GayButtLord's Profile
GayButtLord's Profile

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FAC would do more to protect perverts then it would to protect its users. Sad. But, I guess either way fanart would lose. This is a site for kids who love art. Not adults (or, heh, kids who THINK there adults) to look at or make porn with. It is not a place to pic up 'babes', and it is also not a place to express opinions on. It is not a place for opinions, it is not a place for intelligence. So why do you people come here? When the perverts are allowed to break the rules and get away with it, and when the ones who want to actually set things straight for everyone are persecuted and banned, whats the point?
Kenny girl, people lie all the time. Was it so much for you to admit it? Is this place that much of your life? Are these kids really your friends? When I leave, will you follow ME to deviant in a vain effort to be my buddy? Probably.
Uh, to everyone else I said something to, nice or not I meant what I said. I will never take it back, your all stupid, ignorant little frackers. None of you will ammount to anything. Fanart will ban me. Oh I know it, and I dont care. I have other things to do, and yes, for everyone who asked I DO have a life. Im getting out of that phase where I feel it nessecary to express myself constantly, in word or otherwise. Isnt that what an artist does? Express themselves in there own way? Havent I made you all feel? Made you laugh, cry, bash your head into the wall. I will always have won, because I made you do something against your will: I made you angry.
So let this be what it is, a goodbye letter to some, a sign of defete to others, or, wait, did I spell 'defete' wrong?
Or, perhaps if im not banned, then I will not be back. either way, im leaving. So go, make your perverted kiddie-cartoon show porn, continue to think these people are your friends, when really there nothing more then words on a screen. Let them, also, beleive that your something more then you say. Lies upon lies, isnt that what makes the world go around? The beleife that we need to excell those around us, even when the defenses they put up are merely hardend shells of what they want to be?
God, there is no god. There is nothing up there when we die. There cant be, because if there WAS, it would mean we would still be in some way ALIVE to realize it. And that, that my friends is just impossible. When the body stops working and the brain deteriorates there is nothing to keep the illusion going. The brain is the god here, you were all created by two brains and the somewhat vain attempt to procreate and keep the species going. I want to say that these are only my ideas, but just like with every other beleife, I am fully positive I am right.
Its so hard for someone to accept there own mortality. So hard to think that when that day comes and we die there is nothing but unconciousness, to explain, that feeling you get when you sleep without dreaming, that lapse of time that youll never get back and you can never remember. Exept you will never wake up. And if you beleive in a 'soul', then thats also your brain. It cannot escape.
How many of you have actually taken the time to think? To consider the world around you, to breathe deeply and take it for what it is. To let go of the mundane things like paper and pencils and realise that your whole life and everything in it can be considerd art. One giant fracking mural. Every step youve taken, every breath youve breathed. Every single time youve felt your own heartbeat, its all your body working hard to keep you alive. You people are so unnapriciative of life. You starve yourselves, you cut yourselves, you deny your body what it needs. You trick yourselves into beleiving you need some miricle pill to cure your seemingly rare but not uncommon diseases. You make yourselves sick with problems.
You all dont deserve bodies, not when there are cancer patients in the hospital wishing there life wasnt so predictably over, when there are armless people wishing they HAD A WRIST TO CUT, and when there are people on respirators, wishing there lungs worked well enough for them to even consider smoking. Pointless, all of it. Survival of the fittist. What is this in our brain that makes us so self destructive? Another ailment im sure. Write it up and pop a pill.
When they create a medication that makes people actually see what they take for granted I'll stop trying so hard. Its like being in a room full of blind people trying to explain the diffrence between red and blue, dark or light, clear or foggy. They can never really understand untill they see it themselves. Your all missing some vital part, none of you use the brain youve got. You destroy it.
And as hard as you try to understand, as hard as you try to get what im saying, you never will. Even I will never really get it, its hard not to fall into the same routine day after day. And this, is why im leaving. I've seen something none of you frackers ever could.
And as im sure you will, throw your hats in the air and dance because im not here to make your life interesting; leave me comments about how nice it is to be able to get back to your normal lives; you dont understand. I didnt do anything. You let yourselves get angry. You let the door open. You let the dog get out. I need to clean my fingernails.
I am so much better then you, I have the power to bring myself above your level, and I have the power to rain shoot down on your parade. Is it all a delusion to protect my squishy little brain from seeing that I am the same as all of you and no better? Yeah. Probably.
Kenny girl, people lie all the time. Was it so much for you to admit it? Is this place that much of your life? Are these kids really your friends? When I leave, will you follow ME to deviant in a vain effort to be my buddy? Probably.
Uh, to everyone else I said something to, nice or not I meant what I said. I will never take it back, your all stupid, ignorant little frackers. None of you will ammount to anything. Fanart will ban me. Oh I know it, and I dont care. I have other things to do, and yes, for everyone who asked I DO have a life. Im getting out of that phase where I feel it nessecary to express myself constantly, in word or otherwise. Isnt that what an artist does? Express themselves in there own way? Havent I made you all feel? Made you laugh, cry, bash your head into the wall. I will always have won, because I made you do something against your will: I made you angry.
So let this be what it is, a goodbye letter to some, a sign of defete to others, or, wait, did I spell 'defete' wrong?
Or, perhaps if im not banned, then I will not be back. either way, im leaving. So go, make your perverted kiddie-cartoon show porn, continue to think these people are your friends, when really there nothing more then words on a screen. Let them, also, beleive that your something more then you say. Lies upon lies, isnt that what makes the world go around? The beleife that we need to excell those around us, even when the defenses they put up are merely hardend shells of what they want to be?
God, there is no god. There is nothing up there when we die. There cant be, because if there WAS, it would mean we would still be in some way ALIVE to realize it. And that, that my friends is just impossible. When the body stops working and the brain deteriorates there is nothing to keep the illusion going. The brain is the god here, you were all created by two brains and the somewhat vain attempt to procreate and keep the species going. I want to say that these are only my ideas, but just like with every other beleife, I am fully positive I am right.
Its so hard for someone to accept there own mortality. So hard to think that when that day comes and we die there is nothing but unconciousness, to explain, that feeling you get when you sleep without dreaming, that lapse of time that youll never get back and you can never remember. Exept you will never wake up. And if you beleive in a 'soul', then thats also your brain. It cannot escape.
How many of you have actually taken the time to think? To consider the world around you, to breathe deeply and take it for what it is. To let go of the mundane things like paper and pencils and realise that your whole life and everything in it can be considerd art. One giant fracking mural. Every step youve taken, every breath youve breathed. Every single time youve felt your own heartbeat, its all your body working hard to keep you alive. You people are so unnapriciative of life. You starve yourselves, you cut yourselves, you deny your body what it needs. You trick yourselves into beleiving you need some miricle pill to cure your seemingly rare but not uncommon diseases. You make yourselves sick with problems.
You all dont deserve bodies, not when there are cancer patients in the hospital wishing there life wasnt so predictably over, when there are armless people wishing they HAD A WRIST TO CUT, and when there are people on respirators, wishing there lungs worked well enough for them to even consider smoking. Pointless, all of it. Survival of the fittist. What is this in our brain that makes us so self destructive? Another ailment im sure. Write it up and pop a pill.
When they create a medication that makes people actually see what they take for granted I'll stop trying so hard. Its like being in a room full of blind people trying to explain the diffrence between red and blue, dark or light, clear or foggy. They can never really understand untill they see it themselves. Your all missing some vital part, none of you use the brain youve got. You destroy it.
And as hard as you try to understand, as hard as you try to get what im saying, you never will. Even I will never really get it, its hard not to fall into the same routine day after day. And this, is why im leaving. I've seen something none of you frackers ever could.
And as im sure you will, throw your hats in the air and dance because im not here to make your life interesting; leave me comments about how nice it is to be able to get back to your normal lives; you dont understand. I didnt do anything. You let yourselves get angry. You let the door open. You let the dog get out. I need to clean my fingernails.
I am so much better then you, I have the power to bring myself above your level, and I have the power to rain shoot down on your parade. Is it all a delusion to protect my squishy little brain from seeing that I am the same as all of you and no better? Yeah. Probably.
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unfocused on January 8, 2007, 4:56:58 AM
unfocused on

AhouHeinDesu on January 2, 2007, 8:04:38 PM
AhouHeinDesu on
Hobz_the_destroyer on January 2, 2007, 1:29:59 PM
TrIxX114 on December 31, 2006, 4:49:00 PM
TrIxX114 on

and yes i love anime too, hell i have anime all over my compy, but some people overexpress their "love" for anime and turn it into disturbing images =/ thats not fun, and most, if not few, anime lovers start to wonder the "what if they got together and uh huh" zomg hentai! xD bleh, tish' late here >.< 3:47 AM =/ yeeesh, goodnight all ^_^ errr prolly morning to some people but nonetheless time for lala~land *starts dreaming wierd things* LMFAO ciao ^_^
Sukooru on December 31, 2006, 4:03:12 PM
Sukooru on
AngelOfAutumn on December 31, 2006, 7:38:56 AM
Sukooru on December 31, 2006, 6:46:09 AM
Sukooru on
Comment Deleted
TrIxX114 on December 31, 2006, 7:07:37 AM
TrIxX114 on
TrIxX114 on December 31, 2006, 3:36:51 AM
TrIxX114 on

I thought this place was a community expressing their art, not a community that turns young children or lolz most suiting title, adults trying to act like children who in real life is a pedophile loving freak lolz, Good job on making the society today a hentai lover, thank you for corrupting the mind of small, frail, young children ^_^.
OOoooh... before I leave, Happy New Year ^_^ dont forget your new years resolution bastages, mine will mostlikely after this is, "Look down on pedophile hentai loving freaks"... and to all, Goodnight ^_^ (its actually afternoon right now but i just love that line.)