Animechick's Profile
Animechick's Profile

Username | Animechick | Gender | Female |
Date Joined | Location | NaKiSaKi,JaPaN ^-^ (not!) | |
Last Updated | Occupation | Artist | |
Last visit | # Pictures | 0 | |
# Comments Given | 221 |
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Member Info
that one i said is not the real one, duh! i do have a real aim but forget it i am not telling you! because i don't like talking to people i don't even know it's very dangerous got it people? ^^ anyway new pics are comming i belive they MIGHT be in color i guess MAYBE 3 i guess
i put this picture of amy in 3-d i guess in sonic dx you like it? i don't even know how i put it jezz don't make fun of me cuz i forget "sometimes," T_T lol ^^ you like it?
listen, i don't know if i am doing arttrades or request i think i am still a wittle new here guys i'll think about it!^^
i am going to have new pictures i guess i don't know yet pretty much though -OO- T_T anyway if i have time i might make something kewl like my sonic picture oh, and for the recored thankku to everyone who is commenting on my picture thanks alot guys X_X +_+ ^_^
you might like these more then my sonic one but don't, the sonic one is still part of..........-__- ya know what i am talki'n about....if you don't i doubt it that i dunno ^^ in these parts, ah...,
so anyway for my time i am going to make more pics for you to see i guess, i already did my homework so i have plenty, these pics are going to be so cute! i promise **salutes** lol tee hee hee! well that's all, bye for now! i'm getting started to those pictures i say! i'll shutup now, (no wait, i am not! ^^)
Well now i guess i better make new pics i, i don't know if i am going to color or such no doubt about it.
-_- i'm bored
-_-'' okay i'm boredum!
-________- i don't even want to know
-_- you know why i am feeling like this
-_- life stinks!
-_- halloween stink this year it was raining!!!
-_____-''' i did that -_____-''' for fun no wait it wasn't fun
^_^ candy!
Jess i can't AIM You today b/c my mom accedently went in and all the wiers are unplugged see, so a Friday witch is tomarrow ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
-_- -_- -_- -_- -_- life stinks big time okay i am writing this messege on my Labtop okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay...............
i now change the picture of Amy and put in my favorite character sonic. this picture is the one that i put out for pictures XD Cuz it's my favorite +_+ okay?
if you think that it's too small go to my art work and press the picture so you can see the details a bit more i guess... any Sonic fans like me, i should know? ^^
that's rain from card captor sakura. card captor sakura was the 1rst manga i met so i put up rain cuz it's so adorable i dunno of what i am going to put up next i guess...................
........................................................................................ this stinks there's nothing to do ahhhhhh! help me and my bordum people! i'm dying with boredness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-_- you know why i put this frown on my profile all the time IT'S B/C I AM BORED!
ugh, we have a math test on monday and it's almost here! school stinks, my house stinks, my life stinks. everything stinks oh god kill me now nobody can cheer me up since we moved and it's far away farrrrr farrrr away............ i used to like my old skool cuz we had LESS test and LESS h.w! don't go to washington skool it stinks!
there are 900 or maybe 1511 rulez! no rulez rule!!!!!!!
-_- i'll never feel happy ever agian cuz we moved and moving can be tough life is so boring so so so boring i feel like when i am 16 it's going to be even boringer..........ah...........boring is in my head and it's the number one in my emotions and the best emotion i have is sadness........................-_- *sobs* forget what i said people..
-____- just have fun(w/e) and look at my new pics when the next w/e pic comes......................-_- -_- -_- -_-
Here are the friends i have in FAC
katlin mitrick
midnight snow
Atomic Evil
sonic susie
fall of ravens cry
Nic Nic
Oille is da bomb
if i ever forget a friend i bet one of the friends who i forgot to put up will tell me if they read the profile -__- **SIGH!** **no body reads the profile these days**
^^ heck, there might be some images of mine colored!
some hearts get stommped from the ground and this is what i say every time i look around i never thought that this would happen to me i never thought i end up this way and now that your through with me you know what to do with me i guess i'm on my own agian like i'm some kind of enemy never a friend to me remember when you used to say things will always be this way why don't you break my heart watch me fall apart you see i'm falling apart look what your doing to me now i tryed agian my heart up on the ground my coffendence i gone happiness cannot be found so look what you did to me you got the best of me and now i'm stuck with all the rest it will never be the same why don't you break my heart watch me fall apart you see i'm falling apart look what your doing to me all i ever wanted insted of standing here alone it started with you and ended with me all i ever needed i haded with you in my arms it started with you and ended with me break my heart watch me fall apart you see i'm falling apart look what your doing to me why don't you break my heart break my heart break my heart break heart break my heart break my heart.
that song was from hilary duff i'm a little bit of a fan and plus this song will go well with my new sonic pic it's about amy and her heart is broken into peices cuz sonic is keep on ingnoring her so i felt so bad for Amy and i'll draw the Amy pic for my mom maybe cuz she likes this song and admires hilary alot i juss wanna show you wich song i am going to use!
Sonic the hedgehog
Fairly odd parents
Danny phantom
Pita ten
A little snow fairy sugar
Hi Hi puffy Ami Yumi
Ed,Ed,and eddy
Cow and chicken
Yu Yu haku show
Life in times of juniper lee
Sponge bob square pants
Jimmy Nerd-tron (i don't like it that much anymore juss a little)
Jonny Test
Yugi-oh Gx!
south park
Teen titans
Family guy
Samaui champloo
courage the cowardly dog
The Buzz on Maggie
Dragon ball z (it's the most stupidest manga i eva saw!)
The grim adventures of billy and Mandy!
hector Con Carnie
Mario bro.
kirby right back at ya!
chalk zone
bevies and butt-head
brain and stuppy
as told by ginger
hey arnold!
house of mouse
full house
three's company
that's so raven
the suite life of zack and cody
cat scratch
life with derek
lizzie miguire
sonic underground
sabrina the teenage witch
sabrina series
sherloc holmes in the 21 century
mummies alive! (i hate it!)
super robot mokey team hyper force GO!
Super Milk chan show!
phil of the future
lilo and stich
dexter's laboratory
the new freash prince of bel-air
Wallice and gromit the curse of the ware-rabbit
chicken little*
hey arnold the movie!
in her shoes*
yours,mine,and ours*
just friends*
toys story I
toys story II
chuckie **ALL OF THEM!**
Shrek I
shrek II
finding nemo
shark tale
monster's inc
sonic the hedgehog movie ^______^ **DA BEST!**
card captors the movie
"*" is something that i am going to see and will be seeing =^_^=
"**"is something like a comment
"()"is something that i wanna send something good about it or bad things about it
la la la la la hum hum hum juss bored...............
here's what ya wanna know about me:
Hair:short, looks like janet in three's company lol
favortie tv show:sonic undrground,full house, freash prince of bel-air,Rossanne,3's company,cosby
stuff to do:draw,computer
likes to do:draw,play video games expecailly sonic the hedgehog! ^^
favortie subject:Social studies:history
Least favorite subject:Math -_- it should die
loves to go:Arcade,Movies
least place to go:school,(skool is number one of my hatred list!) the mall
favorite type of song:Rock'n Roll,Rap,
least favortie type of song:classical
favorite manga: Anything KOOL
least favorite manga:Dragon ball Z (like i said it's dumb!)
blood type:"A"
The end of my little thing you need to know about me ^_^
that one i said is not the real one, duh! i do have a real aim but forget it i am not telling you! because i don't like talking to people i don't even know it's very dangerous got it people? ^^ anyway new pics are comming i belive they MIGHT be in color i guess MAYBE 3 i guess
i put this picture of amy in 3-d i guess in sonic dx you like it? i don't even know how i put it jezz don't make fun of me cuz i forget "sometimes," T_T lol ^^ you like it?
listen, i don't know if i am doing arttrades or request i think i am still a wittle new here guys i'll think about it!^^
i am going to have new pictures i guess i don't know yet pretty much though -OO- T_T anyway if i have time i might make something kewl like my sonic picture oh, and for the recored thankku to everyone who is commenting on my picture thanks alot guys X_X +_+ ^_^
you might like these more then my sonic one but don't, the sonic one is still part of..........-__- ya know what i am talki'n about....if you don't i doubt it that i dunno ^^ in these parts, ah...,
so anyway for my time i am going to make more pics for you to see i guess, i already did my homework so i have plenty, these pics are going to be so cute! i promise **salutes** lol tee hee hee! well that's all, bye for now! i'm getting started to those pictures i say! i'll shutup now, (no wait, i am not! ^^)
Well now i guess i better make new pics i, i don't know if i am going to color or such no doubt about it.
-_- i'm bored
-_-'' okay i'm boredum!
-________- i don't even want to know
-_- you know why i am feeling like this
-_- life stinks!
-_- halloween stink this year it was raining!!!
-_____-''' i did that -_____-''' for fun no wait it wasn't fun
^_^ candy!
Jess i can't AIM You today b/c my mom accedently went in and all the wiers are unplugged see, so a Friday witch is tomarrow ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
-_- -_- -_- -_- -_- life stinks big time okay i am writing this messege on my Labtop okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay...............
i now change the picture of Amy and put in my favorite character sonic. this picture is the one that i put out for pictures XD Cuz it's my favorite +_+ okay?
if you think that it's too small go to my art work and press the picture so you can see the details a bit more i guess... any Sonic fans like me, i should know? ^^
that's rain from card captor sakura. card captor sakura was the 1rst manga i met so i put up rain cuz it's so adorable i dunno of what i am going to put up next i guess...................
........................................................................................ this stinks there's nothing to do ahhhhhh! help me and my bordum people! i'm dying with boredness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-_- you know why i put this frown on my profile all the time IT'S B/C I AM BORED!
ugh, we have a math test on monday and it's almost here! school stinks, my house stinks, my life stinks. everything stinks oh god kill me now nobody can cheer me up since we moved and it's far away farrrrr farrrr away............ i used to like my old skool cuz we had LESS test and LESS h.w! don't go to washington skool it stinks!
there are 900 or maybe 1511 rulez! no rulez rule!!!!!!!
-_- i'll never feel happy ever agian cuz we moved and moving can be tough life is so boring so so so boring i feel like when i am 16 it's going to be even boringer..........ah...........boring is in my head and it's the number one in my emotions and the best emotion i have is sadness........................-_- *sobs* forget what i said people..
-____- just have fun(w/e) and look at my new pics when the next w/e pic comes......................-_- -_- -_- -_-
Here are the friends i have in FAC
katlin mitrick
midnight snow
Atomic Evil
sonic susie
fall of ravens cry
Nic Nic
Oille is da bomb
if i ever forget a friend i bet one of the friends who i forgot to put up will tell me if they read the profile -__- **SIGH!** **no body reads the profile these days**
^^ heck, there might be some images of mine colored!
some hearts get stommped from the ground and this is what i say every time i look around i never thought that this would happen to me i never thought i end up this way and now that your through with me you know what to do with me i guess i'm on my own agian like i'm some kind of enemy never a friend to me remember when you used to say things will always be this way why don't you break my heart watch me fall apart you see i'm falling apart look what your doing to me now i tryed agian my heart up on the ground my coffendence i gone happiness cannot be found so look what you did to me you got the best of me and now i'm stuck with all the rest it will never be the same why don't you break my heart watch me fall apart you see i'm falling apart look what your doing to me all i ever wanted insted of standing here alone it started with you and ended with me all i ever needed i haded with you in my arms it started with you and ended with me break my heart watch me fall apart you see i'm falling apart look what your doing to me why don't you break my heart break my heart break my heart break heart break my heart break my heart.
that song was from hilary duff i'm a little bit of a fan and plus this song will go well with my new sonic pic it's about amy and her heart is broken into peices cuz sonic is keep on ingnoring her so i felt so bad for Amy and i'll draw the Amy pic for my mom maybe cuz she likes this song and admires hilary alot i juss wanna show you wich song i am going to use!
Sonic the hedgehog
Fairly odd parents
Danny phantom
Pita ten
A little snow fairy sugar
Hi Hi puffy Ami Yumi
Ed,Ed,and eddy
Cow and chicken
Yu Yu haku show
Life in times of juniper lee
Sponge bob square pants
Jimmy Nerd-tron (i don't like it that much anymore juss a little)
Jonny Test
Yugi-oh Gx!
south park
Teen titans
Family guy
Samaui champloo
courage the cowardly dog
The Buzz on Maggie
Dragon ball z (it's the most stupidest manga i eva saw!)
The grim adventures of billy and Mandy!
hector Con Carnie
Mario bro.
kirby right back at ya!
chalk zone
bevies and butt-head
brain and stuppy
as told by ginger
hey arnold!
house of mouse
full house
three's company
that's so raven
the suite life of zack and cody
cat scratch
life with derek
lizzie miguire
sonic underground
sabrina the teenage witch
sabrina series
sherloc holmes in the 21 century
mummies alive! (i hate it!)
super robot mokey team hyper force GO!
Super Milk chan show!
phil of the future
lilo and stich
dexter's laboratory
the new freash prince of bel-air
Wallice and gromit the curse of the ware-rabbit
chicken little*
hey arnold the movie!
in her shoes*
yours,mine,and ours*
just friends*
toys story I
toys story II
chuckie **ALL OF THEM!**
Shrek I
shrek II
finding nemo
shark tale
monster's inc
sonic the hedgehog movie ^______^ **DA BEST!**
card captors the movie
"*" is something that i am going to see and will be seeing =^_^=
"**"is something like a comment
"()"is something that i wanna send something good about it or bad things about it
la la la la la hum hum hum juss bored...............
here's what ya wanna know about me:
Hair:short, looks like janet in three's company lol
favortie tv show:sonic undrground,full house, freash prince of bel-air,Rossanne,3's company,cosby
stuff to do:draw,computer
likes to do:draw,play video games expecailly sonic the hedgehog! ^^
favortie subject:Social studies:history
Least favorite subject:Math -_- it should die
loves to go:Arcade,Movies
least place to go:school,(skool is number one of my hatred list!) the mall
favorite type of song:Rock'n Roll,Rap,
least favortie type of song:classical
favorite manga: Anything KOOL
least favorite manga:Dragon ball Z (like i said it's dumb!)
blood type:"A"
The end of my little thing you need to know about me ^_^
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Animechick on July 31, 2005, 6:26:54 AM
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LillianClaire on July 31, 2005, 6:02:57 AM
LillianClaire on July 31, 2005, 6:01:54 AM
LillianClaire on July 31, 2005, 6:01:35 AM
KOOLGAMES on July 31, 2005, 5:28:12 AM
KOOLGAMES on July 30, 2005, 12:20:22 PM
LillianClaire on July 30, 2005, 5:42:33 AM
NicNic on July 30, 2005, 3:15:38 AM
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silverstar on July 29, 2005, 4:34:57 PM
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