I didn't start drawing until the end of my sophomore year of high school- around April 2003. The next year, I was fortunate enough to have room for Art I in my schedule, so I took it, and my love of art took off. That class was excellent, but unfortunately for me, my Art II class was absolutely wretched. I continued drawing and posting my artwork under the name Keitorin Asthore, but none of it was very good.
In August of 2005 I entered college as a freshman double majoring in theater and art. Since I started taking Drawing I, my art has vastly improved, and I felt that my old accounts didn't deserve to live anymore. However, my art still isn't at the level I want it to be. Therefore, I created a drawing challenge for myself. I bought four 70-page sketchbooks and a double pack of erasers at Walgreens, and decided that I would fill those 280 pages with practice sketches, studying different styles of animation artwork so that I can learn from them and better develop my style. This massive upheaval also caused me to decide to pull the plug on all of my old art accounts.
I'll start posting my new artwork in January 2006. In the meantime, visit my homepage to learn more about me and my other fanworks!