GoddessOfAllThingsPurple's Profile
GoddessOfAllThingsPurple's Profile

Username | GoddessOfAllThingsPurple | Gender | Female |
Date Joined | Location | Texas/in front of a computer | |
Last Updated | Occupation | Student/anime obsessor/Kakashi's wife/something else | |
Last visit | # Pictures | 2 | |
# Comments Given | 140 |
Member Info
Member Info

I have no clue why, but I update this kinda often. To all who care: I'm a teenager; My life is Naruto; I have friends on http://www.fanfiction.net;I wish I were Kakashi's wife;Tsunade is cool;I wish I had a scanner; all of you are my friends whether you like it or not; I have problems
The time is now to shout random words onto my monitor:Beans!Enemy!Lasgna!Robust!Wax!Motorcycle!Unibrow!Sea onion ice-cream!banana nut bread!Toast!Hippopotamus!Lickety-split!Disassociation!Semiautomatic!*pant-pant* BOB!!! *faints from lack of oxygen only to wake up 2 seconds later*
I go around looking at normal profiles and see favorite stuff, dislikes and all that other crap so just to annoy myself I'll also do so
Favorite anime: Naruto(a-DUH!!);One Piece;Zatch Bell;.hack//legend of the twilight bracelet; S-CRY-ED
favorite manga: Naruto(honestly you should have expected that);xxxHolic;Love Hina; Imadoki; .hack//legend of the twilight;Kanpai;Chibi Vampire: just about anything else, you gimme a manga and I'll read it
things, in general, that I hate:Sasuke(he shall burn in the deepest darkest firey-est pit in hell);school; most beans, robotussin;arrogance; lesbiens; fake anime(that really pisses me off)when people break the unwritten rules on how to read manga(that REALLY REALLY pisses me off)
other things I like:friends;yaoi; singing; drawing; knowing things;purple(also a-DUH!!); money; Naruto accessories(once again, a-duh!)
because you are all my friends I have to say that you shouldn't judge me by what I like or dislike if you do you can just go rot in hell!(unless you're right)
And only to make this sound at least a 1/2 ounce "official": Please voice any concerns and I'll be in contact with you as soon as possible
The time is now to shout random words onto my monitor:Beans!Enemy!Lasgna!Robust!Wax!Motorcycle!Unibrow!Sea onion ice-cream!banana nut bread!Toast!Hippopotamus!Lickety-split!Disassociation!Semiautomatic!*pant-pant* BOB!!! *faints from lack of oxygen only to wake up 2 seconds later*
I go around looking at normal profiles and see favorite stuff, dislikes and all that other crap so just to annoy myself I'll also do so
Favorite anime: Naruto(a-DUH!!);One Piece;Zatch Bell;.hack//legend of the twilight bracelet; S-CRY-ED
favorite manga: Naruto(honestly you should have expected that);xxxHolic;Love Hina; Imadoki; .hack//legend of the twilight;Kanpai;Chibi Vampire: just about anything else, you gimme a manga and I'll read it
things, in general, that I hate:Sasuke(he shall burn in the deepest darkest firey-est pit in hell);school; most beans, robotussin;arrogance; lesbiens; fake anime(that really pisses me off)when people break the unwritten rules on how to read manga(that REALLY REALLY pisses me off)
other things I like:friends;yaoi; singing; drawing; knowing things;purple(also a-DUH!!); money; Naruto accessories(once again, a-duh!)
because you are all my friends I have to say that you shouldn't judge me by what I like or dislike if you do you can just go rot in hell!(unless you're right)
And only to make this sound at least a 1/2 ounce "official": Please voice any concerns and I'll be in contact with you as soon as possible
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My_Last_Resort on July 27, 2007, 3:25:44 AM

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GoddessOfAllThingsPurple on January 4, 2007, 11:27:37 AM
My_Last_Resort on December 31, 2006, 10:12:14 AM
My_Last_Resort on December 31, 2006, 10:11:38 AM
My_Last_Resort on December 25, 2006, 5:55:18 AM
GoddessOfAllThingsPurple on December 25, 2006, 10:30:39 PM
kikatinuyasha on December 11, 2006, 11:28:55 AM
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sandy2 on November 6, 2006, 2:15:38 PM
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BlueTiger15 on July 27, 2006, 12:09:45 PM
BlueTiger15 on
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My_Last_Resort on July 23, 2006, 4:56:29 PM

Zander_CAGE on July 20, 2006, 1:58:39 PM
Zander_CAGE on
My_Last_Resort on July 13, 2006, 5:48:05 AM

Jenny was so happy about the house they had found. For once in her life 'twas on the right side of town. She unpacked her things with such great ease. As she watched her new curtains blow in the breeze. How wonderful it was to have her own room. School would be starting; she'd have friends over soon. There'd be sleep-overs, and parties; she was so happy It's just the way she wanted her life to be. On the first day of school, everything went great. She made new friends and even got a date! She thought, "I want to be popular and I'm going to be, Because I just got a date with the star of the team!" To be known in this school you had to have clout, And dating this guy would sure help her out. There was only one problem stopping her fate. Her parents had said she was too young to date. "Well I just won't tell them the entire truth. They won't know the difference; what's there to lose?" Jenny asked to stay with her friends that night. Her parents frowned but said, "All right." Excited, she got ready for the big event But as she rushed around like she had no sense, She began to feel guilty about all the lies, But what's a pizza, a party, and a moonlight ride? Well the pizza was good, and the party was great, But the moonlight ride would have to wait. For Dan was half drunk by this time. But he kissed her and said that he was just fine. Then the room filled with smoked and Dan took a puff. Jenny couldn't believe he was smoking that stuff. Now Dan was ready to ride to the point But only after he'd smoked another joint. They jumped in the car for the moonlight ride, Not thinking that he was too drunk to drive. They finally made it to the point at last, And Dan started trying to make a pass. A pass is not what Jenny wanted at all (and by a pass, I don't mean playing football.) "Perhaps my parents were right....maybe I am too young. Boy, how could I ever, ever be so dumb." With all of her might, she pushed Dan away: "Please take me home, I don't want to stay." Dan cranked up the engine and floored the gas. In a matter of seconds they were going too fast. As Dan drove on in a fit of wild anger, Jenny knew that her life was in danger. She begged and pleaded for him to slow down, But he just got faster as they neared the town. "Just let me get home! I'll confess that I lied. I really went out for a moonlight ride." Then all of a sudden, she saw a big flash. "Oh God, Please help us! We're going to crash!" She doesn't remember the force of impact. Just that everything all of a sudden went black. She felt someone remove her from the twisted rubble, And heard, "call an ambulance! These kids are in trouble! Voices she heard...a few words at best. But she knew there were two cars involved in the wreck. Then wondered to herself if Dan was all right, And if the people in the other car was alive. She awoke in the hospital to faces so sad. "You've been in a wreck and it looks pretty bad." These voices echoed inside her head, As they gently told her that Dan was dead. They said "Jenny, we've done all we can do. But it looks as if we'll lose you too." "But the people in the other car!?" Jenny cried. "We're sorry, Jenny, they also died." Jenny prayed, "God, forgive me for what I've done I only wanted to have just one night of fun." "Tell those people's family, I've made their lives dim, And wish I could return their families to them." "Tell Mom and Dad I'm sorry I lied, And that it's my fault so many have died. Oh, nurse, won't you please tell them that for me?" The nurse just stood there-she never agreed. But took Jenny's hand with tears in her eyes. And a few moments later Jenny died. A man asked the nurse, "Why didn't you do your best To bid that girl her one last request?" She looked at the man with eyes so sad. "Because the people in the other car were her mom and dad." This story is sad and unpleasant but true, So young people take heed, it could have been you.
Please listen to this angel's request......
If you do the small favor she asks to come true, She will be sent down to guard and protect you.
Please....do it for Jenny.
Send ten copies and see what happens in four days. You will get a surprise. This is true, even if you are not superstitious.
Good luck, but please remember: 10 copies of this message must leave your hands in 24 hours.................................
My_Last_Resort on June 30, 2006, 8:51:38 AM

BlueTiger15 on June 30, 2006, 8:01:07 AM
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My_Last_Resort on June 22, 2006, 3:43:23 PM

serjicalstrike on June 22, 2006, 8:40:40 AM
inuyasha_naruto_lover on June 19, 2006, 3:24:25 AM
JBWinter on June 18, 2006, 1:18:42 PM
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GoddessOfAllThingsPurple on June 18, 2006, 7:38:45 AM
katlou303 on June 13, 2006, 2:45:11 AM
katlou303 on
My_Last_Resort on June 6, 2006, 2:23:35 AM

My_Last_Resort on May 29, 2006, 3:17:06 PM

oh, bye the way i think it's cool that you like naruto too! and it's also cool that you have problems just like me! is it just me or do most naruto fans have problems...
inuyasha902105454 on May 13, 2006, 3:43:43 AM
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