I wanna marry Chris THE GIRS PROFILES
Submitted July 20, 2009 Updated May 3, 2010 Status Incomplete | Sort of a copy of the Bachelor. Chris'''' manager signs him up for a new reality show in which in the end one girl will become his wife.
Cartoons » - Cartoon Network |
Chapter 1 - Mei-Lin Wong
Submitted: March 14, 2010 • Updated: March 21, 2010
Word count: 448 • Size: 2k • Comments: 0 • views: 438
Chapter 2 - Ginger Parker
Submitted: March 14, 2010 • Updated: March 21, 2010
Word count: 341 • Size: 2k • Comments: 0 • views: 290
Chapter 3 - Euphemia Voiculescu
Submitted: September 27, 2009 • Updated: March 21, 2010
Word count: 302 • Size: 1k • Comments: 2 • views: 4458
Chapter 4 - Jade Nadine
Submitted: March 14, 2010 • Updated: March 21, 2010
Word count: 242 • Size: 1k • Comments: 0 • views: 426
Chapter 5 - Lacienega Cervantez
Submitted: May 3, 2010 • Updated: May 3, 2010
Word count: 746 • Size: 4k • Comments: 0 • views: 364
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ladychaos on July 25, 2010, 7:48:32 PM
ladychaos on June 27, 2010, 6:41:39 AM

Nickname (optional): (whatever you like really)
Age (18+): 18 (lies! he is really the same age as the rest of the TDI participants)
Appearance: red eyes, messy short blach hair http://i600.photobucket.com/albums/tt83/shinminami/iza.jpg
Work Status: works at a local CD store, High school student.
Personality: hot headed, arrogant, joker, pety
Clothing; grey plaid shirt with a black shirt underneath it, red scarf, skinny jeans and Vans shoes. Iron cross under shirt. Black shirt has Slipknot logo on it.
PJ's: white boxers with mini black skull pattern
Swimwear: dark blue trunks
Formal: white shirt with open collar, black tie with black jeans and black converse.
History: His family where from Prussia that emigrated to Canada years ago. The iron cross around his neck belonged to his grandfather who served bravely in World War 2, he wears it with pride. He is in a tough street gang for a while which was short lived when a larger boy from Russia defeated them all. He likes cars, hotwiring them to go on joyrides. He maakes friends easily and gravitated to the neibour girl, Jessica, who was aukward in social groups at first. He one appeared on a gameshot hosted by Chris, he swore revenge on him after he was constantly messed with.
Audition Tape (gives me an idea of the girl's personality): CHRIIIIIIIIIIISSS!! remember me?! I'm the awesome guy you kept picking on in that show....aww damn iI forgot what it was called...DUT YOU MESSED WITH THE WRONG GUY!! I'LL GET YOU BACK!! KESESESESESE
Other: Whenever he firts with girls he always gets shot down and slapped. He is a pervert. Russian accents send chills down his spine when he remebers the big guy who picked on him after his gang broke up. He constantly tries and fails to humiliate Chris on national T.V
Parents work status: His mother is a nurse and his father works at a pharmacy.
Hometown: Toronto, Canada. Proudly calls himself prussian and will not admit to being Canadian.
Likes/Dislikes About Chris: Hates everything about him with a passion.
Is she REALLY there for Chris (c’mon people, I need a bit more drama!): Never. He will 'be there' for Chris to atempt (and fail) to humiliate Chris.
Characters you would like to see from TDI on this (up to three): Gwen, Lashawna, Owen
Pet peeves: Chris, up tight people, snobs
Social/nonsocial: very social
What makes them stand out?: refers to himself as Awesome, speaks German
ladychaos on March 14, 2010, 5:12:37 AM

Full Name: Maylene (acctually Mei-Lin) Wong
Nickname (optional): (whatever you like really)
Age (18+): 18 (lies! she is really the same age as the rest of the TDI participants)
Appearance: Dark brown hair down to her shoulders, feathered out, emo-ish style frings dyed blue. Brown eyes.
Work Status: part timer at a Chinese resturaunt, High school student.
Personality: clumbsey, confident, feisty, short tempered
Everyday: http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w105/Naliru/Anime/Nana.gif
this shirt and accessories with dark jeens that are cut off at the knees and a pair of black flip flops with studds around the straps.
PJ's: large black band shirt with underwear underneeth.
Swimwear: http://i563.photobucket.com/albums/ss72/dontwearitoutdude/RoChu.jpg ( the red one piece)
Formal: http://i774.photobucket.com/albums/yy29/dragasaur/FiretypeSakura.jpg
History: Born in Hong Kong, Maylene gre up practicing Kung Fu as a child studying under her grandfather. When she was 14 she moved to California when her mother got a new job. She attended middle school and high school localy. She was greatly influenced by Bruce Lee and wishes to become a Kung Fu movie star like him, however always got made fun of because of it.
Audition Tape (gives me an idea of the girl's personality): Nei-Hao. I'm Maylene and i'm going to be the next Bruce Lee! With my awesome kung fu skills I will have my opponents begging for mercy! *does a kick* *flip flop flies of and breaks the camera lense) AIYA!!!
Other: When she looses her temper she cusses people out in Cantonese. She likes to pretend she is from the meanstreets of Hong Kong, living in the gheto when really both her parents are doctors. She does Tai-Chi in the morning for exercise, she isn't clumbsy when she is concentrating but background noises distract her enough to turn her into a clutz.
Parents work status: Her mother is a Zoo vet at San Diago Zoo and her father is a Marine Biologist.
Hometown: (born) Hong Kong (moved to) San Diago, Callfornia
Likes/Dislikes About Chris: She likes how he's sadistic but doesn't like how he can be cocky and full of himself.
Is she REALLY there for Chris (c’mon people, I need a bit more drama!): Nope. She's there to get her 15 minutes of fame.
Characters you would like to see from TDI on this (up to three): Izzie and Gwen.
Pet peeves: Strong perffumes, people who use 'like' and 'tottaly' in a sentance and use generic rap phrases like 'wazzup dawg'.
Social/nonsocial:Very social
What makes them stand out?: She usually frags some kind of Kung Fu weapon along with her, they come out of no where.
sweetsacrifice28 on September 28, 2009, 6:51:52 AM

Nickname (optional): none
Age (18+): 21
Appearance: Light brown hair pulled back into a messy ponytail, blue eyes, small frame.
Work Status: College student; Cosmetology
Personality: Loud, determined, understanding, unlucky
Everyday: http://i421.photobucket.com/albums/pp291/Malaysia_ourshop/Female%20Autumn%20Clothes/12.jpg
PJ's: Eh..Large t-shirt and short shorts I guess.
Swimwear: http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c232/girlsonlyshop/Bikini/GreenBikini004.jpg
Formal: http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i24/luvdisdrama14/formal.jpg
History: Ginger was born and has lived in Alabama all her life. Her parents divorced when she was 10 leaving her in her father's custody. In school she was a big tomboy which caused people to make fun of her and to avoid her. Now that she is older, Ginger takes interest in being a model and wants people to take her seriously by becoming something of herself..by any means.
Audition Tape (gives me an idea of the girl's personality): Um -backs away from camera- How should I do this..? Oh, I got it! Hey yall, Ginger here! I think I should be on the show because..well...I'm nice, caring....and I ain't no country bumpkin! /boy's voice/ GINGERRRR! I accidentally pushed Josh off the tire swing again! DAMMIT ROBBIE! -runs off- I SAID IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!
Other: She's afraid of the dark and hates how people assume she's an ignorant hillbilly because she's from the South.
Parents work status: Her mother is a traveling business woman while her father teaches a 3rd grade class.
Hometown: Greenville, Alabama
Likes/Dislikes About Chris: She likes how he's sadistic but doesn't like how he can be cocky and full of himself.
Is she REALLY there for Chris (c’mon people, I need a bit more drama!): Nope. She's there to get her 15 minutes of fame.
Characters you would like to see from TDI on this (up to three): Izzie and Noah.
Pet peeves: People scratching themselves and picking their nails near her.
Social/nonsocial:Very social
What makes them stand out?: Her southern drawl, strength.
Full Name: Jessica Hunter
Nickname (optional): (whatever you like really)
Age (18+): 18 (lies! she is really the same age as the rest of the TDI participants)
Appearance: Sandy Blonde, long (few inches below shoulders, worn in various styles, blue eyes, wears contact leanses.
Work Status: assists her uncle as a vetinaty nurse, High school student.
Personality: hot headed, friendly, confident, rather know it all-ish and sarcastic
Clothing; Plaid skirt with a pyramid studd belt hanging loosley from her hip, green cameoflage tank top that comes just short of her abdomen. Knee high boots, black leather jacket and a union jack bandana that she wears on her head. Cameoflage shirt is sometimes substituted for a union jack one.
PJ's: white nightedress
Swimwear: purple tankin
Formal: i572.photobucket.com/albums/ss169/xxxxxforgottenxxxxx/rukia_birthday3.jpg
History: She lived in London, England for a number of years. She was sent to Toronto, Canada to live with her uncle while her parents whent off on an expedition around the world. Her first friend was the strange boy next door, Allen, who helped her fit in and shares her interest in camping and being out in the woods. She often drags him along with her to take photos of wildlife.
Audition Tape (gives me an idea of the girl's personality): *an girl dressed in an open kahki shirt with a cameoflage top under it stands infront of several trees*
"Hello, and welcome to another instalment of 'Canada's most dangerous' I am Jessica Hunter and today we're going to get up close to some bears, wish me luck lads"
*statick came on for a few seconds, when the picture returned the girl was sitting in a kitchen at the table, obviously she didn't know the camera was on*
"another failure of shooting, i SWEAR if we only had some money we could be cutting our way through the rainforest having a real adventure, Allen" A muttering voice must have asked something. "It's an ACCENT like YOURS Allen, bloody hell! you KNOW i'm from Britain, why do you pick now to ask silly questions? you already know the answer anyway, bloodt Krauz" she muttered the last part before the static came back.
Other: She loves adventure and wants to make documentries like her parents, specifically wildlife documentries. It is her dream to film in the Amazon rainforest. She is also very supersticious. Much of her knowledge was influenced by her uncle, she knows everything about animals, she can even name their scientific names at the top of her head. Giving her an air of geekyness.
Parents work status: Her parents are both documentry film makers currently filming in the Philipenes. Her uncle runs a large vetinary practice as well as being a part time lecturor at the Toronto Vetinary University.
Hometown: (born) London, England (moved to) Toronto, Canada
Likes/Dislikes About Chris: She likes how creative he is with ideas on torturing people.
Is she REALLY there for Chris (c’mon people, I need a bit more drama!): Nope. She thinks he is not bad looking but that's about it, she just wants to get him in private to talk to him about hosting a show in the rainforest, if she can trick him into doing that then it will be her big break.
Characters you would like to see from TDI on this (up to three): Gwen, Lashawna, Owen
Pet peeves: posers and ignorance.
Social/nonsocial: social
What makes them stand out?: Her accent and annoying habit of telling people random facts about animals that no one even asked about.