HazelMoon's Profile
HazelMoon's Profile

Username | HazelMoon | Gender | Female |
Date Joined | Location | riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight... moving on... | |
Last Updated | Occupation | falalala...lalalee...huh? did u say somethin? | |
Last visit | # Pictures | 44 | |
# Comments Given | 233 |
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|!Note!|: going out of town again tomorrow night o.o" not telling u where this time though =^.^= i should be back sunday or monday though. cant remember x.x
yea...well... ill just explain the above pic. I made this pic from a blank canvas in adobe potoshop. i like the way most of it came out, but my fur is supposed to be SILVER! T_____T. anyways, i have been accepted into a wolf pack and my 'wolf' name is nameless autumn. im also thinking of chaning that to just autumn child. i guess im a wolf now. x.x never actually reffered to myself as a wolf but a few people call me that at school v_v"
Btw, on an old account (before my previous account even) a few people added me and all my pics to faves just to get me to comment on there pics and was doing the same to others. plz dun add me unless ive earned it. whats the point of favorites if u add every thing u see? o.o""" i like steak......x.x
!!!!!!!!!|NOTE|!!!!!!!!!: I need ALOT more practice so im now going to be taking requests. But there are a few restrictions
1. dont expect it finished by a certain time. im very lazy and known to procrastinate (sp?)
2. plz nothing with language or inapropriate things. Because I carry my sketchbook everywhere and many ppl flip through it.
3. im only gonna take 4 requests at a time because...well...because i said so
4. plz be specific.
Current requests:
1. wolf_gang- redrawn, i just need to scan
2. x[empty]x
3. x[empty]x
4. x[empty]x
yea...well... ill just explain the above pic. I made this pic from a blank canvas in adobe potoshop. i like the way most of it came out, but my fur is supposed to be SILVER! T_____T. anyways, i have been accepted into a wolf pack and my 'wolf' name is nameless autumn. im also thinking of chaning that to just autumn child. i guess im a wolf now. x.x never actually reffered to myself as a wolf but a few people call me that at school v_v"
Btw, on an old account (before my previous account even) a few people added me and all my pics to faves just to get me to comment on there pics and was doing the same to others. plz dun add me unless ive earned it. whats the point of favorites if u add every thing u see? o.o""" i like steak......x.x
!!!!!!!!!|NOTE|!!!!!!!!!: I need ALOT more practice so im now going to be taking requests. But there are a few restrictions
1. dont expect it finished by a certain time. im very lazy and known to procrastinate (sp?)
2. plz nothing with language or inapropriate things. Because I carry my sketchbook everywhere and many ppl flip through it.
3. im only gonna take 4 requests at a time because...well...because i said so
4. plz be specific.
Current requests:
1. wolf_gang- redrawn, i just need to scan
2. x[empty]x
3. x[empty]x
4. x[empty]x
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wolfchick on July 9, 2005, 8:42:31 AM
wolfchick on
GoddessOfTheWolves on July 8, 2005, 4:16:34 PM

How have you been? I'm good, I'm good! I sure hope things are going well for you! I feel bad because I haven't chatted with you in awhile. How's the biz with the pack? is everything running smoothly?
I had just came back from Yosemite Nat. Park with my family. It's really pretty up there. It's one of our normal vacation spots, but it seemed more enjoyable this time. The waterfalls were the biggest they've been in ten years, or so I heard probably because of all the rain/snow fall. I've got to admit,I came home with 22 wonderfully itching souvenirs. *Busts out the deet spray* Mosquitos are of the devil!!!!! >_<
Yeah so anyway, Ive got to see something other people probably would never dream of seeing in the wild! A coyote taking a dump in front of my camera were I was taking pics. Yeah, I bet your jealous XD
hah, Just kidden.
I was glanc'en through for gallery and I just love how you draw peeps! You have a wonderful style with all your drawing! Thats one thing I'm not good at is drawing people lol. But I'm worken on it!
Well, I guess I should go, I'm fall'en asleep at my keyboard, chat laters!
wolfchick on July 7, 2005, 7:13:04 AM
wolfchick on
wolfchick on July 7, 2005, 5:49:35 AM
wolfchick on
wolfchick on June 21, 2005, 11:02:47 AM
wolfchick on
Demon_of_the_Dark_Fall_clan on June 17, 2005, 3:12:55 AM
lilmao_nin on June 16, 2005, 11:17:21 AM
lilmao_nin on

I have chores to do, the rain and thunder storms have been keeping me up all night, so I sleep in which makes me stay up half the night again which makes me sleep in more...- -'...
And I don't know where the pic got to O.o'...I can't beleive I lost it...it was a pretty good pic too...I just...don't know where I put it...- -'...but don't worry, I'll find it!!! Or redraw it...