Chapter 1 - chapter 1
Submitted January 25, 2008 Updated April 7, 2009 Status Incomplete | The Konoha High gang is looking forward to their upcoming Christmas Break,and when a group trip is proposed,everyone is excited.But once again there's drama occuring with love,friendships,new friends and possible rivals,and much more.
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Chapter 1 - chapter 1
Chapter 1 - chapter 1
A/N: Ok, this is the third story in my Konoha High series! I’d recommend reading the other two stories before reading this one, because references to the previous stories will most likely be made. I hope everyone enjoys it!
Disclaimer: I don’t own Naruto!
Sakura leaned over the wall with a gleam in her eye. She giggled as she said, “Catch me if you can, Sasuke!”
She skated off into the rink, and said boy ‘Hned’, but took off after Sakura anyways. Within a matter of minutes he was zigzagging through the people, smirking as he went. Sakura was only a few feet ahead of him now. He closed the gap between them and wrapped his arms around her waist, bringing them to a halt.
“Gotcha.” He said once they’d completely stopped.
“I don’t get it.” Sakura said as she laughed, somewhat out of breath from trying to skate so fast. “Just an hour ago, you could hardly stand up on the ice, and now you’re faster than me.”
“I’m a fast learner.” Sasuke said with a smirk. It was true. When the girl had first suggested they go ice skating, Sasuke had been reluctant, and when Sakura found out he had never been before, she forced him to come, saying she’d teach him. Now the student had out skated the teacher.
“Hey, teme, how bout you guys stop standing there and start skating. You’re hogging the ice.” Naruto said as he skated by with Hinata, his gloved hand intertwined with her mittened one. Sakura looked behind them and saw that indeed, people were doing their best to dodge the two of them, who were currently at a standstill in the middle of a flow of people. Sasuke just glared at Naruto, and grabbed his girlfriend’s hand, pulling them to a start again.
It was early December, and our eight favorite teenagers were at the skating rink for an afternoon of fun. Christmas break was fast approaching, and just about everyone was in the Christmas Spirit. The rink was all decked out in garlands and lights, and even had Christmas trees all over the place, with a huge one in the center of the ice.
When Sasuke and Sakura skated near the exit, Sakura tugged him towards it.
“Tired already?” Sasuke asked.
“More like freezing.” Sakura said. Sakura was bundled up in her winter coat, scarf, hat, and mittens, as was just about everyone else in the rink.
“Hn.” Sasuke said as he stepped onto the hard, no-slip floor, starting to make his way over to where Ino and Shikamaru were sitting.
“Have you two even been on the ice yet?” Sakura asked her friend as she sank down onto the small couch across from Ino and Shikamaru, Sasuke sitting down next to her.
“For a few minutes, but Mr. Lazy Bum over here says ice skating is too troublesome.” Ino said, glaring at her boyfriend.
“Ino, we were out there for half an hour, and you had us going around the rink literally six times a minute. Do you know how fast that is?” Shikamaru asked her in an exasperated voice.
“So?” Ino asked, apparently not seeing Shikamaru’s point.
“So it’s tiring.” Shikamaru said.
“But I don’t feel tired at all.” Ino said.
“But I do.” Shikamaru said, sighing at his girlfriend.
“You’re so lazy.” Ino said with an ‘hmph’.
“Troublesome.” Shikamaru muttered under his breath, but Ino apparently heard him.
“What did you just say?” Ino hissed.
Sakura decided that now was the time to step in and stop Ino from killing her boyfriend. “Ino, I’m sure Shikamaru didn’t mean anything by it, right Shikamaru?” She shot Shikamaru a ‘look’ and he understood what Sakura was doing.
“She’s right, Ino.” Shikamaru said. “It’s an old habit. I didn’t mean anything, and I’m sorry.”
“Ok, then.” Ino said a bit skeptically.
“So, Ino.” Sakura said.
“Yea?” Ino asked her friend, turning her attentions to her.
“I was thinking.” Sakura said. “We should all do something together over break.”
Ino’s face lit up. “We can go to the new ski lodge!”
“Which one?” Sakura asked.
“The one that my dad owns, you know which one I’m talking about.” Ino said with a grin.
“Hmm…That could work for us.” Sakura said. “I still think it’s funny how your dad decided to jump from owning a large chain of flower stores to opening a ski lodge.”
“Oh, mom and I convinced him he should. We told him it would be good money.” Ino replied. “We also thought it would be fun to own one, because it also meant it would be good for times like this.”
“That’s true.” Sakura said.
“Definitely!” Ino replied. “So when do we leave?”
“Ino, we haven’t even asked Hinata and TenTen yet, and the guys haven’t put there opinions in either.” Sakura said. Her friend tended to jump the gun.
“Wait, we’re invited too?” Shikamaru asked.
“Duh.” Ino replied, rolling her eyes.
“Why wouldn’t you guys be?” Sakura asked.
“I don’t know, we were thinking that this would be another one of your girl trips.” Sasuke said, thinking back to how all four of the girls had gone on a spa trip for thanksgiving break.
“Well, I was pretty sure that you guys didn’t want to go to a spa, but then again I guess I was wrong…” Sakura said teasingly.
Ino laughed at the face Sasuke gave his girlfriend at that statement. “Well, I think that the ski trip is a great idea.” She said.
“And so do I, now that I know we’re included.” Shikamaru said.
“Well, I guess we just have to talk to the other two couples then.” Sakura said, motioning towards the ice where the rest of their friends currently were. “And now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to get some hot chocolate.”
“Oh, can you get me some, too?” Ino asked. Sakura nodded as she got up to go get it.
“I’ll get it.” Sasuke said as he got up from the couch.
“Really?” Sakura said. “Thanks, Sasuke!”
“Yea, thanks!” Ino said.
“Hn.” Sasuke said as he walked towards the concessions counter.
“So, Ino, if we do go, when should we go?” Sakura asked.
“Weeelll, I think that we should leave on Christmas Eve.” Ino said. “That way we have some Christmas time with our families, but we can all spend Christmas day together. I can also get daddy to give us the best rooms.” Ino said happily.
“Hmm…We’ll have to ask everyone else then talk to our parents. I’m sure my mom and dad will be fine with it.” Sakura said. “And then I won’t have to deal with Taichi and his Christmas Day sugar rush.” Sakura shuddered at the memories of past Christmases with her little brother. Somehow, her family members and relatives hadn’t learned not to give him chocolate as a Christmas gift, and every year, he was bouncing off the walls even before breakfast.
Ino laughed, she’d seen Sakura’s little brother when he’d had too much sugar, and she knew that Christmas Day was the worst. “Good thinking, forehead.”
“What’s good thinking?” TenTen asked as she walked over, sounding out of breath, but with her cheeks glowing. Neji was right beside her, and Naruto and Hinata were close behind them.
“Well,” Sakura began, “we were thinking that we should all go somewhere together for Christmas break.”
“That’s a great idea!” TenTen exclaimed as she sat down on yet another little couch, with Neji beside her. Hinata and Naruto settled down across from them.
Naruto draped his arm across Hinata’s shoulder, which caused Neji to glare at him. Naruto, however, remained clueless to Neji’s glare as he exclaimed, “A trip together? Believe it! This is going to be so awesome!”
“Naruto,” Hinata said, “they haven’t finished telling us what they were thinking yet.”
“Oh, I guess you’re right.” Naruto said.
“Well, anyways,” Ino said, “we were thinking that we could go to my dad’s new ski lodge. The only problem is, we want to leave on Christmas Eve so that we’re there for Christmas Day. We wouldn’t leave early, maybe around nine o’ clock at night. That way we can exchange gifts with our families and everything.” By this time, Sasuke had made his way back over to the group, and had handed Ino and Sakura their hot chocolates, taking his seat next to Sakura and wrapping his arm around her waist.
“I think that could work.” Hinata said. “I just have to convince my dad that it’ll be ok.”
“I should be able to help you with that, Hinata.” Neji said. “If I’m going, your father will probably agree. And you know my mom won’t care.”
“Thanks, Neji.” Hinata said with a grateful smile to her cousin.
“I’m in.” Naruto said. “Iruka won’t be home for Christmas. He has some kind of business trip.”
“You can spend Christmas Eve with my Family, Naruto.” Hinata said sweetly. “Then we can just go to meet the others from there. Right Neji?”
“Hn.” Was Neji’s only reply to the purple haired girl’s question.
“I think my mom is going to be the biggest problem.” TenTen said.
“We can convince her, TenTen.” Sakura said. TenTen smiled at her friend.
“Is it decided then?” Ino asked.
“I think so.” Sakura replied with a smile. This was going to be the best vacation ever.
“Ok, let me call my dad then.” Ino said, whipping out her cell phone. She quickly dialed her dad’s number, and waited while the phone rang. “Daddy? Yes, it’s Ino. Well, my friends and I were just talking about going on a vacation over break, and we decided to go to your new ski lodge. Mmhmm. We’re going to leave around 9 on Christmas Eve. We were wondering if you could get us the best rooms. Two suites? Ok, that’ll work. I love you too. Bye.” Ino hung up the phone and looked at her friends. “He got us two suites.”
“Only two?” Naruto asked. There were eight of them, and that wasn’t a whole lot of room.
Ino laughed at her friends’ reactions. “You guys don’t understand. These are the best suites we can get. They’re not just a bedroom and a living area with a small kitchen; there are four bedrooms in each suite, with a huge living area, as well as a small breakfast room. Daddy made this ski lodge to be the best.”
“Oh, really?” Sakura asked. She had seen the plans before the lodge had been built, and she remembered seeing the plans for the two rooms Ino was talking about. “Weren’t you the one who decorated them?”
“Ya, my dad decided to give me a little bit of responsibility, so I got to decorate the suites. It was fun.” Ino said with a grin.
“Well, all that’s left to do is deal with the rest of our parents, then.” TenTen said with a sigh.
A/N: Ok, I wanted to write a Christmas story, so, I figured I’d make it the next part in my Konoha High series. I have so many ideas for this story, it’s not even funny. There will definitely be major drama, because every drama idea I think I’ve ever gotten fits in perfectly with this story. Lol. Hopefully it’ll be as good as/better than my other stories in this series. Well, feed back would be loved.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Naruto!
Sakura leaned over the wall with a gleam in her eye. She giggled as she said, “Catch me if you can, Sasuke!”
She skated off into the rink, and said boy ‘Hned’, but took off after Sakura anyways. Within a matter of minutes he was zigzagging through the people, smirking as he went. Sakura was only a few feet ahead of him now. He closed the gap between them and wrapped his arms around her waist, bringing them to a halt.
“Gotcha.” He said once they’d completely stopped.
“I don’t get it.” Sakura said as she laughed, somewhat out of breath from trying to skate so fast. “Just an hour ago, you could hardly stand up on the ice, and now you’re faster than me.”
“I’m a fast learner.” Sasuke said with a smirk. It was true. When the girl had first suggested they go ice skating, Sasuke had been reluctant, and when Sakura found out he had never been before, she forced him to come, saying she’d teach him. Now the student had out skated the teacher.
“Hey, teme, how bout you guys stop standing there and start skating. You’re hogging the ice.” Naruto said as he skated by with Hinata, his gloved hand intertwined with her mittened one. Sakura looked behind them and saw that indeed, people were doing their best to dodge the two of them, who were currently at a standstill in the middle of a flow of people. Sasuke just glared at Naruto, and grabbed his girlfriend’s hand, pulling them to a start again.
It was early December, and our eight favorite teenagers were at the skating rink for an afternoon of fun. Christmas break was fast approaching, and just about everyone was in the Christmas Spirit. The rink was all decked out in garlands and lights, and even had Christmas trees all over the place, with a huge one in the center of the ice.
When Sasuke and Sakura skated near the exit, Sakura tugged him towards it.
“Tired already?” Sasuke asked.
“More like freezing.” Sakura said. Sakura was bundled up in her winter coat, scarf, hat, and mittens, as was just about everyone else in the rink.
“Hn.” Sasuke said as he stepped onto the hard, no-slip floor, starting to make his way over to where Ino and Shikamaru were sitting.
“Have you two even been on the ice yet?” Sakura asked her friend as she sank down onto the small couch across from Ino and Shikamaru, Sasuke sitting down next to her.
“For a few minutes, but Mr. Lazy Bum over here says ice skating is too troublesome.” Ino said, glaring at her boyfriend.
“Ino, we were out there for half an hour, and you had us going around the rink literally six times a minute. Do you know how fast that is?” Shikamaru asked her in an exasperated voice.
“So?” Ino asked, apparently not seeing Shikamaru’s point.
“So it’s tiring.” Shikamaru said.
“But I don’t feel tired at all.” Ino said.
“But I do.” Shikamaru said, sighing at his girlfriend.
“You’re so lazy.” Ino said with an ‘hmph’.
“Troublesome.” Shikamaru muttered under his breath, but Ino apparently heard him.
“What did you just say?” Ino hissed.
Sakura decided that now was the time to step in and stop Ino from killing her boyfriend. “Ino, I’m sure Shikamaru didn’t mean anything by it, right Shikamaru?” She shot Shikamaru a ‘look’ and he understood what Sakura was doing.
“She’s right, Ino.” Shikamaru said. “It’s an old habit. I didn’t mean anything, and I’m sorry.”
“Ok, then.” Ino said a bit skeptically.
“So, Ino.” Sakura said.
“Yea?” Ino asked her friend, turning her attentions to her.
“I was thinking.” Sakura said. “We should all do something together over break.”
Ino’s face lit up. “We can go to the new ski lodge!”
“Which one?” Sakura asked.
“The one that my dad owns, you know which one I’m talking about.” Ino said with a grin.
“Hmm…That could work for us.” Sakura said. “I still think it’s funny how your dad decided to jump from owning a large chain of flower stores to opening a ski lodge.”
“Oh, mom and I convinced him he should. We told him it would be good money.” Ino replied. “We also thought it would be fun to own one, because it also meant it would be good for times like this.”
“That’s true.” Sakura said.
“Definitely!” Ino replied. “So when do we leave?”
“Ino, we haven’t even asked Hinata and TenTen yet, and the guys haven’t put there opinions in either.” Sakura said. Her friend tended to jump the gun.
“Wait, we’re invited too?” Shikamaru asked.
“Duh.” Ino replied, rolling her eyes.
“Why wouldn’t you guys be?” Sakura asked.
“I don’t know, we were thinking that this would be another one of your girl trips.” Sasuke said, thinking back to how all four of the girls had gone on a spa trip for thanksgiving break.
“Well, I was pretty sure that you guys didn’t want to go to a spa, but then again I guess I was wrong…” Sakura said teasingly.
Ino laughed at the face Sasuke gave his girlfriend at that statement. “Well, I think that the ski trip is a great idea.” She said.
“And so do I, now that I know we’re included.” Shikamaru said.
“Well, I guess we just have to talk to the other two couples then.” Sakura said, motioning towards the ice where the rest of their friends currently were. “And now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to get some hot chocolate.”
“Oh, can you get me some, too?” Ino asked. Sakura nodded as she got up to go get it.
“I’ll get it.” Sasuke said as he got up from the couch.
“Really?” Sakura said. “Thanks, Sasuke!”
“Yea, thanks!” Ino said.
“Hn.” Sasuke said as he walked towards the concessions counter.
“So, Ino, if we do go, when should we go?” Sakura asked.
“Weeelll, I think that we should leave on Christmas Eve.” Ino said. “That way we have some Christmas time with our families, but we can all spend Christmas day together. I can also get daddy to give us the best rooms.” Ino said happily.
“Hmm…We’ll have to ask everyone else then talk to our parents. I’m sure my mom and dad will be fine with it.” Sakura said. “And then I won’t have to deal with Taichi and his Christmas Day sugar rush.” Sakura shuddered at the memories of past Christmases with her little brother. Somehow, her family members and relatives hadn’t learned not to give him chocolate as a Christmas gift, and every year, he was bouncing off the walls even before breakfast.
Ino laughed, she’d seen Sakura’s little brother when he’d had too much sugar, and she knew that Christmas Day was the worst. “Good thinking, forehead.”
“What’s good thinking?” TenTen asked as she walked over, sounding out of breath, but with her cheeks glowing. Neji was right beside her, and Naruto and Hinata were close behind them.
“Well,” Sakura began, “we were thinking that we should all go somewhere together for Christmas break.”
“That’s a great idea!” TenTen exclaimed as she sat down on yet another little couch, with Neji beside her. Hinata and Naruto settled down across from them.
Naruto draped his arm across Hinata’s shoulder, which caused Neji to glare at him. Naruto, however, remained clueless to Neji’s glare as he exclaimed, “A trip together? Believe it! This is going to be so awesome!”
“Naruto,” Hinata said, “they haven’t finished telling us what they were thinking yet.”
“Oh, I guess you’re right.” Naruto said.
“Well, anyways,” Ino said, “we were thinking that we could go to my dad’s new ski lodge. The only problem is, we want to leave on Christmas Eve so that we’re there for Christmas Day. We wouldn’t leave early, maybe around nine o’ clock at night. That way we can exchange gifts with our families and everything.” By this time, Sasuke had made his way back over to the group, and had handed Ino and Sakura their hot chocolates, taking his seat next to Sakura and wrapping his arm around her waist.
“I think that could work.” Hinata said. “I just have to convince my dad that it’ll be ok.”
“I should be able to help you with that, Hinata.” Neji said. “If I’m going, your father will probably agree. And you know my mom won’t care.”
“Thanks, Neji.” Hinata said with a grateful smile to her cousin.
“I’m in.” Naruto said. “Iruka won’t be home for Christmas. He has some kind of business trip.”
“You can spend Christmas Eve with my Family, Naruto.” Hinata said sweetly. “Then we can just go to meet the others from there. Right Neji?”
“Hn.” Was Neji’s only reply to the purple haired girl’s question.
“I think my mom is going to be the biggest problem.” TenTen said.
“We can convince her, TenTen.” Sakura said. TenTen smiled at her friend.
“Is it decided then?” Ino asked.
“I think so.” Sakura replied with a smile. This was going to be the best vacation ever.
“Ok, let me call my dad then.” Ino said, whipping out her cell phone. She quickly dialed her dad’s number, and waited while the phone rang. “Daddy? Yes, it’s Ino. Well, my friends and I were just talking about going on a vacation over break, and we decided to go to your new ski lodge. Mmhmm. We’re going to leave around 9 on Christmas Eve. We were wondering if you could get us the best rooms. Two suites? Ok, that’ll work. I love you too. Bye.” Ino hung up the phone and looked at her friends. “He got us two suites.”
“Only two?” Naruto asked. There were eight of them, and that wasn’t a whole lot of room.
Ino laughed at her friends’ reactions. “You guys don’t understand. These are the best suites we can get. They’re not just a bedroom and a living area with a small kitchen; there are four bedrooms in each suite, with a huge living area, as well as a small breakfast room. Daddy made this ski lodge to be the best.”
“Oh, really?” Sakura asked. She had seen the plans before the lodge had been built, and she remembered seeing the plans for the two rooms Ino was talking about. “Weren’t you the one who decorated them?”
“Ya, my dad decided to give me a little bit of responsibility, so I got to decorate the suites. It was fun.” Ino said with a grin.
“Well, all that’s left to do is deal with the rest of our parents, then.” TenTen said with a sigh.
A/N: Ok, I wanted to write a Christmas story, so, I figured I’d make it the next part in my Konoha High series. I have so many ideas for this story, it’s not even funny. There will definitely be major drama, because every drama idea I think I’ve ever gotten fits in perfectly with this story. Lol. Hopefully it’ll be as good as/better than my other stories in this series. Well, feed back would be loved.
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cloudaeris on January 25, 2008, 9:14:30 AM
cloudaeris on

winxgirl21 on January 26, 2008, 12:22:49 AM
winxgirl21 on
zerotimberwolf on January 25, 2008, 8:56:22 AM
winxgirl21 on January 26, 2008, 12:21:59 AM
winxgirl21 on