Chapter 22 - New Techniques Part 2
Submitted August 4, 2007 Updated November 23, 2007 Status Incomplete | my first story! this is Naruto OC wonderland, if you have an OC tell me!
Anime/Manga » Naruto series |
Chapter 22 - New Techniques Part 2
Chapter 22 - New Techniques Part 2
Note: I do not own Naruto
Chapter 22
New Techniques Part 2
Dan had also set a group of students aside for their abilities. Dan based this group on what would happen if the Sharingan tried to copy them. Even though the Sharingan can copy any technique, there are a couple that they wouldn’t be able to use effectively. The students Dan picked for this group are as follows: Neji, Hinata, Kankuro, Kiba, and Winni.
Neji and Hinata
The two cousins actually got the full amount of sleep they would need to effectively complete the days training. Dan just pushed Neji out of bed, but had spent a while planning on what he would do when he woke up Hinata. Dan knew what most girls did in the morning, and why it took them so much time to get ready. Hinata was the least likely to do a lot of make-up and the like so when Dan snuck into their room to wake Hinata up, he thought he would wake the rest of them up. Dan thought of the best way to wake up all the girls at once: plant an imaginary image of the boy each of them liked.
Dan had an uncanny ability to be able to tell what boy each girl liked, and what girl each boy liked. Dan made a hand-sign and suddenly the room was full of guys. (Guess what? Another list cause I’m to lazy to write it all out! YAY!)
Neji - TenTen
Sasuke - Sakura
Naruto - Hinata
Shikamaru - Ino
Shino - Nara
Kiba - Winni
Gaara - Takashi
Jamal - Nova
Tyrone - Celine
Dan - Temari
Each boy walked to his girl, and lay next to them stroking their hair. One by one the girls woke up, thinking it was a dream, and lay back to rest. After about a minute, Dan thought of a way to cause mischief. He made another hand sign and the boys became another girl in the room. The imaginary girls pushed the actual girls out of their beds and disappeared. The girls woke up screaming at each other and in the case of Ino and Sakura a fight broke out. Dan was hidden next to Hinata where he tapped her on the shoulder and motioned to leave the room. Dan was waiting maybe five minutes before Hinata got out of there fully dressed, and prepared for a the day. On the field, Neji was already waiting for them, tapping his foot impatiently.
“It’s about time,” Neji said, walking to meet them.
“It’s my fault,” Dan said, “I couldn’t resist a bit of mischief. Did you hear the girls fighting?”
“Oh that’s what it was?” Neji asked, “It sounded more like cats fighting. So what am I going to learn, and why is Hinata here?”
“Well,” Dan said, “You two have the same ability so I thought I’d kill two birds with one stone. Now get in your fighting stance.” The two cousin did as they were told, and Dan circled the two of them as if analyzing their threat level.
“Alright then,” Dan said, “Now I have to assess your fighting styles.” He took his fighting stance, that both the Hyuga’s instantly recognized.
“You have to have the Byakugan to fight in the Gentle-Fist style,” Neji said.
“We’ll see,” Dan said, “Now come on!” Hinata stayed back, unsure of what Dan would do, but Neji charged him, careful not to go too fast after what happened last time. Neji wasn’t 10 feet from Dan when Dan started spinning. Neji was blown back by his own ultimate defense. Dan had used Rotation to deflect Neji.
“But how?” Neji asked.
“I’ll tell you after we’re finished,” Dan said, “Your turn Hinata!” He charged Hinata who barely had time to defend her self. Hinata felt her arm burn after Dan hit, and was shocked by what she had seen with her bloodline.
“You blocked my chakra point,” Hinata said, looking at Dan as if he were something out of a nightmare.
“Yes,” Dan said, “Now that we have that out of the way, can we please fight?” Neji had been sneaking around Dan as Hinata had been speaking. He had chosen this moment to rocket himself towards Dan, prepared to hit him full on in the back. Neji almost succeeded. Almost. At the last moment Dan did a back flip, landing behind Neji as Neji ran into Hinata. They collided together, and very slowly got back up.
“It’s not over yet!” Dan shouted. Dan lowered himself closer to the ground, his arms curved up in a half circle.
“But that’s…” Neji and Hinata stuttered at the same time.
“Eight-Trigrams Sixty-Four Strikes!” Dan shouted, rushing the pair.
“One Strike!” Dan said, hitting Neji in the stomach.
“Two strikes!” This time he both Hinata and Neji.
“Four strikes!” Dan was keeping the two close together, so he would be able to hit them both.
“Eight strikes!” Neji and Hinata were both regaining their sense, and started blocking and dodging Dan’s attacks.
“Sixteen strikes! Thirty-Two strikes! Eight-Trigrams Sixty-Four Strikes!” By the time Dan was finished, both Hinata and Neji had a third of their charka points blocked.
“Very good,” Dan said, not even out of breath, “Sit down. I owe you an explanation.” Both ninja collapsed on the ground, as Dan explained what he had done.
“I don’t have Byakugan,” he started, “But it always fascinated me. So I found a way to simulate the Byakugan. First I had to improve my senses to simulate the 360 degree vision. I had to stimulate all my senses using chakra. Second, I had to memorize the chakra points on the human body. I had them all marked on a training dummy, and practiced without rest until it was done. And last, I had to combine these two traits with my fighting style. A few years ago there was a huge controversy in the Hyuga clan. You two probably remember it. They had heard of what I had done, and were deciding whether or not I would be allowed to live.”
“There was also the matter of the fighting style I had created,” Dan continued, “While they did not agree on whether or not I should live, they did agree on the fact that I had created the perfect fighting style to complement the Byakugan. They begged me to show it to them, but I said no. There was no way they could learn it. I had taken a lot of time to perfect that technique and only I had the right fighting style to use it. But I made an agreement. I would create another fighting style that only the elite of their clan could use.”
“In other words only the main house,” Neji said, his face dark.
“That’s what I was getting to,” Dan said, “You see, I wanted it to be for all the Hyuga clan, main or branch. They had a huge fight on who would be able to use it. Eventually they agreed on whoever could learn it the fastest would be able to use it. There was only one man who could learn the Piercing Eagle style.”
“But that’s Lord Hiashi’s style!” Hinata said, “The elders said he had invented it himself.”
“How typical of the main family,” Neji said, his voice laced with hate.
“That’s why I wanted you two to come here together,” Dan said, “There needs to be unison in the Hyuga clan. That’s why I’m going to teach Neji the Piercing Eagle style. He has a natural sense of it.”
“What?” Neji asked, surprised and pleased. Hinata got quieter than usual at this comment. So even Dan didn’t think she could live up to her father, she thought.
“Yes Neji,” Dan continued, “Now Hinata. I watched the way you dodged my attacks. As weird as this will sound, you have a stronger bloodline limit than Neji.”
“What?” Neji asked, surprised and upset, “We’ve all seen me beat Hinata in a fight. What makes you think she is stronger than me?”
“Are you questioning my judgement?” Dan asked, his hair turning black.
“Yes I am! There is no way she could ever be stronger than me!”
“Neji, consider the cherry blossoms.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Over there.” Neji and Hinata looked in the direction Dan was pointing at. There were two cherry blossoms side by side, but one still had all buds. The other was in full bloom with the beauty and majesty that only a cherry blossom can have.
“What does that have to do with us?”
“You see Neji,” Dan said, getting off the ground, “Just because one hasn’t bloomed yet, doesn’t mean that it’s will be uglier than the one that’s already bloomed. It may be more beautiful than any of it’s past. After all, it would make sense that the branch family with the strongest bloodline would have a main branch of the same strength.” Neji didn’t seem happy about it, but shut up for now. He would prove his superiority later.
“Hinata,” Dan said, “The technique I’m going to teach you will be the toughest training you will ever do. I am going to teach you the Dizzy Snake Style.” When he said this, Hinata froze with fear, and Neji froze with surprise.
“That technique is forbidden to only the main branch elders!” Neji shouted.
“The technique is forbidden because they got upset that I wouldn’t teach it to them,” Dan replied, “Training is over for today. Take some time to cool off Neji.” Dan left without another word, leaving two very shocked genin.
Kankuro was sleeping soundly, when Dan’s insect puppet dragged him out of bed. Unlike the other students Kankuro was brought to what appeared to be a factory inside the village. Dan was waiting on the outside.
“Kankuro,” Dan started, “Your new technique would be hard to find as a puppet master. While it is an advantage that your opponent does not know what contraptions your puppet has, it might now always be the case. What happens when you face another puppet master? So your new technique…” Dan paused to push the door open and they stepped inside.
“Will be to create a new puppet of your original design.” Kankuro stared in awe by the sheer number of objects in the room. Heads, eyes, arms, skeletons, all in wood or metal. But what really caught Kankuro’s eye was the giant skeleton that held the most monstrous head Kankuro had saw. It was straight out of a nightmare: six blood red eyes, a jagged face, and rows teeth that jutted in every direction.
“I see you like the Steel Serpent version 2. I’m still working on the structure right now, but it’ll be the most fearsome thing any one had ever seen when it’s done.”
Kankuro pulled his eyes of the monster for a moment to ask, “So what am I supposed to build?”
“That’s just it,” Dan said, “It’s up to you. There is no limit to what you’re allowed to do. Have fun!” With that Dan was gone.
Kiba and Winni
Winni was the second one of the girls to escape the massacre going on inside their rooms. She wasn’t two steps out the door when she was pulled upside down by a rope noose. She was dangling upside down by her leg when Kiba and Akamaru came out of the bushes near by laughing.
“That was a good one Kiba,” Winni said grudgingly, “I can appreciate another pranksters work.”
“Are you kidding me?” Kiba asked, “That is the work of a master! You should bow before me and my awesomeness!” Dan appeared behind Kiba without him noticing. Kiba was going on a rant, when Dan made a hand sign.
“Substitution Jutsu!” Dan shouted, and instantly Kiba was dangling by his leg and Winni was down on the ground.
“Hey!” Kiba shouted.
“It’s what you get,” Dan replied, “Picking on poor Winni like that!”
“You have everything backwards!” Kiba said, “She’s the one always pulling pranks on me!”
“Sure Kiba,” Dan said. He threw a shuriken that sliced the rope, and unfortunately for Kiba he plummeted straight into the ground. Dan brought them to the forest side of the battlegrounds, where a circular opening had been cleared.
“Now Kiba,” Dan said, “Your techniques rely on Akamaru becoming closer to each other. You focus on Akamaru changing fully into a human. What I’m going to teach you is how to do the opposite.” Dan raised his hand, and without even using a hand sign, his hand changed. It grew in size, started to be covered with fur, and his nails became black and at least 3 feet. His hand now resembled nothing but an over sized claw from some twisted nightmare dog.
“All you will have to do is reverse the process you do with Akamaru,” Dan said, “Whatever chakra amount you normally use, reverse it to achieve this jutsu.”
“As for you,” Dan said, turning to Winni, “You tend to combine elemental jutsu with the shape of an animal. Once you’re done with it’s immediate use you let the jutsu go. I’m going to teach you to keep the animal for further use in battle. Watch.” Dan made one hand sign and made an snake out of earth. The earth snake was about ten feet long, and when it opened it’s mouth it released a giant amount of sand into the air.
“It’s not only an effective smoke screen,” Dan said, “But while you are able to hide, the snake can also do this.” Winni couldn’t see what it was doing, but she sure could feel it. The snake had coiled around her, slowly tightening itself around her. It barely constricted itself around her, but Winni could tell the snake could have crushed her easily.
“Your training will be to maintain your jutsu,” Dan said, “And find creative uses for it.”
He stopped to pause in thought, and said, “You two didn’t have your fight, so sooner or later you are going to have to fight each other. Just thought I’d give you a heads up!” With that he disappeared.
Chapter 22
New Techniques Part 2
Dan had also set a group of students aside for their abilities. Dan based this group on what would happen if the Sharingan tried to copy them. Even though the Sharingan can copy any technique, there are a couple that they wouldn’t be able to use effectively. The students Dan picked for this group are as follows: Neji, Hinata, Kankuro, Kiba, and Winni.
Neji and Hinata
The two cousins actually got the full amount of sleep they would need to effectively complete the days training. Dan just pushed Neji out of bed, but had spent a while planning on what he would do when he woke up Hinata. Dan knew what most girls did in the morning, and why it took them so much time to get ready. Hinata was the least likely to do a lot of make-up and the like so when Dan snuck into their room to wake Hinata up, he thought he would wake the rest of them up. Dan thought of the best way to wake up all the girls at once: plant an imaginary image of the boy each of them liked.
Dan had an uncanny ability to be able to tell what boy each girl liked, and what girl each boy liked. Dan made a hand-sign and suddenly the room was full of guys. (Guess what? Another list cause I’m to lazy to write it all out! YAY!)
Neji - TenTen
Sasuke - Sakura
Naruto - Hinata
Shikamaru - Ino
Shino - Nara
Kiba - Winni
Gaara - Takashi
Jamal - Nova
Tyrone - Celine
Dan - Temari
Each boy walked to his girl, and lay next to them stroking their hair. One by one the girls woke up, thinking it was a dream, and lay back to rest. After about a minute, Dan thought of a way to cause mischief. He made another hand sign and the boys became another girl in the room. The imaginary girls pushed the actual girls out of their beds and disappeared. The girls woke up screaming at each other and in the case of Ino and Sakura a fight broke out. Dan was hidden next to Hinata where he tapped her on the shoulder and motioned to leave the room. Dan was waiting maybe five minutes before Hinata got out of there fully dressed, and prepared for a the day. On the field, Neji was already waiting for them, tapping his foot impatiently.
“It’s about time,” Neji said, walking to meet them.
“It’s my fault,” Dan said, “I couldn’t resist a bit of mischief. Did you hear the girls fighting?”
“Oh that’s what it was?” Neji asked, “It sounded more like cats fighting. So what am I going to learn, and why is Hinata here?”
“Well,” Dan said, “You two have the same ability so I thought I’d kill two birds with one stone. Now get in your fighting stance.” The two cousin did as they were told, and Dan circled the two of them as if analyzing their threat level.
“Alright then,” Dan said, “Now I have to assess your fighting styles.” He took his fighting stance, that both the Hyuga’s instantly recognized.
“You have to have the Byakugan to fight in the Gentle-Fist style,” Neji said.
“We’ll see,” Dan said, “Now come on!” Hinata stayed back, unsure of what Dan would do, but Neji charged him, careful not to go too fast after what happened last time. Neji wasn’t 10 feet from Dan when Dan started spinning. Neji was blown back by his own ultimate defense. Dan had used Rotation to deflect Neji.
“But how?” Neji asked.
“I’ll tell you after we’re finished,” Dan said, “Your turn Hinata!” He charged Hinata who barely had time to defend her self. Hinata felt her arm burn after Dan hit, and was shocked by what she had seen with her bloodline.
“You blocked my chakra point,” Hinata said, looking at Dan as if he were something out of a nightmare.
“Yes,” Dan said, “Now that we have that out of the way, can we please fight?” Neji had been sneaking around Dan as Hinata had been speaking. He had chosen this moment to rocket himself towards Dan, prepared to hit him full on in the back. Neji almost succeeded. Almost. At the last moment Dan did a back flip, landing behind Neji as Neji ran into Hinata. They collided together, and very slowly got back up.
“It’s not over yet!” Dan shouted. Dan lowered himself closer to the ground, his arms curved up in a half circle.
“But that’s…” Neji and Hinata stuttered at the same time.
“Eight-Trigrams Sixty-Four Strikes!” Dan shouted, rushing the pair.
“One Strike!” Dan said, hitting Neji in the stomach.
“Two strikes!” This time he both Hinata and Neji.
“Four strikes!” Dan was keeping the two close together, so he would be able to hit them both.
“Eight strikes!” Neji and Hinata were both regaining their sense, and started blocking and dodging Dan’s attacks.
“Sixteen strikes! Thirty-Two strikes! Eight-Trigrams Sixty-Four Strikes!” By the time Dan was finished, both Hinata and Neji had a third of their charka points blocked.
“Very good,” Dan said, not even out of breath, “Sit down. I owe you an explanation.” Both ninja collapsed on the ground, as Dan explained what he had done.
“I don’t have Byakugan,” he started, “But it always fascinated me. So I found a way to simulate the Byakugan. First I had to improve my senses to simulate the 360 degree vision. I had to stimulate all my senses using chakra. Second, I had to memorize the chakra points on the human body. I had them all marked on a training dummy, and practiced without rest until it was done. And last, I had to combine these two traits with my fighting style. A few years ago there was a huge controversy in the Hyuga clan. You two probably remember it. They had heard of what I had done, and were deciding whether or not I would be allowed to live.”
“There was also the matter of the fighting style I had created,” Dan continued, “While they did not agree on whether or not I should live, they did agree on the fact that I had created the perfect fighting style to complement the Byakugan. They begged me to show it to them, but I said no. There was no way they could learn it. I had taken a lot of time to perfect that technique and only I had the right fighting style to use it. But I made an agreement. I would create another fighting style that only the elite of their clan could use.”
“In other words only the main house,” Neji said, his face dark.
“That’s what I was getting to,” Dan said, “You see, I wanted it to be for all the Hyuga clan, main or branch. They had a huge fight on who would be able to use it. Eventually they agreed on whoever could learn it the fastest would be able to use it. There was only one man who could learn the Piercing Eagle style.”
“But that’s Lord Hiashi’s style!” Hinata said, “The elders said he had invented it himself.”
“How typical of the main family,” Neji said, his voice laced with hate.
“That’s why I wanted you two to come here together,” Dan said, “There needs to be unison in the Hyuga clan. That’s why I’m going to teach Neji the Piercing Eagle style. He has a natural sense of it.”
“What?” Neji asked, surprised and pleased. Hinata got quieter than usual at this comment. So even Dan didn’t think she could live up to her father, she thought.
“Yes Neji,” Dan continued, “Now Hinata. I watched the way you dodged my attacks. As weird as this will sound, you have a stronger bloodline limit than Neji.”
“What?” Neji asked, surprised and upset, “We’ve all seen me beat Hinata in a fight. What makes you think she is stronger than me?”
“Are you questioning my judgement?” Dan asked, his hair turning black.
“Yes I am! There is no way she could ever be stronger than me!”
“Neji, consider the cherry blossoms.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Over there.” Neji and Hinata looked in the direction Dan was pointing at. There were two cherry blossoms side by side, but one still had all buds. The other was in full bloom with the beauty and majesty that only a cherry blossom can have.
“What does that have to do with us?”
“You see Neji,” Dan said, getting off the ground, “Just because one hasn’t bloomed yet, doesn’t mean that it’s will be uglier than the one that’s already bloomed. It may be more beautiful than any of it’s past. After all, it would make sense that the branch family with the strongest bloodline would have a main branch of the same strength.” Neji didn’t seem happy about it, but shut up for now. He would prove his superiority later.
“Hinata,” Dan said, “The technique I’m going to teach you will be the toughest training you will ever do. I am going to teach you the Dizzy Snake Style.” When he said this, Hinata froze with fear, and Neji froze with surprise.
“That technique is forbidden to only the main branch elders!” Neji shouted.
“The technique is forbidden because they got upset that I wouldn’t teach it to them,” Dan replied, “Training is over for today. Take some time to cool off Neji.” Dan left without another word, leaving two very shocked genin.
Kankuro was sleeping soundly, when Dan’s insect puppet dragged him out of bed. Unlike the other students Kankuro was brought to what appeared to be a factory inside the village. Dan was waiting on the outside.
“Kankuro,” Dan started, “Your new technique would be hard to find as a puppet master. While it is an advantage that your opponent does not know what contraptions your puppet has, it might now always be the case. What happens when you face another puppet master? So your new technique…” Dan paused to push the door open and they stepped inside.
“Will be to create a new puppet of your original design.” Kankuro stared in awe by the sheer number of objects in the room. Heads, eyes, arms, skeletons, all in wood or metal. But what really caught Kankuro’s eye was the giant skeleton that held the most monstrous head Kankuro had saw. It was straight out of a nightmare: six blood red eyes, a jagged face, and rows teeth that jutted in every direction.
“I see you like the Steel Serpent version 2. I’m still working on the structure right now, but it’ll be the most fearsome thing any one had ever seen when it’s done.”
Kankuro pulled his eyes of the monster for a moment to ask, “So what am I supposed to build?”
“That’s just it,” Dan said, “It’s up to you. There is no limit to what you’re allowed to do. Have fun!” With that Dan was gone.
Kiba and Winni
Winni was the second one of the girls to escape the massacre going on inside their rooms. She wasn’t two steps out the door when she was pulled upside down by a rope noose. She was dangling upside down by her leg when Kiba and Akamaru came out of the bushes near by laughing.
“That was a good one Kiba,” Winni said grudgingly, “I can appreciate another pranksters work.”
“Are you kidding me?” Kiba asked, “That is the work of a master! You should bow before me and my awesomeness!” Dan appeared behind Kiba without him noticing. Kiba was going on a rant, when Dan made a hand sign.
“Substitution Jutsu!” Dan shouted, and instantly Kiba was dangling by his leg and Winni was down on the ground.
“Hey!” Kiba shouted.
“It’s what you get,” Dan replied, “Picking on poor Winni like that!”
“You have everything backwards!” Kiba said, “She’s the one always pulling pranks on me!”
“Sure Kiba,” Dan said. He threw a shuriken that sliced the rope, and unfortunately for Kiba he plummeted straight into the ground. Dan brought them to the forest side of the battlegrounds, where a circular opening had been cleared.
“Now Kiba,” Dan said, “Your techniques rely on Akamaru becoming closer to each other. You focus on Akamaru changing fully into a human. What I’m going to teach you is how to do the opposite.” Dan raised his hand, and without even using a hand sign, his hand changed. It grew in size, started to be covered with fur, and his nails became black and at least 3 feet. His hand now resembled nothing but an over sized claw from some twisted nightmare dog.
“All you will have to do is reverse the process you do with Akamaru,” Dan said, “Whatever chakra amount you normally use, reverse it to achieve this jutsu.”
“As for you,” Dan said, turning to Winni, “You tend to combine elemental jutsu with the shape of an animal. Once you’re done with it’s immediate use you let the jutsu go. I’m going to teach you to keep the animal for further use in battle. Watch.” Dan made one hand sign and made an snake out of earth. The earth snake was about ten feet long, and when it opened it’s mouth it released a giant amount of sand into the air.
“It’s not only an effective smoke screen,” Dan said, “But while you are able to hide, the snake can also do this.” Winni couldn’t see what it was doing, but she sure could feel it. The snake had coiled around her, slowly tightening itself around her. It barely constricted itself around her, but Winni could tell the snake could have crushed her easily.
“Your training will be to maintain your jutsu,” Dan said, “And find creative uses for it.”
He stopped to pause in thought, and said, “You two didn’t have your fight, so sooner or later you are going to have to fight each other. Just thought I’d give you a heads up!” With that he disappeared.
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Symphoniaprincess101 on October 26, 2007, 12:00:19 PM

AnimeAngel87 on October 26, 2007, 10:24:44 AM
AnimeAngel87 on
sasukeXsakuraforever on October 21, 2007, 11:55:14 AM
Konohasdarkshadow on October 22, 2007, 1:30:25 PM

oooooohhhhhhh what now Celine? huh? huh?...oh yeah thats right you got NOTHING!!!....OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YOU JUST GOT SSSSSEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! friend AJ did that to my friend Javi (haw-vee) and everyone laughed so hard...Javi had chocolate milk coming out of his nose!!!!!!!XD
sasukeXsakuraforever on October 23, 2007, 5:08:52 AM
Konohasdarkshadow on October 23, 2007, 6:24:22 AM
sasukeXsakuraforever on October 23, 2007, 6:30:36 AM
Konohasdarkshadow on October 23, 2007, 6:40:09 AM
rffraff05 on October 23, 2007, 8:05:27 AM
rffraff05 on
sasukeXsakuraforever on October 23, 2007, 11:49:15 AM
FluffysPrincess2968 on October 24, 2007, 9:56:12 AM
sasukeXsakuraforever on October 24, 2007, 9:59:18 AM
rffraff05 on October 24, 2007, 10:16:42 AM
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FluffysPrincess2968 on October 28, 2007, 11:02:09 AM
FluffysPrincess2968 on October 28, 2007, 11:04:01 AM
FluffysPrincess2968 on October 28, 2007, 11:05:18 AM
FluffysPrincess2968 on October 28, 2007, 11:06:32 AM
moog1895 on October 21, 2007, 11:25:57 AM
moog1895 on
Konohasdarkshadow on October 22, 2007, 1:26:16 PM
Konohasdarkshadow on October 22, 2007, 1:23:10 PM
Kouni46892742 on October 22, 2007, 10:01:55 AM
Kouni46892742 on October 22, 2007, 9:57:13 AM
winxgirl21 on October 22, 2007, 7:11:13 AM
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pizza24 on October 22, 2007, 1:19:01 AM
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angelfox on October 21, 2007, 11:47:43 AM
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