green eyes.
Sunnydramon: Ty’s other Digimon. A yellow tiger type Digimon with yellow and black wings, pink eyes and a sun pendant.
Aysunmon: Ty’s other Digimon. A sky blue fox/pony Digimon with white paws, around her eyes, belly, chest and ear tips, ginger hair and tail, old eyes and a moon symbol on her thigh, pendant, earrings, head and bracelet.
Beardramon: Aaron’s little brother’s Digimon. Grizzlymon and Punkdramon’s daughter. A brown bear/cat type Digimon with blue hair, chest, fingertips and toes, green and black stripes, white stomach, muzzle and tail rimmed with yellow, black ears with gold studs in them, pink tail tip and a red bandana around his neck.
Flamermon: BlueBloo's other Digimon. A black cat type Digimon with flame patterns on her paws, ear tips and tail tip. She also has an orange chest and stomach, a red stripe going down eaither side on her back and cream hair.
The Villains:
Solandomon: A huge ultimate were wolf type Digimon with blood red eyes and huge red wings. He has a belt with a dagger and scars all over his body. He has the same markings as Paranugumimon on his wings, cheek and pendant.
Valeriemon: An ultimate yellow poodle were-dog type Digimon with a pink collar and red eyes. She is Solandomon's wife. She has the same markings as Paranugumimon on his wings, cheek and pendant.
Shadow Paranugumimon: An even bigger, stronger, eviler version of Paranugumimon that was brought back from the dead by Solandomon. He looks almost the same to Paranugumimon except he is all black and has powers to disappear into shadows. He is Solandomon and Valeriemon's son.
Darth Darukumon: Paranugumimon's strongest apprentice that he brought back from the dead using three Wishing Stones. He is also Lupinmon's rival that Lupinmon and her friends had defeated ages ago. He is a brown, champion wolf type Digimon with a dagger necklace and dagger markings all over his tail. The end of his tail is also poisonous and it has blood on it as does the spikes on top of his head. He also has three scars on his nose. This is the new and improved Darukumon, Darth Darukumon! He has the same new powers as Shadow Paranugumimon.
Black Shadowkingmon: A black version of Leopardmon with grey markings, red eyes and a huge cape. He also killed the tribe of Leopardmon except for the last one who is part of the Digimon Destiny team! He has the same powers as Shadow Paranugumimon.
Dark Gunjeekimon: A champion red phoenix type Digimon with the same markings as Paranugumimon on her wings, cheek and pendant. Her wings and tail are made from fire and she has giant horns on top of her head. She has the same powers as Shadow Paranugumimon.
Stone Oriangolamon: A giant, champion, blue dragon type Digimon with long blue horns and a spiky tail. She also had the same markings as Paranugumimon on her wings, cheek and pendant. She has the same powers as Shadow Paranugumimon.
Midnight Pantheromon: A champion Black Panther type Digimon with golden horns and big silver wings. He has the same markings as Paranugumimon on his wings, cheek and pendant. He has the same powers as Shadow Paranugumimon.
Night Paramantismon: A giant, red, champion, praying mantis type Digimon with the markings the same as Paranugumimon on his wings, cheek and pendant. He has 4 razors coming out of his back as well as 2 of his arms with razors on the end of them. He has giant clawed feet and glowing green eyes. He has the same powers as Shadow Paranugumimon.
Killer Wolfermon: A black version of Wolfdramon with red markings. He has the same powers as Shadow Paranugumimon.
Razor Nargomon: A black dragon type Digimon with purple markings and wings and horns as sharp as razor blades. He has the same powers as Shadow Paranugumimon.
Scourge Lombaxmon: A yellow anthro part cat, part fox type Digimon with brown stripes and a lions tail. He also has thick armour and uses guns as weapons. He has the same powers as Shadow Paranugumimon.
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AlleyCat17 on April 11, 2008, 10:57:57 AM
AlleyCat17 on

ginathehedgehog on April 11, 2008, 9:01:58 PM
Falconlobo on August 29, 2008, 12:09:43 PM
Falconlobo on
ginathehedgehog on April 9, 2008, 5:15:46 AM
boykingkilla on July 22, 2008, 7:28:30 AM
boykingkilla on
ginathehedgehog on August 29, 2008, 10:59:38 PM
Falconlobo on April 9, 2008, 5:43:05 AM
Falconlobo on
ginathehedgehog on April 9, 2008, 6:28:46 AM
Falconlobo on April 9, 2008, 7:01:02 AM
Falconlobo on
ginathehedgehog on April 9, 2008, 5:40:57 AM
ginathehedgehog on April 9, 2008, 5:37:01 AM
Ashleetheangel312 on April 9, 2008, 7:14:18 AM
Comment Deleted
ginathehedgehog on April 9, 2008, 7:42:07 AM
Ashleetheangel312 on April 28, 2008, 10:20:17 AM
Comment Deleted
ginathehedgehog on August 29, 2008, 10:59:02 PM
Falconlobo on April 28, 2008, 5:51:36 AM
Falconlobo on
ginathehedgehog on April 28, 2008, 6:05:26 AM
Falconlobo on April 28, 2008, 6:09:41 AM
Falconlobo on
Falconlobo on April 9, 2008, 3:03:30 AM
Falconlobo on
ginathehedgehog on April 9, 2008, 5:01:45 AM
Falconlobo on April 9, 2008, 5:42:21 AM
Falconlobo on
sharp-fang on December 22, 2007, 11:58:24 AM
sharp-fang on
ginathehedgehog on December 22, 2007, 10:17:03 PM
Falconlobo on December 17, 2007, 6:05:11 AM
Falconlobo on
ginathehedgehog on December 17, 2007, 6:09:37 AM
Falconlobo on December 17, 2007, 6:13:34 AM
Falconlobo on
Sahrahedgehog on December 15, 2007, 2:53:48 PM
ginathehedgehog on December 17, 2007, 2:18:36 AM
boykingkilla on December 12, 2007, 11:53:57 AM
boykingkilla on

Scorpionmon: I so did not steal Gaara's move called Sand Burial.
Me: I took the name and changed the attak around a little.XD
ginathehedgehog on December 13, 2007, 12:01:36 AM
boykingkilla on December 13, 2007, 6:39:24 AM
boykingkilla on
ginathehedgehog on December 14, 2007, 12:41:49 AM
boykingkilla on December 14, 2007, 2:04:26 PM
boykingkilla on

Scorpionmon: Yeah, But you still got a long way to go Chris.
Me: *I pull out a staff and hit it on the ground which makes me float in the air.* Yeah, I know. Why do you think that i had a friend make me this staff.
ginathehedgehog on December 15, 2007, 2:46:41 AM
boykingkilla on December 15, 2007, 12:46:13 PM
boykingkilla on
ginathehedgehog on December 16, 2007, 12:50:46 AM
boykingkilla on December 16, 2007, 6:33:36 AM
boykingkilla on
ginathehedgehog on December 17, 2007, 2:19:39 AM
Mindramon on December 9, 2007, 9:50:57 AM
Mindramon on
ginathehedgehog on December 9, 2007, 11:53:24 PM
sharp-fang on December 3, 2007, 9:07:28 AM
sharp-fang on