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Hinta0002's Profile

Hinta0002's Profile
Hinta0002's avatar
Username Hinta0002 Gender Female
Date Joined Location Not telling
Last Updated Occupation being alive
Last visit # Pictures 80
# Comments Given1291

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Comments (339)

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MetaKnight56 on July 8, 2008, 4:12:01 PM

MetaKnight56 on
MetaKnight56u like ginga too

MetaKnight56 on April 26, 2008, 7:10:24 AM

MetaKnight56 on
MetaKnight56I like WOLFS RAIN

Meicko on August 24, 2007, 9:12:07 AM

Meicko on
MeickoHey  do u know cartoon queen?

Meicko on August 24, 2007, 9:08:06 AM

Meicko on
MeickoHey do u want to be friends

darthexodus on August 20, 2007, 6:47:10 PM

darthexodus on
darthexodushi heh heh high

BlueWolfGurl on August 9, 2007, 2:02:43 AM

BlueWolfGurl on
BlueWolfGurlI love your Wolf's Rain pics.

GoetheFaust on August 5, 2007, 6:06:30 PM

GoetheFaust on
GoetheFaustAlright, thanks alot ^^

GoetheFaust on August 5, 2007, 4:52:07 PM

GoetheFaust on
GoetheFaustI dont know if my comment reply will show up so I'll ask here >>;
What might the site be where I can download the episodes of that weed anime? (to lazy to type the name out)

Hinta0002 on August 5, 2007, 5:56:41 PM

Hinta0002 on

Here you go^^ Some of the episodes aren't there cuz they haven't updated in a while, but you can still enjoy it. You have to become a member first though

IceWolfGurl on August 4, 2007, 4:28:04 AM

IceWolfGurl on
IceWolfGurlI love the way you draw wolves and dogs, its sooo awesome!!!

Hinta0002 on August 4, 2007, 5:10:02 AM

Hinta0002 on
Hinta0002Thanks alot^^

Saphirewolf on April 18, 2007, 5:22:21 AM

Saphirewolf on
Saphirewolfnp it was good ^^

Saphirewolf on April 18, 2007, 5:11:51 AM

Saphirewolf on
Saphirewolfhi ^^

FallenAngel0792 on November 30, 2006, 10:18:19 AM

FallenAngel0792 on
FallenAngel0792Attention! I am holding a contest! This notice is going out to everyone on my fans list! (There are about a hundred of you! XD) First of all let me than you for adding me to your favorite artists list! Anyway, I have been writing a story about my original characters since March. It is called “Starting to know me” (Check it out if you want! I have 17 chapters thus far.) In the story the characters start a band. There is Rod, Vince, Kitty and Nick. I need one more character. That’s where you guys come in! It’s a character design contest, but there are some qualifications. 1.It must be a girl. 2.She has to play guitar. 3.When you post your picture of her, you must include a short-long (however you want) biography on her. You must include her name (full, first and last, middle name if you want) age (and birthday), likes, dislikes, and tell about some things in her past as well as her personality. The contest will run from December 5th 2006 to January 5th 2006. Let me know if you are going to participate so I can put your name down, also let me know when the picture is up so I can know to go see it! First place winner will obviously get their character in my story and I may use her other pictures I do later. I may use some of the other characters you guys come up with somewhere else. First Second and third place’s get a request. Thanks guys! Leave a comment on my profile saying you are going to participate in this if you are! XD
Here is a link to the other 4 members of the band, make sure she looks good with them!

And here is a link to the story they are from (I also have a lot of art of them)

Cho_Gakkai on October 9, 2006, 5:22:30 PM

Cho_Gakkai on
Cho_Gakkaihi guess what im back... btw im sorry bout dissin ur pic wen i first cam on gomen!

silvereye on August 10, 2006, 11:11:21 PM

silvereye on
silvereyehey I saw that you like the Ginga Nagareboshi Gin/ginga densetsu weed
animes and I have a Contest running about the animes and wonderd if you
want to be in the contest. here is the adress:
if you want to know moreor just enter the contest. if you have any
questions feel free to ask.

yoshio625 on July 2, 2006, 7:42:19 AM

yoshio625 on
yoshio625Thank you for the comment!!^^

axelgnt on May 6, 2006, 7:25:08 AM

axelgnt on
axelgnti just wanna say i love ur gallery specially the chibi(sd) characters keep the good work i know u will
oh and visit my gallery sometime
maybe u like it

Gaara-sGirl on March 30, 2006, 12:54:35 PM

Gaara-sGirl on
Gaara-sGirlHey there Hinta! sorry if I didnt respond to u sooner.ive been quite busy.Anyway I would love to be ur friend!! and yes i am a naruto fan^^

Appaloosa on March 24, 2006, 9:42:03 PM

Appaloosa on
AppaloosaWee! Yes I do. xD
I'm glad I found somebody else who likes it, too. x3
< 33

bakaxmuch on March 20, 2006, 8:22:14 PM

bakaxmuch on
bakaxmuchthe link worked! ur pictures are really good! what do you think of mine?

bakaxmuch on March 20, 2006, 10:01:35 AM

bakaxmuch on

brown_tabby on March 19, 2006, 4:29:51 AM

brown_tabby on
brown_tabbyhullo!!!!! (love your profile piccy!) long time no see! eh....*sweatdrop* i mean talk... anyways..i was wondering if you could to a toboe collage. wolf and human form. thank you if you can!

bakaxmuch on March 18, 2006, 11:37:57 PM

bakaxmuch on
bakaxmuchoohhh thank you! i havent been on fanart in a while either. how have you been doing??? do you still go on aim?

bakaxmuch on March 16, 2006, 4:29:21 AM

bakaxmuch on
bakaxmuchoohhh yeah. & i PROMISE PROMISE PROMISE i wont make ANYMORE accounts. sorry ^_^;

bakaxmuch on March 16, 2006, 4:23:59 AM

bakaxmuch on
bakaxmuchhey.. i know this is probably getting anoying but. it's meee. MCRx23x & flcl003. see i made a new account because i didnt add things too fanart in such a long time i made a new one for my new drawing skills ^_^; uhh yea comment back. ive missed you!!! :D

Calisto_divine_Blue on February 19, 2006, 2:17:03 AM

Calisto_divine_Blue on
Calisto_divine_BlueOkee dokee! =P
Yes, I do like dogs, in fact I own one. Favorite breed? I don't know really, I'm mostly a fan of Basset Hounds.

Calisto_divine_Blue on February 18, 2006, 11:41:35 AM

Calisto_divine_Blue on
Yes, we could be friends. :3
Nice to meet ya!

Phoenixlord25 on February 17, 2006, 10:05:39 AM

Phoenixlord25 on
Phoenixlord25Whats up hinta, i am back as long as the cable bill is paid, man i need a scanner.... next time i come to ur house can i use ur scanner and email the pics to my computer?

Phoenixlord25 on February 17, 2006, 1:11:34 AM

Phoenixlord25 on
Phoenixlord25I'M BACK!!!!!

Moon_the_blue_neko on February 13, 2006, 11:28:59 PM

Moon_the_blue_neko on
Moon_the_blue_nekohow have you been you havent been online lately whats up?! ^_^

shinzolove on February 13, 2006, 9:45:50 AM

shinzolove on
shinzoloveHi, im sora and im starting a poll and i just wanted to see wht peaple think ....... who do u think has the MOST skills from team 7(from the show naruto)? naruto, sakura, sasuke, or kakashi.btw i lov your profile pic. ^^

Furuba_Rei on February 12, 2006, 6:25:04 AM

Furuba_Rei on
Furuba_Reiwaaaaaaaaaah! me missies you too!*crys*
but omg, i mean i have 3 new stuff up...and one of em is an animation.O_o
Love ya!

higes_wolf on February 11, 2006, 11:45:07 AM

higes_wolf on

moshimoshi on February 6, 2006, 3:10:38 AM

moshimoshi on
moshimoshiThanks for the comment!!

KitsuneFlamez on January 5, 2006, 3:45:33 AM

KitsuneFlamez on
KitsuneFlamezJOY^_^! ur on! lool i'm doin' this in school so i can't stay on too long, but im glad ur on finally.... and that pic of Mugen...that very cool^_^ who drew it?

Vampire_Maiden on December 19, 2005, 11:21:01 PM

Vampire_Maiden on
Vampire_MaidenThanks, I still think I need to work on dragons

brown_tabby on December 13, 2005, 10:03:39 AM

brown_tabby on

narutogirlninja on December 3, 2005, 5:26:29 AM

narutogirlninja on
narutogirlninjahi hi i hven't heard from u in a while soo did you see the samuri champoo last saturday i hope lugan is alive! cause lugan is sexy anyway im happy to hear from u and im gowing to watch samuri champoo today! sooooooooo how r u?

inuyasha902105454 on December 3, 2005, 4:06:02 AM

inuyasha902105454 on
inuyasha902105454wana be friends

digidavidmon on December 2, 2005, 8:57:05 AM

digidavidmon on
digidavidmonwana be friends?

starrypink on December 1, 2005, 12:50:07 PM

starrypink on
starrypinkhey its me, i went through some of your artwork and i love it! thanks for the fav's on me and my artwork. hope 2 hear more coments from u and more artwork

wolfgirl98 on November 27, 2005, 4:07:20 AM

wolfgirl98 on
wolfgirl98hey whats up! that piccy at the top rox alot!!!

Moon_the_blue_neko on November 25, 2005, 10:42:08 PM

Moon_the_blue_neko on
Moon_the_blue_nekoAIM me when every you want then cya

Moon_the_blue_neko on November 25, 2005, 9:01:45 AM

Moon_the_blue_neko on
Moon_the_blue_nekothis is Moon_the_blue_neko. you asked if ya wanted to be friends. why not. i dont care email me at or IM me if you have AIM.... cya till later

Moon_the_blue_neko on November 25, 2005, 3:53:12 AM

Moon_the_blue_neko on
Moon_the_blue_nekoi LOVE your drawings of wolfs heres ALOT of them so i'll just tell you here that i love em all there so pretty i cant draw wolfs worth the crap man your so talented whoot! lol okay for your art i reward ye in a doughnut! ::shoves a powerded doughtnut down your throut:: ^_^ mep cya!

inuyasha902105454 on November 24, 2005, 10:04:51 AM

inuyasha902105454 on
inuyasha902105454wana be friends

mikita_inugirl on November 21, 2005, 12:49:53 AM

mikita_inugirl on
mikita_inugirlHey! Please check out my pic of Blue!

mikita_inugirl on November 18, 2005, 1:31:18 AM

mikita_inugirl on
mikita_inugirlHi, I drew a picture of Toboe! I will also add the pic of Blue on Monday. Bye bye.

sardonyx_weapon on November 17, 2005, 9:36:45 AM

sardonyx_weapon on
sardonyx_weaponI finished your request! :D Go check it out:

wolfgirl98 on November 15, 2005, 7:41:47 AM

wolfgirl98 on
wolfgirl98cool thanxs new buddy!!!!!

MarluxiaLuva on November 15, 2005, 5:51:42 AM

MarluxiaLuva on

sardonyx_weapon on November 14, 2005, 10:53:16 AM

sardonyx_weapon on
sardonyx_weaponIt might be easier to talk about specifications for your picture if we talked through AIM, so... My screen name is Ayane477, though sometimes I'm on as Iionheartedmerc.

wolfgirl98 on November 14, 2005, 7:34:51 AM

wolfgirl98 on
wolfgirl98hi want to be my buddy if so leave a comment in my profile and you get a hershy candy bar ^_^ if not, u r mean

MarluxiaLuva on November 14, 2005, 4:03:57 AM

MarluxiaLuva on
MarluxiaLuvarandom hi

sardonyx_weapon on November 13, 2005, 5:07:39 AM

sardonyx_weapon on
sardonyx_weaponThat's kinda what I figured from how they looked in that picture you gave me. I tried a sketch last night and it was God-awful, but this morning I woke up with an idea for a pose and drew out another sketch. Anyway, I'll probably do the lineart tonight or tomorrow. I'll definately get it done by the end of the week though, okay? ^^

sardonyx_weapon on November 12, 2005, 11:20:15 AM

sardonyx_weapon on
sardonyx_weaponI'll give it a shot. A brief description of their personalities would help (for their facial expressions and all), but I can still probably do something without it. I'll work on the sketch tonight, but I won't be able to do the lineart on the computer until Monday or later. Hope you can stand the wait. :P

rolla_roach on November 12, 2005, 10:03:22 AM

rolla_roach on
rolla_roachI'm so sorry about shadow and Tom. If you have pics of them, I could draw them for you. I love wolves, too. In fact, my tribe's symbol is the wolf. In the bible, G-D spoke of my people as being like the ravenous wolf. I'm from the tribe of Benjamin. (we're Hebrew, not Native American. People confuse us sometimes.)

rolla_roach on November 12, 2005, 2:55:31 AM

rolla_roach on
rolla_roachNope, I don't have AOL. I used to have AIM, but not anymore. I guess it's fine if we chat here, though. Do you have any pets?

I have 5 cats, a rottweiler, a wolf (yes, a wolf. His name is Indo), 6 ducks and 20 chickens. You?

sardonyx_weapon on November 11, 2005, 11:32:51 PM

sardonyx_weapon on
sardonyx_weaponYep. I'm pretty mellow about types of hentai that I draw, so I'll draw pretty much anything. Yaoi, yuri, futanari, of course het.. I might try guro some time but there's no way I'll post it on FAC. ^^;; So what's your request?

sardonyx_weapon on November 11, 2005, 2:06:07 PM

sardonyx_weapon on
sardonyx_weaponHey, thanks for the comment! I'm honored that anyone bothered to leave one. O_O But, yes, I -do- take requests. And yes, I'll be your friend. ^^

rolla_roach on November 11, 2005, 8:54:13 AM

rolla_roach on
rolla_roachHey there. I'm always up for new internet buddies. I don't have much of a social life livin' out here in the Boondocks (of course, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world). But if you still wanna be pals, I'd like that. I miss talkin' with people about WR (some have never even heard of it! How horrible!) E-mail me so we can chat further!

brown_tabby on November 9, 2005, 7:36:31 AM

brown_tabby on
brown_tabbyyup!!!!! wut about u?

brown_tabby on November 9, 2005, 6:05:59 AM

brown_tabby on
brown_tabbygreat!!!!!wut about you? i saw ur new pics!!!! htey are sooooooooooooooooooooooo*goes on for an hour XP* ooooo good!!!!!!!!!

brown_tabby on November 8, 2005, 6:24:27 AM

brown_tabby on
brown_tabbyhello!!! :)

LadyAnime79 on November 7, 2005, 5:55:27 AM

LadyAnime79 on
LadyAnime79Thank you so so much for all of the wonderful compliments you have given me on my art. And fr being the first one to comment on my Wolfwood picture. ^_^ It means alot to know that my drawings are appreciated. Thank you so much again hun. Much love to you. ^_^

LadyAnime79 on November 5, 2005, 4:09:33 AM

LadyAnime79 on
LadyAnime79But of course I would like to be friends. I love friends. ^_^ That is if you don't mind my insanely red hair. LOL Besides, it is always nice to meet another Wolf's Rain fan. God I love Tsume. I want to have his babies. LOL

LadyAnime79 on November 4, 2005, 2:23:47 PM

LadyAnime79 on
LadyAnime79In response to your comments on my Vash picture, THANK YOU!!! ^_^ I am glad that you like him. I did him as a present for my now ex-boyfriend. And I think he turned out all right. I had to just use reference pics because I have never seen Trigun before. Anywhoo, thank you so much for the wonderful review.

higes_wolf on November 3, 2005, 6:59:24 AM

higes_wolf on
i missed u!
i can't wait to see more!

narutogirlninja on October 27, 2005, 8:54:24 AM

narutogirlninja on
narutogirlninjalook at my new pics! comment pleese.

mikita_inugirl on October 24, 2005, 1:46:29 AM

mikita_inugirl on
mikita_inugirlThere is a picture of Chibi Hiei now. You should go check it out.

narutogirlninja on October 21, 2005, 8:43:05 AM

narutogirlninja on
narutogirlninjai missed u so how are u? by the way i tried to tell u about chat chat im haveing tomorrow. whant to come?

mikita_inugirl on October 13, 2005, 3:28:59 AM

mikita_inugirl on
mikita_inugirlThanks for your comment. More Hieis to come.

narutogirlninja on October 9, 2005, 11:11:15 PM

narutogirlninja on
narutogirlninjai haven't seen u for a while are u alrigt pleese reply to this PLEESE im very woried! and i hope u are okay. bye bye i hope we get to talk agian.

formula17 on October 5, 2005, 12:14:31 AM

formula17 on
formula17Sankyu for the comment~~ *huggies*

narutogirlninja on October 4, 2005, 4:38:12 AM

narutogirlninja on
narutogirlninjathanks but i didnt mean to put beyblade. my mistake. 0_~

narutogirlninja on October 4, 2005, 3:41:33 AM

narutogirlninja on
narutogirlninjahey hey hey!!! look at my pictures i just made tell me if they look good pleese

Splixx on October 2, 2005, 7:05:27 PM

Splixx on
Splixxthanks for the comment on haku and thanks for telling me his name.

narutogirlninja on September 29, 2005, 12:24:42 PM

narutogirlninja on
narutogirlninjahi im gowing off right now okay bye bye and good nigt to everyone

Famira on September 27, 2005, 2:29:16 PM

Famira on
Famira"AWESOME!!! but only one problem...I dont go on Livejournal, But do you have MSN messenger?"

No I don't.

Famira on September 27, 2005, 6:51:24 AM

Famira on
Famira "Sorry it I sound rude, but did you say yes to being friends? Or no?"

I said fine if you meant you wanted to friend me on Livejournal or something.

Famira on September 26, 2005, 12:21:09 PM

Famira on
Famira"Hi! My name is Hinta0002! I love your Danny Phantom pics, even the NC-17 one*evil grin*. Anyway I was wondering if you took requests? If you do can you let me know? Thanx!

P.S: Do you want to be friends?"

Glad you liked the DP stuff. Sorry, I don't do requests. :( Um...well, if you meant friends on lj, sure?

higes_wolf on September 23, 2005, 1:28:13 PM

higes_wolf on
don't go!
i miss ya.
come back real soon!

Appaloosa on September 19, 2005, 11:11:35 AM

Appaloosa on
AppaloosaI looked at some of your art and is all like -woah, spiffeh-
and I don't see anywhere that you aren't takin' requests and what not. I was wondering if you'd like to do a Wolf's Rain art trade or something like that. Please post on my profile when you respond.
Thanks! :D

FLCL003 on September 18, 2005, 6:25:28 AM

FLCL003 on
FLCL003oooooo. that sucks. thanks for telling me. will you be getting it back soon?

brown_tabby on September 7, 2005, 11:05:48 AM

brown_tabby on
brown_tabbyhello wonderful friend i am going mental today i don't know why-*covers my mouth* sometimes i need to tell myself to shutup^_^eh heh....yes i'm wierd~_^cheese

higes_wolf on August 30, 2005, 9:34:07 PM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfAw!it's ok.^^*hugs*
I can't wait to see it!

tikalgirl52 on August 30, 2005, 7:33:12 AM

tikalgirl52 on
tikalgirl52Thank you for your comment on my Chii pic. She takes some practice to draw, my first pic of her looked like crap.

higes_wolf on August 20, 2005, 3:25:40 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfhey thanks alot for the comment.

RanKo on August 19, 2005, 4:06:05 AM

RanKo on
oh i cant wait to see ur version of Skythe!!!lol...hehe^^...thx for da comment on MY(ahem!) mr. wonka haha~* (just ignore dat 'MY'...=P)da movie is really BRILLIANT,trust me,u will want to watch it again n again!!!lol~*......hehe^^

c ya,

brown_tabby on August 15, 2005, 11:15:03 AM

brown_tabby on
brown_tabbyhiya!!!! hope you got the message that my char says he want's to be a villain.waha,hahahaha*cough weeeeeeeeze*^_^as long as he doesn't die yaknow what i mean...lata

BoyIsCool on August 14, 2005, 12:52:25 AM

BoyIsCool on
BoyIsCoolHey sure we can be friends!

higes_wolf on August 12, 2005, 5:54:49 AM

higes_wolf on
i don't really like the turn-out but thanks anyways.^^

higes_wolf on August 10, 2005, 10:45:52 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfaw thanks.^_^

brown_tabby on August 7, 2005, 7:28:12 AM

brown_tabby on
brown_tabbyhi!!!!my cat looks like a villain don't he?if he could be long as he doesn't die ya know....^_^

RanKo on August 5, 2005, 2:47:47 AM

RanKo on
RanKohiya^^ really sori 4 da late reply cos my pc is having a really huge problem...n also for da contest thing...sori i hav2 make u rejudge soooooooooooooo sori *___________*'' ...ok now...u told me dat i can decide which side my character is so now i'd say she is da....good 1!!!yay!!!well actually i wanna put her into sumthing like 1 whu doesnt care if she's good or evil...just anything dat can make her satisfied...sumthing like dat...if i cud...well i guess dats it ^_^ if there's anything u wanna ask just leave a comment in my profile^^

c ya,

higes_wolf on August 1, 2005, 10:20:24 AM

higes_wolf on
i went to the forums today and RanKo had posted her entry on the 30th(i was gone the 30th to th 31st).
i'm hopeing u can re-judge.since i'm the winner i won't be mad if u judge again and pic her's.i,myself love hers alot.^_^
here's the link to it:

higes_wolf on August 1, 2005, 10:04:34 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfHAZZAH!....really?i won?
wait?which of my entrys won?
I'm sorry about not getting u more ppl to enter.i told my FAC friends but i guess they didn't enter.sorry again.-_-'

brown_tabby on July 27, 2005, 11:38:49 AM

brown_tabby on
brown_tabbyhiya!!!!!!!!!i think meh entry looks like a's not really that good anyways. o'well i tried!!!!

brown_tabby on July 26, 2005, 2:49:40 AM

brown_tabby on
brown_tabbyall i have to do is post it!!!!!

Cho_Gakkai on July 21, 2005, 11:01:47 AM

Cho_Gakkai on
Cho_GakkaiSORRY.... i was in a bad mood yesta day coz sum1 sed they luv HAKKAI... yer so sorry i like ur pics though nd there r a LOT... so cool... im srry if i came of evil but im a tad weod... and i cnt spell... so yer cool...

brown_tabby on July 21, 2005, 3:31:21 AM

brown_tabby on
brown_tabbyokays thankies

your new friend,

brown_tabby on July 21, 2005, 2:27:31 AM

brown_tabby on
brown_tabbyyay!!! i am on your fav artist list!!! you are on mine!!!!i have finished the entry where do i enter it? at the forums?

higes_wolf on July 17, 2005, 6:21:42 AM

higes_wolf on
go creepy stuff!lol!

higes_wolf on July 17, 2005, 6:19:45 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfHey thanks for the comments.
and i think i should too.
maybe i'll start it tonight.^^

brown_tabby on July 15, 2005, 12:42:07 PM

brown_tabby on
brown_tabbyofcourse i'll enter!!!!!!!i shall be starting to work on it!!!!!!!!!!!IT SHALL BE DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^_^*calms down*

brown_tabby on July 15, 2005, 11:53:36 AM

brown_tabby on
brown_tabbythankies for your comment!!!!!do you like my markings?^_^

candy-angel on July 14, 2005, 11:37:42 PM

candy-angel on
candy-angelTHanks so much for your comments on Standin in the rain Im truly grateful i have people who like my art so well^^

higes_wolf on July 13, 2005, 10:07:32 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfWAAAAAA!i don't see u on!!!!
*crys like a baby*

higes_wolf on July 13, 2005, 10:04:27 AM

higes_wolf on
so far it's just me and RanKo(who hasn't posted anything yet)
i'll be entering another pic today tho.
plz sign on AIM.

higes_wolf on July 13, 2005, 9:57:55 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfAw thanks for ur other comment.^^
can u look at my profile then log on to AIM?

higes_wolf on July 13, 2005, 9:40:03 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfaw.i'm just happy u liked it.^_^

higes_wolf on July 13, 2005, 8:20:23 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfthe pic's up.^^
hope u like it.

crystal_angel_breeze on July 12, 2005, 3:36:00 AM

crystal_angel_breeze on
crystal_angel_breezeHey! yeah, I wanna be friends! Yay!another LP fan^_^ so nice to meet LP fans:) Btw, I love your artwork! They are so kool! (unlike mine T_T)
Well, Latter^_~

higes_wolf on July 10, 2005, 9:39:10 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfyuppers. i'm gonna color(or start) right now.^_^
(save me from my relitives.....

higes_wolf on July 10, 2005, 7:46:18 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfYAY!thank u so much!*hugs*
ur so sweet!
*squeezes u*
i can't wait.^_^

higes_wolf on July 9, 2005, 9:02:07 AM

higes_wolf on
i'll add that now.
YAY!muh birfday's tomorrow!!!!
i can't wait!=^_^=

higes_wolf on July 9, 2005, 4:24:39 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfI'm done with my first entry.
i hope u like it.

higes_wolf on July 8, 2005, 5:01:59 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfit's ok, really!^_^
and i just want to be ready for any questions ppl may have.^^

higes_wolf on July 8, 2005, 4:52:41 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfRanKo entered ur contest.
and i think brown_tabby's going to join.^_^

higes_wolf on July 8, 2005, 4:48:16 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfOh what i meant was can the artist put the profile in the comment or does it have to be on the pic?

higes_wolf on July 8, 2005, 4:44:58 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfaw thank u for the comment.^_^
can u look at ' Thank u everyone'?

brown_tabby on July 8, 2005, 4:13:12 AM

brown_tabby on
brown_tabbyI'd love to join!!!!!^_^i'll ask higes_wolf for the rules!!

higes_wolf on July 7, 2005, 2:31:23 PM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfOk. I'll put it up right away!
and what do u mean by the last part?

higes_wolf on July 7, 2005, 9:58:43 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfI have 3 new piccys.^_^
i hope u look at them

higes_wolf on July 7, 2005, 9:46:07 AM

higes_wolf on
i can't wait.^_^

higes_wolf on July 7, 2005, 9:00:26 AM

higes_wolf on
ok that's fine. take ur time on it.^_^
oh ok.^_^
e-mail me the info and maybe some pics if u have any. i'm just guessing you need a ref in this.idk without seeing what the contest is.
i'll say that it's Hinta0002's contest but i'm just putting it up for u.^_^
i'll tell u who joins and everything.^_^
take care.

higes_wolf on July 7, 2005, 8:37:23 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfI am just messaging people to ask if they would be willing to help raise awareness to the poverty in Africa and the G8 summit. I'd love it if you could help. If you wish to here is the info. Of course if you don't support the cause then you don't have to but it would be lovely if you could.
Here is your chance to make a difference. What you do:
Draw your original character with your fav character or on their own, but draw them wearing the white bands for Make Poverty History on their wrists. In the space for the comments, put as many facts as you can about poverty.
This only takes about 30 mintues of your time to draw the picture. 5 minutes to upload it. By doing this, you are helping raise awareness and even save the lives of thousands of people. Think about it.
It only takes £1 to buy a band, and that pound will go so far and do so much.
Copy and paste this message onto as many people's profiles as you can.
Make a difference.
Wanna help?

brown_tabby on July 5, 2005, 12:22:40 PM

brown_tabby on
brown_tabbyhey i see you have added me to your fav artists!
i think you are already added if you go to forums you'll see i sent you a message! i hope we can be friends!^_^

higes_wolf on July 3, 2005, 12:07:35 PM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfYAY!thankies for the comments Hinta-chan.^_^

higes_wolf on July 1, 2005, 9:13:13 PM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfAw!i'm glad u liked it.^_^
aw u don't have to if u don't want to.ur so sweet!*huggles*
thanks for all the comments.
yuppers, can't disagree with u there,boredom can do many things.^^

higes_wolf on July 1, 2005, 2:57:35 PM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfi have 3 new piccys.^_^

higes_wolf on July 1, 2005, 7:16:55 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfaw!i like it.^^ where'd u find it?
i really liked the wolf one but i like this one too.
i can't wait to see ur piccys!^_^

higes_wolf on June 28, 2005, 4:47:00 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfhaha!i's fine^^
and yes i am. i had to finish up some old requets and the winners prize.i have it sketched out and everything but i haven't inked it yet.
i apoligize for it takeing so long.-_-;
i'm loaded down with requests.
i'll try to get it done soon.
again i'm sorry.

higes_wolf on June 28, 2005, 3:33:37 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfthank u so much for ur comment!^_^
ur comments always make me feel better.

higes_wolf on June 28, 2005, 12:34:08 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfaw!thanks but i don't like it all that well(the guys arm).
o i was uploading a pic when you commented, could u look at that one?

higes_wolf on June 26, 2005, 11:21:18 AM

higes_wolf on
thanks so much for the comments!*hugs*
how's your summer going?and how's the new computer?

dremanontoppp on June 21, 2005, 4:14:12 PM

dremanontoppp on

higes_wolf on June 17, 2005, 10:02:18 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfAW!i hope u fee; better soon Hinta-chan!*hugs*
i'm goin to be gone for a week(18th thru the 25th).just as an update.^^
i'm going on nagging i bet,sorry, but can u look at the Alice pic in my gallory.(3rd to last)

higes_wolf on June 17, 2005, 9:58:09 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfyay!thanks so much!^^

higes_wolf on June 17, 2005, 3:41:53 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfthanks for ur comment.^^*hugs*

higes_wolf on June 16, 2005, 10:39:47 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfhey!i have some new piccys that you haven't seen.^^

brown_tabby on June 15, 2005, 8:34:04 AM

brown_tabby on
brown_tabbyHey I love your art!^_^I have two pictures so far!

higes_wolf on June 12, 2005, 5:04:09 AM

higes_wolf on

higes_wolf on June 11, 2005, 5:11:45 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfAw!i'm not mad!
and i'll get rite on him after i finish the 1st place prize.^^
and of course we're still friends.^^
i hope u can figure out ur new computer soon.>_>

higes_wolf on June 9, 2005, 8:58:33 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfo ok.^^ i understand.
cool! a new computer? i'm sorry about it being a bad one.>_>
anyways the 2nd prize is a pic of a wolf(of ur choice) colored. but without a background unlike the 1st prize that gets a background.
does that make more sence?>.<

higes_wolf on June 9, 2005, 8:17:43 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfHinta please look at ur contest entery.

higes_wolf on June 2, 2005, 1:21:58 PM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfhey!look at ur contest entry.^^

makarino_x_shadow on May 31, 2005, 4:36:10 AM

makarino_x_shadow on
makarino_x_shadow..Well you can say that about my work if you wont to ! thaz for replying too me not meany do

makarino_x_shadow on May 31, 2005, 1:37:05 AM

makarino_x_shadow on
makarino_x_shadowHay i like your work! I think that you have a grate style! Im going to add you asap!

Reply on profil!!

Chrishna on May 30, 2005, 12:52:42 AM

Chrishna on
ChrishnaKnow what? You inspired me and I drew some wolves last evening ^^ But cats will always be my favorites ^^

Chrishna on May 29, 2005, 5:06:54 AM

Chrishna on
ChrishnaThank you so much! It makes me happy to hear that ^__^
I've to learn more drawing techniques and I am not that talented than other youngsters.
Hey, I see, you are a fan of wolves? Cool! I love cats more than dogs XP

higes_wolf on May 27, 2005, 12:18:11 PM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfawsome!horror movies are awsome!just bought it today and watching it now.theres a manga?yah i want to see The Ring2 and Ringu.^^
have u seen the grudge?that's awsome i think!^^

higes_wolf on May 27, 2005, 11:37:42 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfDo u like horror movies?
if so have you seen the ring/ringu?

higes_wolf on May 27, 2005, 8:33:53 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfhehe.i loved it!^^

LinkinPark_ChazzyChaz on May 27, 2005, 7:52:08 AM

LinkinPark_ChazzyChaz on
LinkinPark_ChazzyChazthankies 4 the comment. ^_^

higes_wolf on May 24, 2005, 11:29:49 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfthanks for the comment and of course i will!u no i will!^^
*hugs Hinta-chan*

Ohyeahhero on May 23, 2005, 1:40:47 PM

Ohyeahhero on
OhyeahheroHeya! I'll add you on AIM as soon as I get on.

My AIM name is Ohyeahhero .

Binka on May 16, 2005, 8:37:14 AM

Binka on
BinkaYour artwork is so good. I wish I could draw like that

higes_wolf on May 14, 2005, 10:27:02 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfit's good to be back!^^*hugs*

higes_wolf on May 9, 2005, 11:44:59 PM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfU just post normaly.but just say that it's for the contest.

higes_wolf on May 9, 2005, 6:19:36 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfO!lol!i'm guessing you've never used the forums.
well it's ur specialty!wolves!^^
i'll send you the information that it says in the forums.

Fairygurl27 on May 7, 2005, 1:18:59 PM

Fairygurl27 on
Fairygurl27TAG YOU'RE IT

Care to play?
1-you cant tag the person who tagged you until their tagged by someone else.
2-you can only tag someone 3 times each.
3-you must tag at least 5 other people.
4- you may copy and past this to users profile
5- you must start now. (started by PunchenAngel666)

higes_wolf on May 7, 2005, 8:36:13 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfI'm hosting a contest.hope u join!^^

higes_wolf on May 7, 2005, 1:03:29 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfChapt 2 is up in A Murder Story!
i'm hopeing to have their profiles done soon.^^

higes_wolf on May 6, 2005, 9:16:48 PM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfAw!yah i liked Higa alot, ecpt for the fact that Hige and Blue were paired!XP
WHERE'D YA' GET UR PROFILE PIC!?that's awsome!^^

LinkinPark_ChazzyChaz on May 2, 2005, 10:23:50 AM

LinkinPark_ChazzyChaz on
LinkinPark_ChazzyChazOk, till next time, see ya!

LinkinPark_ChazzyChaz on May 2, 2005, 10:09:25 AM

LinkinPark_ChazzyChaz on
LinkinPark_ChazzyChazOk! I shall go and look at it!! xD

LinkinPark_ChazzyChaz on May 2, 2005, 9:57:55 AM

LinkinPark_ChazzyChaz on
LinkinPark_ChazzyChazSure! I wouldnt mind havin another friend! lol. Sure, and yea, i just LUV [LP]!

higes_wolf on May 1, 2005, 9:28:06 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfYAY!thanks for commenting.i guess he does look sad.i was trying to make him look bord but i messed up.-_-'

higes_wolf on May 1, 2005, 8:31:27 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfchibi kiba's up!^^
i hope u like it.^^

Gardian_of_the_shadow_relm on April 29, 2005, 8:23:38 AM

Gardian_of_the_shadow_relm on
Gardian_of_the_shadow_relmlol, tis ok, do not fret my friend ^_^
errmm....lets see.....oh! could you draw me a pic of either a dragon or a black unicorn?

higes_wolf on April 28, 2005, 8:50:35 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfHey!thanks for the comment!^^
lol!YAY!tis my siggie!^^

higes_wolf on April 27, 2005, 11:31:13 PM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfO!i'm sorry!my grandfather passed like a yr ago.
I glad ur back!^^

higes_wolf on April 26, 2005, 7:32:42 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfOMG!i just watched InuYasha in a Nutshell again!*dies from laughing*
so retarted!

higes_wolf on April 25, 2005, 4:55:00 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfHey!^^ thank u for the comment!
i'm almost done w/ Kiba.'ll take yrs i think to draw him.-.-'

higes_wolf on April 24, 2005, 10:38:26 PM

higes_wolf on
i have a new piccy!

higes_wolf on April 24, 2005, 10:51:24 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfi have a new piccy!^^

higes_wolf on April 24, 2005, 3:28:51 AM

higes_wolf on
i have a few new piccys!^^

higes_wolf on April 23, 2005, 10:18:31 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfthanks for the comment.^^
but for some reason i hate it....-.-'
on "Why Vash should not read Naughty Fanfiction...."OMG!that is sooo disturbing!!!!O.o and perverted!O.O

Gardian_of_the_shadow_relm on April 23, 2005, 9:59:26 AM

Gardian_of_the_shadow_relm on
Gardian_of_the_shadow_relmYodels ^_^
don't worry, take as long as you need to, i don't mind
thankies again ^_^

higes_wolf on April 21, 2005, 10:02:55 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfHey, thanks so much for the comment!^^

higes_wolf on April 20, 2005, 4:58:43 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfhaha!thanks for the comments!^^
well again thanks.

Crystalvixon on April 17, 2005, 7:24:19 AM

Crystalvixon on
CrystalvixonThankyou for the name surgstion on my Mermaid...Meliny sounds nice I'll keep it in mind :)

higes_wolf on April 16, 2005, 2:37:54 PM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfAw!thanks for the comments!^^
u now...i always wait for ur comments!^^ they make me feel good!u r soooooooooooo nice!!!
i can wait to see more piccys!

higes_wolf on April 15, 2005, 12:18:16 PM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfI have a new piccy!^^

Gardian_of_the_shadow_relm on April 13, 2005, 11:42:55 AM

Gardian_of_the_shadow_relm on
Gardian_of_the_shadow_relmsqueeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! ^_^ i'm so glad you like it! *huggles*
ooooooh you'll do something for me? really? really reallY?
oooooh thankies ^_^
umm......hhhhhmmmmm, could you pweeeeeeeeze draw me a pic of me and Marik? ppppwwwwweeeeeeeeeezzzzzzeeeeeeee!!!!!!!

Ohyeahhero on April 13, 2005, 3:56:21 AM

Ohyeahhero on
OhyeahheroHeya, there.

I just wanted to thank you for all your support, and say I'm glad to be your friend.

higes_wolf on April 12, 2005, 6:49:30 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfI NO!ISN'T IT!?
add the site to ur fav webs!
IT IS SO HIARIOUS! i watch it like everyday!
OMG!*laughs for hours*
everyone knows bad guys wear eyeshadow!...or something like that!LOL!
it's so retarted!
my bro didn't get!but does he get any of my anime(or stuff like that)?nope!
anyways, ur welcome!
i want to make animations 2!!*cries*
have u seen
one of the weirdest song things i've ever seen!!!
*runs off to watch badgerbadgerbadger*

higes_wolf on April 12, 2005, 6:04:45 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolf*sigh* ok, go to bishyboylovers profile and click on her link to her DA stuff.
then go to her favs. and look for InuYasha in a nutshell.

higes_wolf on April 12, 2005, 5:56:26 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfi have 2 new pics up!=^^=
i feel special!

higes_wolf on April 12, 2005, 5:37:16 AM

higes_wolf on
rememmber!have u speakers turned on.^_^

higes_wolf on April 12, 2005, 5:16:31 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolf*hand falls off from scrooling*
go to this link!it's hiarious!^.^


Gardian_of_the_shadow_relm on April 11, 2005, 1:21:49 PM

Gardian_of_the_shadow_relm on
Gardian_of_the_shadow_relmlol, it's ok i don't think your a pest...and indeed i have done your request, i'll post it either tmoz or the day after tehehehehe i hope you like it ^_^
well, i'm gonna go now i's 4:20 am where i am....i really should get some sleep lol
byes for now

Gardian_of_the_shadow_relm on April 11, 2005, 11:42:35 AM

Gardian_of_the_shadow_relm on
Gardian_of_the_shadow_relm*waves* indeed i am back! and i'm going to start posting requests which i've done whilst i've been away along with other stuff ^_^ OOOOOOOOHHHHHH! it's good to be back, i love FAC!

higes_wolf on April 8, 2005, 11:01:17 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfYay!new piccys!*runs around room with chicken*(oooooookkkkk.....random???)

KingdomHeartzfreak on April 7, 2005, 10:08:50 AM

KingdomHeartzfreak on
KingdomHeartzfreakSure id love to be friends with ya!

Yokosgirl117 on April 7, 2005, 10:08:25 AM

Yokosgirl117 on
Yokosgirl117YAY another new friends IM SO HAPPY

Yokosgirl117 on April 7, 2005, 10:04:28 AM

Yokosgirl117 on
Yokosgirl117hiyas I like ya pics wanna b friends?

Darkmasterbabe on April 6, 2005, 5:48:42 AM

Darkmasterbabe on
DarkmasterbabeThe picture i did of Princess sasami was done with prisma makers..not paint ^_^'

Crystalvixon on March 31, 2005, 12:54:02 AM

Crystalvixon on
CrystalvixonNo need to apoligise Hinta002 :) I understand that you couldn't report her cuz she was your friend...I didn't report her I just told PandaPants! So don't worry about it :) I was just a bit shocked that someone can steel like that!

Sure I'll be your friend ^_* friends are good, Leave a comment on my Pisces night and I will be over da moon! *hugs* Oh yeah you like wolf's rain don't ya?.....Me tooo! I need to get my OC wolf up pretty soon :)

higes_wolf on March 31, 2005, 12:04:43 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfThanks for the comment!^_^
Wow!is that the only thing use?ur good with colored pencils!
That's the only thing i use for coloring.the other things i use are ballpoint pen and a pencil.
O and an!

higes_wolf on March 30, 2005, 11:49:04 PM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfHey!i'z gots a new pic up!^_^

higes_wolf on March 30, 2005, 6:15:20 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolflol!well actually like rite before u commented that u had ur new pic up i had already commented.go see!^_^
P.S.ur gettin good!can't wait to see more!^_^

Yashako on March 28, 2005, 3:55:26 PM

Yashako on
YashakoThank you for your Commend. Yes I take reqests, but I cannot promise that my pictures look good.
P.S.: why not? send me an E-Mail!

higes_wolf on March 27, 2005, 12:24:04 PM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfLOL!that's the only veiw i can do!O.O
i sux at the the L eye!o.O

higes_wolf on March 27, 2005, 11:59:35 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfHey!me gots a new pic!^_^

higes_wolf on March 26, 2005, 6:49:52 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfHey!Thank you!^_^i'm not as good as blackwolf.
Thanks again!*hugges*ur such a great friend!

higes_wolf on March 23, 2005, 8:34:26 PM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfYAY!merz have new piccys up!^_^
*is shaking in seat*ME...CAN'T.....WAIT....TIL....HINTA....POSTS.....NEW...PICS!!!!!

Viviane on March 23, 2005, 6:01:04 PM

Viviane on
VivianeTHANX for your very nice comment!!!
I will draw a lot of pics in future for sure! promised! XD

Gardian_of_the_shadow_relm on March 22, 2005, 11:08:11 AM

Gardian_of_the_shadow_relm on
Gardian_of_the_shadow_relmoooooooooh! hello again^_^
indeed i will do your request for you, i'm afraid i wont be able to post it for a few weeks though cause i'm going on holiday this thursday....Do not fret though! I will do it!
byes for now ^_^

Gardian_of_the_shadow_relm on March 22, 2005, 10:33:31 AM

Gardian_of_the_shadow_relm on
Gardian_of_the_shadow_relmYodels! sure we can be friends if you want ^_^.......I see that you like Hiei.

higes_wolf on March 20, 2005, 5:05:27 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfEEE!i love that pic!since im not good at chibis i'm very proud of it!^_^
thanks for the comment and fav!^.^

higes_wolf on March 20, 2005, 4:47:06 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfOOOO!!!I have new pic up!*runs in circles,chasing tail*

higes_wolf on March 19, 2005, 11:29:04 PM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfHey!^_^mez gots some new piccys!^_^

croupted_yaoi_fan on March 16, 2005, 10:26:58 AM

croupted_yaoi_fan on
croupted_yaoi_fanSURE I WOULD LOVE TO BE YOUR FRIEND! GOTTA HAVE LOTS OF FRIENDS! anyways I only have 2 pics be cause my scanner is a whore who sells itself to others and wount work for me because I dont pay full price and it hard for me to draw because I always have a ton of crap to study for I have around 7 test a week and we only have 7 classes a day at my school so ya....

Sesshoumaru_wears_makeup on March 15, 2005, 6:15:17 AM

Sesshoumaru_wears_makeup on
Sesshoumaru_wears_makeupHey! Great pics! I'm soooooooooo sorry. I finally got your request done, but I don't know how long it will take to put it up. I don't have a scanner, so I gotta wait untill I can use one of my freinds'. ^____^ Anyway, IT'S DONE!!!!!!

higes_wolf on March 14, 2005, 4:29:16 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfyay!i'm glad u liked it!i have more comeing!i mean....uh...*cough*

Ohyeahhero on March 12, 2005, 4:11:20 AM

Ohyeahhero on
OhyeahheroMy self-portrait's done! I hope it's good enough.

Located here!

Crystalvixon on March 10, 2005, 5:22:08 PM

Crystalvixon on
CrystalvixonThankyou so much for the comment on my wolf head....Ohhh, your a wolf's rain fan *screams* one of my favorite animes!!!!! Kiba is so cute!!! *looks at profile* You like Cloud Strife too! We are going to et along fine ;)

Shiryu_669 on March 10, 2005, 8:34:40 AM

Shiryu_669 on
Shiryu_669ok sure it would be nice to be your friend ^_^ thanks for your comment.

higes_wolf on March 9, 2005, 10:31:23 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfHey!A Murder Story is up and WORKING!YES!!!!*runs around the room and howls*

higes_wolf on March 8, 2005, 11:21:16 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfHey!made a lil something(and i mean lil) for u!^_^
P.S.HIGE=HOT!*glomps Hige*

higes_wolf on March 7, 2005, 11:28:43 PM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfHey!thanks for commenting.I don't much like the face on "river of blood".
P.S. Thanks again.

higes_wolf on March 7, 2005, 5:06:50 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfHey!^_^I had to repost KaiRay cuz i forgot to color his earings*hides in shame*
I love ur reasont art!Man!I wish i could color lik u.*cries in corner*
How r u likeing the WR manga?MAN!i want Bones sooooo bad!!!!*goes mad*

FadedWater on March 6, 2005, 8:31:57 PM

FadedWater on
FadedWaterE! Wow, thanks again for the comment!

twilightofdespair on March 6, 2005, 7:39:05 AM

twilightofdespair on
twilightofdespairThank You for your comment for "Vincent sitting o a rooftop"
If you ever want to do an art trade just let me know.Or can i request a pic.If you will-just surprise me. i will like anything.
Tell everyone about me and my pics.please also tell them im doing requests or art trades.
Thank you

FadedWater on March 5, 2005, 10:47:58 PM

FadedWater on
FadedWaterThanks for comment! I really must check your art out now! *scurries off to do so*

higes_wolf on March 5, 2005, 10:11:02 PM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfHey!Gots some new piccys.
How are you?
Can't wait till your new piccys!^_^
Have you heard of GAIAonline?

Eggplant on March 3, 2005, 11:29:16 PM

Eggplant on
Eggplantaaawwww.. really no Elliot? 2 bad.. erhm.. what else.. what else... or who.. Can you draw a Katan-plushy from Angel Sanctuary ^___^= I love Katan!

higes_wolf on March 3, 2005, 10:32:56 PM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfHey i gots some new pics up!^_^
How r u?

CoolK on March 3, 2005, 8:31:12 AM

CoolK on
CoolKThanks for commenting my pictures.

Ohyeahhero on March 3, 2005, 5:14:44 AM

Ohyeahhero on
OhyeahheroOh! I like it, very much, thank you. (You have nice hair.)

I'll finish and post my half very soon.

Tifa_Fan2004 on March 2, 2005, 11:41:34 AM

Tifa_Fan2004 on
Tifa_Fan2004hey thanks for the comment!! XD

higes_wolf on February 27, 2005, 4:59:32 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfO yah!I have another pic on the 2nd page BTW.just to tell u.
*cough, cough*
I mean,"HIGE YAY!

Como on February 27, 2005, 4:48:04 AM

Como on
ComoHiya i was looking at some of your art and wondered if you could tell me what you think of my drawings. Thx!

higes_wolf on February 26, 2005, 8:35:46 PM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfHey,thanks for commenting!^_^ u always make my day!ur so nice to me! i have anything else to say?O YAH!thanks again and u must really lik cats!cats r my 2nd fav animal.

higes_wolf on February 25, 2005, 9:10:56 PM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfHeY!nEw PiCcYs R uP!^_^

higes_wolf on February 25, 2005, 7:50:08 PM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfHey!LOL!I've already commented on it!I'll have a few piccys up sometime soon.(lik between now and uh...7:30?)idk...

Blacktiger55 on February 25, 2005, 12:19:47 AM

Blacktiger55 on
Blacktiger55Sure i would love to be friends, love your work, it's awsome

higes_wolf on February 24, 2005, 10:01:20 AM

higes_wolf on
KEWL!I can't wait!*waits*
O yah!i have a few new pics!
*continues to wait*

higes_wolf on February 20, 2005, 9:50:05 PM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfHey! i gots some new piccys up.check em out if u wanna.
I can't wait for ur nex drawing!ME LUV UR ART!

higes_wolf on February 20, 2005, 9:53:26 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfI have 2 new pics up if u wanna go check em out.

higes_wolf on February 20, 2005, 8:32:07 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfI got a new pic up!^_^

Ohyeahhero on February 14, 2005, 10:01:50 AM

Ohyeahhero on
OhyeahheroHappy Valentine's day to you, too.

Hope you have a good one.

Ohyeahhero on February 10, 2005, 9:05:08 PM

Ohyeahhero on
OhyeahheroYes, that sounds like a reasonable request. I'll tell you when it's done.


In return, I ask the same, please. A self-portrait of Hinta002!

May_B on February 8, 2005, 10:56:44 PM

May_B on
May_BHi Hinta0002! Thanks for the comment in my profile and of course i can be your friend. Your drawings are good too...

Ohyeahhero on February 2, 2005, 5:05:08 PM

Ohyeahhero on
OhyeahheroHeya! I saw the cat, I really like it, thank you, a lot, for it.

It means something, to me.

Inspector__Zenigata on February 2, 2005, 4:26:34 AM

Inspector__Zenigata on
Inspector__ZenigataAwwww... thank you loving my Lupin work. Makes me happy. *points to her head and the hat thats on it* See? I went to salvation Army today and guess what? they had a Pops hat! All I gotta do is beat it up a little and it will be pefrect. :) Sorry, im too happy about it, had to blahblah about it.

Shi_Tenshi on February 1, 2005, 2:58:37 PM

Shi_Tenshi on
Shi_TenshiThanks for the comment!

Ohyeahhero on January 30, 2005, 3:07:02 AM

Ohyeahhero on

No, no, I'm not at all mad at you.

I didn't get it, through e-mail, I'm sorry. But, even so, I'm not mad.

If I've seemed odd, I'm sorry, I've been in a bad spot, lately. I'm glad to be friends.

shadowangel616 on January 26, 2005, 11:55:05 AM

shadowangel616 on
shadowangel616Thanks for commenting on mah pic. much appreciated. your art is really good. I luv wolfs rain... Even though i havent seen it in the longest time!!!

Fae on January 23, 2005, 3:04:27 AM

Fae on
FaeHey, You wanted a request? I do original characters and if you REALLY want something from an already existing anime, tell me what it is, i will tell you if i will do it. ^_^

Koikaji_Saru_the_Wierd_O on January 22, 2005, 9:00:37 AM

Koikaji_Saru_the_Wierd_O on
Koikaji_Saru_the_Wierd_OOMG!!! I almost got lost on the way down here!!! lol. I wish I could draw wolvies & animals like you..... your work is soooooooooooooooooo cool!! lol. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!! lol
~The Insane Little Izzy!!

I_luv_jesus on January 21, 2005, 8:18:58 AM

I_luv_jesus on
I_luv_jesusI like your art. I am a wolf's rain fan too!

SecondFlame4710 on January 18, 2005, 7:19:47 AM

SecondFlame4710 on
SecondFlame4710Hey, thanks so much for commenting on my pic and putting me on your favorites list. It makes me so happy that at least a few ppl like me enough. TY a lot.
II Phlame, kin of Red Fire

Ohyeahhero on January 14, 2005, 4:40:45 AM

Ohyeahhero on
OhyeahheroHeya, thanks for the comments, and, take as long as you need, i don't mind, at all.

Shekira on January 13, 2005, 8:18:27 AM

Shekira on
ShekiraOk, i'm real busy right now, but whenever i get some free time im gonna owrk on thew toboe pic.

higes_wolf on January 12, 2005, 8:16:41 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfHeh heh.I've done that quiz too.I'M HIGE!O_OYAY!^^ strangly/ was my mom.....O_o I need to try to see wut my dad and bro are.LOL!Tsume!^^ U hav a bro?older or younger?or can u say.Danny's older(ACK)but not that much.

higes_wolf on January 11, 2005, 10:31:07 PM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfThis is funny:(Cara found these)

I've seen the badgers b4.
Hope u lik em!^^(LOL)

Shekira on January 11, 2005, 1:38:52 PM

Shekira on
ShekiraI love wolfs rain! Sure, we can be friends. And since toboes your faverite chractor, want me to draw a picture of him for you?

Ohyeahhero on January 11, 2005, 8:12:32 AM

Ohyeahhero on
OhyeahheroAll right, I've got it.

One pink and white cat, will do the trick, I think.

And, please take your time.


Ohyeahhero on January 10, 2005, 1:04:05 PM

Ohyeahhero on
OhyeahheroOh oh, I'm so glad you like it! I tried really hard.

Thank you, and, you're welcome, a lot.

So, a request from me? Hmm.

What do you like drawing the most? Then, I'll decide on something.

Ohyeahhero on January 10, 2005, 12:50:16 PM

Ohyeahhero on
OhyeahheroYay! It's done!

Your request is filled!

Ohyeahhero on January 10, 2005, 6:12:53 AM

Ohyeahhero on
OhyeahheroOoh, thank you, loads, for the colour guid. Now, I can get started. I'll tell you, when she's up.

Ohyeahhero on January 10, 2005, 4:52:40 AM

Ohyeahhero on
OhyeahheroI'll get right to it, then.

I'll contact you, when it's finished.

(Whew, a little nervous, here...)

Ohyeahhero on January 9, 2005, 4:50:33 PM

Ohyeahhero on
OhyeahheroHey, hey. This is, like, my 3rd comment in a row on your page, but, anyway.

About your OC, post on my profile page what she looks like, or what you want, and, I'll give it my best shot.

Ohyeahhero on January 9, 2005, 1:18:58 PM

Ohyeahhero on
OhyeahheroOh, heya. Thank you, a lot, for the comment on "all sins forgiven."

I'm really glad you dig.

So, yep, let's be friends!

mind_distortion on January 8, 2005, 12:52:32 PM

mind_distortion on
mind_distortionha ha. I'm glad you like my cat guy ^_^ sure you can try and re-draw yours in my style.

Black_Mage_Faye on January 7, 2005, 4:27:50 PM

Black_Mage_Faye on
Black_Mage_FayeThanks for the comment on my Tsume picture. I see you are a very big fan of Wolfs Rain. I looked up the original soundtrack and the imported version costs $50. I want it so bad! :D

Fairygurl27 on January 7, 2005, 11:57:31 AM

Fairygurl27 on
Fairygurl27hey thank you so much for commenting some of my pictures, you have some really nice ones too! ^^ tanks so much! ^^

higes_wolf on January 6, 2005, 2:09:53 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfwell.atually...i don't know how i got meeting hige to work...all i can say is keep trying.Another person is having trobble 2.maybe save it to a diff file...maybe that'll work.
good luck.

Ohyeahhero on January 5, 2005, 6:34:18 AM

Ohyeahhero on
OhyeahheroHeya, thanks for the comment on "that was then." I really appreciate it.


MooseDeEvita on January 5, 2005, 2:20:04 AM

MooseDeEvita on
MooseDeEvitathanks for liking my pic Paradise

M4C14 on January 3, 2005, 10:23:39 AM

M4C14 on
M4C14Thanks a lot for you comment on meh sora pic! I'll try do draw another jus cuz u asked. lol ty ^_^

MasterTengu on January 3, 2005, 3:57:45 AM

MasterTengu on
MasterTenguWoW your really good a drawing WOLVES,keep it up

higes_wolf on January 1, 2005, 12:49:14 PM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolf*laughs evily*that's kind of what its about...kind of.I've got a paragraph or so done.I'm ganna work lik all nite on it.TTUL

Rune on January 1, 2005, 11:56:53 AM

Rune on
RuneI'm really sorry about the comment but it wasn't me it was my friend who wrote it so please forgive me and i'm really sorry.

Black_Mage_Faye on December 31, 2004, 3:40:44 PM

Black_Mage_Faye on
Black_Mage_FayeHoly Crap... Tsume is my favorite Wolf's Rain character.. I had a dream about him once.. It was creepy... I don't think I'll sleep the same again... LOL- Hmm... I like that profile picture you have up there (Kiba owns).. Do you mind if I draw it?

mustanggirl on December 31, 2004, 9:58:15 AM

mustanggirl on
mustanggirlHAPPY NEW YEAR=^^=


TasteTheRainbow on December 31, 2004, 9:43:25 AM

TasteTheRainbow on

TasteTheRainbow on December 31, 2004, 9:17:54 AM

TasteTheRainbow on
TasteTheRainbowI KNOW WHAT YOU MEan....i absolutely LOVE Hiei,though

TasteTheRainbow on December 31, 2004, 9:04:47 AM

TasteTheRainbow on
TasteTheRainbowdid u finish?

TasteTheRainbow on December 31, 2004, 6:43:55 AM

TasteTheRainbow on
TasteTheRainbowit's ok about the picture.....'ll loo forward to seeing youre pics...keep me posted!!

TasteTheRainbow on December 31, 2004, 6:09:02 AM

TasteTheRainbow on
TasteTheRainbowi can't wait to see the picture!!i know it will be good..You are such a great artist!

TasteTheRainbow on December 31, 2004, 5:56:17 AM

TasteTheRainbow on
TasteTheRainbowKirara it is then....i just got back into drawing.I'll have it ready in a few days...i have to use scanner from my cousin's house....-__-

TasteTheRainbow on December 31, 2004, 5:45:52 AM

TasteTheRainbow on
TasteTheRainbowthank-you!!!I shall draw you something in return!!Do you like Kirara from Inu-yasha?

Shi_Tenshi on December 30, 2004, 2:13:10 PM

Shi_Tenshi on
Shi_TenshiThanks for the compliment, but I'd rather someone asked me. I'm not too into crossovers. I guess... But thanks anyways. I might consider it.

higes_wolf on December 29, 2004, 8:26:57 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfhere's something EVEN worse!!!!My mom got one for my dad and she's planingto get one for my grandma!O.oTheir INFECTING MY LIFE!O.OPLZ HELP ME!!!!*faints*

Pyromaniac on December 27, 2004, 11:41:52 AM

Pyromaniac on
PyromaniacI was just browsing through fanartcentral and then I ran across your gallery! I luv wolves,they are my fav. animals of all time!! I luv the way you draw them, I can't even draw a wolf!

Eggplant on December 26, 2004, 9:25:21 AM

Eggplant on
Eggplantyour request is done.. I'm not too happy about it, but it's okay

Eggplant on December 26, 2004, 4:20:39 AM

Eggplant on
EggplantI'm absolutely out of ideas for ya request- I printed out ya little fellow and sat there with a pencil in my hand and nothing came up BUT I SHALL DRAW SOMETHING DONNOT WORRY! I will.. if you have any idea let me know, but I'll give it another shot tomorrow anyhow- ^__^

MizDoom on December 25, 2004, 11:05:13 AM

MizDoom on
MizDoomI'm on your fav' artist list?...YAY!! I'm awesome! thankyoooou

mustanggirl on December 23, 2004, 11:23:56 PM

mustanggirl on
mustanggirlHi Hinta0002 just popped in to say MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR=^^=

higes_wolf on December 21, 2004, 8:24:34 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfhey Hinta.^^I hav a new story.
Merry (soon to be) Christmas.^^

Fairygurl27 on December 18, 2004, 6:49:18 AM

Fairygurl27 on
Fairygurl27thanks for commenting some of my piccys ^^ just wanted to say how amazing your wolf rain drawings are awsome and really good detailed!! great job :D

Animegirl2429 on December 15, 2004, 6:05:56 AM

Animegirl2429 on
Animegirl2429I have a request!!! Can you draw a pic of my chracter for Wolf's Rain, Yoru, with Tsume? If you don't mind....that would be great. Yoru is black except she has white on her chest and on her muzzle that ends at the back of head. she has green eyes and she wears a green necklace with a black pawprint on it. For help with the can look at my pic 'red moon rises'

evilsnowball7 on December 13, 2004, 11:09:40 PM

evilsnowball7 on
evilsnowball7thanx for the comment i love ur pics too ;0)

CherryBlossom on December 12, 2004, 8:58:33 AM

CherryBlossom on
CherryBlossomHi ^__^ thanks for commenting on my pics, your pics are really cool by the way. Keep up the good work ^__^

Taji_Yoko on December 11, 2004, 6:17:42 AM

Taji_Yoko on
Taji_YokoHey i would like to be friends.^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

KC-Whitestar on December 8, 2004, 1:19:39 PM

KC-Whitestar on
KC-WhitestarThanks for your comment on "Tribute to Yugi"

higes_wolf on December 5, 2004, 11:52:53 PM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfYAY i c u new piccy!veary bloody.but veary good!^^

Kurama_Lover_Otaku_Bunny on December 5, 2004, 1:26:29 PM

Kurama_Lover_Otaku_Bunny on
Kurama_Lover_Otaku_BunnyHello, fellow Hiei-lover!
(tho he's not as great as Kurama) This is a fun fact for u: Hiei's English name is Vincent!!

higes_wolf on December 5, 2004, 12:48:47 PM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfIf i didn't think u were weird b4 then i definatly do now!But weird ppl r KEWL!^^Thanx 4 the comments!*hugs*ur a good fwend!^^I can't wait to read more Enternel Nightmare!

higes_wolf on December 5, 2004, 1:20:04 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfThanx 4 commenting on my piccys.The NoHoHon is SOOO anoing!they come in girls,boys(wut we hav),and smiley faces(wut we also hav,and they(if i hav to chose)r the best looking of all of em).

higes_wolf on December 5, 2004, 1:05:08 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfTaroo 's up.No-Ho-Hon 's be Toboe 's up!maybe u could check them out*puppy eyes*pa-leeeeezzzz!
Ur HIGE obssed fwend,

higes_wolf on November 28, 2004, 1:04:27 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfU r so lucky!to get the WR manga!I'm glad ur feeling better.
chap.2's up!working on 3 as i wite!^_^TTUS

mustanggirl on November 23, 2004, 5:26:35 AM

mustanggirl on
mustanggirlawww i'm sorry u r sick.hope u feel better real soon=^-^=

higes_wolf on November 22, 2004, 11:33:34 PM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfWut do u mean u had a chance?on Howl to the Moon.

higes_wolf on November 22, 2004, 11:28:11 PM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfIT'S UP!IT'S WORKING!meeting Hige!plz read.^_^TTUS(talk 2 u soon)

higes_wolf on November 21, 2004, 11:29:41 AM

higes_wolf on

Eclipse-Sama on November 20, 2004, 3:01:37 PM

Eclipse-Sama on
Eclipse-Samayeah, i would make more pictures but i'm making a manga for my friend lina, i might post them or something, but until then i'm not sure....Am I really your only guy friend? weird, most guys would like a girl who draws wolf's rain ^_^. Well it doesn't matter, i have more girls as friends than anything anyway...*remembers lina's taunts* I really wish she'd stop calling me gay....T_T she's so mean, but she's cool anyway. I like your pictures, did I say that already? I can't remember and you have ALOT of posts so I dont want to try to find it...i'm

higes_wolf on November 20, 2004, 12:03:35 PM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolf"We fans is up!YAY!*does an odd dance* and "howl 2 the moon" too.

higes_wolf on November 13, 2004, 2:26:24 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfOOPSIE!4get dat i ever thought that he was a she!sory about dat!^_^
Can i draw u?and Kavikalphawolf(i already hav her permission)with me?if u decline then tell me 2.but plz tell me something soon!

higes_wolf on November 10, 2004, 10:57:27 PM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfSo can i draw u?^_^if so then hair colur, lenth, and eye colur.i'll understand if u decline.
plz tell me soon.

hieilover170 on November 9, 2004, 12:08:34 PM

hieilover170 on
hieilover170Hi! Wana be buddies? I also have a few hiei pics.

higes_wolf on November 9, 2004, 9:53:39 AM

higes_wolf on
da Toboe con4sahion.....^_^

higes_wolf on November 9, 2004, 9:44:47 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfI want 2 draw us the same th..bro:I THINK SHE GET'S IT!"......ok....where was i?O yah!I need to know how long ur hair is....that is wit ur permission.^_^
PH-EEZE!*puts on a puppy-dog face*
ps I cant wait 2 see Nami&Kaylara!

higes_wolf on November 8, 2004, 11:22:12 PM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfO!I luv ur idea!Kaylara & Nami!^_^
I hav now officaly seen the 1# epc.!YAY!*does a funky dance*
I'll colur her in and put it out as soon as i can!
I'll probably hav 2 take a pic. of it from our dig-til cam.
I need 2 send in my new pic. of Toboe!it's really good!MY 1# COLURED PIC ON THIS SITE!YAY!*does another funky dance*I'll try 2 put it up 2day.
Kaylara:looks lik Hige(if u see on my piccy of Kaylara(h. form)she's wearing Hige's jaket.she really doesn't wear my soon 2 b colured piccy u will c wut she really wears.
OOO!YAY!*says in a babyish voice*u-ah-good-fwend!^_^
^--^*put's paws over snout*

higes_wolf on November 8, 2004, 12:25:32 PM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfCAN'T WAIT!CAN'T WAIT!CAN'T WAIT!CAN'T WAIT!CAN'T WAIT!CAN'T WAIT!CAN'T WAIT!CAN'T WAI...*looks over at my dad who is stareing at me*Uh...Hi?*turns back 2 computer*
Sory bout that...I hope the web page has lots of Hige stuff in it!But if it doesn't i don't care.I still want 2 see it.^_^O CAN'T WAIT!O yah!WR is on tonite at 1:00am!i think it's gonna B repeats but still i had 2 tell u!
*puts a huge grin on*
p.s.can i draw u something in return for u drawing "Puppy Love"?
By again!

higes_wolf on November 7, 2004, 11:42:33 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfOo!Hav u seen Kaylara!?the name of the pic is.....uh...."Kaylara"!LOL!i weard!just wanted u 2 know!^_^

Kavikalphawolf on November 7, 2004, 11:14:59 AM

Kavikalphawolf on
KavikalphawolfWill you do me a pic of my character,Moonvoice, and Kiba as little pups? If you don't mind could you put them playing tug-oh-war with a blanket? Moonvoice is all black except her left front leg. It is silver. Oh, and I LOVE YOUR ART!!

higes_wolf on November 7, 2004, 2:13:22 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfo yeh!ur going 2 be commented By Shepir0th666777 on Puppy Love cus Blue's in it.Not that that's a bad thing....uhhh....*makes ringging noise*Uh..That's the phone!Bye!

higes_wolf on November 7, 2004, 2:08:41 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfU drew Hige and Blue 4 ME!?that is so NICE!*hugges again*^_^I luv ur art work!it's so good!I'm a big fan and a friend!^_^Cant wait 4 more Piccy!YAY!

Eclipse-Sama on November 6, 2004, 10:45:50 AM

Eclipse-Sama on
Eclipse-Samathanks for the commment on my Xandir picture. You're the only one who has commented and liked I'm a guy I like him too cuz he's funny! Thanks again, and great pictures! Keep up the good work! I'm a wolf's rain fan too, go Toboe and Hige!

higes_wolf on November 6, 2004, 2:14:42 AM

higes_wolf on
higes_wolfTell me when ever you post a new Pic.!I luv ur work!I LUV HIGE THE WISKERS!*goes back and just stares at Hige 4 a long time*
My scanner is down rite now.:(so i can't post anything 4 the time bing.thanx 4 all the comments!
Us new ppl need 2 stay 2gether!or the other ppl well EAT US!LOL!Sory!JK.Cant wait 2 see ur nex piccy!

hobbes on October 26, 2004, 5:10:30 AM

hobbes on
hobbesheeeeeyyy great art dude can't wait to see more let me know if you added new ones! your on my artist fav list too!!! thanks for putting me in yours! *hugs* see you around bye bye

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