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Submitted August 4, 2008 Updated May 19, 2012 Status Complete Chapters: 1 Size: 8k Words: 1,600 Comments: 0 Views: 1,473 Faves: 1 Rating: 0 | I wrote this Naruto fanfiction a long time ago and only recently found it again. The Mary-Sue-ness of the whole thing made me laugh, so I'm putting this back up just for jollies. Hopefully my character-creating skill have improved since I wrote this.
Anime/Manga » Naruto series » Fan Characters (OC's) |
Marluxia: No, I'm not very.... Familiar with the internet, let's say~ I spend most of my days just growing my flowers or something like that~ But I do draw a lot, so perhaps I'll have Nel here post them for me sometime~ How does that sound, hon?
Zexion: =_________________=''
Nel: *licks his face*
Zexion: .________________________.''
Marluxia: Hm, well, maybe when she's not... Being fueled by skittles.