I love anime!!! And i hate Kikyo more than anybody in the world. and any body who likes Kikyo will rot in hell!!! oh and if you like Kikyo and Inuyasha together you shouldnt tell me or i will have to KILL YOU!! i hope she dies!! :) ooo and in my non anime obsesing time im either working at the barn, riding my horse, or partying all night long!!!!!!!!!!. ive also started pencil scketches and there turning out great!!!! (cant draw free hand cuz i suck at it!!!!) and now i've finally got around to putting my pics on!!
friends are:
summer_winds (Allysha)
1_lover_of_the_fluff (Paulina)
occupations are:
bugging the crap out of paulina aka 1_luver_of_the_fluff, bike riding with paulina, riding my horse or hanging out with paulina and im allways up for making new friends!
and last but not least
dumbest things ive ever done:
let Paulina and Allysha talk me into watching anime.(later turned into the best thing ive ever done) running into a mail box on my bicycle (more than once). shooting the cash regester gril at Mc Donalds with a straw rapper (hehe). falling in the line for popcorn at the galaxy. Falling into the counter at the galaxy (i also sent the viza thing flying off the counter hehe). Showing Paulina how high i can kick and falling on my @$$.having an ice cappichno and laughing so hard that i almost puked. and running into doors, windows, poles, eletric fences, and walls (i run into somthing almost everyday!!!!!)
fav shows/ manga
Fruits Basket
Full Moon
Paradise Kiss ~~~~~I fracking HATE the way it ends :@ :@
Chibi Vampire
Moon Phase
PHD Phantasy Degree
Magical x Mirical
Full Metal Alchemest
Eureka Seven
Invator Zim (probably not anime but it is SO awsome!!)
favourite movies:
Nightmare Before Christmas
The tenth kingdom
and many others of which i can't remember right now!
Fav quotes:
ive got a jar of dirt ive got a jar of dirt and guess whats inside it ~*Captian Jack Sparrow
ello beastie ~*also by jack
wheres the monkey i need somthing to shoot ~*jack again
DIE KIKYO DIE!!! ~*me and paulina
beam me up scotty ~*no idea
GFAG ~*me, Allysha, Paulina
quick nessy to the pickle farm!! ~*Inuyasha parody
WEEEEEEEEE im ridimg a cow !! ~*also from parody
hey look guys a cow!- Im not a cow!! ~*Parody
dushon mandick! ~* Bam Margera
if you want to be friends with me then just ask and dont be shy. I have FINALLY put my drawings on here. hope you enjoyed wasting 30 seckonds of your usless lifes reading this JOKING LOL i love chocolate XD BYE!