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AgiVega's Profile

AgiVega's Profile
AgiVega's avatar
Username AgiVega Gender Female
Date Joined Location Hungary
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Last visit # Pictures 208
# Comments Given388

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AgiVega's picture

I'm a fanfic writer as well, my fics can be found here: , and have a published novel (published in Hungarian), you can read about it here: , under "English" menu.
Also, a more extensive art gallery of mine can be viewed here:


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Comments (118)

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Lychee on July 19, 2005, 8:19:32 PM

Lychee on
Lycheehi there. Hope ya don't mind me bursting in and telling you: YOU ARE AN AWESOME ARTIST! people should give you more credit! You are so awesome, man, i wish i had you're talent!

bejja on June 30, 2005, 5:39:24 PM

bejja on
bejjahi!!!köszi a comentet!!az az igazság h. nekem elegem van a fanart-centralból mer van néhány fazon aki folyamatossan 1ik neve bluepaint.a ming-minggel ba*ztat mer ö utálja én meg ugye ming fan vaok..elöször normálissan megmontam neki h. inkább haggyuk 1mást békén,de nem ö unatkozik dután és engem cseszeget...KILL BLUEPAINT!!

boribaby on June 25, 2005, 10:55:49 PM

boribaby on
boribabyYeah, I agree when people say you don't get enough credit for your work... I think it's a shame that your art isn't recognised more - it's stunning! You could seriously go professional - you have such talent! I've added you to my favourite artist list. ^_^ Keep up the fantastic work!

wild_spirit on June 19, 2005, 2:05:22 PM

wild_spirit on
wild_spiritHello! I LOVE your art, you're VERY talented! I would love to comment on all your pics, but my computer has been acting VERY slowly lately, so I'll just leave you a profile comment. :) By the way, you're on my fav. artists list. xD

zukoswife on June 15, 2005, 7:57:05 AM

zukoswife on
zukoswifeyou are a very good artist!!!!!
you should think of a drawing career! well,come by and check out some of my work! bye!
I LOVE PRINCE ZUKO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Black_Breeze on June 15, 2005, 3:22:04 AM

Black_Breeze on
Black_BreezeYou deserve more acknolegment! You are wonderful artist with a great imagination, and you bring out one of the best scenes/ideas out of many books and movies! I love your art, and I hope you keep going!

Ohyeahhero on March 19, 2005, 3:46:00 AM

Ohyeahhero on
OhyeahheroHeya, thank you, very much, for the comments. I appreciate them.

ren_fan on March 19, 2005, 2:31:18 AM

ren_fan on
ren_fanNo, you can get popular quickly. I just joined last April.
But I'm going to tell my friends to look at your art. :D

ren_fan on March 18, 2005, 5:34:08 PM

ren_fan on
ren_fanI have no idea why you're not more popular on fanart-central.
My theory? people are idiots. XD I for one, have added you to my favourites artist list. Keep up the good work! It's all GORGEOUS!

xoprincessxo710 on March 10, 2005, 5:10:33 AM

xoprincessxo710 on
xoprincessxo710i went to your profile page at deviant art and found the pic. it was wicked good!! i also took some time to look at your other pics. YOU ARE BRILLIANT!!!!! i luv all your pics!!!! ^-^



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