Chapter 1 - *Ahem*
Submitted June 13, 2005 Updated June 13, 2005 Status Incomplete | Anyone who read my rant named "Equality" must read! IMPORTANT!
Anime/Manga |
Chapter 1 - *Ahem*
Chapter 1 - *Ahem*
You know what I said in my rant called “Equality”? Well, guess what? I'm here to correct some things.
First of all, you know that boyfriend I mentioned? He dumped me shortly after Christmas break because his friends didn't approve of me. Don't feel mad or sad for me because I never liked him to begin with.
Which leads me to my second point. This is something I've been putting off telling for way too long. I am a lesbian. Queer, homosexual, dyke, it doesn't matter what you call me. All I know is I am a girl who just happens to like girls.
That said, I will take the time to respond to the ten most frequent homophobic responses.
One: You mean you'd actually sleep with another girl?
Response: DUH! Saying it once wasn't good enough for you? Just so you know, though, I plan to stay a virgin until I meet someone I truly care about. (This was inspired by my friend who came out as bi's homophobic brother.)
Two: Ewwwwwwwwe! You're sick, dyke! Go to Hell!
Response: You know, I don't have the words to express the thoughts I am having right now. Or rather frankly, my dignity won't let me say them. By what you just said I have lost all respect for you and do not care about what you think. (Inspired by a flamer I received.)
Three: You have turned from the way of God and have failed to resist Satan's temptation.
Response: I really appreciate your concern for the well being of my soul, but let me clue you in on one thing: I AM NOT RELIGIOUS, ATHEIST, OR ANY OF THAT!!!! So please, stop trying to force your way of thinking on to me. Also, I don't think God would be so petty as to condemn people for that. (Inspired by a overly religious friend of my brother's.)
Four: Well, it's just a phase, and you'd change if you met the right man.
Response: Really? Do you know where this “perfect man” is? Because he would have to be a miracle worker to change what I've always been. A phase? Why would I go through a phase? I'm very comfortable with who I am and I don't feel the need to fit in with others.
Five: Did you become a lesbian because your boyfriend dumped you?
Response: All I can do is laugh at that question. Why? Because it's utter ridiculous. Like I said before, this is who I've always been, and NO ONE AND NOTHING MADE ME THAT WAY!!! I did not choose this, it choose me!!
Six: Does this mean you don't like men period?
Response: On the contrary. I am not a “feminazy” and most of my friends are guys.
Seven: But if Adam or Eve were gay, then the human race would be extinct!
Response: Then thank your lucky stars they weren't! Besides, think of this: If there were no gay or bi people, then the population problem would be worse than it all ready is!
Eight: Have you given up on raising a family?
Response: Never! There is such a thing as adoption! As far as the get-a-sperm-implanted-in-you thing, it's not appealing to me, but then again I'd have to talk about it with whoever is my partner at the time. Besides, I'm only 16! There'll be plenty of time to think about that!
Nine: Okay, you can be gay so long as you don't hit on me.
Response: Let me ask you one thing: WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD I DO THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE? There are bigger fish in the sea. Also, just because I'm gay doesn't mean I'll hit on every girl I meet!
Ten: You are a mentally sick person and you need to see a doctor.
Response: I really hope no one feels that way any more. I thought homosexuality was taken off the diseases list in 1973…..And if you still feel this way, then I have nothing more to say to you.
There you have it! If you still think that I am “living an unhealthy lifestyle”, then read all this over again and really think about it. However, if you still disagree, then it's your loss.
Note: I would like to take this time to apologize to all of the religious people who agree with me. I just got very upset with the way a lot of people use God as an excuse to hate others. I know that not all religious people are extremists.
Thank you for your time! Letting all that out really helped me. Once again, I'm sorry to all I may have offended, and I hope to see an end to the ignorant discrimination of LGBTQ teens, adults, and people of all ages!! Equality for all!!!
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Demon_of_the_Dark_Fall_clan on July 17, 2006, 6:23:20 AM
Cherubim on April 17, 2006, 6:04:25 AM
Cherubim on
dragon52 on March 26, 2006, 10:05:56 AM
dragon52 on
Koda on March 23, 2006, 11:03:20 PM
Koda on
unknowngrl352 on March 17, 2006, 6:22:58 AM

dark1567 on March 6, 2006, 4:09:17 PM
dark1567 on

well i thougth i would just give my
support and say i hope you find the
right man or women out there for you.
dynamite_spoony on February 2, 2006, 5:42:09 AM

Yeah, I'm a bi girl meself (though I like guys a bit more than girls). No, didn't choose it. I'm atheist, too, so I don't buy the bible BS that people throw out (The bible says a lot of things are wrong, like shrimp, women not wearing hats, and blue jeans). I'm with ya! All the LGBT discrimination must stop! YOU RULE!
Aribalt on January 6, 2006, 12:15:35 AM
Aribalt on
By the way, congrats on being homo. If anyone gives you trouble, come to me. *once earned nickname "Councilor"*